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Texas Energy Costs. The full system cost of solar and wind has been disastrous for Texas, as evidenced by their total failure to provide meaningful electricity during Winter Storm Uri.

insight • 3 hours ago • Via Energy Talking Points • energytalkingpoints.com

Historical Gas Levels. Pan-European gas-fired power is currently lower than at any time since 2005.

data point • 9 hours ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Energy System Collapse. Louis and his team’s research point to our energy systems collapsing by 2030 because we’re having to spend more energy than ever before to extract fuel.

data point • 10 hours ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Metaphor for Risk. That’s how Titanic’s hit icebergs.

insight • 18 hours ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Significant Investments. So far, $910 billion in announced investments across the US in sectors like semiconductors, clean energy, and manufacturing have been reported.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.whitehouse.gov

Gigafactory Needs. It's estimated that by 2040, the UK will require 200GWh of factory capacity.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.faraday.ac.uk

Critical Mineral Demand. The raw statistics for critical mineral demand highlights the magnitude of operations required for battery production.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Intercalation Station • assets.publishing.service.gov.uk

Agricultural Land Use. Agricultural land accounts for 70% of UK landmass, so it seems only natural for some of this to be designated to renewable energy sources.

insight • 1 day ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.gov.uk

Youth Global Concern. A study published in The Lancet in 2021 found that 70 percent of 16- to 25-year-olds in ten countries said they were 'extremely worried' or 'very worried' about climate change.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.thelancet.com

Personal Climate Action. Ayana offers a worksheet to help individuals determine how they are best suited to help solve the climate crisis using her Climate Action Venn Diagram.

recommendation • 1 day ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.ayanaelizabeth.com

Action Steps. If you live in the United States, the most important thing we can do in the next two months is vote for candidates who get it on climate and volunteer with organizations.

recommendation • 1 day ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.environmentalvoter.org

Young Voter Engagement. Some 40 percent of young U.S. voters across political affiliations say they will only support a candidate who prioritizes climate action, according to new polling data.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.environmentalvoter.org

Health Risks of PFAS. Multiple peer-reviewed studies have linked PFAS and other chemical exposure to increased cancer risk among firefighters.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Cancer Connection to PFAS. PFOA, one of the most notoriously widely used PFAS chemicals, is a known carcinogen and does cause cancer in humans.

insight • 1 day ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.iarc.who.int

Widespread Contamination. The problem of PFAS pollution may be even more widespread than previously reported, impacting 200 million Americans in all 50 states.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.ewg.org

Dangers of Turnout Gear. Diane Cotter links her husband Paul’s prostate cancer to PFOA—one of the most common types of PFAS chemicals and a known carcinogen—because of its ubiquitous presence in protective 'turnout' gear.

insight • 1 day ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • news.nd.edu

PFAS Deregulation Proposal. In the Heritage Foundation's 900-page blueprint for Donald Trump's second term, there's a brief proposal to potentially deregulate a class of toxic chemicals called PFAS, linked to high rates of cancer among firefighters nationwide.

insight • 1 day ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • static.project2025.org

Regulatory Approval. Utah regulators are clearing the way for Anson Resources' Green River direct lithium extraction project.

data point • 2 days ago • Via Land Desk • wcsecure.weblink.com.au

Wolf Capture Incident. Colorado wildlife officials last week announced they had captured the entire Copper Creek family of wolves in the Middle Park area.

data point • 2 days ago • Via Land Desk • cpw.state.co.us

Carbon Capture Feasibility. The U.S. Energy Department has awarded the Navajo Transitional Energy Company $6.5 million to study the feasibility of installing carbon capture equipment on the Four Corners coal power plant.

data point • 2 days ago • Via Land Desk • navenergy.com

Expansion Plans. Anson's not just going after lithium. In August, they filed a notice of intent to do exploratory drilling at their Yellow Cat uranium and vanadium project north of Arches National Park in Utah.

data point • 2 days ago • Via Land Desk • www.proactiveinvestors.com

Listen for More. In this podcast I discuss why that’s so needed, what it might look like, why needed actions will divide the nation on a number of conflicts — and must happen anyway.

insight • 2 days ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Electric Excavator. Behold, the 778 ton PC8000-11 surface mining excavator made by Komatsu!

data point • 3 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • x.com

EV Charging Concerns. Both Dave and Tiya assert that this is 'no cost' for anyone but the EV owners, but these chargers will come at a daily, ongoing cost to sidewalk users.

insight • 3 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Event in San Francisco. I'm joining Canary Media in San Francisco on Nov. 13 for a night full of climate/election conversations with a star-studded assortment of panelists from government, journalism, and advocacy.

data point • 3 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • forms.gle

Legal Pressure on Oil Companies. The number of lawsuits being filed against oil companies has tripled in recent years.

data point • 3 days ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.oilchange.org

Electric Vehicles Impact. The IEA said this week that oil demand around the world is softening because of 'surging' sales of electric vehicles.

insight • 3 days ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.businessgreen.com

Coal Phase-out in the UK. Britain will close its last coal-fired power plant at the end of this month.

data point • 3 days ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.ft.com

Energy-Transition Metals Demand. Annual demand for energy-transition metals will grow fivefold by mid-century from 2023 levels under more aggressive action.

data point • 3 days ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • about.bnef.com

Pakistan's Solar Boom. Pakistan has become the third-largest importer of Chinese solar modules, acquiring a staggering 13GW in the first half of this year alone.

data point • 3 days ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Testosterone and Aggression. A 2019 meta study found that the causal effects of testosterone on human aggression are weak, with no impact on aggression levels in women.

data point • 3 days ago • Via Planet Critical • pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Draghi's Report. Many of you will have seen the landmark EU report on the Future of European Competitiveness, authored by former European Central Bank president Mario Draghi.

data point • 3 days ago • Via Energy Flux • commission.europa.eu

Podcast Interview. I had a blast talking natural gas and LNG with the good folks at Modo Energy.

insight • 3 days ago • Via Energy Flux • modoenergy.com

Infrastructure Spending. In the U.S., nearly a billion dollars of the bipartisan infrastructure law is being used to help strengthen roads, bridges, and transportation networks.

data point • 4 days ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nytimes.com

Solar Farms & Biodiversity. When solar farms are carefully planned and seeded with native plants that pollinators love, they can help tackle the biodiversity crisis at the same time as the climate crisis.

insight • 4 days ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nytimes.com

Balto Energy's Tool. Balto Energy, a startup founded by James Quazi, uses AI to analyze utility bills and recommend the most cost-effective clean energy strategy.

data point • 6 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.baltoenergy.com

Critique of Alfalfa. It accused me - via a piece I wrote for High Country News - of 'demonizing' alfalfa.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Debate Climate Moments. Despite only one climate question, related topics came up throughout the evening.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Coalition Focus. PowerLines aims to modernize the utility regulatory system to accelerate affordable, reliable, and clean energy for American consumers.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • powerlines.org

EPA Testing Methodology. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has an official methodology for calculating the range of EVs, with manufacturers testing pre-production prototypes and reporting results to the EPA.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.epa.gov

Range Anxiety Reduction. With EV ranges increasing all the time, range anxiety is becoming less of a concern for buyers, as the average American only drove 30.1 miles a day in 2022.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Intercalation Station • aaafoundation.org

Lucid Air Efficiency. Lucid Motors recently claimed that the 2025 Lucid Air Pure would be the world's most efficient EV, achieving a record 5 miles/kWh with a 420 mile range from an 84kWh battery.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Intercalation Station • lucidmotors.com

Climate Impact. Their choice will help determine whether 4 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions get released into the atmosphere over the next six years—an amount equating to $900 billion in global climate damages.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Voter Influence. A whopping 30 percent of Americans say tonight's televised showdown will help them determine who to vote for in November.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • maristpoll.marist.edu

Xyonix Co-Founder. As a cofounder of Xyonix, Deep engages in discussions about technology's role in society.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical • www.xyonix.com

Podcast Mention. Deep Dhillon is host of the podcast, Your A.I. Injection.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical • podcast.xyonix.com

Stay Tuned. Expect an update before the end of this year regarding the new direction of Planet: Critical.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Subscriber Analysis. This week’s subscriber-only EU LNG Chart Deck provides a forensic analysis of TTF fund movements and macro view of the wider gas/LNG panorama.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Basics Class Announcement. Ruggedize Your Life: the Basics walks you through the top-level concerns and strategies for choosing a solid place to build a new life, ready for hard futures.

insight • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward • app.acuityscheduling.com

Crash Course Offered. The Crash Course delivers a set of comprehensive classes, includes readings and discussion sessions, and aims to give participants a strong foundation for making smart choices in discontinuous times.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Misleading Data Usage. The WSJ cherry picks one data point to falsely portray fossil fuels as increasing climate danger: an increase of 200 in heat-related deaths since 2021.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points • www.wsj.com

Hopi Tribe Solar Project. The U.S. EPA awarded the Hopi Tribe in Arizona $20 million to bring solar power to about 900 off-grid homes.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk • www.knau.org

Cool Energy News. The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe's farm in southwestern Colorado has finished integrating a hydropower system into its irrigation network.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk • www.hydroreview.com

Condor Shooting Incident. Someone shot a critically endangered California condor this spring near McPhee Reservoir in southwestern Colorado.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk • cpw.state.co.us

California Emissions Reporting. California's legislature refused Gov Newsom's request to delay implementation of a new law requiring businesses to report their Scope 3 emissions.

data point • 1 week ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.wsj.com

Risk of Domestic Violence. New UN research indicates that domestic violence could triple in sub-Saharan Africa in the coming decades because of rising temperatures.

data point • 1 week ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.unfpa.org

Solar Capacity Growth. In 2014, solar power utility-scale solar provided a mere 9.25 GW (0.75%) of total installed US generating capacity. By the middle of 2024, installed solar capacity had risen to 8.99% of total utility-scale capacity.

data point • 1 week ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • electrek.co

Techno-Optimist Manifesto. Last year the tech billionaire investor and co-founder of Netscape Marc Andreessen released a lengthy 'Techno-Optimist Manifesto' that set out this accelerationist, anthropocentric, more-more-more vision in point form.

insight • 1 week ago • Via This is Precious • pmarca.substack.com

P(doom) Metric. There’s even a trend doing the rounds at Silicon Valley dinner parties where tech types talk their 'p(doom) figure.'

data point • 1 week ago • Via This is Precious • www.fastcompany.com

Civilization Collapse. We have had to wade our way through a cerebral understanding of systems collapse theory.

insight • 1 week ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Framing Climate Change. Framing climate change through values like faith or national security can significantly shift opinions.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • climatecommunication.yale.edu

Growing Climate Disasters. In 2023, the U.S. experienced 28 climate disasters resulting in nearly $100 billion in immediate damages.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.noaa.gov

Threat Multiplier Concept. Sherri coined one of my favourite phrases on climate change risks, 'threat multiplier' in the 2007 report 'National Security and the Threat of Climate Change'.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.cna.org

Sherri Goodman's Impact. Sherri has been changing the minds of military leaders on climate and environmental issues from the inside.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • climateandsecurity.org

Podcast Information. Subscribe to or follow the Mongabay Newscast wherever you listen to podcasts.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical • podcasts.apple.com

Future Considerations. How might we upgrade our ideas a…

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Nuclear Arms Race. By 1985 the US and the USSR had produced 63,000 weapons - enough to flatten every major city on Earth and plunge the rest of us into a nuclear winter.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • www.cfr.org

Environmental Concerns. The Wilderness Society liked the plan, saying it focuses 'solar projects toward lands near transmission with fewer resource conflicts and away from protected landscapes.'

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.wilderness.org

Public Input Opportunity. There’s still time to alter the plan; the BLM's protest period is open until Sept. 29.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • eplanning.blm.gov

Political Backlash. U.S. Sen. Cynthia Lummis came out with a scathing statement criticizing the Biden-Harris administration, claiming it is 'destroying the western way of life.'

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.lummis.senate.gov

Caution from Activists. The Center for Biological Diversity was decidedly less enthused, stating: 'We don’t need to destroy tens of millions of acres of wildlife habitat to achieve our clean energy goals.'

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • biologicaldiversity.org

Industry Response. The Solar Energy Industries Association tentatively celebrated the proposal, writing: 'We’re pleased to see that BLM listened to much of the solar industry’s feedback and added 11 million acres to its original proposal.'

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.seia.org

Project 2025 Overview. MAGA Republicans have put together a plan that they say will help ease the wildfire crisis, laid out in Project 2025.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • static.project2025.org

Forest Service Strategy. The Forest Service is implementing a 10-year strategy to reduce wildfire risk, including science-backed methods like prescribed burns, tree thinning, and pruning.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.fs.usda.gov

Risk to Homes. Within the next three decades, one in seven homes could be at major risk.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.cnbc.com

Wildfire Risk Increase. This year’s wildfire activity is nearly 3,000 percent higher in California than last year.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.fire.ca.gov

Report Access. Get the latest August report by subscribing now.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

NDB Credit Rating. The NDB has secured a clean credit rating which has buffeted both the Chinese and Russian economies.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical • www.cambridge.org

Potential US Dollar Impact. If the members agree to launch BRICS-pay, the effect would be a drop in the value of the US Dollar, US Treasury bonds, and US trade.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical • brics-pay.com

Conference Attendance. In October, I'll be attending and participating in DERVOS 2024.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.dertaskforce.com

Market Phase Exploration. This week's EU LNG Chart Deck explores these developments to try to understand whether this is a temporary blip or the start of a new market phase.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

EU Policy Goals. The European Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) that passed in December is setting a goal that by 2040, fossil fuels should have no place in heating our buildings.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.europarl.europa.eu

Carbon Market Growth. To meet scientific consensus, carbon markets must expand to over 10 GT annually by 2050, a 40x increase, accounting for about 20% of global emissions.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.sciencedaily.com

Benchmarking Impact. Our Energy Benchmarks serve as a resource to guide thinking for performance targets and improved organisational efficiency for off-grid energy organisations.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • pages.60decibels.com

Biodiversity Benefits. There's evidence to suggest that seaweed cultivation can increase biodiversity and create positive feedback loops when done correctly.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.theguardian.com

Seaweed CDR Potential. Antoine de Ramon N'Yert and his team at the University of the South Pacific estimated that 9% of the world's ocean dedicated to seaweed cultivation could draw down 53 billion tonnes of CO2 a year.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.researchgate.net

High-Integrity Methodology. The Gold Standard Metered and Measured Energy for Cooking Devices methodology demands that clean cooking project developers demonstrate their impact by tracking fuel usage.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • globalgoals.goldstandard.org

Over-Crediting Risks. UC Berkeley's analysis found significant risk of over-crediting in carbon offset projects, estimating methodological errors could lead projects to be over-credited by as much as 10X.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.nature.com

Climate Advisory Guidebook. President Biden's Climate Advisory team released a guidebook to help companies and investors navigate various federal financing programs.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.whitehouse.gov

MCJ Podcast Insights. In the latest MCJ Podcast, we cover the history of INL, its key priorities, current projects under development, and Dr. Wagner's vision for our nuclear future.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • mcj.news

Increase in EV Registrations. The International Energy Agency's Global EV Outlook reported a 40% increase in new EV registrations in 2023, totaling 1.4 million vehicles.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Ford F-Series Dominance. The best-selling vehicle in the U.S. in 2023, and for the past 42 years, has been the Ford F-Series, which includes the F-150 and its larger counterparts.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.cnbc.com

Optimize Compute Timing. Data center operators also need to combine tools with other strategies, such as optimizing the timing of compute load for AI model training.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • blog.google

Concerns from Singapore. Singapore halted all new data center construction between 2019 and 2022 because of concerns that their high electricity demand would strain the grid and negatively impact the city-state’s sustainability goals.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.ashurst.com

Trump's Climate Position. Former President Trump has positioned himself firmly against President Biden's climate policies, pledging to 'rescind every one of Joe Biden's industry-killing, job-killing, pro-China and anti-American electricity regulations.'

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.donaldjtrump.com

Policy Extending Costs. Extending those tax credits would cost about $4.6 trillion over the next ten years according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.budget.senate.gov

Vogtle Plant Jobs. A case study of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant in Georgia highlights that during its construction phase, the project created over 9,000 jobs.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.georgiapower.com

High Salaries. The average salary for a nuclear engineer in the United States is approximately $125,000 per year, significantly higher than the national average wage.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.bls.gov

Job Openings. During this time, there will be millions of new job openings in the US, including nearly 500,000 in the nuclear industry.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.energy.gov

Rice Methane Emissions. Flooding a rice field creates conditions for bacteria that ferment soil organic matter anaerobically, producing methane as a byproduct.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • myclimatejourney.substack.com

Advances in Methodology. Recent advances in dMRV technology are improving the standards for rice methane methodologies, enhancing transparency and trust.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • verra.org

Improving Carbon Credit Quality. To ensure viability as carbon credit options, rice methane projects must improve in quality and transparency.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.climatechangenews.com

Methane Reduction Practices. Alternative practices like Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) can reduce methane emissions by over 40% and allow farmers to farm with 30% less water.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.adb.org

Climate-Induced Droughts. In India, climate-induced droughts have left farmers with very little water, driving many to extreme ends, including suicide.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • weather.com

Rice's Global Impact. Rice feeds 3.5 billion people daily and has a carbon footprint the size of the aviation industry, accounting for approximately 1.5% of global emissions.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • education.nationalgeographic.org

Freshwater Withdrawal. In 2021 alone, the global energy system withdrew 370 billion cubic metres (bcm) of freshwater: roughly 10% of total global freshwater withdrawals.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Public-Private Partnership. The National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) has secured over $100 million since 2019 for the development of energy-efficient desalination technologies.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.nawihub.org

Desalination Energy Use. Desalination consumes a colossal amount of energy to generate drinking water from ocean water.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • mcj.news

Energy from Leakage Solution. ASTERRA has saved over 1,000,000 MWH of energy through its leak detection technology.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.linkedin.com

Leakage Challenge. Experts estimate that globally, up to 34% of water is lost during distribution due to leaks.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.fluencecorp.com

Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Water contributes up to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.cdp.net

California's Achievement. California supplied 100% of its energy demand with renewable energy for 30 days in a 38-day stretch.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • environmentamerica.org

Innovative Solutions. Companies like Infinite Cooling are pioneering opportunities to reduce water usage in energy production by capturing water in cooling towers that would otherwise be lost.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.infinite-cooling.com

Fossil Fuel Dependency. In 2023, about 60% of the electricity generation in the US relied on fossil fuels.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.eia.gov

Global Investment Projection. The International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that global energy investment is set to exceed USD 3 trillion for the first time in 2024, with USD 2 trillion going to clean energy technologies and infrastructure.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Founder Credentials. James McWalter, CEO of Paces, brings over 15 years of tech industry experience, including stints at AI startups and enterprise SaaS sales.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.linkedin.com

AI Impact on Data Centers. Gartner forecasts 25.3% growth in data center systems, largely due to AI services and GPU-based specialized services for AI workloads.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.gartner.com

Proposed Projects Volume. The US has myriad clean energy projects planned, with over 2,000 gigawatts of proposed wind, solar, and battery projects proposed.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.canarymedia.com

New Investments. In June 2024 alone, companies announced more than $700 million in new investment for clean energy projects in six U.S. states, plus over 1,300 new jobs.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • e2.org

Design Thinking Success. Maryland recently laid groundwork for its energy storage goal in only three months using design thinking to transform the traditional process.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • designthinking.ideo.com

Capital Flow. Bloomberg NEF reported global record highs in clean energy investment, with a 15% increase in the Americas last year relative to 2022.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • about.bnef.com

Investment Requirement. According to the IEA, the world needs to be investing $4 trillion per year in clean energy by 2030 to be on track for a new zero-energy system by 2050.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Default Rate Advantage. According to this report from LSEG, the default rate in green bonds has been 'significantly below the average default rate of the broader market.'

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.lseg.com

Growth of Green Bonds. The use of use-of-proceeds green bonds that disclose how each dollar in the bond was allocated has been growing significantly, with over $4 trillion of green bonds having been issued in the last 5 years.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.climatebonds.net

Mailbag Episode. This is your Volts podcast for Friday, August 30, 2024. Our special monthly mailbag episode for paid subscribers.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Podcast Recommendation. If you love the desert, especially the Mojave, and you like good writing, you gotta subscribe to Chris Clarke’s Letters From the Desert e-newsletter.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • lettersfromthedesert.substack.com

Podcast Episode Insight. I had the pleasure of joining Chris on the podcast to talk about Utah's public land grab attempt.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • 90milesfromneedles.com

Presidential Changes. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy added about 5,000 acres to the main monument, while removing the two caves, 'which no longer contain features of archaeological value.'

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.nps.gov

Upcoming AMA. You can ask me your burning question here and I'll try to cover it off.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

London Meetup. I'm coming to London (to meet a former Australian Prime Minster and to speak at this conference) and would love to squeeze in a meet-up if there is enough interest.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • howthelightgetsin.org

Wasteful Carbon Schemes. $30 billion of public money has been wasted on carbon capture and fossil hydrogen projects that not only fail to deliver results but also delay the necessary transition to renewable energy by propping up the fossil fuel industry.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • priceofoil.org

Significant Climate Tipping Points. The NASA study finds that we could push past the 2 degree Celsius mark sometime between 2041 and 2044, which could trigger critical climate changes.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • news.mongabay.com

Emerging Legal Standards. The South Korean high court ruled that the government needed to sharpen its plans for carbon reductions, as the absence of legally binding targets violated the constitutional rights of future generations.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theguardian.com

Labour's Energy Shift. Ed Milliband announced that the government would not back the companies that want to develop two huge new North Sea oilfields.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theguardian.com

Battery R&D Relocation. Northvolt has publicized a decision to move its next-generation lithium-metal battery R&D development to the R&C campus in Västernäs, Sweden.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • northvolt.com

Porsche Battery Repurposing. Porsche has repurposed batteries from its sports car Taycan vehicle line into a second-life 10 MWh BESS project to power its factory in Leipzig, Germany.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.energy-storage.news

Potassium-Ion Development. Anhui Guoxin New Materials Co., Ltd has announced a commercially available potassium-ion battery designed for e-bikes.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.gizmochina.com

Moxion Power Furloughs. Bay-Area based Moxion Power suddenly furloughed 400+ of its remaining staff and has declared bankruptcy after raising $110m in 2022.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.sfgate.com

Environmental Concerns. Critics fear that Serbia will be an example of a 'sacrifice zone' where environmental degradation is accepted to fuel the electrification of wealthier nations.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.politico.eu

Serbian Lithium Tensions. A controversial lithium project in Serbia, which could meet up to 90% of the EU's lithium demand, is facing significant national criticism.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.greeneuropeanjournal.eu

Deep Sea Findings. Deep sea mining nodules have been found to produce oxygen, challenging the previous assumption that this largely came from plankton.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.nature.com

Climate Grief Awareness. Steffi Bednarek is a climate psychotherapist working both with clients on their anxiety and depression related to climate grief.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical • www.steffibednarek.com

Electric Cargo Ships. COSCO Shipping has launched a 10,000-ton, fully electric cargo ship called the Green Water 01, powered by a 50 MWh battery, which can even be expanded to 80 MWh if needed.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • electrek.co

Impact of Plastic Bag Bans. Plastic bag bans in several U.S. cities have reduced the number of single-use plastic bags used each year by around 6 billion.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.weforum.org

Global Plastics Treaty. Global initiatives like the Global Plastics Treaty are needed to end plastic pollution, with negotiators meeting in South Korea to finalize the treaty.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.un.org

Plastic Recycling Challenge. Around the world, less than 10% of plastic is actually recycled, leading to the conclusion that the best thing we can do is not use it in the first place.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.dw.com

Public Support for Green Energy. 72 percent of people worldwide want to see a 'quick transition' to sources of green energy.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.theguardian.com

Fossil Fuel Disinformation. Fossil fuel companies are also continuing to push out toxic mis- and disinformation to slow the green energy transition.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.theguardian.com

Yara Birkeland Impact. The world’s first electric self-propelled container ship, the Yara Birkeland, made her maiden voyage back in 2021 and reduces emissions by some 1,000 tons of CO2 by replacing around 40,000 trips by diesel-powered trucks each year.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • maritime-executive.com

Green Schoolyards Benefits. A new study shows that green spaces on school campuses are good for kids, the planet, and the bottom line. For every dollar invested in creating a green schoolyard in Denver, the study found, schools reaped a $3 return.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • grist.org

Annual Investment Requirement. According to the IEA, the world needs to be investing $4 trillion per year in clean energy by 2030 to be on track for a new zero-energy system by 2050.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Itselectric's Innovation. Itselectric has developed curbside level-2 chargers that connect to building electric panels, making installation quick and efficient.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.itselectric.us

Complexity of Crises. Yes, humanity has faced many of the crises we now face, and others besides. However! We’ve not faced so many all at once.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Metacrisis Context. The historian Niall Ferguson has scoffed that the metacrisis is 'just history happening.'

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • www.cnbc.com

Landslide Tragedy. Intense rainfall triggered a landslide/debris flow in Ketchikan, killing one person, injuring three more, and destroying homes and infrastructure.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.nytimes.com

Record Flooding Events. Mill Creek, which is normally a clear, gurgling brook, turned into a raging, chocolate-milk-colored, debris-tossing monster, peaking out at 6,810 cubic feet per second.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.moabtimes.com

Project 2025 Overview. The Republican climate agenda is summarized in Project 2025, a 900-page policy plan developed for Donald Trump by the Heritage Foundation.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • static.project2025.org

Ecological Stakes. The hope is that this series will help shine a light on the dire ecological stakes of the 2024 election.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Link for More. Read more about this perspective on uncertainty and crisis.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Solution to Bills. The solution to high electricity bills is to end all preferences for unreliable electricity.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexepstein.substack.com

Government Schemes. High electricity bills are the result of government-dictated schemes—such as the recent IRA—to build massive, wasteful, unreliable solar and wind infrastructure.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points • open.substack.com

Electricity Rate Increase. Electricity rates have risen 47% faster than the CPI the last 12 months, and nearly 24% overall since the Biden-Harris administration began.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points • www.eia.gov

Public Lands Overreach. The state justifies the action by saying, 'Federal overreach prevents Utah from actively managing public lands, impacting recreation, local economies, and resource development.'

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • standforourland.utah.gov

Wildfire Risk. A new report from CoreLogic finds 2.6 million homes in the West are in wildfire danger zones, including 1.26 million in California and more than 321,000 in Colorado.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.housingwire.com

Politician's Tactics. I’ve been following Australian Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s malicious and truth-flagrant outbursts about Palestinian refugees.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • podcasts.apple.com

Truthiness Concept. Comedian Stephen Colbert coined the term 'truthiness' a while back, which touches on a similar phenomenon.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • books.google.com

Pathogen Proliferation. Common food-borne pathogens including Staphylococci, Norovirus, E. coli, and Salmonella thrive in warmer and more humid conditions.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • link.springer.com

Food Contamination Risks. Every year, 600 million people get sick and nearly half a million die from eating contaminated food, the World Health Organization estimates.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.who.int

Fungal Carbon Storage. In Australia, a company called Loam Bio is testing using fungus in the soil to take up carbon.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nytimes.com

Wood Vaulting Method. One way is through underground wood vaulting: burying waste wood or other plant material in the ground, which prevents them from decaying and releasing carbon into the atmosphere, potentially for thousands of years.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • grist.org

Economic Loss from Waste. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that two-thirds of cardboard and paper that isn’t recycled every year represents a $4 billion economic loss in the U.S. alone.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nrel.gov

Plastic Recycling Rates. Only 9 percent of plastic actually gets recycled.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • stories.undp.org

Further Reading. This deep dive offers a critical examination, with reference to new statistical analysis of refilling and pricing data.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Discussion Link. For more insights, listen to the discussion on certainty, doubt and reimagining the world.

recommendation • 4 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Polycrisis Emergence. A few months later The Financial Times declared 'polycrisis' their word of the year just as The World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report warned we were toppling into one.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • www.ft.com

Permacrisis Definition. The Collins Dictionary's word of the year for 2022 was 'permacrisis', which describes a simultaneous series of dramatic and unprecedented world events.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • www.collinsdictionary.com

Synthetic vs Natural. Generally, the production of natural graphite is a lot less carbon intensive than synthetic graphite, which matters a lot for companies trying to minimise the carbon impact of their cells.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • source.benchmarkminerals.com

Vianode Internship. Issy spent 3 months working at Vianode, a synthetic graphite manufacturer in Kristiansand, Norway, where she learned about sustainable battery materials manufacturing.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.vianode.com

Electrification Benefits. With 91.5% of new cars sold in Norway being electric, the noise was considerably quieter, showcasing the multiple benefits of electrification.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • alternative-fuels-observatory.ec.europa.eu

Graphite's Importance. Graphite is the largest critical mineral component in a battery, and those trying to make the greenest batteries will be focusing on their graphite suppliers as the key place to cut the cell CO2 footprint.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • elements.visualcapitalist.com

Clean Energy Investment. Bloomberg NEF reported global record highs and a 15% increase in clean energy investment in the Americas relative to 2022.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ • about.bnef.com

Failures in Recommendations. In Illinois, a working group’s report to the commission contained zero actionable recommendations for clean energy legislation.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.nrdc.org

Bottlenecks in NJ. New Jersey's energy storage target faced a stalled implementation process that has taken six years and counting.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.energytoolbase.com

Recommended Poetry. I’d highly recommend Simon Ortiz's Woven Stone, a comprehensive collection of his work.

recommendation • 4 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Upcoming Release. Water Bodies: Love Letters to the Most Abundant Substance on Earth is coming out this October from Torrey House Press.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.torreyhouse.org

Author Recommendation. I love anything by Lydia Millet, especially her novels, which are wonderfully zany and perceptive.

recommendation • 4 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • lydiamillet.net

New Book Release. Life After Dead Pool: Lake Powell's Last Days and the Rebirth of the Colorado River just came out.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.torreyhouse.org

Resource Scarcity Warning. We have seen what happens in other countries when the broad middle falls behind: societies begin to fracture and collapse.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Monthly Mailbag. Anyone can ask a question but mailbags are a paid-sub-only perk.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Kamala Harris Agreement. Kamala Harris agrees with the idea of solving the housing crisis through more dense housing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.businessinsider.com

Passive House Success. In our almost-passive-house, I can walk around in bare feet in the winter.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Historical Denial. As early as 1959, oil companies were aware of climate change and contributed to anthropogenic climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • commonhome.georgetown.edu

Misleading Promises. After publicly promising to reduce emissions, Exxon, BP, and Shell stated 'never mind.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • grist.org

Lobbying and Spending. Following the Paris Agreement to limit global warming, the five largest oil companies spent $200 million a year on lobbying and campaign donations to block climate action.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.theguardian.com

Massive Investment Forecast. Global energy investment is set to exceed USD 3 trillion for the first time in 2024, with USD 2 trillion going to clean energy technologies and infrastructure.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Clean Energy Potential. The US has myriad clean energy projects planned, with over 2,000 gigawatts of proposed wind, solar, and battery projects proposed.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.canarymedia.com

Founder Expertise. James McWalter brings over 15 years of tech industry experience and is the CEO of Paces.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.linkedin.com

Data Center Growth. The global data center market stood at $229.23 billion in 2023 and is projected to expand to $256.05 billion in 2024.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.precedenceresearch.com

Fertility Crisis in UK. In the UK, experts are now warning: The falling birthrate threatens a disaster so costly no politician dares think about it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • www.theguardian.com

Climate Change Impacts. The most recent update on the AMOC's weakening suggests it will break in 2057.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • www.wired.com

Sperm Count and Microplastics. Another study concretising the point further: 'At the beginning, I doubted whether microplastics could penetrate the reproductive system.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • www.theguardian.com

Further Reading. For more details, refer to the EU LNG Chart Deck.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Podcast Recommendation. Listen to the conversation with Kris De Decker to understand the relationship between tech, finance, and sustainability.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Climate Denial in Education. In Florida, the state Department of Education has approved using climate denial videos from PragerU in the state’s public schools.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.scientificamerican.com

Impact of Heatwaves on Schools. Many schools don't have air conditioning, and are closing when classrooms become too hot to safely educate students there.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.pbs.org

Public School Climate Footprint. Public schools operate nearly half a million buses and serve some 7 billion meals to students each year in the US.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.edweek.org

Climate Engineering Module. In Indiana, teachers and scientists created the Climate Engineering Teaching Module to help students develop and apply their critical thinking and problem-solving skills to climate.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • scholarworks.iu.edu

Mandatory Climate Education. The time is now to include climate education as a key climate risk mitigation strategy and to make climate education a mandatory part of the national curriculum.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • news.climate.columbia.edu

Removal of Climate References. Florida's Governor DeSantis signed a bill that removes most mentions of climate change from state law and reaches out to textbook companies to remove references to climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.orlandosentinel.com

Desalination's Energy Cost. Desalination consumes a colossal amount of energy to generate drinking water from ocean water, making broad adoption prohibitive due to cost.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • mcj.news

Creative Energy Solutions. Companies are getting creative to harness the power of hydropower in the face of droughts through low-cost turbines designed for water delivery systems.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.imagineh2o.org

NAWI's Role in Desalination. The National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) has secured over $100 million since 2019 from the US Department of Energy to develop cost-effective, energy-efficient, and low-emission desalination technologies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.nawihub.org

Leakage Losses. Experts estimate that globally, up to 34% of water is lost during distribution due to leaks, which steals both water and energy.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.fluencecorp.com

Water's Energy Consumption. Water consumes energy at a staggering rate, contributing up to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.cdp.net

California's Renewable Milestone. California supplied 100% of its energy demand with renewable energy for 30 days in a 38-day stretch during March and April of this year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • environmentamerica.org

Water Footprint Reduction. Companies like Infinite Cooling are pioneering opportunities to reduce water usage in energy production by capturing water in cooling towers that would otherwise be lost to cooling tower plumes.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.infinite-cooling.com

US Electricity Sources. In 2023, about 60% of the electricity generation in the US relied on water-intensive fossil fuels.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.eia.gov

Energy's Water Demand. In 2021 alone, the global energy system withdrew 370 billion cubic metres (bcm) of freshwater: roughly 10% of total global freshwater withdrawals.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Secret to Living. You can read more.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Previous Chapter. You can catch up here.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Oceanfront Property Claim. Trump falsely said that sea level rise would bring 'more oceanfront property' to the country.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.newsweek.com

Actual Sea Level Rise. In reality, sea levels are currently rising at more than a one-eighth of an inch every year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.washingtonpost.com

Trump's False Claim. Donald Trump falsely said that sea levels would only rise 'one-eighth of an inch over the next 400 years.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.washingtonpost.com

Musk's Moderate Views. Musk stated that he doesn’t think we should vilify the oil and gas industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Basic Geometry Ignorance. This is an almost stunningly ignorant claim, as sea level rise makes land masses smaller.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.washingtonpost.com

Grid Decline. America's grid is in decline and about to get far worse due to policies that reward unreliable electricity, prematurely shut down coal plants, criminalize nuclear, and force electric vehicle use.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexepstein.substack.com

Renewable Energy Failures. Since at any given time solar and wind can go near zero, using them to replace reliable power doesn't work. E.g., during February 2021's winter storm, TX solar and wind were totally out to lunch.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • energytalkingpoints.com

Funding Links Revealed. Trump's biggest funder after Musk may be Harold Hamm, who has been working hard to raise money from the energy sector.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

Musk Trump Interview. Elon Musk had Trump over to his Space for a conversation intended to help 'open-minded, independent voters' catch a vibe.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.nytimes.com

Breakthrough in Solar Power. Oxford University has developed an ultra-thin material for solar cells that is almost 150 times thinner than current silicon wafers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.independent.co.uk

Public Petition for Justice. Public Citizen has launched a petition to investigate the fossil fuel industry for knowingly driving climate disasters.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • act.citizen.org

Live Podcast Event. I’m recording a live podcast at MT2030’s annual Climate Solutions Summit in Jackson, Wyoming on Oct 15-16.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.mt2030.org

Free Summit Tickets. I have 4 free summit tickets to give to the Volts family!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Potential Price Correction. This week's EU LNG Chart Deck explores how hedge funds are positioning in response to geopolitical events - priming European wholesale gas prices for what could be a spectacular autumn correction.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Call to Action. If you see there may be areas where, you know, local listeners want to be active, they want to reach out to us.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • explorer.missiondata.io

Uranium Reopening. IsoEnergy says it has successfully reopened the main portal of its Tony M uranium mine, located near Ticaboo, Utah.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.world-nuclear-news.org

Minnesota's Climate Legislation. Walz won a narrow legislative majority in the 2022 election and quickly pushed through a law that requires the state’s utilities to get 100 percent of their electricity from clean sources by 2040.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • cbsnews.com

Chubb LNG Insurance Withdrawal. Chubb pulled out of the Rio Grande LNG terminal, marking a setback for the not-yet-built project that would harm the coastal landscape of the Rio Grande Valley.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • us.insure-our-future.com

Bipartisan Clean Energy Reform. As governor, Walz signed bipartisan legislation to reform Minnesota’s permitting process for clean energy projects.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.kttc.com

Trump Campaign Tactics. The Trump campaign is trying to swiftboat Tim Walz, as noted by Josh Marshall.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • talkingpointsmemo.com

Pipeline Impact. The $2.6 billion Line 3 pipeline, which officially went online in 2021, nearly doubles the volume of carbon-intensive tar sands crude oil.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Aggressive Fossil Fuel Phase-Out. As governor of Minnesota, he helped pass one of the most aggressive fossil fuel phase-out laws in the country.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • insideclimatenews.org

Walz's Climate Advocacy. Tim Walz, the vice presidential pick of Kamala Harris, is 'one of the nation's most forceful climate advocates.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • insideclimatenews.org

Bayo Akomolafe's Role. Bayo Akomolafe is a philosopher writer, activist, professor of psychology and executive director of the emergence network.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.bayoakomolafe.net

Literary Works. He's the author of 'We Will Tell Our Own Story' and 'These Wilds Beyond Our Fences: Letters To My Daughter on Humanity's Search for Home'.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.amazon.com

Rice's Carbon Footprint. Rice has a carbon footprint the size of the aviation industry, accounting for approximately 1.5% of global emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • ourworldindata.org

Quality of Rice Methane Credits. Rice methane credits in other countries were discovered to be of questionable integrity due to accounting loopholes and additionality concerns.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.climatechangenews.com

Drought Impact on Farmers. Climate-induced droughts have left farmers with very little water to work with, driving many to extreme ends, including suicide.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.eco-business.com

Essay Competition Announcement. We are thrilled to announce an essay competition with the upcoming Faraday Institution Conference this September.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Energy Needs for Survival. Only by using fossil fuels can 8 billion people have the energy they need to survive and flourish.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexepstein.substack.com

Balanced View on Fossil Fuels. We must think about fossil fuels in a balanced way.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexepstein.substack.com

Increased Interest in Saint Lucia. Alfred's win and her country's celebration has more people searching Saint Lucia than ever before, according to Google Trends.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • trends.google.com

Economic Impact of Climate Change. The island is expected to lose 24.5 percent of its GDP by 2050 and 49.1 percent by 2100, according to the country's National Adaptation Plan.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • napglobalnetwork.org

Julien Alfred's Victory. Julien Alfred of Team Saint Lucia celebrates winning gold during the Women's 100 meter final.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.youtube.com

Cyanobacteria Discovery. In the Mediterranean Sea, scientists have discovered a type of cyanobacteria that consumes carbon dioxide 'astonishingly quickly.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.bbc.com

Sicilian Drought. The island of Sicily is currently in the throes of its worst drought in 30 years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.euronews.com

Tourist Deaths. Extreme heat has killed at least six tourists in Greece.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nbcnews.com

Historic England Update. Historic England just announced they will now be encouraging local councils to allow heat pumps, solar panels and insulation for Europe's oldest housing stock.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • historicengland.org.uk

Biden Administration Reforms. The Biden administration issued a report last summer calling for major reforms to the 1872 General Mining Law, proposing increased protections on mining claims and a reclamation fee.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Megadrought Reality. The Southwest continues to experience a megadrought, now going on its 25th year, which is the most severe dry spell of the last 1,200 years, according to new UCLA research.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.latimes.com

Supply Shock vs Demand. But as this week’s EU LNG Chart Deck explains, temporary supply shocks are not the same as structural changes to underlying demand.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Bronze Age Technology. A new paper from Stanford's Mark Jacobson finds that firebricks could be the key to cutting industrial emissions.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • sustainability.stanford.edu

Street Vendors Affected. In Delhi, a survey of street vendors found that 80% had fewer customers during heatwaves, and most of these workers could not take breaks during heatwaves.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.greenpeace.org

Rainfall Records. Hurricane Florence in September 2018 was the second-biggest rainfall in American history; it dropped the equivalent of all the water in Chesapeake Bay on the Carolinas.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.wunderground.com

Link to Full Content.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Subscription Access. Get exclusive access now!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Report Preview. Preview for July 2024 Battery Component Prices.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Noise About New Projects. Energy Fuels is also looking to develop the Roca Honda Project on Forest Service land near Mt. Taylor in New Mexico.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.fs.usda.gov

Ceased Development Proposal. The Florida company's proposal to build a 480-foot-tall telecommunications tower on Utah state land within Bears Ears National Monument's boundaries was withdrawn.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Recent Analysis Findings. The heat wave that's plagued France and other Mediterranean countries this July would have been anywhere from 4.5°F (2.5°C) to 5.9°F (3.3°C) cooler in a pre-climate-changed world.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.worldweatherattribution.org

Emission Contribution. Approximately 75 percent of current anthropogenic CO2 emissions come from fossil fuels, and anywhere from 13 to 20 percent come from agriculture, forestry and land use (AFOLU), according to the IPCC.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.ipcc.ch

Heat Increase Attribution. Fossil fuels, deforestation, and animal agriculture made outdoor temperatures at Tuesday's Olympics about 5.2°F degrees hotter than they would have normally been.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.worldweatherattribution.org

Gas Generation Context. This post dives into the latest data from ENTSO-E to define the contours of the gas generation slump and the factors driving it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Trust and Morality. Nate works at the intersection of values and technology, working on redesigning corporate values by focusing on building trust and morality within organisations.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.trustworthyby.design

Podcast Mention. This week’s Wild podcast is with the wonderful Meg Wheatley.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • podcasts.apple.com

Market Leader Moves. The biggest US solar company, First Solar, bought a perovskite startup last year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.cnbc.com

High Salary Range. The average salary for a nuclear engineer in the United States is approximately $125,000 per year, significantly higher than the national average wage.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.bls.gov

TerraPower Job Creation. The TerraPower nuclear project in Kemmerer, Wyoming, is projected to create approximately 2,000 construction jobs and 250 permanent positions once the plant is operational.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.terrapower.com

Job Openings Forecast. During this time, there will be millions of new job openings in the US, including nearly 500,000 in the nuclear industry.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.energy.gov

Olympics Climate Concerns. People are becoming more and more worried about the impacts of extreme heat on athletes and fans at the summer games, as well as the fact that climate change is rapidly rendering many winter Olympic venues untenable.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.npr.org

Follow EcoAthletes. Follow an EcoAthletes Champion on social media, share and like their climate-themed posts.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.ecoathletes.org

FIFA's Contradiction. FIFA touts the on-site greening of its crown jewel events, while also announcing a $100 million annual partnership for the 2026 Men’s and 2027 Women’s World Cups with Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia's state oil giant.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • inside.fifa.com

Call for Climate Action. To tackle these barriers and empower the Muhammad Alis and Megan Rapinoes of climate change, in 2020 I launched EcoAthletes.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • ecoathletes.org

Conservation Proposal. Western Colorado's Mesa and Montrose Counties propose a 30,000-acre national conservation area for the Lower Dolores River corridor as an alternative to the proposed 400,000-acre national monument.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.mesacounty.us

Inspired Location. I wrote it in one fell swoop while sitting by the side of the road to Hovenweep National Monument.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Venture Failure Rate. Even then, 10% of startups fail within the first year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.embroker.com

Future Advantage. Trump has a potential advantage over Biden and Harris concerning farm subsidies, as his supporters have proposed an end to many of them.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • static.project2025.org

Farm Bill Costs. The Farm Bill is estimated to cost $662 billion over the next 5 years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • crsreports.congress.gov

Read More. Read more about the episode.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Active Transcript. An active transcript is also available.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • transcripts.volts.wtf

Transcript Links. PDF transcript is available.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.dropbox.com

Fremont's Legacy. John Charles Fremont was a renowned American explorer, politician, and radical abolitionist, but he was also involved in the Sacramento River Massacre, murdering hundreds of Indigenous Wintu people.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.sacramentorivermassacre.org

AllTrails Usage. Wilson employs the AllTrails app to discover hiking routes around Paris, enhancing her outdoor experiences.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • www.alltrails.com

Coalition Participation. Join a coalition like Clean Energy for America, an organization that amplifies the voice of the clean energy workforce in advocating for policies and leaders to advance just, equitable, and rapid decarbonization.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.ceforamerica.org

Trump's Climate Agenda. Former President Trump has positioned himself firmly against President Biden's climate policies, pledging as early as September 2023 to 'rescind every one of Joe Biden’s industry-killing, job-killing, pro-China and anti-American electricity regulations.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.donaldjtrump.com

Potential Tax Increases. Extending those tax credits would cost about $4.6 trillion over the next ten years according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.budget.senate.gov

Historical Inefficiency. As early as 1973, an industry consultant wrote that 'separation of plastics from [municipal solid waste] is neither technically nor economically feasible at the present time, and probably will not be in the future.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • climateintegrity.org

Advertising Spending. So far, America’s Plastic Makers has spent nearly $30 million since 2023 to place ads touting 'advanced recycling' and other sustainability measures.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.opensecrets.org

Political Efficacy. Americans who hear others talk about global warming at least once a month have higher levels of perceived collective political efficacy than those who hear others talk about global warming less often – 54% versus 39%.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • climatecommunication.yale.edu

Tool Library Impact. The Tool Library in Buffalo, NY saved its members some $730,000 last year by providing access to tools.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • thetoollibrary.org

Take Action Locally. The next time you're in the throes of a home improvement project, don't dash out to a big box store to buy another tool; instead, consider renting or borrowing equipment from a local tool library.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • localtools.org

Rising Disaster Costs. Over the last decade, the average cost of weather-related disasters and catastrophic losses each year has risen to the equivalent 5-6% of annual GDP growth.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • climateinstitute.ca

Innovative Mining Method. A start-up in Albania called Metalplant is trying out a new kind of mining: 'phytomining,' that consists of growing and harvesting nickel-accumulating flowers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • metalplant.com

Carbon Emission Loss. For each kilogram of nickel mined, it’s estimated between 7 to 10 kg of carbon stock is lost from forests.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • investors.metals.co

Life Design Inquiry. Can I ask you here, what is left for you, when everything else is hypothetically stripped away?

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Harris's Lawsuit. Kamala Harris sued the Obama administration in December 2016, seeking a halt to new offshore fracking permits.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.scribd.com

Green New Deal Support. Harris said she’d get rid of the filibuster to pass a Green New Deal.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.nytimes.com

Investigative Initiatives. Harris's office opened one of the first official law enforcement investigations into Exxon’s efforts to downplay the climate danger of their products.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • insideclimatenews.org

Prosecutorial History. Harris made a habit of suing fossil fuel companies while serving as California Attorney General, amassing $50 million in settlements.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • oag.ca.gov

Climate Crisis Outlook. Some climate activists are hopeful that Vice President Harris might be willing to go further than President Joe Biden on tackling the climate crisis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.bloomberg.com

Big Oil Challenge. Harris's willingness to directly challenge Big Oil in 2016 set her apart from many mainstream Democrats at the time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.washingtonpost.com

Legal Action Outcome. The arguments in Harris’s lawsuit ultimately helped environmental groups convince a federal judge to pause all new Pacific offshore fracking.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.eenews.net

Fracking Controversy. President Barack Obama’s administration had just finalized plans to allow oil companies to resume offshore hydraulic fracturing and acidizing in the Santa Barbara Channel.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • sandiegofreepress.org

Tough Stance on Big Oil. Kamala Harris is seen as a 'tougher oil industry opponent than Joe Biden.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Carbon Sink Decline. A new study shows 'a large decline in the land carbon sink in 2023.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • arxiv.org

Environmental Justice Focus. Harris created an environmental justice unit to address environmental crimes affecting San Francisco's poorest residents.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.sfgate.com

Link to Article. For further reading on the topic of petro-privatisation, visit the following link.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Production Site Monitoring. You can use the Data Library which catalogs information on hundreds of manufacturing plants to monitor individual production sites.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • newenergyterminal.org

Contact the Creator. If you’re interested in chatting with Jerry, reach out!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • newenergyterminal.org

Company Profiles. You have the option to explore company profiles for related manufacturers to gain deeper insights like business segmentation and organizational structures.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • newenergyterminal.org

New Energy Terminal. We came across this tool New Energy Terminal a few weeks ago and we thought it’d be a useful resource for many of our readers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • newenergyterminal.org

Featured Speaker. Featuring Eric Rountree, CEO, EC Power, focusing on battery fast charging.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.linkedin.com

Analytical Focus. Nicolina Nanni, Chief of Staff, Liminal, will discuss data and analytics in battery manufacturing.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.linkedin.com

Registration Link. Sign up here.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • us06web.zoom.us

Isothermal Microcalorimetry. Battery researchers are adopting isothermal microcalorimetry (IMC), an established technique for measuring heat production or consumption in biologic, pharmaceutical, and chemistry testing.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.tainstruments.com

CED Business Insights. They aim to be the ‘android’ of the charging world and be company agnostic.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • monta.com

April Report Release. April's update on our battery industry cell and component pricing reports are for our subscribing supporters.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Canoo Acquires Arrival. Canoo has acquired a lot of Arrival's manufacturing stock at an 80% discount, which demonstrates the value of being 'the last man standing.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • investors.canoo.com

Tesla Workforce Cuts. Tesla announced this month it was laying off more than 10% of its global workforce, impacting around 14,000(!) employees globally.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • electrek.co

Executive Departures. The wave of firings at Tesla includes two senior execs: Drew Baglino, Senior Vice President of Powertrain and Energy Engineering, and Rohan Patel, Vice President of Public Policy and Business Development.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.livemint.com

Disbanding of Supercharger Team. The entire Supercharger team led by Rebecca Tinucci has been disbanded, a controversial move given its previous success and strategic importance to Tesla’s charging network infrastructure.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.bbc.com

CATL's TENER Battery. CATL unveiled a 'five-year zero degradation' stationary storage battery with 6 MWh total capacity, causing waves in the industry.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.energy-storage.news

Sustainable Nickel Pricing. Benchmark Mineral Intelligence is launching a green nickel price, part of a wider move by the London Metal Exchange to reward cleaner metal suppliers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.mining.com

LGES Patent Action. In an unprecedented move to protect its tech, LGES is coming out swinging against the hundreds of patent infringers in the industry, planning to issue warning notices and potentially pursue legal action.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.prnewswire.com

Statevolt's Ambitious Plan. Statevolt has announced a plan to produce solid-state batteries in the UAE from 2026, which is extremely ambitious given the history of battery factories.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • battery-news.de

Luca de Meo's Recommendations. Luca de Meo published a letter to Europe summarizing that 'China rules, the US stimulates and the EU regulates' with recommendations to future-proof the car industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • media.renaultgroup.com

Part 1 Available. There were a lot of replies so we may do this in multiple parts and post periodically.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Complementary Tools. CAMS is more focused on cell level, whereas the BatPac focuses on pack level specifically for EVs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.anl.gov

CAMS Overview. The Cell Analysis and Modelling System (CAMS) uses 40 widely used electrode materials and over 200 commercial cells to allow users to compare the results from their modeled cells to industry standards.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.faraday.ac.uk

Visit Illumion. If you want to find out more about their benchtop charge photometer, visit www.illumion.io.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.illumion.io

Largest Solar + Storage Project. The largest US Solar + Storage project is now online in California's mojave desert, with 1.9 million solar modules and 3.287GWh of capacity.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.canarymedia.com

Battery Capacity Online. As of February 2024 in the US, 9GW of battery power capacity was already online, and the US pipeline currently includes >49GW of planned storage power capacity.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.spglobal.com

Tesla's Profit Margin. In Q3 of 2023, Tesla's energy storage business achieved a profit margin of 24%, surpassing that of EVs for the first time.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • m.energytrend.com

May BCPR Article Link. Read more about the May BCPR: Signs of life?

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Subscription Access. Get the latest May report by subscribing now.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Stationary Storage Growth. Less than 7 years since the first 'big' battery storage was installed, global stationary storage capacity is about to overtake global capacity of pumped hydro.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • reneweconomy.com.au

EV Market Challenges. Halle Cheeseman highlights the challenges faced by the US and European OEMs in her LinkedIn post about the BYD seagull, stating, "the West are in trouble."

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.linkedin.com

Rheo-Impedance Spectroscopy. The Discovery Hybrid Rheometer Rheo-Impedance Spectroscopy accessory achieves unmatched data quality in both dielectric impedance and rheology measurements.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.tainstruments.com

Tariff Increase. The Biden administration has significantly hiked tariffs on selected Chinese imports, including the tariff on EV duties jumping to 102.5% from 27.5%.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • fortune.com

Sustainable Battery Concerns. Environmental protests against the Tesla plant highlighted significant concerns regarding the deforestation necessary for the factory's growth and water supply issues.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • edition.cnn.com

Lithium Metal Validation. Northvolt's Cuberg has released a report of third-party validation of the world's first lithium-metal battery module, targeted at electric aviation.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • northvolt.com

Australia's Battery Strategy. Australia's national battery strategy focuses on energy storage systems for renewable energy, upgrading raw minerals into processed battery components, enhancing battery safety, and producing batteries for transport manufacturing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.ecogeneration.com.au

Battery Recycling Funding. Battery recycling firm Cylib raised €55m in a Series A round.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.eu-startups.com

Bankruptcy Reports. Liquid metal battery developer Ambri filed for bankruptcy and FreeWire is closing its HQ in June, laying off virtually all its staff.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • electrek.co

Raw Materials Control. China mines more than two thirds of the world’s graphite, extracts 60% of the rare earths, owns almost half the world’s cobalt mines and controls a quarter of the lithium.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.npr.org

Projected Price Increase. This report by Energy Storage News estimated that the price of standalone storage will increase by 11-16%.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.energy-storage.news

Tariff Increase Details. Earlier in May, the Biden Administration increased tariffs on $18B of imports from China in a move the administration claims to protect American workers and businesses from ‘unfair trade practices’.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.whitehouse.gov

Ionic Materials Bankruptcy. The latest news comes from Ionic Materials which has shut its doors after 12 years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.theinformation.com

Job Profiles Compilation. Sharing profiles from the talented team at Ionic Materials looking for new opportunities.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • docs.google.com

Research Scientist Position. Gunstein Skomedal is hiring a Senior research scientist at Vianode.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.linkedin.com

Northvolt Hiring. Northvolt is seeking experienced Senior Managers in Manufacturing Engineering to join their mission in establishing a large-scale battery factory.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • emp.jobylon.com

Hiring Opportunities. Voltaiq is offering a Platform Engineer position to help battery manufacturers identify anomalies faster.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.voltaiq.com

Moxion Layoffs. Moxion has announced layoffs of 101 employees out of 286 total employees this week.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.sfgate.com

Essays Publication. The top essays will be published on our Substack.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Judging Panel Composition. The judging panel will comprise select members of the Intercalation Team, including experts and thought leaders in the field.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.intercalation.co

Submission Method. Essays should be submitted on Google Forms.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • forms.gle

Previous Reports. Previous monthly reports can be found here.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Exclusive Access. Get exclusive access now!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Price Reduction. Double-digit price reductions across key battery components such as raw lithium and electrolytes.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Tier 1 Manufacturers. BloombergNEF developed a tier 1 list to help differentiate battery manufacturers, ensuring investors are confident in the manufacturers they choose.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • assets.bnef.com

Failure Database. The BESS Failure Event Database documents battery storage system failures globally to improve design safety and operational practices.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • storagewiki.epri.com

Capacity Growth. According to an article by Canary Media, Texas is set to add 6.4GW of energy storage capacity in 2024, surpassing California's planned 5.2GW.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.canarymedia.com

BMW-Northvolt Cancellation. Northvolt, the Swedish battery manufacturer, has reportedly had a $2B order canceled by BMW.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.reuters.com

Fire Incident. On 24th June, a fire broke out in the Aricell Plant in Hwaseong city, South Korea, resulting in the tragic death of at least 22 people.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.bbc.co.uk

Charging Speed Advancements. BYD and CATL have announced that they will soon be shipping LFP cells that can charge from 0 to 100% in 10 minutes.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.autoevolution.com

Rivian Investment. US EV manufacturer Rivian has secured $5B USD from Volkswagen.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.cnbc.com

Funding for Sila Nanotechnologies. Sila Nanotechnologies has raised a $375 million Series G(ene) round for the silicon anode materials which deliver faster charging and higher energy density.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • techcrunch.com

Bankruptcy of Fisker. EV start-up Fisker filed for bankruptcy following their loss of $450M USD in the last quarter of 2023.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.wsj.com

Potential Revenue Loss. Sakhalin could end up losing as much as $30 million or $45 million in revenue for every month that rejected DQT cargoes continue.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.bloomberg.com

Shifting Economics. Energy Flux dives deep into the shifting economics of European power and carbon markets between now and the end of 2025.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Chart Insights. This week’s EU LNG Chart Deck takes a quantum scalpel to today’s apparently benign market conditions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Post Link. Read more

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Storage Levels Rise. US gas balances remain oversupplied, with Lower 48 storage levels 23% higher than in 2023 and 38% higher than the five-year average as the market enters the non-peak season for gas.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Azerbaijan Energy Tour. I'm jetting off to Azerbaijan tonight for a four-day tour of the country's energy infrastructure.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Further Reading. Read more about the experience in Baku.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Data Center Demand. The American gas industry is getting excited about a proliferation of data centres driving demand for gas-fired electricity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Reconciling Bullish Narrative. This week’s EU LNG Chart Deck seeks to reconcile the bullish price narrative with facts on the ground.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Regulatory Groups. Under the EU's MiFID II regulation, three distinct groupings of traders must report their weekly long and short TTF holdings.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.esma.europa.eu

EU LNG Price Analysis. This week’s EU LNG Chart Deck analyses recent bullish price movements in the context of falling overall European gas and LNG imports.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Lowered Position Limits. The position limits were lowered in 2022 but are, arguably, still way too high.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.esma.europa.eu

Position Limit Change. The EU markets watchdog claims to have lowered the so-called ‘position limit’ that caps the size of trades on Dutch TTF.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Divisive Feedback. Feedback to recent Energy Flux articles on the topic of speculative capital movements on Dutch TTF has fallen into two broad camps: those that welcome the scrutiny, and those that dismiss the line of questioning altogether.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Course Launch Announcement. On February 29th, I’m launching the next cohort of my acclaimed Crash Course in Personal Ruggedization.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • app.acuityscheduling.com

Book as a Resource. For those who are working to navigate discontinuity, and want a starting point for understanding just how massive that discontinuity is, you could do a lot worse than picking up a copy of On the Move.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.amazon.com

Living Through Crisis. What we can choose is how successfully we live during that crisis…

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Crisis Consciousness. Whether we live on a planet in crisis is no longer a choice.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Course Sign-Up Deadline. This Tuesday is the last day to sign up for my Crash Course in Personal Ruggedization.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • app.acuityscheduling.com

California's Influence. I wrote a newsletter following this story, called 'We All Live in California, Now.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Wildfires and Future. This particular version of that quote comes from a New York Times Magazine piece Liz Weil interviewed me for a while back, one that focused on wildfires and the future of California.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.nytimes.com

Episode Title. Today’s episode of This American Life is titled 'Unprepared for What Has Already Happened.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.thisamericanlife.org

Planetary Crisis Essay. An essay on what it means that we now have failed to avoid a planetary crisis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Climate Squeeze Exploration. An exploration of the coming 'climate squeeze,' as more people chase a limited pool of relatively safe places.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Personal Readiness. Readying ourselves is a task we can no longer expect others to do for us.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Continuity Challenges. We've experienced a discontinuity in human affairs for which very few of us are ready.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Related Article. For more detailed insights, see the article on the real cost of climate failure.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Insurance Gaps. I don't have flood insurance. But I don't feel alone as most of my neighbors don't have flood insurance either.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.bbc.com

Involuntary Devolution. I explored the idea that the planetary crisis is forcing on us a sort of involuntary devolution.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Feeling Silenced. Many people feel ignored or even silenced: that denial, downplaying, triangulation, and magical thinking about an orderly transition have created an atmosphere where just talking about how we manage discontinuity in our own lives is often unwelcome.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Further Reading.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Investment Trends. How money is likely to flow towards places where heat is less severe (and dangerous) — just as money flows uphill towards...

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Course on Ruggedization. I teach what I call personal ruggedization in an intensive seminar named A Crash Course in Personal Ruggedization.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Basics Class Offered. I created a new one-session, two-hour class called Ruggedize Your Life: the Basics that walks you through the top-level concerns and strategies for choosing a solid place to build a new life, ready for hard futures.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • app.acuityscheduling.com

Community Support Essential. Receiver cities need to be prepared to help thousands of new residents to find community, find jobs, connect with social services.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.newamerica.org

Relocation Needs. Researchers estimate that millions of Americans (and 100s of millions elsewhere around the planet) will be on the move by the middle of the century, with numbers increasing as the crisis worsens.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Climate Refugee Reactions. We’re also very likely to see stronger reactions against large-scale immigration, driven by climate chaos.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.politico.eu

Hurricane Beryl Impact. Hurricane Beryl blew into Houston this week, leaving many bayous and roadways flooded and more than 2.2 million homes and businesses without power.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.houstonpublicmedia.org

Link to Displacement. Over the next five years (ten at most) we’ll see it rip through exposed communities, shredding hundreds of billions of dollars of paper wealth.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Link to Houston. J. David Goodman is reporting what’s going on there right now, in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.nytimes.com

Universal Declaration. As of 2023, all 193 member states of the United Nations have adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which condemns discrimination on the basis of race or sex.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.un.org

Resignation Impact. On January 2, Dr. Claudine Gay resigned as president of Harvard University.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Rethinking Leadership Actions. Leaders should encourage open dialogues that recognize the complex pain on all sides of a conflict.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Fear and Leadership. Leadership's role is to challenge fear and inspire communities to embrace courage.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Challenges at Harvard. Fear was driving Harvard's leadership response during the crisis around Claudine Gay.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Courage in Leadership. The most important attribute of modern leadership is courage, particularly in challenging fears and engaging with opposing viewpoints.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Curiosity Over Performance. Many leaders, like Claudine Gay, choose the path of performance over candor due to fear of backlash.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Candor's Importance. Candor is toxic for modern leadership as it impacts trust; leaders need to convey a sense of authenticity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Leadership Attributes. To meet the leadership challenges of the 21st century, we need to cultivate candor, curiosity, and courage.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Trust Erosion. Trust in organizations is hitting record lows, while meanness is hitting record highs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.theatlantic.com

Leadership Crisis. The decline in leadership plaguing modern society is not just about Claudine Gay but extends to a wave of prominent leaders across many walks of life who have been fired or pushed out in recent years.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Public Support Growth. Only 11% of the American public supported same-sex marriage in polls at the time of Wolfson's thesis, but now 71% of Americans support gay marriage.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • news.gallup.com

Historical Perspective. In 1983, Evan Wolfson wrote a startling legal thesis arguing for gay marriage as a constitutional right.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.freedomtomarry.org

Safety Concerns. In a May 2023 poll by the American Psychiatric Association, a stunning 70% of Americans say they’re anxious because they can’t keep their families safe.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.psychiatry.org

Violent Crime Rates. While 70% of Americans fear they can't keep their families safe, only 1% have been actual victims of violent crime.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • bjs.ojp.gov

Modern Fear. Forty-five percent (45%) of Americans in 2023 say they can't handle emerging technologies, with concern over artificial intelligence hitting the mainstream.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.psychiatry.org

Legal Publication Milestone. The Harvard Law Review published an article on the right to rescue animals from abuse, marking a significant milestone in the legal debate over animal rights.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • harvardlawreview.org

March 18 Action. People across the globe, including actor James Cromwell and philosopher Peter Singer, will be asking the government on March 18 to prosecute the companies that torture dogs, and not the activists who save them.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • docs.google.com

Activism Overview. Activists at Animal Rising were in court this week after being charged for deflating tires at a major dairy distribution center in Sept 2022.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.animalrising.org

Special Prosecutor Petition. We filed a petition with the Circuit Court of Dane County, Wisconsin for the appointment of a ‘special prosecutor’ to bring criminal charges against Ridglan for the abuse of dogs.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • drive.google.com

Future Engagement. A discussion will be hosted on May 26 about the roadmap and seeking feedback and involvement from the community.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • docs.google.com

Global Animal Rights. Belgium just enshrined animal welfare in its national constitution.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.lemonde.fr

Protest Analysis. During the Occupy Wall Street movement of 2011, data scientist Nate Silver published a chart showing how clashes with the authorities led to mass arrests, which drove media coverage to remarkable heights.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • archive.nytimes.com

Civil Rights Impact. When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. defied a court order by marching and facing arrest with hundreds of others in Birmingham in 1963, it led to national headlines and won sympathy from unexpected people.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.nytimes.com

Signs of Change. A federal judge in Virginia ruled against a similar beagle research company and issued a record $35 million fine, indicating a potential shift in accountability.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.npr.org

Deceptive Practices. The NIH removed the sandfly experiment from its public grants database to prevent reporters and the public from discovering the lie about its involvement.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.washingtonpost.com

Biden Campaign Secrecy. Reports have come out describing the Biden campaign's years-long efforts to conceal the President's mental decline.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.wsj.com

AI and Animals Meetup. Hive, a new nonprofit, is hosting an AI and Animals Meetup in San Francisco on July 28.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • lu.ma

Political Corruption Example. The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors unconstitutionally modified a ballot initiative in an effort to undermine its support.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.pressdemocrat.com

Consumer Shock on Animal Farms. Consumers were shocked by the brutal conditions on supposedly-humane farms.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.animalrising.org

Normalizing Aggression. In June 2022, the Southern Poverty Law Center published a poll that examined the extreme views of the American right, including the so-called 'replacement theory' that motivated a mass shooter in Buffalo.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.splcenter.org

Youth Isolation Increase. In 2023, the Surgeon General of the United States noted that there has been a shocking 70% decrease in the time that Americans in the 15-24 age range spend in-person with friends over the last two decades.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.hhs.gov

Space Necessity. "Humane" farms would require at least 80 times the available space on Planet Earth.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • ourworldindata.org

Cost of Care. Caring for a single sick piglet would cost perhaps $100 per piglet, meaning that providing minimal veterinary care for the sick piglets would cause a minimum $1.2 billion loss.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • porkcheckoff.org

Space Shortage Problem. Eighty percent (80%) of the agricultural land on this planet is already used by the livestock industry, which produces just 17% of global calories.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • ourworldindata.org

Animal Welfare Scandal. On June 9, the UK-based animal rights group Animal Rising published an investigation showing that the most prominent animal welfare program in Europe is a scam.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.rspcaassured.org.uk

Mid-May Sunshine. Now’s your chance to go outside and enjoy that mid-May sunshine.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Heating Up. It’s heating up across the West (maybe too much in some).

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Content Piling Up. A time for you to slow down and read all of that Land Desk content that’s been piling up in your inbox.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Catchup Day Reminder. It’s the second Tuesday of the month, meaning it’s a perfect time for a catchup day.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Read More Link. For further information, a link to an article discussing Biden's actions regarding coal-burning is provided.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Coal Lease Proposal. On May 16, the Bureau of Land Management proposed ending new federal coal leasing.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • eplanning.blm.gov

Historical Significance. The piece discusses the history of San Juan County, Utah, particularly the event known as the 'Last Indian War.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Additional Information. For more details, visit the link provided.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Source Attribution. A photo and caption from the Wray Rattler, May 1918. Source: Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Further Reading. Read more

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Recent Studies. That’s the grim conclusion one reaches after reading two recently published papers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.nature.com

Groundwater Depletion. Climate change is a real bummer for mountain streams — it depletes the groundwater that feed creeks and rivers and makes them dirtier, besides.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Location Insight. Location of the main Silver Cloud Resort lodge at the site of the defunct Silver Crown Mine buildings, with some of the nearby avalanche paths in purple.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Joshua Trees Impact. Does it make sense to kill 3,500 Joshua trees to clear the way to power 180,000 homes with carbon-free energy from the sun?

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Read More on Maps. Read more

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Subscription Discount. A scorching-days deal: -20% off!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

California Fires. This morning’s National Interagency Fire Center map showing starts in southern California within the last 24 hours (yellow ringed flames).

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Content Subscription Offer. The archives are only available to paid subscribers, though, so hurry up and get that Summer Solstice special 20% off!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Previous Comparison. In August 2022 the flow at this gage topped 5,800 cfs.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Video Link. The August 2022 flood on Mill Creek in Moab brought a lot of debris down from the Pack Creek fire scar.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • x.com

Long-term Usage Decline. Consumptive use has decreased by nearly 1.8 million acre-feet since 2003, or a 23% drop.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Cryptocurrency Energy Use. Estimated amount of electricity U.S. based cryptocurrency mining operations consume annually is 80 Terrawatthours.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.hcn.org

Data Center Consumption. Estimated amount of electricity U.S. based conventional data centers consume each year is 150 Terrawatthours, equivalent to the output of nearly 100 Diablo Canyon nuclear plants.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.hcn.org

Pinyon Plain Mine. Energy Fuels is reopening mines in Utah and is extracting ore from its Pinyon Plain uranium mine on traditional Havasupai land near Red Butte.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Regulatory Authority Changes. Overturning the Chevron deference is potentially terrible, as it takes regulatory authority out of federal agencies’ hands and shifts it to the courts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.hcn.org

Interactive Mapping. The Land Desk reports the creation of an interactive map showcasing past producers and abandoned mines in the West.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • public.tableau.com

Environmental Studies. The Grand Canyon Trust partnered with The Information Lab on an analysis of the Pinyon Plain Mine's 2023 aquifer protection permit report.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.grandcanyontrust.org

Energy Fuels' Operations. Energy Fuels appears to be walking the talk as the operator of the White Mesa Mill, the nation’s only active uranium processing facility.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Heatwave Records. This June was the hottest June on record globally, and the 13th consecutive monthly high temperature record.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • wmo.int

Electricity Demand Surge. Arizona Public Service predicts its customers collectively will set new electricity-demand records this year, not because of new homes being built but because of data centers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.12news.com

Record Temperatures. Last year was the warmest year on our planet since global record-keeping began in 1850, clocking in at 2.12 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average of 57°F.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.climate.gov

BLM Travel Management Plan. You’ve got until Monday (July 22) to submit comments on the BLM’s San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • storymaps.arcgis.com

Crestone Affordable Housing. A property in Crestone, Colorado, is listed for $177,500, showcasing affordable housing options in the West.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.zillow.com

Affordable Housing Initiative. The BLM wants your input on a proposal to sell public land near Las Vegas to be developed with affordable housing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.blm.gov

Cancellation of Oil Leases. The Bears Ears Partnership celebrated the BLM’s cancellation of 25 Trump-era oil and gas leases in the Lands Between.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Future of Lower Dolores River. The long-running debate over the future of the Lower Dolores River corridor in western Colorado continues, with federal lawmakers getting involved.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.bennet.senate.gov

Disturbing AI Roots. Artist John Wild has traced the deep history of A.I., finding its roots in disturbing schools of thought which seek to raise the dead.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • johnwild.net

Pronatalism Ideology. The elite dating service by Simone and Michael Collins aims to 'take control' of human evolution, advocating for large families among the top 0.1%.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • archive.ph

Ray Kurzweil's Views. Ray Kurzweil has openly stated he wants to resurrect his dead father.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.mirror.co.uk

Thermodynamics of Collapse. Tim Garrett explained his research into the behaviour of snowflakes and how you could extrapolate the behaviour of economies and civilization using the laws of thermodynamics.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Doughnut Economics. Iterations like Doughnut Economics prove just how popular such ideas are.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Power Distribution. Throughout the universe, there is an unequal distribution or accumulation of things.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Further Reading.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Expert Commentary. Terrence joins me to explain our relationship to symbols and how they evolve with the world.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • anthropology.berkeley.edu

Link to Speech.

link • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Artist Themes. Ruptures is just one of the themes Ranu Mukherjee explores as an artist.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.ranumukherjee.com

Rewilding Importance. This is why rewilding the planet is critical to mitigating our history of violence against ourselves and the earth.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Gianluca's Journey Film. Watch the film made about Gianluca’s journey here.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • vimeo.com

Swiss Case Impact. The knock-on effect of the Swiss women’s climate case against their government in the European Court of Human Rights could be immense.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.aljazeera.com

Founder Background. Esther Afolaranmi is the founder of the Golden Love and Hands of Hope Foundation in Nigeria, working on women’s liberation, girls’ education and lobbying the UN to meet the climate pledges promised at COP meetings.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.glhhfoundation.com

Esther Afolaranmi Profile. So argues lawyer and humanitarian, Esther Afolaranmi.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.linkedin.com

Environmental Costs. He explains the true cost of this A.I. futurism on the environment, social cohesion, and even our imagination.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • link.springer.com

Article Link. Read the full conversation about AI's role in society and the existential questions at stake.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

AI and Society. The conversation was an excellent follow-up to my interview with artist John Wild on reimagining Artificial Intelligence.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Future Implications. All the drivers point that we are hurtling towards a sixth mass extinction.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Link to Article. For more insights, visit the article.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Article Link. The discussion on climate change as class war can be further explored in the article linked.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Book Reference. Building on arguments from his book, Climate Change as Class War, Matt outlines these views.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.versobooks.com

Potential for GHG Reduction. Several studies have found that US LNG produces significantly less GHG emissions than both Russian natural gas and coal over a 100-year timespan.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • www.energy.gov

Congressional Challenge. 11 Members of Congress just submitted and signed an excellent letter challenging the Biden Administration's most recent 'Environmental Justice' initiative.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • www.dropbox.com

Energy Talking Points. Energy Talking Points by Alex Epstein is my free Substack newsletter designed to give access to concise, powerful, well-referenced talking points on energy issues.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexepstein.substack.com

Related Link. The official resolution is available here.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • prod-static.gop.com

Popular Resources. EnergyTalkingPoints.com: Hundreds of concise, powerful, well-referenced talking points on energy, environmental, and climate issues.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • energytalkingpoints.com

AlexAI Launch. I am excited to announce the public release of AlexAI!

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexgpt.ai

EPA Regulations. The EPA plans emissions regulations so strict that they would ban most ICE sales by 2032.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • www.api.org

Temperature-Related Deaths. Even though Earth has gotten about 1°C warmer, far more people still die from cold than heat, and near-term warming is expected to decrease temperature-related mortality.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • x.com

Disaster Death Decline. The rate of climate-related disaster deaths has fallen 98% in the last century.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • keelingcurve.ucsd.edu

Summary of SEC Actions. The SEC is coercing companies into spouting anti-fossil-fuel propaganda and committing to anti-fossil-fuel plans in the name of 'climate disclosure.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexepstein.substack.com

Forced Compliance. The EPA has finalized new pollution standards so restrictive that in order to comply, car manufacturers will have to sell 56% EVs by 2032.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • www.epa.gov

Call to Action. Every American should stand up and fight against EPA's power plant rule and call the White House to repeal it.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexepstein.substack.com

Biden's Anti-Oil Actions. While Biden has been in office, his administration has relentlessly attacked oil investment, oil production, and oil transport—leading to higher prices and lower security.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • twitter.com

FTC Investigation Delays. Following a Nov 2021 letter from Biden to FTC Chair Lina Khan asking her to crack down on mergers, the FTC has increasingly delayed and threatened efficiency-increasing oil and gas mergers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • www.nytimes.com

Need for Communication. What I do more directly for them and for politicians is I try to make it a lot easier to make the arguments by breaking down all the arguments and referencing them all—and these what I call energy talking points.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • EnergyTalkingPoints.com

Sociological Contributions. This series is intended to contribute sociological relevance and might help all the lonely people.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

User Engagement. Feel free to add your tips and hacks in the comments.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Read More Link. Read more.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Personal Experience. I felt compelled to share this compromisingly intimate video of how and where I slept when I visited a friend in Biarritz.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Theme of the Book. It’s about how to live fully and beautifully in a collapsing world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Focus on Hope. We kick straight into the book with a deep and nourishing discussion about hope.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Book Publishing Method. I am currently serializing my next book, chapter by chapter.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Podcasts on Menopause. A podcast episode titled 'DR LOUISE NEWSON: A wild chat about menopause' features discussions on the politics and challenges of menopause.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • podcasts.apple.com

Community Engagement. The audience is encouraged to leave questions in the comments as someone in the subscriber community may have answers.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Gender Themes. There were a bunch of reads this week that I felt you all might be interested in.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Longterm Plans. Here's the post where I explain why, and how, I’m producing this book in this manner, and what my longterm plans for ...

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Book Serialization. I am serialising my next book about collapse, and how to live in, and through, the madnesses and sadnesses.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Flexible Session Use. You can use the time as you see fit.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Appointment Availability. I will only be offering a couple of slots per month so, I dunno, get in fast.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • calendly.com

Book Serialization. Sarah Wilson is serializing her next book about collapse on Substack, one chapter at a time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Catch-Up Links. Readers can catch up on the other chapters all in one spot.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Paid Subscriber Model. Going forward, the project will be available to the 'enrolled' paid subscriber community only.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Algorithm Challenges. This article explains how the algorithms make things super dire.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • www.nytimes.com

Financial Decline of Dating Apps. Here are the details of the financial decline of the apps, should any of us care.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • www.nytimes.com

Cultural Comparison. She breaks down late-Capitalism choice optimising v tragic and mysterious fate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • aeon.co

Resource Overshoot. The latest modelling suggests resources and energy overshoot will happen between now and 2030.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • www.researchgate.net

Parenting Challenge. The question - How to parent in the face of collapse? - comes up often and was highlighted in a particularly moving thread that spoke to the concerns of many parents.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Callie's Fear. Callie expressed that a sense of relief can come from understanding the situation, but thinking about her kids causes a desperate terror to bloom in her chest.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • substack.com

Donna's Reality. Donna shared that her 19 year old studying animal science faced the hard truth that she won't be working on conservation initiatives, but documenting mass extinction.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • substack.com

Anya's Expertise. Anya Kamenetz is a parent and climate activist, a former NPR journalist who has written five books loosely related to the mental health of young people in the face of difficulty.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • thegoldenhour.substack.com

Kindness in the Brain. Kindness opens up certain neural pathways in the prefrontal cortex that creates an expansiveness that we experience as a profound sense of peace and belonging.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sph.brown.edu

Harnessing the Crisis. To experience a crisis is to inhabit a world that is temporarily up for grabs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Interview Suggestion. I’d love you all to listen to this episode of Wild.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • podcasts.apple.com

Liminal Times Discussion. I feel it feeds on from Wednesday’s Book Serialisation instalment about how humans cope in liminal times.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Energy Waste. Did you know that more than 60 percent of the energy we produce gets wasted as heat?

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.sciencedirect.com

Global Participation. You don’t have to be in the EU to use Ecosia; it’s available everywhere around the world, including China.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.quertime.com

Ecosia's Impact. For the last 15 years, Ecosia has provided a search engine that uses the ad revenue it generates from your searches to plant trees.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.ecosia.org

SEC Regulations. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission last week voted 3-2 to approve new rules that tell public companies what they must disclose about their carbon emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nytimes.com

Excess Heat Potential. Excess heat has enormous potential: one study last year found that excess industrial heat in Europe, if properly harnessed, could heat and cool every home and business on the continent.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.theguardian.com

Utilizing Heat. Leftover heat from a paper factory is now heating some 615,000 square feet of apartments and office space in Ottawa-Gatineau.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.cbc.ca

Tugboat Emissions. Tugboats produce an estimated 40 million tons of carbon pollution a year, and 6 million tons of those emissions come from the US.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • theliquidgrid.com

Climate Conversations Card Deck. The 'Climate Conversations' card deck helps walk people through a 4-stage conversation about feelings and attitudes related to climate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • climateconversationslex.weebly.com

Higher Banana Prices. Higher prices 'will help those countries that grow our bananas to prepare for climate change, to put mitigation in place, to look after soils, to pay their workers a higher wage,' says Dan Bebber, a biosciences professor at Exeter.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.cbsnews.com

Banana Climate Impact. In a warmer world, bananas - the world’s most exported fruit - will be harder to grow and the pathogens that plague them will become more widespread.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.bbc.com

First Electric Tugboat. The Port of San Diego's first fully-electric tugboat just arrived.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.sandiegouniontribune.com

Join Climate Groups. One of the most effective things we can do as an individual is to join a climate action group.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • dontlookup.count-us-in.com

Online Panels Available. The very best part about the Aspen Ideas Festival is these panels are now all available for viewing online!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.aspenideas.org

Grassland Loss. Only 38 percent of North America's native grasslands remain today.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.usgs.gov

Produce from Restoration. A one-acre garden located in a former coal mine in Freestone County, Texas has produced more than 10,000 pounds of produce since the first harvest in 2022.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.texastribune.org

Children's Book. Last year, he published his first book, Plants to the Rescue!, a non-fiction children's book about how plants and cutting-edge advances in plant science can help us fight climate change, pollution, and hunger.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • neonsquidbooks.com

TikTok Popularity. Vikram is also known as 'The Plant Prof' on TikTok, where he's racked up over a million and a half likes for his funny and quirky videos on all things plants.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.tiktok.com

Educational Podcast. Vikram also has a podcast about plants and people in the green sciences, called Planthropology, which I was a guest on last month.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • planthropologypodcast.com

Unprotected Prairie. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, some 93 percent of remaining prairie is unprotected and at risk of conversion.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.fws.gov

Youth Climate Concern. Young people across the world, and in the United States, are generally more concerned about climate change, including young evangelicals.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.pewresearch.org

Faith and Action. God commands us to love - to have compassion for other people - and that should motivate us to care about climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • religionunplugged.com

YECA Growth. Today, there are thousands of under-30s working on campuses and in churches across the U.S., helping shift the conversation on climate change to hopeful action.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • yecaction.org

Project Expansion. Over 3000 projects around the world have already been created using Miyawaki's methods, including six mini forests planted in Canada last year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.creatingtomorrowsforests.co.uk

Small Forests Growth. Previously, I reported 10 tiny forests across Canada. Thanks to Michelle Oram, we now know that in the greater Waterloo region alone, just west of Toronto, there were 10 new microforests planted last year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.sustainablewaterlooregion.ca

Wildfire Frequency. Last year was Canada’s worst wildfire season on record, and as of February over 100 of the fires were still burning.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.cbc.ca

Upcoming Events. Saving Us and Creation Care hosted by the Episcopal Diocese of South Virginia - virtual, registration required.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • us06web.zoom.us

Climate Concerns. A majority of people across the world are worried about climate change, and two-thirds of Americans say they are worried and support climate action.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • ourworldindata.org

Geothermal Potential. Texas is also becoming 'an early hot spot for geothermal energy exploration.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.texastribune.org

Climate Conversations Goal. Citizen's Climate Lobby has a goal of 25,000 climate conversations to break the silence about climate change and pave the way for action.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • community.citizensclimate.org

Systemic Change Needs. To turn this decline into a global trend, a new report from the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit says, we need four things.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • eciu.net

Obstruction from Fossil Fuels. Many companies continue to promote 'discourses of delay,' as this article explains, including creating the appearance of investing in low-carbon solutions while, in reality, the industry expands fossil fuel production.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.americanprogress.org

EU Emissions Decline. Carbon emissions in the European Union have fallen to their lowest level in 60 years!

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • energyandcleanair.org

Understanding Heatwaves. It may be the far more numerous unremarkably hot days that cause the bulk of societal destruction, writes Jisung Park, an environmental and labor economist at the University of Pennsylvania.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nytimes.com

Slow Mow Summer. A recent study found that letting your grass grow longer attracts anywhere between 18 to 93 percent more butterflies to your yard.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.theguardian.com

Wildfire Smoke Impact. A new study shows that wildfire smoke could kill as many as 30,000 additional people a year in the U.S. by 2050.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • eartharxiv.org

Significant Diesel Reduction. The 30-acre solar farm will provide 64 percent of the community's electricity, allowing the community to cut their diesel use by more than a million litres each year!

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • vancouversun.com

Ulkatcho Solar Farm. The Ulkatcho First Nation in central British Columbia plans to build what officials have dubbed "the largest off-grid solar farm" in Canada.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.cbc.ca

Children at Risk. Around 243 million children are exposed to hotter and longer heatwaves, putting them at risk of a multitude of heat-related illnesses, and even death.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com

Community Support Actions. Local and online climate cafés are popping up that facilitate open discussions about the climate crisis and the emotions tied to living in this moment.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com

School Disruptions. In the Philippines, school was canceled at 47,000 public schools for two days last week due to extreme heat.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com

Global Heat Records. Temperature records have been falling like dominoes across Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam, with Maximiliano Herrera stating it's 'by far the most extreme event in world climatic history.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com

Energy Storage Innovation. The tiny southern town of Pornainen, Finland is getting a 1-megawatt sand battery capable of storing up to 100 MW-hours of thermal energy for months at a time, entirely weaning the town off oil.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com

Climate Advocacy. Joellen Russell is a founding member of Science Moms, a group of nonpartisan climate scientists and mothers who are working to give our children the planet they deserve.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • sciencemoms.com

Raising Awareness. To raise awareness of heat risks, they designated June 2 as Global Heat Action Day.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.ifrc.org

Vulnerability of Elderly. Heat disproportionately affects elderly people; older adults 'don't sense heat the same way' and have a less efficient cooling system.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.bloomberg.com

Spotlighting Climate Coach. Climate Coach by Michael J. Coren investigates what we can do about climate change with 'curiosity, optimism — and vigilant skepticism.'

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.washingtonpost.com

Funding Renewable Energy. During her campaign, Claudia Sheinbaum called for investing $13 billion into renewable energy.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • thehill.com

Claudia Sheinbaum's Election. Claudia Sheinbaum was elected as Mexico's first female president, but has a patchy record on environmental and climate issues.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • insideclimatenews.org

Women Leaders and Climate Action. Research consistently shows women leaders are more likely to support climate action, clean energy, and sustainability.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.unwomen.org

Climatic Leadership in Iceland. Iceland elected Halla Tomasdottir as a climate leader, known for advocating for 'economic systems change and new corporate norms.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.linkedin.com

Heat Risk Forecast. The US National Weather Service introduced a new Heat Risk forecast map showing where people will face dangerous levels of heat.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov

Vermont's Fossil Fuel Law. Vermont has passed a new law that will force fossil fuel companies to pay for climate-related damage, becoming the first such law in the US.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • apnews.com

Work-Week Reduction. The 2012 study indicated a 10 percent drop in work hours led to an 8.6 percent drop in carbon emissions, suggesting a reduced workweek should be part of climate discourse.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.bbc.com

Four-Day Workweek Benefits. A recent study found that a four-day workweek could lead to a 21 percent reduction in miles driven and significant improvements in productivity and well-being.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • davidsuzuki.org

Fossil Fuel Advertising Call. UN Secretary General António Guterres called for a ban on fossil fuel advertising, highlighting that one in five premature deaths worldwide result from air pollution caused by fossil fuels.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.bbc.com

Advertising Ban. Edinburgh has banned advertisements for airlines, SUVs, cruise lines, and oil companies that undermine commitments to tackling the climate emergency.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.forbes.com

New Climate Leaders. Meteorologist Sakis Arnaoutoglou was just elected to Greece's delegation to the EU Parliament, and atmospheric scientist ChiMing Peng will be the new minister of environment in Taiwan, emphasizing priorities like climate change and net-zero transitions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • in-cyprus.philenews.com

Public Engagement Through Action. Show off your stripes! Find your local stripes here, download the graphics, and share them on social media.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • showyourstripes.info

Promoting Climate Change. Envision Racing partnered with Ed to feature warming stripes on the team’s car and kit to promote their 'Race Against Climate Change' program.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.fiaformulae.com

Climate Awareness Project. The Climate Stairs want to raise awareness on this social challenge.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.klimatreppe.ch

Heat Advisory in the U.S.. In the U.S., a third of the population remains under an extreme heat advisory which scientists have determined is 35 times more likely because of climate change.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • apnews.com

Practical Safety Steps. Ready.gov has a handy, 12-page PDF that walks you through all the steps to prepare for hurricanes and other disasters.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.ready.gov

Children Vulnerable to Heat. Heatwaves disproportionately impact children; babies and younger children have difficulty regulating their core body temperature.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.climatecentral.org

Premature Births Due to Pollution. Over a third of premature births across the planet can be attributed to the mother's exposure to particulate pollution from fossil fuels.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Renewable Energy Growth. Renewables generated a full 30 percent of electricity worldwide last year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • ember-climate.org

Mental Health Impact. Psychologists say extreme heat makes people 'more frustrated and stressed and exacerbates existing mental health conditions.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.usatoday.com

Tourist Disappearances. In Greece, scientists now suspect extreme heat is responsible for a growing number of tourist disappearances and deaths.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.cnn.com

Extreme Heat Deaths. Last week, temperatures exceeding 51C (124F) killed over a thousand Muslims on pilgrimage to Mecca.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.cbsnews.com

Youth Climate Advocacy. A group of middle-schoolers from Oakland, California successfully advocated for installing a heat pump at their school, using around $5 million in school bonds.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.youthvsapocalypse.org

Climate Narrative Impact. Compelling climate narratives in television shows and movies can help shift attitudes on climate change, a new study finds!

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • rare.org

Hajj Heat Casualties. Last week, more than 1,300 pilgrims died during this year's Hajj as temperatures soared to 125 degrees Fahrenheit in the holy city of Mecca.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.washingtonpost.com

Call to Action. Human Rights Watch's Michael Page called on Saudi Arabia to do more to mitigate the heat risk for next year's Hajj, which will also take place in the summer.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.hrw.org

Historic Churches Going Green. King's College is by no means the first to do this; Gloucester Cathedral installed 150 solar panels in 2016 and Salisbury Cathedral installed about 90 in 2020.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • gloucestercathedral.org.uk

Legal Precedent for Gardening. In 1996, a court ruled that a Toronto gardener named Sandy Bell 'had the right to express her environmental beliefs through gardening' and cancelled her fine.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.theguardian.com

Economic Loss Prediction. Researchers estimate that, thanks to the carbon we have already emitted, global income will be reduced by 19 percent.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nature.com

Solar Panel Installation. The roof of King's College, Cambridge's chapel now features over 400 new solar panels.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.kings.cam.ac.uk

Walking Energy Harvesting. A pilot study installed piezoelectric tiles in a metro station in Cairo, Egypt that saw more than 57,000 passengers move through it every day. The study found that these tiles generated enough energy to power the entire metro station.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.sciencedirect.com

Personal Action List. Based on the social science of how to catalyze societal change, we developed a list of the most impactful climate actions individuals can take.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.talkingclimate.ca

Record-Breaking Heat. The Earth’s average temperature has been more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels for the past 12 months, and each of the last 13 months was the warmest on record.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • climate.copernicus.eu

Body Heat Recovery. In Glasgow, Scotland, for example, there's a concert venue in an old industrial warehouse that since 2022 has been heated and cooled using the stored body heat of the concertgoers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.theguardian.com

Industry Accountability. Research by John Cook and his colleagues has shown that 'character assassination has been one of the most common ways in which fossil fuel interests have attempted to deny accountability for the climate crisis.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.tandfonline.com

Funding Influence. Kennedy has taken $1.5 million from the oil and gas industry.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.opensecrets.org

Pressure Campaign. Inspired by HEATED's reporting, activists initiated a pressure campaign against PG&E to leave the AGA.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Senators' Initiative. Senate Budget Chair Sheldon Whitehouse and Sen. Ed Markey launched a new campaign called 'Ditch the AGA.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • ditchtheaga.com

Eversource's Departure. Eversource announced it was leaving the American Gas Association (AGA) over differences in opinion about climate change.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.wbur.org

Meat Industry Pressure. The label is a big deal for the meat industry as it faces increasing external pressure to reduce its massive carbon footprint.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.vox.com

Impending Climate Crisis. Even if fossil fuel emissions were stopped today, the world’s current appetite for meat and dairy alone could push warming past the catastrophic 2 degrees Celsius threshold.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.science.org

Greenhouse Gas Contribution. Livestock are responsible for anywhere from 11 to 20 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • thebreakthrough.org

Climate-Friendly Beef. U.S. meat behemoth Tyson Foods claims 'Brazen Beef' is better for the environment than regular beef because it emits 10 percent less greenhouse gas.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Oil Industry Donations. The fossil fuel industry is Trump's fifth-largest industry donor this election cycle, having already given $7.3 million to his campaign and associated groups, compared to $186,000 in support of Biden.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.opensecrets.org

Fundraising Lunch. Three oil executives are hosting another private fundraising lunch for Trump in Houston, demonstrating continued support from the oil industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.nytimes.com

Hollub's Approach. Vicki Hollub, CEO of Occidental Petroleum, is investing in carbon capture not to solve climate change, but to drill more oil.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.cnbc.com

Warren's Propaganda. Kelcy Warren, CEO of Energy Transfer Partners, uses commercials designed to convince Americans that solving climate change will destroy everything they love.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.bloomberg.com

Hamm's Influence. Harold Hamm, worth $18.4 billion, organized a fundraising dinner for Trump to advocate for the repeal of major climate actions taken by the Biden Administration.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.bloomberg.com

Trump Fundraising Request. Trump reportedly asked oil executives for $1 billion in campaign donations in exchange for repealing all of the Biden administration's climate policies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.nytimes.com

Tobacco Investigation Comparison. Senate Budget Committee Chairman Sheldon Whitehouse and House Oversight Committee Chairman Jamie Raskin asked the DOJ to launch a probe into fossil fuel climate disinformation in the same manner that it investigated tobacco companies in the 1990s.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.fightcancer.org

Evidence of Wrongdoing. The lawmakers believe that there is adequate evidence that fossil fuel industry companies and trade associations may have violated one or more federal statutes.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.budget.senate.gov

DOJ Probe Request. Democrats leading the congressional investigation into Big Oil's climate deception are formally asking the Department of Justice to step in.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Internet's Environmental Impact. The internet's contribution to climate change is already sizable, with The Royal Society estimating that digital technologies are responsible for anywhere from 1.4 to 5.9 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • royalsociety.org

Growing Demand for Power. The IEA estimates that electricity consumption from data centers, AI, and the cryptocurrency sector could double by 2026, consuming as much energy as Japan.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • iea.blob.core.windows.net

Further Reading. Read more about understanding Sheinbaum's scientific background and politics.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Record Temperatures. Last year was the hottest year on record, according to the European Union's World Meteorological Organization.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • wmo.int

New York Times Ads. The New York Times has pulled in at least $20 million from fossil fuel ads from October 2020 to October 2023.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • s3.documentcloud.org

Oil Industry's Role. The fossil fuel industry is responsible for over 75 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.un.org

Global Warning Likelihood. WMO forecasted an 80 percent likelihood that the annual global temperature will temporarily exceed 1.5°C in the next five years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • wmo.int

Greenhouse Gas Emissions. A report from the University of Leeds shows that the planet's greenhouse gas emissions are still climbing.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.leeds.ac.uk

Legal Theory Promoted. The idea of 'climate homicide' is getting attention in law schools and district attorney's offices around the country.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • thebulletin.org

Support for Climate Litigation. 62 percent of voters support holding fossil fuel companies legally accountable for climate change.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.theguardian.com

Global Criminal Case Filed. One criminal climate case against Big Oil has already been filed in France regarding TotalEnergies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.theguardian.com

Criminal Charges Suggested. The fossil fuel industry should be criminally charged with mass homicide for these deaths.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • thebulletin.org

Future Deaths Forecast. Unmitigated climate change will cause 14.5 million additional deaths and spur $12.5 trillion in economic losses by 2050.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • grist.org

Climate Change Death Toll. Climate change is killing people. As time goes on, it's going to kill a lot more.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • grist.org

Massive Energy Consumption. The IEA estimates that in the next two years, data centers could consume as much energy as the United Kingdom and Germany combined.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • iea.blob.core.windows.net

Transitioning Clean Energy Plans. The surge in data center energy demand is endangering Virginia's goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • grist.org

Health Impacts of Diesel Generators. PEC filed a public records request, and the state Commonwealth Attorney's Office ordered the DEQ to reveal the proposed project: 4,021 diesel fuel generators for data centers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.deq.virginia.gov

Significant Investment. Amazon alone has spent $52 billion building data centers in the state and is planning to spend an additional $35 billion by 2040.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • apnews.com

Data Center Growth. PEC has mapped over 330 existing and proposed data centers in the state, with the proposed data centers alone covering 180 million square feet.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.pecva.org

Psychedelic Advocacy. According to a new advocacy group, Psychedelics for Climate Action (PSYCA), the use of mind-altering substances and Indigenous plant medicines can inspire people to help solve the climate crisis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.psyca.org

Psychedelic Assembly Launch. PSYCA held its official launch at the Psychedelic Assembly in New York City last month, providing a thought-provoking experience for attendees.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.thepsychedelicassembly.com

Paris Pollution Levels. Recent tests showed that E. Coli levels in the Seine are still three times higher than the standards set by World Triathlon.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.cnn.com

Mainstream Media Reporting. Only 44 percent of 133 national, international, and major regional digital breaking news articles mentioned the climate crisis or global warming.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • docs.google.com

Extreme Heat Attribution. Research has determined that climate change made this month’s lethal heat wave in the U.S., Mexico, and Central America 35 times more likely and 2.5 degrees F hotter.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.cbsnews.com

Effective Communication. Journalists should highlight the connection between extreme weather events and climate change to better inform the public.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Record Temperatures. More than 1,400 temperature records were broken across the world last week, many of which were in the United States.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.washingtonpost.com

Criticism of Big Oil. Biden also missed an opportunity to mention Trump’s quid pro quo with Big Oil during the debate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Energy Independence Claim. Trump's claim that 'On Jan 6th, we were energy independent' is not true, as the U.S. has never been completely independent of energy imports.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.scientificamerican.com

Environmental Claims. Trump's claim that he had the 'Best Environment Ever' is not true; the Trump administration rolled back more than 100 environmental protections.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.nytimes.com

Judicial Appointments. Joe Biden has appointed more than 200 federal judges who are 'progressive' on climate change.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.nbcnews.com

Chevron Doctrine. The Supreme Court struck down the so-called Chevron doctrine, impacting the power of federal agencies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.scotusblog.com

Trump's Judiciary. 234 federal judges appointed by former President Donald Trump are handpicked by conservative fossil fuel interests to invalidate efforts to fight climate regulation.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.rollingstone.com

Greenhouse Gas Emissions. If meat and dairy consumption continue apace, there could be an 80 percent spike in global agricultural greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Water Contamination Source. Industrialized animal agriculture is one of the largest sources of water contamination in the country.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.cast-science.org

Behavioral Norms Impact. Changing behavioral norms through social signaling is just as important to mitigating climate change as the energy transition.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Cultural Norms. In America, we’re taught from a young age that the coolest thing in the world is to be a big man with a big car who eats big meat.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Meatposting Definition. Meatposting refers to the practice of posting pictures of meat on social media with captions that aggressively glorify its consumption.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Drought Contribution. It is a massive contributor to drought in the West; the number one reason for Brazilian Amazon deforestation.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.sciencedirect.com

Carbon Pollution. The meat industry is responsible for up to 18 percent of global carbon pollution.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.nytimes.com

GOP Climate Silence. The GOP published a new, 16-page policy platform that doesn't mention climate change, air or water pollution, or the environment whatsoever.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • cdn.nucleusfiles.com

Biden's Debate Performance. President Joe Biden is facing a growing number of calls to step aside in his race for re-election this week, following a dismal debate performance and lackluster interview that failed to calm fears over his age and ability to win in November.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Climate Policy Gap. According to an analysis published in March by climate news site Carbon Brief, neither a Biden presidency nor Trump presidency would put the U.S. on track to achieving net zero emissions by 2050.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.carbonbrief.org

Threats to Advocacy. Quinto Inuma had dedicated his life to forcefully speaking out against illegal logging and drug trafficking in his community and received myriad threats to his life because of his advocacy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • elbuho.pe

Existential Threat. Electing Trump to the presidency in the U.S. would add an additional 4 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent to the atmosphere compared to Biden.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Dangerous Politics. The fact is, conservative politics are currently dangerous as their ideology rests on denying a crisis that has already killed millions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • grist.org

Activist Death Toll. Quinto Inuma was one of at least 126 human rights and environmental activists assassinated in Latin America in 2023.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.reuters.com

Environmental Activism Violence. His murder adds to a trend of deadly politically-motivated violence against outspoken environmental defenders across the Global South.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.globalwitness.org

Assassination of Leader. Quinto Inuma, the apu of the indigenous Kichwa community, was assassinated in cold blood this past November while traveling home from an environmental conference.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • es.mongabay.com

Investigation Launched. CenterPoint is now under investigation by the state Public Utility Commission.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.houstonchronicle.com

Massive Power Outage. More than 2.7 million people lost power on July 8 as Beryl slammed into the state, leaving 80 percent of Centerpoint's Houston customers in the dark.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • apnews.com

Climate Resilience Plan Cost. The utility said it needs an additional $2 billion from customers to climate-proof its infrastructure.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.msn.com

Aggressive Climate Opposition. CenterPoint is one of the worst utilities in the U.S. when it comes to pushing against action to slow climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • influencemap.org

Political Donations Amount. Through its political action committees, the utility has spent more than $1.3 million since 2022 in total campaign donations.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • lookerstudio.google.com

Government Procurement Power. As the world’s largest purchaser, the federal government has the ability to influence markets and act as a model contracting partner.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.whitehouse.gov

Rising Corporate Carbon Prices. Corporations are setting higher internal carbon prices; Klarna uses an internal price on carbon at $100 per ton for direct and indirect emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.klarna.com

Historical Climate Disasters. In 2023, the U.S. has experienced 25 confirmed weather/climate disaster events with losses exceeding $1 billion each, the highest number on record.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.ncei.noaa.gov

EPA's Carbon Price Reference. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the first rule referencing the price for the social cost of carbon (SCC) at $190 per ton.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.linkedin.com

Government's Carbon Price Order. The Biden administration ordered government agencies to use the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases (SC-GHG) consistently in a host of government activities.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.whitehouse.gov

Upcoming Opportunities. Complete our MCJ Talent Form to tell us more about yourself and what roles you're looking for, sharing your profile with our 80+ portfolio companies.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • docs.google.com

Most Downloaded Episodes. Some of the standout podcast episodes include "Covering CDR" with Peter Minor and Jack Andreasen, "Forestry Carbon Offsets" with Diego Saez Gil and Sam Gill, and "Moving Talent into Climate Tech" with Jonathan Strauss.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • mcj.news

C-suite Activism Impact. More than 50% of C-suite executives say employee activism on climate had led their organizations to increase sustainability actions over the past year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.deloitte.com

Nature Tech Investment. The 'nature tech' sector has become a nascent investment category as interest in the potential for growth and innovation in nature markets blossoms.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • nature4climate.wpenginepowered.com

Funding Ecosystems. The financing required to return global ecosystems to health is around $800 billion more than is currently being spent - per year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.nature.org

Sustainability Regulations. A bunch of new regulations and voluntary standards are emerging, including the EU's new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • eur-lex.europa.eu

Biodiversity Loss. Global wildlife populations have fallen by 69% since 1970, largely because of loss of habitat.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • livingplanet.panda.org

Tipping Points Risk. A new report finds that five global systems are already at risk of crossing tipping points, even at the current level of warming.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • global-tipping-points.org

No Country Achieves 1.5C Goal. Not one single country has policies that are compatible with a 1.5C warming limit.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • climateactiontracker.org

Global Warming Status. The Earth has already warmed by about 1.1C to 1.3C since the pre-industrial period.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.carbonbrief.org

West Antarctic Ice Sheet. If the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed completely, this one part of Antarctica alone could raise global sea levels by around 10 to 16 feet.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.bas.ac.uk

Funding Shortfall. Total pledged dollars continue to fall way short of the $2.4tn of investment a year that countries in the global South will need by 2030 to meet climate goals.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.lse.ac.uk

Increased Fossil Fuel Emissions. The black line—our current trajectory—went up in 2023.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.carbonbrief.org

Clean Energy Capacity Needs. The DOE's Transmission Needs Study found that we need to at least double and probably quadruple interregional transmission capacity by 2035 to support the anticipated electricity load.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.energy.gov

Emission Reduction Risks. The REPEAT project has warned that unless the pace of transmission expansion more than doubles the 10-year average growth rate of ~1% per year, we risk losing 80% of the Inflation Reduction Act's emissions reduction potential.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • repeatproject.org

Technology Utilization. Tech players like Pachama, CTrees, and Sylvera are using advanced tools such as satellite and lidar to improve monitoring and reporting of carbon offset projects.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • pachama.com

New Governance Bodies. New governance bodies like the ICVCM and VCMI have aligned to tighten and clarify the rules for voluntary carbon markets.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • icvcm.org

Carbon Markets Expansion. To meet scientific consensus, carbon markets must expand to over 10 GT annually by 2050, a 40x increase, accounting for about 20% of global emissions.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.sciencedaily.com

Seaweed Potential. The potential scale is perhaps best captured by Antoine de Ramon N’Yert and his team at the University of the South Pacific, who estimated that 9% of the world’s ocean dedicated to seaweed cultivation could draw down 53 billion tonnes of CO2 a year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.researchgate.net

Podcast Episode. Listen to the episode featuring insights from Senator Wiener and Shashank Samala on the MCJ website.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.mcjcollective.com

Base Power's Solutions. Base Power provides homeowners with a free battery, which normally can cost tens of thousands of dollars, and the homeowner simply pays a one-time installation fee.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.basepowercompany.com

Winter Storm Impact. In February of 2021, severe winter storms swept across Texas putting it in a deep freeze and resulting in one of the worst energy infrastructure crises in the Lone Star State's history.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.nytimes.com

Offset Quality Risks. A recent peer-reviewed analysis published by Gill-Wiehl et al. from UC Berkeley found significant risk of over-crediting, estimating that projects were over-credited by as much as 10X.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.nature.com

Gold Standard Methodology. A stringent new methodology now exists, offering offset buyers the verifiable impact they seek: the Gold Standard Metered and Measured Energy for Cooking Devices.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • globalgoals.goldstandard.org

Podcast Insights. The latest MCJ Podcast covers the history of INL, its key priorities, current projects under development, and Dr. Wagner's vision for our nuclear future.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • mcj.news

Government Financing Guide. President Biden's Climate Advisory team released a guidebook to help companies and investors navigate various federal financing programs.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.whitehouse.gov

Idaho National Laboratory. The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has been a pivotal player in the nuclear energy landscape.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • inl.gov

Additional Resource. Pint-sized pickup startup Telo Trucks adds Tesla co-founder to board as interest grows from fleet customers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • techcrunch.com

Rising EV Demand. The International Energy Agency's Global EV Outlook reported a 40% increase in new EV registrations in 2023, totaling 1.4 million vehicles.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Singapore's Moratorium. Singapore halted all new data center construction between 2019 and 2022 because of concerns that their high electricity demand would strain the grid.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.ashurst.com

Load Growth Increase. Overall electricity load growth, which was nearly flat for decades, is now predicted to sharply increase.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • gridstrategiesllc.com

LNG Export Risks. A report from Clean Energy Canada makes clear that the LNG export business is as risky for our northern neighbors as it is for America.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • cleanenergycanada.org

Renewables Competition. The remarkable Kingsmill Bond at the Rocky Mountain Institute reported on the growing competition between the superpower blocs for green energy supremacy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • rmi.org

SEC Climate Rule Update. The Securities and Exchange Commission passed a new climate disclosure rule, but also to weaken that rule to exempt Scope 3 emissions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • heated.world

Global Temperature Rise. There have been a spate of stories this week pointing out that even our greatest climate scientists are having a hard time explaining the rapid rise in global temperature over the last 12 months.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.smh.com.au

Avoiding Bailouts. The Biden administration should not, under any circumstances, use public money to help bail out Enviva.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

Heatwave Records. A ‘historic heatwave’ is being experienced across south-east Asia, with records reaching unprecedented temperatures.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theguardian.com

Climate Superfund Plan. No better example exists than the plan currently under very active consideration in New York State to charge the oil companies for the climate damage they’ve caused.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • thirdact.org

Wangchuk's Climate Advocacy. Sonam Wangchuk has become one of India’s most prominent voices for climate action.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • e360.yale.edu

Oregon Divestment Law. Earlier today in Oregon the governor signed a law divesting the state’s funds from coal.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.pionline.com

Youth Support for Legislation. Here’s a letter from 180 youth organizations in the Empire State, making the basic and obvious points.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • file

Renewable Energy Capacity. Eighty six percent of new capacity for power generation in 2023 was from renewables, with 473 gigawatts coming online.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.irena.org

Legal Accountability for Fossil Fuels. The fossil fuel industry's knowing generation and coverup of the climate crisis may constitute a range of criminal offenses.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.newsweek.com

Record Temperatures. March was the hottest March ever recorded globally, and average global temperatures have been 1.58C above pre-industrial levels.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theguardian.com

Greenhouse Gas Levels. Atmospheric levels of the three main greenhouse gases—carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide—reached new all-time highs last year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theguardian.com

Fossil Fuel Financing. New data makes it clear that regional banks in the U.S. are stepping up loans to the fossil fuel industry.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Income Reduction Projection. Planetary warming will result in an income reduction of 19% globally by mid-century.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Economic Damage Estimate. By 2050, climate change will be causing economic damage worth $38 trillion every single year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.nature.com

South Korean Elections. Climate change is like a must-have item on your agenda if you are a politician in the modern world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

New Energy Structures. The largest solar farm in West Africa has been inaugurated, with panels enough to serve 430,000 homes.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • powersofafrica.com

Upcoming Toolkit Release. A toolkit from 350.org helps local communities with the struggle to win local control over new renewable energy installations.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • ourownpower.org

Battery Discharge Milestone. During the evening peak on April 21, big batteries discharged 6.5GW of instantaneous power into the grid, covering a fifth of the state’s electricity supply.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • theprogressplaybook.com

Lower Sioux Hempcrete Facility. The Lower Sioux tribal nation is set to open the first vertically integrated hempcrete facility in the nation, addressing housing needs with sustainable materials.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theguardian.com

China's Renewable Leadership. China is now the world’s leading manufacturer of climate-friendly technologies, such as solar panels, batteries, and electric vehicles.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • english.www.gov.cn

Solar for All Initiative. $7 billion in Solar for All grants under the Inflation Reduction Act aims to save low-income Americans $350 million a year in electric bills.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.epa.gov

Public Lands Conservation. The federal government redid its regulations on public lands, putting conservation, recreation, and renewable energy development on equal footing with resource extraction.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

Battery Recycling Innovation. The world’s biggest battery recycling plant in Nevada processes materials to recover about 95 percent of the minerals in a battery profitably.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

California Power Achievement. California has now generated more than one hundred percent of its power needs from sun, wind, and hydro for big parts of almost every day this spring.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

Documenting Climate Change. A report from the University of Kansas found residents of one Seoul neighborhood have grown so accustomed to living through extreme climate events they have developed a 'disaster subculture.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • news.ku.edu

Big Oil Accountability. The ostensible purpose of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's hearing was to get on the record a boatload of documents showing that the oil companies and their trade groups continue to lie about climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Heat Stress Confirmed. NOAA and the International Coral Reef Initiative just confirmed bleaching-level heat stress in every corner of the ocean.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

Citibank Climate Risk. The analysis said that if efforts to combat climate change ramped up enough to put the world on a path to bringing greenhouse gas emissions down to zero on a net basis by 2050, the bank would suffer $10.3 billion in loan losses over 10 years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • finance.yahoo.com

Insurance Market Crisis. In 2023, insurers lost money on homeowners coverage in 18 states, more than a third of the country, according to a New York Times analysis of newly available financial data.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.nytimes.com

California Gas Ban. When Berkeley became the first city in the country to ban the extension of gas pipes into new buildings, it targeted a contentious source of climate pollution.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Economic Misperception. In a poll released this week, almost exactly half of voters said American unemployment was at a fifty-year high, which is odd since it's actually near a fifty-year low.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • fox59.com

Real Estate Impacts from Climate Change. Rising sea levels are threatening septic systems across the South, creating worries where officials often lack reliable data about their location.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

Solar Installation Milestones. The US saw its five-millionth solar installation this month, with hopes to reach ten million before this decade is out.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.seia.org

Popular Support for Climate Action. Polling is clear that Americans believe climate change is real and that the government should take action to slow it down.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • ourworldindata.org

Trump's Climate Image. Less than a third of voters approved of Trump's highest profile climate action, which was withdrawing America from the Paris accords.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • leaderarchive-hoyer.house.gov

Republican Climate Stance. Two-thirds of likely voters disliked Trump's efforts to shake down fossil fuel executives when informed about it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.msn.com

Crisis Level Heat Waves. A new study shows that heat waves have tripled since the 1960s in this country, and that deaths from those hot spells are up 800%.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.valuepenguin.com

Water Cycle in Mexico. Mexico is sweltering under record heat—monkeys by the hundreds are falling dead from trees, and people in the nation’s capital are forming human chains to block streets.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • apnews.com

Record Temperatures in Delhi. The temperature in New Delhi these past days has topped 120 degrees Fahrenheit for the first time in its recorded history.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theguardian.com

Global Heat Impact. Over the past year of record-shattering warmth, the average person on Earth experienced 26 more days of abnormally high temperatures than they otherwise would have.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.nytimes.com

Asthma Increases. New study this week found dramatic increases in asthma attacks for children during heatwaves.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.newscientist.com

Community Solar Efforts. California governor Gavin Newsom has been criticized for crippling the state’s community solar efforts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.latimes.com

India's Coal Dependency Falls. In India, the share of electricity generated by coal dropped below 50 percent for the first time since 1966.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.deccanherald.com

Climate Change Lexicon. Late 2018—the start of the Greta years—seems to have been when a lot of journalists began to accurately describe it as a crisis.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.middleburycampus.com

Youth Political Stance. The Sunrise Movement announced that they weren’t yet ready to endorse Joe Biden for president, which stirred indignation among traditionalists.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

Alaska's Rivers Change. Dozens of once-pristine rivers and streams in Alaska's Brooks Range are turning an alarming shade of orange due to thawing permafrost.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • news.mongabay.com

Extreme Heat Risk. The Heat and Health Index (HHI) is the first nationwide tool to provide heat-health outcome information at the ZIP code level.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.hhs.gov

Rivian EV Redesign. The EV maker Rivian last week announced a redesign, which will remove 1.6 miles of wiring from each vehicle.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • insideevs.com

Banks Acknowledge Climate Threat. A study found that US mortgage approvals tend to dip following periods of hotter-than-normal weather.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.sciencedirect.com

Climate Reparations Discussion. Burkett argues that the very act of acknowledging a debt is key to the process, for both the polluter and the polluted.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theatlantic.com

Performance Drop. One investigation found that just a four-degree increase led to a 10 percent average drop in performance across tests of memory, reaction time and executive functioning.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • onlinelibrary.wiley.com

High Mortality. When calculated, the mortality toll during the 2003 European heatwave was found to be around 70,000.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • en.wikipedia.org

California's Legal Action. California attorney general Rob Bonta amended his lawsuit against the big five oil companies with new examples of their greenwashing and deception.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • oag.ca.gov

Extreme Heat Impact. Across the U.S., about 150 million people have been dealing with the heat.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.nbcnews.com

Cory Doctorow's Insights. Cory Doctorow has been relentlessly explaining how big tech ‘enshittifies’ its products for years, downgrading their function in the effort to make more money.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • pluralistic.net

Conservative Victory. The decision is a major victory in a decades-long campaign by conservative activists to shrink the power of the federal government.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.nytimes.com

TVA's Dilemma. The TVA continues to build toward a gas-powered future despite calls for clean-energy-minded board members.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.tennessean.com

Insurance Market Struggles. California insurance authorities are asking the state to stop insurance companies from running up prices.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.sbsun.com

Renewable Energy Growth. The biggest polysilicon producers can rival some of the biggest oil companies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Canal-based Solar Project. The first canal-based solar project in the U.S. is nearing completion on tribal lands south of Phoenix, Arizona.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • en.wikipedia.org

US Battery Market Growth. The US battery market is experiencing its best start ever, with a prediction to nearly double the grid battery fleet size in 2024.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.canarymedia.com

Rising Power Grid Stress. Huge heatwaves and storms are stressing the planet's power grids, with Michael Webber noting the systems were designed for a different climatic era.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Republican Climate Neglect. The Republican platform does not mention recent climate disasters or changes, stating instead that 'crippling restrictions on American Energy Production' are a core threat.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

NATO's Climate Focus. NATO is increasingly paying attention to climate change and the disinformation spread by adversaries like Russia regarding energy transitions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.axios.com

Houston's Struggles. Living through two crippling power outages in two months has driven some in Houston to consider what may be the ultimate evacuation plan: moving out.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.nytimes.com

Climate Cabinet's Strategy. Climate Cabinet uses data science to identify under-the-radar state and local races where relatively modest interventions can yield substantial climate progress.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • climatecabinet.org

Subscriber Questions. In this mailbag episode, I answer subscriber questions about e-bikes, fossil fuel subsidies, utility regulation options, and being wrong.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

AI and Climate Change. Alp Kucukelbir co-authored the "Artificial Intelligence for Climate Change Mitigation Roadmap," discussing the strengths and limits of AI in regard to climate change.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • academiccommons.columbia.edu

Funding Success. Climate Cabinet got a significant donations bump after our episode with Caroline Spears.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • climatecabinet.org

Legislative Impact. Minnesota State Rep. Larry Kraft reports that HF 5247 was inspired by last year’s GETs episode.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • watt-transmission.org

Congestion Pricing Delay. New York governor Kathy Hochul put New York City’s congestion-pricing plan on an 'indefinite pause.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • heatmap.news

Community Contribution. Jeff Seidman has created a useful Climate Solutions + Climate Careers website.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • climatesolutions-careers.org

Exclusive Event. I’ll be doing a live event with WA Governor Jay Inslee.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.climatesolutions.org

Financial Assistance. The Inflation Reduction Act provides substantial, easily accessible financial assistance for schools in the form of direct-pay tax credits for climate-friendly upgrades.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.undauntedk12.org

Emissions from Shipping. Maritime transportation is responsible for something like 3 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, and that number is only growing.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • sinay.ai

Electric Aviation Discussion. David recently hosted an hour-long discussion on electric aviation with Kyle Clark.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Job Postings Available. Looking to transition into climate work? Check out the 10+ job postings from last month and new ones in the comments.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • open.substack.com

Wind Power Surpassing Coal. Wind power is overtaking coal power, reflecting a significant shift in energy sources.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • qz.com

Supreme Court Ruling. The Supreme Court overturned the Chevron doctrine, which is going to have significant negative impacts on climate regulation and federal regulation generally.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • apnews.com