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Metaphor for Risk. That’s how Titanic’s hit icebergs.

insight • 3 hours ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Self-Awareness in Writing. I often have to put down my mouse.

insight • 3 hours ago • Via This is Precious •

Positive Progress. I&#8217;m feeling like things are on a <em>good</em> track.

insight • 3 hours ago • Via This is Precious •

Cautionary Approach. I don&#8217;t want to gallop ahead of myself and realise a few kilometres down this road that we&#8217;ve veered three degrees off our true north.

insight • 3 hours ago • Via This is Precious •

Job Growth in Clean Energy. Jobs in clean energy are outpacing job growth in the economy overall, indicating a significant shift in employment trends.

insight • 9 hours ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Community-Centric Policy. Investments are intentionally directed toward low and moderate-income communities, providing a larger return on investment for economic growth.

insight • 9 hours ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Bipartisan Collaboration. Biden's commitment to bipartisan efforts is a crucial part of his strategy, aiming to garner support across party lines for the investment agenda.

insight • 9 hours ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Historical Investment Trends. The Biden administration has seen six historic quarters of investment in private manufacturing facilities, with some being the largest since the 1950s.

data point • 9 hours ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Biden's New Strategy. The Biden administration's approach represents a break from previous Democratic policies by emphasizing investment in key industries rather than just free trade.

insight • 9 hours ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Significant Investments. So far, $910 billion in announced investments across the US in sectors like semiconductors, clean energy, and manufacturing have been reported.

data point • 9 hours ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.whitehouse.gov

Environmental Justice Focus. The investment strategy also seeks to revitalize economically distressed communities, with a goal to create opportunities that benefit all Americans.

insight • 9 hours ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Public-Private Synergy. The strategy is defined as 'government enabled and private sector led,' emphasizing the role of the private sector in driving clean energy implementations.

insight • 9 hours ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Supply Chain Resilience Needs. The Biden administration aims to ensure supply chain resilience amidst the dominance of China by fostering a diverse array of suppliers.

insight • 9 hours ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Legislative Support. For any progress to occur in the next fifteen years, full commitment is required from the UK government.

recommendation • 10 hours ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Gigafactory Needs. It's estimated that by 2040, the UK will require 200GWh of factory capacity.

data point • 10 hours ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.faraday.ac.uk

Critical Mineral Demand. The raw statistics for critical mineral demand highlights the magnitude of operations required for battery production.

data point • 10 hours ago • Via Intercalation Station • assets.publishing.service.gov.uk

Supply Chain Resilience. Efficient recycling of materials, less reliance on international trade, and elimination of questionable sources leads to a much more robust supply chain, powering this vision.

insight • 10 hours ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Charging Infrastructure. Gone are the days of gas stations, replaced by all-electric forecourts.

insight • 10 hours ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Electric Vehicle Revolution. In my vision of the future, the scene is reversed, with the petrol car looking like the dinosaur in a sea of spaceships.

insight • 10 hours ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Battery Technology Shift. Increases in solar panels and wind turbines requires an increased amount of grid level storage, opening the way for large stationary storage sites.

insight • 10 hours ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Agricultural Land Use. Agricultural land accounts for 70% of UK landmass, so it seems only natural for some of this to be designated to renewable energy sources.

insight • 10 hours ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.gov.uk

Future Vision. The battery industry&#8217;s journey will also begin here, in London.

insight • 10 hours ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Youth Global Concern. A study published in The Lancet in 2021 found that 70 percent of 16- to 25-year-olds in ten countries said they were 'extremely worried' or 'very worried' about climate change.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.thelancet.com

Personal Climate Action. Ayana offers a worksheet to help individuals determine how they are best suited to help solve the climate crisis using her Climate Action Venn Diagram.

recommendation • 1 day ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.ayanaelizabeth.com

Action Steps. If you live in the United States, the most important thing we can do in the next two months is vote for candidates who get it on climate and volunteer with organizations.

recommendation • 1 day ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.environmentalvoter.org

Need for Climate Voters. Climate voters are needed all over the planet, as the science is clear: climate is changing, humans are responsible, the risks are serious and we must act now.

recommendation • 1 day ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Voter Turnout Issue. Over 8 million environmental voters sat out the 2020 election in the United States, highlighting that the environmental movement has a turnout problem.

insight • 1 day ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Election as Climate Election. Up and down the ballot, from president to city council, this U.S. election is a climate election and a real inflection point.

insight • 1 day ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Young Voter Engagement. Some 40 percent of young U.S. voters across political affiliations say they will only support a candidate who prioritizes climate action, according to new polling data.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.environmentalvoter.org

Pivotal Book Release. Ayana's important new book, 'What If We Get it Right? Visions of Climate Futures', is being released and contains insightful conversations about potential climate futures.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Ayana's Background. Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson is a marine biologist who founded the Urban Ocean Lab, a think tank envisioning the future of coastal cities in a warming world.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

PFAS Deregulation Proposal. In the Heritage Foundation's 900-page blueprint for Donald Trump's second term, there's a brief proposal to potentially deregulate a class of toxic chemicals called PFAS, linked to high rates of cancer among firefighters nationwide.

insight • 1 day ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • static.project2025.org

Cancer Connection to PFAS. PFOA, one of the most notoriously widely used PFAS chemicals, is a known carcinogen and does cause cancer in humans.

insight • 1 day ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.iarc.who.int

Activism Impact. Deregulating PFAS could put many Americans at risk, particularly those on military bases, postponing the cleanup of highly contaminated sites.

recommendation • 1 day ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Economic Motivation to Deregulate. The document proposes to 'revise groundwater cleanup regulations and policies to reflect the challenges of omnipresent contaminants like PFAS,' which would save 'billions in economic costs.'

insight • 1 day ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Long-term Effects of PFAS. If adopted, the Project 2025 approach will result in large numbers of Americans getting cancer and other devastating illnesses.

recommendation • 1 day ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Widespread Contamination. The problem of PFAS pollution may be even more widespread than previously reported, impacting 200 million Americans in all 50 states.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.ewg.org

Dangers of Turnout Gear. Diane Cotter links her husband Paul’s prostate cancer to PFOA—one of the most common types of PFAS chemicals and a known carcinogen—because of its ubiquitous presence in protective 'turnout' gear.

insight • 1 day ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • news.nd.edu

Health Risks of PFAS. Multiple peer-reviewed studies have linked PFAS and other chemical exposure to increased cancer risk among firefighters.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Environmental Concerns. The right is for non-consumptive use, meaning the company has to re-inject the same volume of water—minus the lithium—back into the same subterranean formation from which it came.

insight • 1 day ago • Via Land Desk •

Wolf Capture Incident. Colorado wildlife officials last week announced they had captured the entire Copper Creek family of wolves in the Middle Park area.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Land Desk • cpw.state.co.us

Historic Findings. A University of Utah paper published this summer explores the genetics of various populations of the Four Corners potato.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Land Desk •

Tribal Land Leasing. States are profiting off of land that should by all rights belong to the tribes, by leasing it out to grazers, miners, loggers, and oil and gas drillers.

insight • 1 day ago • Via Land Desk •

Questioning Viability. Carbon capture may have a place, especially on cement factories or steel mills, which are hard to decarbonize in other ways. But aging coal plants? Nope.

insight • 1 day ago • Via Land Desk •

Carbon Capture Feasibility. The U.S. Energy Department has awarded the Navajo Transitional Energy Company $6.5 million to study the feasibility of installing carbon capture equipment on the Four Corners coal power plant.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Land Desk • navenergy.com

Expansion Plans. Anson's not just going after lithium. In August, they filed a notice of intent to do exploratory drilling at their Yellow Cat uranium and vanadium project north of Arches National Park in Utah.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Land Desk • www.proactiveinvestors.com

Regulatory Approval. Utah regulators are clearing the way for Anson Resources' Green River direct lithium extraction project.

data point • 1 day ago • Via Land Desk • wcsecure.weblink.com.au

Challenge Ahead. If Vice President Kamala Harris wins the presidency this November, she will enter the Oval Office with an unprecedented challenge: the task of forging an American response to the climate crisis.

insight • 2 days ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Listen for More. In this podcast I discuss why that’s so needed, what it might look like, why needed actions will divide the nation on a number of conflicts — and must happen anyway.

insight • 2 days ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Preserving Democracy. Preserving this democracy will require leadership for a lurching transformation like none we’ve seen before.

insight • 2 days ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Rebuilding Economies. President Harris's central task will be different, though, and more difficult: readying this nation for worsening climate discontinuities by rebuilding our economy and communities on a scale that’s still hard for many to grasp.

insight • 2 days ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Need for National Plan. Now, we need a national plan to ruggedize in the face of what’s coming.

recommendation • 2 days ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Necessity for Speed. Now we need to drive down the costs of clean energy, build up the grid, improve energy efficiency and storage, and electrify everything. This can be done, but speed is everything.

recommendation • 2 days ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Legislation Accomplished. President Biden delivered on the most ambitious climate legislation in history when he pushed through the IRA.

data point • 2 days ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Crisis Acknowledgment. We’re no longer capable of preventing a massive planetary crisis — we’re in one.

insight • 2 days ago • Via The Snap Forward •

EV Charging Concerns. Both Dave and Tiya assert that this is 'no cost' for anyone but the EV owners, but these chargers will come at a daily, ongoing cost to sidewalk users.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Community Guidelines. To keep organized, please only 'REPLY' directly under one of Sam's headline comments.

recommendation • 2 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

EV-Charger Tension. I want fewer cars, fewer parking spaces. This is a real tension in the EV-charger conversation.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Electric Excavator. Behold, the 778 ton PC8000-11 surface mining excavator made by Komatsu!

data point • 2 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • x.com

Health Update. I am, as you read this, lying in a hospital room in Hamburg, Germany, with one less appendix.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Event in San Francisco. I'm joining Canary Media in San Francisco on Nov. 13 for a night full of climate/election conversations with a star-studded assortment of panelists from government, journalism, and advocacy.

data point • 2 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • forms.gle

Energy-Transition Metals Demand. Annual demand for energy-transition metals will grow fivefold by mid-century from 2023 levels under more aggressive action.

data point • 2 days ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • about.bnef.com

Growth without Support. All this is happening without any help from governments, and except for South Africa without financing from banks.

insight • 2 days ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Electric Vehicles Impact. The IEA said this week that oil demand around the world is softening because of 'surging' sales of electric vehicles.

insight • 2 days ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.businessgreen.com

Africa's Solar Expansion. He reports something similar happening in country after country—Zimbabwe, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar, on and on.

insight • 2 days ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Distributed Solar Capacity. By the end of the year, Pakistan's distributed solar system could be nearing half the capacity of its entire grid.

insight • 2 days ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Pakistan's Solar Boom. Pakistan has become the third-largest importer of Chinese solar modules, acquiring a staggering 13GW in the first half of this year alone.

data point • 2 days ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Solar Panel Revolution. Solar panels have, over the last months, suddenly gotten so cheap that they’re now appearing in massive numbers across much of the developing world.

insight • 2 days ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Legal Pressure on Oil Companies. The number of lawsuits being filed against oil companies has tripled in recent years.

data point • 2 days ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.oilchange.org

Coal Phase-out in the UK. Britain will close its last coal-fired power plant at the end of this month.

data point • 2 days ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.ft.com

Understanding AI Desires. The conclusion that AI would not have 'a desire to dominate' brings up questions about anthropomorphizing complex algorithms.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Planet Critical •

AI's Social Impact. It seems wildly naive to assume that a tool unleashed in a profit-driven economic system would somehow only work for the benefit of society as a whole.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Planet Critical •

Technological Dependency. The problem with the exponentially accelerating development of technology is that many have no choice but to opt-in to maintain lives in the minority world.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Planet Critical •

Concerns About AI Governance. The post raises concerns about whether Silicon Valley is engineering governance AI that could replace democracy.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Planet Critical •

LeCunn's Counterargument. Yann LeCunn detailed at length why this theory was nonsense, citing studies in evolutionary psychology and political ideology.

data point • 2 days ago • Via Planet Critical •

Musk's Controversial Tweet. Elon Musk tweeted a screenshot of a 2021 political theory posted by an anonymous user on 4Chan, proposing that only a Republic ruled by 'aneurotypical' and high testosterone males would be a true democracy.

data point • 2 days ago • Via Planet Critical •

Gender and AI Leadership. If Yann's argument is that a superhuman AI would be better than a human at governance because of its lack of testosterone, we could instead consider allowing women to make decisions.

recommendation • 2 days ago • Via Planet Critical •

Testosterone and Aggression. A 2019 meta study found that the causal effects of testosterone on human aggression are weak, with no impact on aggression levels in women.

data point • 2 days ago • Via Planet Critical • pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Free Market Paradigm. Draghi is a flag-bearer for the school of free market economic thought that drove Europe’s embrace of liberalised energy trading arrangements.

data point • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux •

Political Centrism. The political centrism he embodies might have fallen out of favour with the rise of far-right populism in mainstream discourse.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux •

Efficiencies of Liberalisation. There is a healthy debate to be had about which regulations stand the best chance of achieving that without unleashing unintended consequences.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux •

Liberalisation Savings. As I reported in 2022, liberalisation of gas trade saved the EU €70 billion in the decade prior to 2021.

data point • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux •

Political Expediency. This omission can only be ascribed to political expediency, i.e. Draghi not wanting to embarrass his paymasters at the Commission.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux •

Report Critique. The section that discusses 'The EU's dependency on gas imports and exposure to spot markets' concludes without any concrete proposals.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market Manipulation Concerns. Draghi also worried about market manipulation and called for a 'sector inquiry' in electricity and gas markets 'to deter anti-competitive behaviours and tacit collusion among companies'.

recommendation • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux •

Storage Coordination. Draghi called for Member States to 'coordinate the strategic filling of natural gas storage for upcoming winters to avoid EU operators competing among each other'.

recommendation • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux •

Speculative Capital Impact. These limits allow speculative capital to hold more than 30,000 TWh of gas futures, which is more than six times the annual consumption of the entire region of Europe.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux •

Position Limits Proposal. Draghi called for the EU to use its powers to impose 'stricter position limits', and to 'envisage different limits depending on the type of traders'.

recommendation • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market Volatility. A good number of column inches spent expanding on the need 'to reduce volatility in EU gas markets by limiting the possibility of speculative behaviour'.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux •

Draghi's Report. Many of you will have seen the landmark EU report on the Future of European Competitiveness, authored by former European Central Bank president Mario Draghi.

data point • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux • commission.europa.eu

Quarterly Events. What sets E-FWD apart are the quarterly in-person themed events, where members get together to debate some of the stickiest challenges facing the industry.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux •

E-FWD Participation. E-FWD publishes original analysis and thought leadership on all the big UK energy transition topics.

data point • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux •

Podcast Interview. I had a blast talking natural gas and LNG with the good folks at Modo Energy.

insight • 2 days ago • Via Energy Flux • modoenergy.com

Outdoor Education Impact. Outdoor programs like this are so important for helping kids to fall in love with nature, and care about climate change.

insight • 4 days ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Infrastructure Spending. In the U.S., nearly a billion dollars of the bipartisan infrastructure law is being used to help strengthen roads, bridges, and transportation networks.

data point • 4 days ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nytimes.com

Bridges Aging Faster. In particular, climate stress is making bridges age faster.

data point • 4 days ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Climate-Affected Infrastructure. The problem we have is this: we've been planning for our future based on the past. We continue to design and build our cities and our infrastructure based on the assumption of a stable climate, but that assumption no longer holds.

insight • 4 days ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Pollinator Habitats. Well-designed and managed solar farms can create habitats for honeybees, bumblebees, and other pollinators.

insight • 4 days ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Solar Farms & Biodiversity. When solar farms are carefully planned and seeded with native plants that pollinators love, they can help tackle the biodiversity crisis at the same time as the climate crisis.

insight • 4 days ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nytimes.com

Kids Learning Nature. Kids spend their days in the woods, learning about nature - catching frogs, climbing trees, whittling wood, and learning about edible plants.

data point • 4 days ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Long-term Energy Planning. The intent of Balto Energy's tool is to allow homeowners to make the best decisions for future energy needs, not just immediate ones.

recommendation • 5 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Agile Electrification Project. The Agile Electrification project aims to unite contractors and stakeholders to collaboratively navigate the challenges posed by the NEM 3.0 decision.

insight • 5 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Vision for Electrification. Balto's position is that solar and storage should lead always, building 20 or 25-year products for the future energy consumption.

recommendation • 5 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Customer-Focused Tool. Balto Energy's tool is aimed at empowering contractors to provide homeowners with a range of clean energy solutions tailored to their needs.

insight • 5 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Home Energy Modeling. To accurately model a home's energy use and consumption profiles, a physics-based model of the building and calibration with actual data is essential.

insight • 5 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Future of Solar. In the past, simple solar paybacks were in the five to seven years range; now, a different set of products and services is needed to achieve similar outcomes.

insight • 5 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Importance of Consumption. The more a California homeowner stores and consumes their own cheap rooftop solar power, the more value they get out of that solar and the lower their total bills.

insight • 5 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Economical Strategy. The most economical strategy for most homeowners is likely to be some mix of electrification, batteries, and rooftop solar.

insight • 5 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

NEM 3.0 Impact. California's recent NEM 3.0 decision on rooftop solar compensation means utilities pay much less for exported rooftop solar power than they used to.

insight • 5 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Balto Energy's Tool. Balto Energy, a startup founded by James Quazi, uses AI to analyze utility bills and recommend the most cost-effective clean energy strategy.

data point • 5 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.baltoenergy.com

Homeowner Conundrum. California homeowners face a complex puzzle in decarbonizing their homes: electrification without rooftop solar could increase bills due to expensive electricity.

insight • 5 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Systematic Change. Electrifying appliances and adding rooftop solar is seen as complementary actions that can yield economic benefits for homeowners.

insight • 5 days ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Confronting Math Realities. Apparently those folks would rather we journalists ignore these numbers and fuzzy-up the math.

insight • 5 days ago • Via Land Desk •

Reservoir Concerns. Drawing down the reservoirs until there’s no savings account left could lead to chaos in the region.

recommendation • 5 days ago • Via Land Desk •

Farm Alliance Criticism. The Family Farm Alliance is demonizing me for supposedly demonizing alfalfa.

insight • 5 days ago • Via Land Desk •

Alfalfa Irrigation Effect. If all irrigation of alfalfa and hay was stopped, it would put more than 6 million acre-feet of water back into the Colorado River system.

insight • 5 days ago • Via Land Desk •

Irrigation Impact. About 6.3 million acre-feet of Colorado River water is consumed to irrigate alfalfa and other hay crops.

data point • 5 days ago • Via Land Desk •

Water Use Analysis. The biggest user, irrigated agriculture, is going to have to make the biggest cuts.

data point • 5 days ago • Via Land Desk •

Fairy Tales vs. Hero's Journey. Fairy tales teach us to cooperate, be kind, innovate, listen, trust, and to rewrite the story in tough times.

insight • 6 days ago • Via This is Precious •

Writing Process. When I write a book, I have to move things around a lot, laying printed pages on the floor and cutting bits and moving the chunk to a different chapter.

insight • 6 days ago • Via This is Precious •

Publication Strategy. I've decided to get around this limitation by posting the popped out bits as they occur to me and assuming permission from all of you to move them around later.

insight • 6 days ago • Via This is Precious •

Evolution of Tales. It's telling that the original versions of most fairy tales featured incredibly gruesome endings that, over the years, were replaced with oddly sanitised, Disney-fied versions.

insight • 6 days ago • Via This is Precious •

Intense Curiosity in Children. When kids are in the middle of a tale, in the suspenseful bit, they're busting to know the end.

insight • 6 days ago • Via This is Precious •

Crisis Origins of Fairy Tales. I also want to point out here that fairy tales were created during crises - global pandemics, famines and displacement.

insight • 6 days ago • Via This is Precious •

Water Management Conflict. Some ditches are being piped or lined with concrete, because it would dry out the wetlands and ecosystems that had come to rely on the leaky laterals and ditches.

insight • 6 days ago • Via Land Desk •

Critique of Alfalfa. It accused me - via a piece I wrote for High Country News - of 'demonizing' alfalfa.

insight • 6 days ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Downstream Water Flow. The point, as she understood it, was to save water only to send it downstream to California.

insight • 6 days ago • Via Land Desk •

Climate Impact of Candidates. Harris's victory over Trump would still prevent the release of 4 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere by 2030 compared—an amount equating to $900 billion in climate damages avoided.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Trump's Silence. Donald Trump said absolutely nothing about climate change during his minute-long response.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Harris Acknowledgment. Kamala Harris, to her credit, acknowledged the seriousness of the climate crisis and touted the Biden Administration's myriad actions to spur clean energy development.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Candidate Responses. Neither candidate talked about what they would do, nor did they speak accurately about what must be done.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Debate Climate Focus. Moderators saved climate change for the last possible moment of the 90-minute event, and asked only what the candidates would do to tackle it.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Climate Ignored. The reason climate change is not a driving force in this election is because powerful people and institutions consistently refuse to talk about the problem with accuracy and appropriate urgency.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Debate Climate Moments. Despite only one climate question, related topics came up throughout the evening.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Communication Failures. Failures of our most powerful political communicators were put squarely on display during the debate.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Performance-Based Regulation. Performance-based regulation could better align utilities' incentives, but it requires careful implementation.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Public Engagement Importance. Public engagement gives regulators the authority to act more effectively in the public interest.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Consumer Protection Policies. Looking at the shut-off policies of utilities and when a customer can be shut off is a vital area for improvement.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Intervener Compensation. Intervener compensation can provide funding for public interest groups to participate in PUC proceedings.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Public Participation Models. FERC's Office of Public Participation serves as a good model for engaging the public in utility regulation.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Three P's Framework. The three P's of utility regulation are people, policy, and process.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Need for Engagement. We need to pay more attention to these opportunities to appoint and elect commissioners that are really committed to advancing the public interest.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Coalition Focus. PowerLines aims to modernize the utility regulatory system to accelerate affordable, reliable, and clean energy for American consumers.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • powerlines.org

Public Awareness. Raising awareness of the importance of PUCs is actually a key solution.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Rising Electricity Rates. Electricity rates are skyrocketing; they've grown 20% since the start of 2022.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

PUC Staffing Issues. PUCs are understaffed, under-resourced, and underappreciated, leading to high turnover among commissioners.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Engagement Needed. Neither the public nor most clean energy advocates pay much attention to who is appointed or elected to PUCs.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Regulatory Authority. PUCs have direct regulatory authority over the entities at the heart of the US electricity system.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

PUCs Obscurity. Most of their work goes on in obscurity, with only utility lawyers and lobbyists paying attention.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Hua's Initiative. Energy analyst Charles Hua is launching PowerLines, a nonprofit that aims to pull PUCs into the spotlight.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

PUCs' Importance. Public utility commissions (PUCs) wield enormous influence in the US energy transition.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Range Anxiety Reduction. With EV ranges increasing all the time, range anxiety is becoming less of a concern for buyers, as the average American only drove 30.1 miles a day in 2022.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Intercalation Station • aaafoundation.org

Driving Behavior Impact. To maximize our Miles/kWh we can choose an EV with a high Miles/kWh value and drive efficiently by utilizing techniques like regenerative braking and avoiding harsh acceleration.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Optimal EV Efficiency. Batteries usually have an RTE value, or round trip efficiency, typically &gt;90%, which affects the miles/kWh value and indicates that charging is not 100% efficient.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Intercalation Station •

EPA Testing Methodology. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has an official methodology for calculating the range of EVs, with manufacturers testing pre-production prototypes and reporting results to the EPA.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.epa.gov

Efficiency Metrics. Miles/kWh gives us a good idea of how efficiently the car is designed and how well it utilizes the energy in the battery.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Lucid Air Efficiency. Lucid Motors recently claimed that the 2025 Lucid Air Pure would be the world's most efficient EV, achieving a record 5 miles/kWh with a 420 mile range from an 84kWh battery.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Intercalation Station • lucidmotors.com

Efficiency and Cost. Focusing on efficiency will make EVs cheaper to operate, which is key to encouraging positive change in the market.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Recap for Non-Watchers. Arielle and I will send out a climate-focused re-cap and analysis for you as quickly as we can.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Paid Subscriber Chats. Also, chats are only available to paid subscribers.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Join Live Discussion. We’ve done similar threads during previous debates and they’ve been pretty well-attended.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Climate Impact. Their choice will help determine whether 4 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions get released into the atmosphere over the next six years—an amount equating to $900 billion in global climate damages.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Voter Influence. A whopping 30 percent of Americans say tonight's televised showdown will help them determine who to vote for in November.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • maristpoll.marist.edu

Debate's Ecological Stakes. Tonight's debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump has massive ecological and existential stakes.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Technology's Dual Nature. He explains the negative impacts of technology not just on society but on the industry itself which is racing to keep up with its own developments.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Xyonix Co-Founder. As a cofounder of Xyonix, Deep engages in discussions about technology's role in society.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical • www.xyonix.com

Podcast Mention. Deep Dhillon is host of the podcast, Your A.I. Injection.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical • podcast.xyonix.com

Collective Responsibility. This is a wide-ranging conversation about systems, tech, the economy and collective responsibility for engineering a better future for us all.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Vision for the Future. He explains his vision for a brighter future facilitated by technology, but equally explains the negative impacts of technology not just on society but on the industry itself.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Impact of A.I.. Deep has decades of experience working on A.I. models in the Valley.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Conversation on Technology. A.I. technologist Deep Dhillon and I had a heated exchange about technology after meeting by chance in Granada after a flamenco performance.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Historical Impact. Banning fracking would have been one of the most harmful policies in US history. It would have destroyed 60% of our oil production and 75% of our natural gas production.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Question for Politicians. Whenever you hear a politician claim to be a friend of oil and gas, fracking, or any other aspect of fossil fuels, ask one simple question: Do you renounce the 'net zero' agenda?

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Public Perception. The only way Kamala Harris can validly convince the public that she’s not an energy threat is to renounce not only her support of a fracking ban but of the 'net zero' agenda.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Grid Reliability Threat. Consider: America desperately needs more reliable power plants given huge demand from AI and (Biden-mandated) EVs. But the Biden-Harris EPA has tried to shut down all coal—1/6 of reliable capacity!

data point • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Rising Energy Prices. Americans have already paid a high price for the Biden-Harris administration's net-zero agenda—high energy bills, power shortages, and inflation.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Biden-Harris Administration. The Biden-Harris administration has already shown us that they will try to do everything they can to ban fossil fuels in pursuit of net-zero.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Absurd Fracking Discussion. Given that 'net zero by 2050' requires banning virtually all fossil fuel activity, the whole conversation about whether Kamala Harris wants to ban fracking is absurd.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Biden/Harris Agenda. The guiding energy goal of Biden/Harris is 'net zero by 2050'—rapidly banning activities that add CO2 to the atmosphere.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Commitment to Net-Zero. Harris has not apologized whatsoever for her support of a murderous fracking ban, and far from questioning the anti-fossil-fuel, 'net zero' agenda, she has remained 100% committed to it.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Understanding Fracking. Someone who comes to understand why it’s wrong to ban fracking—because the benefits you would destroy are far greater than the harms you would avoid—should also understand that the same problem exists with the broader anti-fossil-fuel, 'net zero' agenda.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Apology Needed. Harris and others who have advocated banning fracking should apologize.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Food Security. Thanks to fracking, the world is far better fed than it would otherwise be.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Technological Development. Fracking is very likely the single most beneficial technological development of the last 25 years.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Fracking Ban Commitment. Kamala Harris is still for banning fracking—because she is still for the net-zero agenda that requires banning fracking along with all other fossil fuel activities.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Polycrisis Discussion. The views presented on surviving the polycrisis ranged from green growth to post-growth.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Stay Tuned. Expect an update before the end of this year regarding the new direction of Planet: Critical.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Project 2025 Update. An update to Planet: Critical, called Project 2025, will involve less talking and more listening.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Local Context Matters. Contextualization is critical, as locality must be considered in finding solutions.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Participatory Democracy Course. A £7000 eco grant could be better spent on a council-wide course in participatory democracy.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Scale Out, Not Up. I dream of a world of networks of support and scaling out rather than scaling up.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Listening Is Key. The only thing you can do is keep listening to the accumulated knowledge about the polycrisis.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

No Silver Bullet. The polycrisis cannot be fixed with a silver bullet or one solution which can be scaled up.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Crisis of Responsibility. One climate activist framed the polycrisis as a crisis of responsibility.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Market Speculation. After the speculative buying frenzy of the last seven months, a reconciliation with flaccid fundamentals was overdue.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Flux •

Article Specifications. Article stats: 2,000 words, 9-min reading time, 12 charts and graphs.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Energy Flux •

Winter Futures Predictions. The post concludes by describing how the unwinding of bullish positions could play out in TTF futures this winter.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Flux •

Subscriber Analysis. This week’s subscriber-only EU LNG Chart Deck provides a forensic analysis of TTF fund movements and macro view of the wider gas/LNG panorama.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Traders Positioning. Traders are positioning accordingly on Europe’s benchmark gas trading hub, the Dutch Title Transfer Facility (TTF).

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Flux •

Bearish Market Outlook. The European gas market appears to be teetering towards a new bearish chapter.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Flux •

Planetary Crisis Reality. The planetary crisis is here, now, and much fiercer than we hoped.

data point • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Discounts Available. We’ve created a special code for an additional $50 off. Think of it as a sliding scale: if you need it, by all means use it.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Basics Class Announcement. Ruggedize Your Life: the Basics walks you through the top-level concerns and strategies for choosing a solid place to build a new life, ready for hard futures.

insight • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward • app.acuityscheduling.com

Crash Course Offered. The Crash Course delivers a set of comprehensive classes, includes readings and discussion sessions, and aims to give participants a strong foundation for making smart choices in discontinuous times.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Introduction to Ruggedization. My approach to building a personal climate strategy centers on what I call personal ruggedization.

data point • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Climate Strategy Necessity. The crisis is here, our society is still almost completely unready, and no one else will protect your future for you.

insight • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Personal Responsibility. None of us can depend on others coming to our rescue, and that each of us has to develop our own strategy for living through the coming decades of planetary crisis.

insight • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Need for Adaptation. We need to take bold measures to ready our communities, infrastructure and economy for those ecological disasters worsening around us.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Climate Strategy Importance. If you don’t have a strategy for managing the impacts climate chaos and discontinuity in your own life, you probably haven’t really got a plan for the future.

insight • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Mitra Chem's CEO Background. CEO Vivas Kumar spent a few years as the manager of Tesla's battery supply chain before launching Mitra Chem in 2021.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Material Scalability Concerns. The real innovation for Mitra Chem includes bringing a supply chain solution for LMFP to the market.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

LFP Supply Chain Risks. The fragility of supply chains became evident during the COVID pandemic.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Future of LFP Chemistry. There is a case to be made that new iron-rich cathodes could eliminate the performance differential with NMC.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Industry Learning from China. There’s much the West can learn from observing Chinese battery supply chain players' ambition in scaling up technology very quickly.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Inflation Reduction Act Details. The $7,500 tax credit for purchasing consumer vehicles under the Inflation Reduction Act is tied to domestic battery cell manufacturing.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Geopolitical Drivers for LFP. The continuous increase in tension between China and the United States has led to a significant reawakening of the United States' approach to industrial policy.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

LFP's Safety and Cost Benefits. LFP is a safe chemistry with supply chains that scale.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Manganese Role in LMFP. LMFP stands for lithium, manganese, iron phosphate, which could improve energy density compared to LFP.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Shift in EV Market. The shift from premium vehicles being the segments that electrified most quickly in the United States influenced the return of LFP.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

China's Supply Chain Control. The production of LFP cells is almost entirely dominated by China.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Battery Chemistry Battle. There has been an epic battle over the past 20 years between two types of lithium-ion batteries: nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) and lithium iron phosphate (LFP).

data point • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

NMC vs LFP Performance. LFP still can’t match NMC’s energy density.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

US LFP Production Need. America needs better, home-grown LFP batteries.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

LFP Growth Drivers. Analysts project enormous growth in the LFP market in coming years.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

LFP Market Share. In the last five years, LFP has roared back and captured almost half the market.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Grid Reliability Issues. Across America, the power grid is in decline due to policies that reward unreliable electricity, prematurely shut down coal plants, criminalize nuclear, and force EV use.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Impact of Media. By blaming small numbers of climate deaths on the fossil fuels that have made the number of climate deaths small in the first place, the anti-fossil-fuel media justify a catastrophist agenda.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Texas Policies Threat. The real danger facing Texas is anti-fossil-fuel policies—which threaten to neuter their climate mastery capabilities.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Danger from Policies. Anti-fossil-fuel policies increase climate danger by making it expensive or illegal for us to run the fossil-fueled climate mastery machines that keep us safe from climate.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Long-term Trends. Despite a growing population, we see little change in US heat deaths long-term.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Honesty in Heat Deaths. Obsessing about 200 additional heat deaths in Texas is dishonest given that cold kills far more than heat and fossil fuels have made us safer from both.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Misleading Data Usage. The WSJ cherry picks one data point to falsely portray fossil fuels as increasing climate danger: an increase of 200 in heat-related deaths since 2021.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points • www.wsj.com

Climate Death Statistics. The global rate of climate-related disaster deaths has fallen 98% over the last century because of cost-effective energy from fossil fuels.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Fossil Fuels' Impact. Fossil fuels have made Texas far safer than ever from climate, both from heat and the (far more dangerous) cold—but anti-fossil-fuel policies are stalling that progress.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Management Document Released. The Bureau of Land Management released the final environmental impact statement and management plan for Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk •

Historical Heat Records. Phoenix is now on the 107th consecutive day on which maximum temperatures reached 100°F or higher; the previous record was 76 days in a row back in 1993.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk •

Methane Emissions. The agency estimates the cattle will emit a total of 4,584 metric tons of methane annually under the preferred plan.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk •

OHV Use Restrictions. Currently about 1,500 acres of the monument are completely closed to OHV travel, and OHV use is limited to designated routes on 1.86 million acres.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk •

Cool Energy News. The Ute Mountain Ute Tribe's farm in southwestern Colorado has finished integrating a hydropower system into its irrigation network.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk • www.hydroreview.com

Wilderness Characteristics. The monument includes 559,600 acres of lands with wilderness characteristics but that aren’t designated wilderness areas.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk •

Livestock Grazing Evidence. The plan's light-handed approach to livestock grazing provides yet more evidence that national monument designations pose virtually no threat to ranching.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk •

Tribal Stewardship. The preferred alternative would: 'Establish a management approach in collaboration with Tribal Nations that ensures continued Tribal Nation stewardship of GSENM resources.'

data point • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk •

Hopi Tribe Solar Project. The U.S. EPA awarded the Hopi Tribe in Arizona $20 million to bring solar power to about 900 off-grid homes.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk • www.knau.org

Condor Shooting Incident. Someone shot a critically endangered California condor this spring near McPhee Reservoir in southwestern Colorado.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk • cpw.state.co.us

Compromise Alternative. As is almost always the case with these sorts of things, the preferred alternative is a compromise, offering a lower level of protection than the more purely preservation-oriented alternative.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk •

Monument Size. Crafting a management plan for a 1.8-million-acre landscape that includes deserts, canyons, forests, riparian areas, and much more is a monumental undertaking.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Land Desk •

Rapid Energy Transition. We are on the cusp of a true explosion that could change the world. We are starting to put out the fires that humans have always relied on, and replace them with the power of the sun.

insight • 1 week ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Paper Decarbonization Analysis. Focusing on just net-zero target setting incentivizes so-called 'paper decarbonization' which may not necessarily contribute to greening the economy.

insight • 1 week ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Green Party Strategies. The national US Green Party is a failure because of its rigid and narrow electoral approach.

insight • 1 week ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Risk of Domestic Violence. New UN research indicates that domestic violence could triple in sub-Saharan Africa in the coming decades because of rising temperatures.

data point • 1 week ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.unfpa.org

California Emissions Reporting. California's legislature refused Gov Newsom's request to delay implementation of a new law requiring businesses to report their Scope 3 emissions.

data point • 1 week ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.wsj.com

Impact of Elections on Climate. This election is about—will Big Oil get the obstacle it desperately desires, or will change continue to play out—hopefully with a big boost from the climate movement for even faster progress.

insight • 1 week ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Economic Impact of Fossil Fuels. If it keeps happening at this pace, it will quickly start reducing demand for their products—they have vast reserves of natural gas in the Permian Basin that will stay there forever simply because there’s no market.

insight • 1 week ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Decline in Fossil Gas. For the (almost) 6-month period from March 7 to September 4, fossil gas use on the grid was 29% lower in 2024 than in 2023.

data point • 1 week ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Solar Capacity Growth. In 2014, solar power utility-scale solar provided a mere 9.25 GW (0.75%) of total installed US generating capacity. By the middle of 2024, installed solar capacity had risen to 8.99% of total utility-scale capacity.

data point • 1 week ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • electrek.co

Techno-Optimist Manifesto. Last year the tech billionaire investor and co-founder of Netscape Marc Andreessen released a lengthy 'Techno-Optimist Manifesto' that set out this accelerationist, anthropocentric, more-more-more vision in point form.

insight • 1 week ago • Via This is Precious • pmarca.substack.com

P(doom) Metric. There’s even a trend doing the rounds at Silicon Valley dinner parties where tech types talk their 'p(doom) figure.'

data point • 1 week ago • Via This is Precious • www.fastcompany.com

Writer's Commitment. I made a commitment to post this Part 2 to the Moloch chapter this week and so I’m doing something I would not normally do.

insight • 1 week ago • Via This is Precious •

Civilization Collapse. We have had to wade our way through a cerebral understanding of systems collapse theory.

insight • 1 week ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Health and Readiness. Military leaders understand that health and readiness go hand-in-hand, and our local communities deserve the same foresight.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Climate-as-the-ultimate Threat. This reinforces the idea of climate change as the ultimate threat multiplier, 'amplifying existing vulnerabilities, enhancing regional instability, and generally fostering conditions conducive to conflict.'

insight • 1 week ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Growing Climate Disasters. In 2023, the U.S. experienced 28 climate disasters resulting in nearly $100 billion in immediate damages.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.noaa.gov

Military Emissions Strategy. Advances in aircraft design and in ground vehicles are also improving military capability while reducing emissions.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Innovative Milestones. At Fort Liberty in North Carolina, the Army has installed a floating solar array on Big Muddy Lake capable of withstanding a Category 5 hurricane.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Military Climate Action. The military is climate-proofing many of its bases, investing in energy resilience and efficiency, and developing and pioneering new technology.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Threat Multiplier Concept. Sherri coined one of my favourite phrases on climate change risks, 'threat multiplier' in the 2007 report 'National Security and the Threat of Climate Change'.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.cna.org

Sherri Goodman's Impact. Sherri has been changing the minds of military leaders on climate and environmental issues from the inside.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • climateandsecurity.org

Framing Climate Change. Framing climate change through values like faith or national security can significantly shift opinions.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • climatecommunication.yale.edu

Transitioning to Cleaner Energy. Finally, we must accelerate the transition to cleaner and more resilient energy resources and untether ourselves from fossil fuels.

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Fund Closure. We have successfully closed our second fund at MCJ, bringing in $80.6M in total capital commitments.

data point • 1 week ago • Via MCJ •

Assets Under Management. This is a huge milestone for us, pushing our total assets under management to over $115M.

data point • 1 week ago • Via MCJ •

Investment Focus. This capital is dedicated to backing startups driving the transition of energy and industry and solving the inevitable impacts of climate change.

insight • 1 week ago • Via MCJ •

Future Inspiration. As we enter the next chapter, we remain inspired by extraordinary founders rewriting industries for the future - to be cleaner, more profitable and more resilient.

insight • 1 week ago • Via MCJ •

Team Expansion. With the closing of Fund II, we have continued to invest in and refine our reach as an investment team.

data point • 1 week ago • Via MCJ •

Podcast Reach. The My Climate Journey podcast continues to be a leading platform for discussing the inevitable impacts of climate change and the extraordinary leaders working to solve them, reaching more than 35K subscribers.

data point • 1 week ago • Via MCJ •

Brand Identity Change. Our firm is now simply 'MCJ.'

data point • 1 week ago • Via MCJ •

Support from MCJ. Including MCJ in our cap table was an obvious choice. The support and expertise from the MCJ partners have been invaluable to building our team.

insight • 1 week ago • Via MCJ •

LP Diversity. Our LP base is uniquely MCJ, with a wide range of backgrounds represented including successful founders, partners from major venture funds, and leaders of industry and large tech companies.

insight • 1 week ago • Via MCJ •

Network Strength. Our network is a key differentiator and a critical part of our success.

insight • 1 week ago • Via MCJ •

Investment Sectors. We've backed startups in residential battery storage and power management, power supply planning, limestone-based carbon removal, fleet-scale nuclear development, water-risk forecasting, and software for green infrastructure developers.

data point • 1 week ago • Via MCJ •

Climate Resilience. The need for greater climate resilience drives us to seek solutions that make our infrastructure stronger and our world safer.

insight • 1 week ago • Via MCJ •

Rights of Nature. Nations across the globe are trialing 'rights of nature' laws and 'legal personhood' for various ecosystems.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Podcast Information. Subscribe to or follow the Mongabay Newscast wherever you listen to podcasts.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical • podcasts.apple.com

Positive Legal Interpretation. As lawyers and judges become more familiar with the concept, they’re better able to argue the side of nature.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Ecuador's Example. Kahui sees promising applications of such laws in Ecuador, where courts have examined nature in the context of established constitutional law.

data point • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Anthropocentric Legal Viewpoint. The legal frameworks impose an anthropocentric (and primarily Western) legal viewpoint upon something as complex as nature.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Biodiversity Protection. Despite some flaws, Kahui thinks these laws are worth considering and iterating upon to combat environmental degradation.

insight • 1 week ago • Via Planet Critical •

Gaps in Understanding. Our failure to truly grasp that has left large gaps in our thinking about the future.

insight • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Transition Challenges. An orderly transition is no longer possible.

insight • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Knowledge Expansion. Despite rapidly expanding knowledge of the forces shaping the planetary future, these gaps persist.

insight • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Future Considerations. How might we upgrade our ideas a…

recommendation • 1 week ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Controlled Experiments. Randomized control trials are used to compare turnout rates between contacted individuals and a control group.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Voter Registration Dynamics. The Environmental Voter Project believes in building demand for climate action to influence policymakers.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Outcome Measurement. EVP measures its success by tracking the number of individuals who become consistent voters after interactions.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Behavioral Strategies. Strategies include making commitments, using loss aversion, and creating a sense of progress to motivate voting.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Social Norms. EVP's messaging leverages social norms, making individuals want to be seen as good voters.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Message Neutrality. During outreach, EVP messages do not focus on climate change but rather on the importance of voting itself.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Habit Formation. Once people start voting, it becomes easier to keep them voting, as they are then recognized as voters by the broader political landscape.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Data Utilization. The process works by building predictive models on voter files, similar to techniques used in presidential campaigns.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Long-term Goals. EVP's long-term goal is to build a national bloc of climate voters that any candidate for any office must acknowledge and cater to.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Empirical Testing. EVP has run randomized control trials to test its own efficacy.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Behavior Change Approach. EVP tries to change behavior rather than minds, which is much easier.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Targeting Voters. The Environmental Voter Project identifies people who already care about climate but don't consistently vote and works to get them to the polls.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Voter Disengagement. Low-propensity voters are more likely to prioritize climate change than high-propensity voters.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Voter Segmentation. EVP identifies distinct segments of non-voting environmentalists to tailor their outreach effectively.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Long-term Electorate Change. EVP focuses on a long-term demand-side approach to change the electorate rather than win individual elections.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Impact of Social Media. Staying glued to social media when we really do know it's feeding a chaos-making beast is also moloch at play.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Doom-Dog Turn. Soon, though, I experienced a doom-dog turn, and, for the first time on this journey, felt a desperate helplessness.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Stop Competing. If all the parents agreed to just stop and perhaps put their time and care into making the local public school great, then everyone would win.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Educational Sacrifice. Another example of moloch is the way parents sacrifice the wellbeing of the family unit to work ridiculously long hours in jobs (perhaps second and third jobs) they hate so that they can send their kids to the fancy private school.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Nuclear Arms Race. By 1985 the US and the USSR had produced 63,000 weapons - enough to flatten every major city on Earth and plunge the rest of us into a nuclear winter.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • www.cfr.org

Moloch Explained. Moloch explains why and how we just can’t stop doing insane, zero-sum, self-destructive things that wind us all up in a horrible race to the bottom.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Understanding the Crisis. I think it’s important that we get some kind of material or theoretical understanding of what the hell is going on around us so that we can then start to imagine, embody and roll-model a 'new normal'.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

BLM Solar Plan. Last week the Bureau of Land Management released the final environmental review of its Western Solar Plan, which guides utility-scale solar development on public lands.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Public Input Opportunity. There’s still time to alter the plan; the BLM's protest period is open until Sept. 29.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • eplanning.blm.gov

Planning Recommendations. The BLM would have been wiser to go with its Alternative 5, limiting development to previously disturbed areas within 10 miles of existing transmission lines.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Solar Development Estimates. Under the BLM's reasonable foreseeable development scenario, about 700,000 of those acres would actually see solar panels before 2045.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Comparison of Land Use. About 80 million acres of federal land are available for oil and gas development, of which 23 million acres are currently under active lease.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Misconception Clarification. The current proposal is not opening up an additional 31 million acres to development; it simply extends the plan to more states and tweaks the focus for existing states.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Political Backlash. U.S. Sen. Cynthia Lummis came out with a scathing statement criticizing the Biden-Harris administration, claiming it is 'destroying the western way of life.'

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.lummis.senate.gov

Caution from Activists. The Center for Biological Diversity was decidedly less enthused, stating: 'We don’t need to destroy tens of millions of acres of wildlife habitat to achieve our clean energy goals.'

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • biologicaldiversity.org

Environmental Concerns. The Wilderness Society liked the plan, saying it focuses 'solar projects toward lands near transmission with fewer resource conflicts and away from protected landscapes.'

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.wilderness.org

Industry Response. The Solar Energy Industries Association tentatively celebrated the proposal, writing: 'We’re pleased to see that BLM listened to much of the solar industry’s feedback and added 11 million acres to its original proposal.'

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.seia.org

Land Allocation. The proposed roadmap puts millions of acres off-limits to any future solar development while making 31 million acres available for potential development.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Risk to Homes. Within the next three decades, one in seven homes could be at major risk.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.cnbc.com

Pollution Rates. Multiple scientific studies have shown that logging pollutes more than wildfires.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Cost of Logging. In New Mexico, logging one acre of national forest is 12 times more expensive than burning it.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Old Forest Management Practices. Project 2025 acknowledges directly that its vision for the future looks exactly like the past, ignoring decades of science and knowledge about climate change and prescribed burns.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Ineffective Logging Focus. None of the ecologists that HEATED spoke with for this article thought that cutting down trees alone could solve the wildfire crisis fueled by climate change.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Rejecting Controlled Burns. The management strategy Bakst focuses on instead is increasing timber sales, which he writes could play an important role in changing wildfire behavior because there would be less biomass.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Focus on Logging. Project 2025’s wildfire prevention strategies would be heavily stripped down, primarily focused on making it easier for companies to cut down trees and sell them.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Forest Service Strategy. The Forest Service is implementing a 10-year strategy to reduce wildfire risk, including science-backed methods like prescribed burns, tree thinning, and pruning.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.fs.usda.gov

Project 2025 Overview. MAGA Republicans have put together a plan that they say will help ease the wildfire crisis, laid out in Project 2025.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • static.project2025.org

Deadly Wildfires. Last year, the deadliest wildfire in over a century killed 102 people in Maui.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Wildfire Risk Increase. This year’s wildfire activity is nearly 3,000 percent higher in California than last year.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.fire.ca.gov

Monthly Reports. Previous monthly reports can be found here.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Lithium Price Trends. But raw lithium prices still down again.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Battery Price Increase. Battery prices up by $1/kWh this month!

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Transparency in Industry. We hope this can be a valuable resource to promote transparency in the battery industry.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Report Access. Get the latest August report by subscribing now.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Global Currency Ripple Effects. The effects of dethroning the Dollar would ripple across the world, and could see a knock-on devaluation of currencies whose central bank reserves are mostly made up of the Dollar.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Political Alliances Shifts. Nations like Iran would be open to trade with the world, undoubtedly impacting alliances in a Middle East that is threatening to boil over into multiple wars.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Market Volatility Expectations. Market volatility could also see dramatic gains and losses in vital assets like pensions, more likely losses than gains for investments made through the existing, Western financial infrastructure.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

New Geopolitical Power. New national nondollar payment infrastructure could be built into an alternative to the SWIFT banking system.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Local Currency Adoption. Bypassing the existing financial institutions by opening local currencies up to the world threatens Western hegemony.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

NDB Credit Rating. The NDB has secured a clean credit rating which has buffeted both the Chinese and Russian economies.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical • www.cambridge.org

Implementation of NDB. The BRICS group has created the National Development Bank (NDB) and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) to challenge the World Bank and the IMF.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Potential US Dollar Impact. If the members agree to launch BRICS-pay, the effect would be a drop in the value of the US Dollar, US Treasury bonds, and US trade.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical • brics-pay.com

De-dollarization Strategy. The political group is seeking to reduce their dependence on the US Dollar by creating a blockchain-based payment system.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

BRICS Coalition Growth. The BRICS coalition now includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, UAE, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Iran.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Event Promotion. It's probably going to sell out again.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

DERVOS Definition. DERVOS (a spin on 'Davos') is a one-day conference, in Brooklyn on Oct. 25.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Conference Attendance. In October, I'll be attending and participating in DERVOS 2024.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.dertaskforce.com

Volunteer Group. The task force is a scrappy group of volunteers who are 'DER-pilled,' i.e., deeply into DERs for various professional and personal reasons.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Extra Day in Brooklyn. I'll also be in Brooklyn for an extra day on either side of the conference.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Free Tickets Offering. DERVOS organizers were kind enough to offer Volts three passes to the conference, as a treat for three lucky subscribers!

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

DER Meaning. 'DER,' for those of you lucky enough to have a life, stands for 'distributed energy resources' — all the small stuff out on the edge of the grid, the solar panels, batteries, EVs, smart appliances, and so forth.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Investment Influence. Depending on your perspective, the positioning of investment funds is now either the single biggest factor influencing European natural gas prices, or the best available indicator of where prices are heading.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Hedge Fund Activity. The latest data from the European Securities and Markets Authority suggests that these bullish hedge funds are (at the very least) pausing for breath by reducing their net length in TTF futures.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Increased Capital. Open interest is now 18 times greater than underlying supply of gas in the Dutch market, a feat attributable in large part to the influx of speculative capital over the last 18 months.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Open Interest. Total open interest on TTF breached 3,000 TWh for the first time in late August, which is a mind-boggling amount of gas: equivalent to 307 billion cubic metres, which is more than the entire annual gas demand of the EU in 2023.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Article Stats. Article stats: 1,600 words, 8-min reading time, 11 original charts and graphs.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market Phase Exploration. This week's EU LNG Chart Deck explores these developments to try to understand whether this is a temporary blip or the start of a new market phase.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Market Cycle Indicators. Simultaneously, the physical players — gas suppliers and producers — reduced their net short position, which tends to indicate the current cycle could be at or near its peak.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Speculative Frenzy. A speculative frenzy fuelled a 75% rally in TTF prices since February, and funds keep piling in.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market for Heat Pumps. Heat pumps are next in line for this market revolution.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Carbon Emissions from Boilers. In Europe, a staggering 12% of carbon emissions stem from boilers used in more than 100 million homes.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Need for Policy Changes. A cocktail of policies is likely to be needed to tip the scales: removal of subsidies towards fossil fuels, carbon pricing, reduction of levies and taxes on electricity, and to get an immediate and permanent boost, a ban on new boiler installations.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Heat Pump Efficiency. Their efficiency is almost magical: for every unit of energy they consume, they give 3-4 times as much back in heat.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

EU Policy Goals. The European Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) that passed in December is setting a goal that by 2040, fossil fuels should have no place in heating our buildings.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.europarl.europa.eu

Training Opportunities. There are examples of startups like Forge, La Solive or Smalt who are playing important roles in scaling these initiatives.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Political Drive for Change. It will be mostly up to voters and politicians to get the final wave rolling.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Installer Efficiency. It is difficult to make heat pump installers more efficient than they currently are.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Need for Unified Platforms. Tradespeople don't need a dozen more apps on their phone; they need one single app - a heat pump installation command center that handles everything from lead generation to monitoring and servicing.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Importance of Software. Software will transform heat pump installation from a logistical nightmare into a more appealing job than refurbishing kitchens and bathrooms or god forbid, installing yet another boiler.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Local Stakeholder Coordination. Setting up and scaling a nature-based (NbS) carbon project, e.g. reforestation or mangrove restoration, is hard, time consuming and involves coordinating many different parties.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Digital Tool Development. We also need to build more digital tools for project developers.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Standards Modernization. We should be helping the Standards, most of which are non-profit entities, to modernise and digitise their process, enabling more oversight with shorter wait times.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Need for Innovation. It’s clear we need to find ways to accelerate the growth of high-quality projects and minimise their time to market without sacrificing oversight.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Validation Delays. While previously, this approval process only took a few months, waiting times have ballooned to around 1.5 years.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

PDD Complexity. PDDs can be over 200 pages long and are typically written in coordination with the aforementioned consultants, forcing developers to deal with long wait times.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Methodology Importance. Most carbon experts will tell you that the setup phase of a project is the most important determinant of a project’s quality.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Expertise Pool. The pool of potential partners with the right combination of geographic and activity expertise is, to say the least, shallow.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Carbon Market Growth. To meet scientific consensus, carbon markets must expand to over 10 GT annually by 2050, a 40x increase, accounting for about 20% of global emissions.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.sciencedaily.com

BVCM Strategies. To offset hard-to-abate and unavoidable emissions, these companies must also invest in beyond value chain mitigation (BVCM) strategies, which include carbon projects.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Net Zero Commitment. Almost half of Forbes 2000 companies, a figure that has more than doubled in the last three years, have pledged to achieve Net Zero emissions.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Understanding Impact. We see a clear connection between company satisfaction and impact – social impact and environmental priorities must be seen as complementary.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Benchmarking Impact. Our Energy Benchmarks serve as a resource to guide thinking for performance targets and improved organisational efficiency for off-grid energy organisations.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • pages.60decibels.com

Connecting Markets. Viewing this sector through both a decarbonisation and social impact lens will give companies the tools to ensure their clean energy products can reach the right markets.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Top Impact Awards. We recently celebrated the energy organisations who ranked top for impact – determined through results from the experiences of the 79,000+ customers we listened to.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Need for Capital Investment. Both women-led and locally-owned companies are woefully underrepresented in the flows of capital being invested in the off-grid energy sector.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Locally-Owned Impact. Locally-owned organisations have a higher social impact, female reach, poverty reach, ease of use and satisfaction rates than their peers.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

First-Time Customer Support. First-time customers are more likely to face challenges, emphasising the need for targeted support during initial product usage.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Customer Challenges. A substantial third of customers experienced some sort of challenge using their energy product or service, on average.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Financing Challenges. Five percent of those surveyed found payments for their energy device to be a significant financial burden.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Rural Customer Impact. Over half of the 79,000+ customers surveyed live in rural areas, where they reported both higher impact and satisfaction than the sector average.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Solar Lantern Benefits. Some 64% of customers told us a simple solar lantern brought a significant change to their wellbeing.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Quality of Life Improvement. For more than half of all customers, the quality of their and their families' lives improved significantly as a result of their new-found energy access.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Impact of Off-Grid Energy. The off-grid energy sector is making a material difference for hundreds of millions around the globe.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Energy Access Stats. Nearly 10% of the globe's 8 billion people still lack reliable access to energy.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Small-Scale Testing Need. The current consensus is that small-scale testing to answer these questions is the most pressing part of the sinking conundrum.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Future Market Alignment. If you zoom out, the CDR market and the future of the planet are so closely aligned, that it is difficult to imagine the market failing to manifest in the next decade.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

CDR Market Uncertainty. Uncertainty in the CDR market itself poses the biggest barrier to seaweed (and all other) forms of CDR.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Biodiversity Benefits. There's evidence to suggest that seaweed cultivation can increase biodiversity and create positive feedback loops when done correctly.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.theguardian.com

Monitoring Existing Issues. At SeaGen, our starting point is existing problematic seaweed (Sargassum) in the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt, working hand in hand with impacted nations.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Ecosystem Monitoring Importance. At the very least, the impacts on the surface ocean ecology need to be deeply understood.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Automation and AI Impact. Coupled with technological developments using automation and AI, it is not difficult to imagine that the costs of cultivation will dramatically reduce in the near term.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Early Stage Cultivation. Seaweed cultivation is still at a very early stage. It has only existed on a commercial scale since the 1950's.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Seaweed CDR Potential. Antoine de Ramon N'Yert and his team at the University of the South Pacific estimated that 9% of the world's ocean dedicated to seaweed cultivation could draw down 53 billion tonnes of CO2 a year.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.researchgate.net

Community Support. The climate tech community is rich with experience and support.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Regulatory Engagement. Without sufficient engagement with regulators at federal, state, and local levels, startups may miss out on having a seat at the table or might be taken by surprise.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Competitive Dynamics. Startups can sometimes underestimate the power of entrenched competitors.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Cost to Serve Challenges. The lesson is to maintain an updated, realistic view of how cost to serve will look as you scale.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Focus Areas for Impact. By addressing these eight areas, climate tech startups can achieve outsized impact and returns.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Product Development Timing. Sometimes products take longer to develop than the path to revenue can support.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Overestimation of Market. Startups sometimes overestimate Total Addressable Market (TAM).

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Market Demand Challenges. Many startups in our analysis faced a common challenge of insufficient demand compared to initial projections, or the go-to-market strategy didn’t fully address potential challenges such as distribution.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Culture Importance. Without proactively nurturing culture, the founding team's values that initially drove success can become diluted.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Common Startup Pitfalls. We identified eight common pitfalls to avoid, as well as examples of startups that successfully navigated these challenges.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Unit Economics Focus. Investors are keenly interested in startups’ path to profitability and scalable unit economics.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Entrepreneurial Challenges. Navigating that journey is challenging, and may become more so in a tighter financing market.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Scaling Climate Tech. We need climate tech startups and the entrepreneurs who build them to solve the climate crisis.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

External Challenges. Even the most prepared startups face headwinds outside their control.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

California's Role. California's policies often serve as blueprints that are replicated across the nation and globe, a phenomenon exemplified by the Low Carbon Fuel Standard's proliferation.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Unified Coalitions. Shashank's solution? Unified coalitions, despite competition.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Startup Influence. Senator Wiener noted the stark resource disparities startups face when vying for influence against deep-pocketed corporations and formidable trade associations.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Credibility Importance. Shashank noted how net zero commitments, government procurement and industries grappling with compliance mean nothing without market credibility.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Pivotal Market Drivers. Shashank highlighted three distinct market drivers propelling demand: companies with aggressive net-zero commitments, government procurement, and industries grappling with compliance markets.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Scope 3 Contention. Contention around the bill mostly centered on the inclusion of Scope 3 emissions, which often represent up to 90% of a corporation's carbon footprint.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Coalition Support. Senator Wiener explains, 'We had a whole coalition of corporations including Google, Microsoft, Apple, an amalgamated bank, IKEA and Patagonia ... and so on and so forth that were already doing it.'

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Lobbying Opposition. Senator Wiener noted the intense lobbying from heavyweight groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and American Petroleum Institute, who argued the bill's compliance would be burdensome and costly.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

SB 253 Requirements. SB 253 requires both public and private US businesses with revenues greater than $1B doing business in California to report their Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, beginning in 2026.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Final Thoughts. Together, they outlined an exciting roadmap aimed at catalyzing tangible and lasting impact within the carbon removal space.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Rapid Battery Growth. Recently, it has been reported that battery storage constitutes nearly 60% of projects in the state seeking connection to the grid.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Critical Energy Transition. As America’s economy becomes ever more dependent on a 24/7 electricity grid, solutions like Base Power will become critical to ensuring the energy transition is smooth and seamless.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Decentralized Storage Solution. Base Power's decentralized strategy takes advantage of existing grid interconnections at homes and businesses, solving challenges associated with grid-scale storage.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Energy Cost Strategy. Base Power provides energy backup when needed and electricity when it’s most affordable by purchasing renewable energy from the wholesale market.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Investment Trends. According to PitchBook, venture capital firms invested $4.9 billion in rechargeable battery companies in 2021, up from $1.6 billion in 2020.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Scaling Expectations. Texas had approximately 4,000 megawatts of batteries in the summer of 2023, which is expected to grow each of the next two summers to reach 12,000 to 14,000 megawatts.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Cost Barrier Reduction. Base Power offers homeowners a large battery for free with a $2,000 installation fee, removing the cost barrier of $10,000 to $15,000 for energy storage.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Base Power's Innovation. Base Power is solving the problem of providing consumers with reliable and affordable energy by building the largest distributed battery storage network.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Need for Storage. The confluence of greater solar and wind energy and electrification of homes and buildings highlights the need for more battery storage to make the energy grid more resilient.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Power Outage Scale. More than 4.5 million homes, approximately a quarter of all residences, were without power for several days.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Winter Storm Impact. In February of 2021, severe winter storms swept across Texas putting it in a deep freeze and resulting in one of the worst energy infrastructure crises in the Lone Star State's history.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Quality Demand Growth. Carbon credit buyers are now proving they will pay for quality offsets, which may allow project developers to overcome strong disincentives.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

High-Integrity Methodology. The Gold Standard Metered and Measured Energy for Cooking Devices methodology demands that clean cooking project developers demonstrate their impact by tracking fuel usage.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • globalgoals.goldstandard.org

Verification Tools. New technology and techniques, such as stove-use-monitoring sensors, can allow accurate proof-of-use for clean cooking projects even in remote settings.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Offset Prices Collapse. The criticism over offset quality has caused prices from clean cooking projects to collapse from an average of ~$12 to less than $4.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Impact from Carbon Revenue. In Africa, carbon revenue plays a vital role in helping families live cleaner, healthier, and more prosperous lives by subsidizing sustainably produced and lower-carbon replacement fuels.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Over-Crediting Risks. UC Berkeley's analysis found significant risk of over-crediting in carbon offset projects, estimating methodological errors could lead projects to be over-credited by as much as 10X.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.nature.com

Carbon Credits Surge. Clean cooking became one of the fastest-growing segments of the voluntary carbon market, up more than 3X in less than a year.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Investment Pitfalls. Recent scandals have thrown the brakes on getting climate investments where they can have the most impact, leaving billions to suffer in smoke.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Need for Clean Solutions. Solving the problem of household air pollution is critical for people and our planet, with a clear solution to a pressing need.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Cooking Emissions. Emissions from cooking emit more CO2 than the global aviation industry.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Major Emission Source. The leading source of climate emissions per household in the developing world is making dinner, causing more death and disease from household air pollution than tuberculosis, malaria, and AIDS combined.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

MCJ Podcast Insights. In the latest MCJ Podcast, we cover the history of INL, its key priorities, current projects under development, and Dr. Wagner's vision for our nuclear future.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • mcj.news

Climate Advisory Guidebook. President Biden's Climate Advisory team released a guidebook to help companies and investors navigate various federal financing programs.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.whitehouse.gov

Technological Relevance. "You can develop all the technologies in the world... but if nobody ever actually uses them, then in my opinion, they're irrelevant." - Dr. John Wagner

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Comprehensive Value Chain. By focusing on the entire nuclear value chain—from fuel creation and reactor operation to waste management and cybersecurity—INL is shaping the future of energy.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Collaboration Focus. INL actively collaborates with private companies and regulatory bodies to bring innovative nuclear technologies to market.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Nuclear Leadership Goal. These initiatives aim to reestablish the U.S. as a leader in nuclear reactor development, ensuring safety, efficiency, and commercial viability.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Pioneering Projects. Under the leadership of Dr. John Wagner, INL is pioneering new projects like the Advanced Test Reactor, MARVEL, and PELE.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

INL's Innovation Legacy. The Idaho National Laboratory (INL), with its rich legacy of innovation, has been a pivotal player in the nuclear energy landscape.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

High Energy Density. Its high energy density and low carbon emissions make it a key component of future energy solutions.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Crucial Energy Role. Nuclear energy plays a crucial role in our global pursuit of clean, reliable, and abundant power.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Philanthropic Giving to Climate. Only 2% of philanthropic giving goes to tackling climate change.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Philanthropy's Role. Ignoring any trillion-dollar market in our efforts to solve the climate crisis would be a missed opportunity.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

US Giving Percentages. In the US, this number increases slightly to 3%, compared to 5% for arts, culture, and humanities; 10% for health; 13% for education; and 27% for religion.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Declining Environmental Donations. Giving to 'environmental and animal organizations' decreased 1.6 percent between 2021 and 2022.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Call for Collaboration. Let’s work together to bring them to life and unlock far more than 2% of that trillion-dollar market.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Urgent Action Required. Carbon removed today is worth significantly more than carbon removed in five or ten years.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Need for Innovation. We need powerful, innovative solutions to be created in ways that can have catalytic, outsize impact.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Carbon Removal Support. The global carbon removal market is still smaller than the market for nail clippers, and it needs more buyers to scale effectively.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Ford F-Series Dominance. The best-selling vehicle in the U.S. in 2023, and for the past 42 years, has been the Ford F-Series, which includes the F-150 and its larger counterparts.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.cnbc.com

Pickup Truck Size Increase. The U.S. pickup truck market has indeed shifted toward larger vehicles, a trend driven by EPA regulations implemented since 2010 that linked fuel efficiency to vehicle weight.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

TELO Trucks Investment. We are thrilled to announce MCJ's investment in TELO's Seed round, led by Neo, with additional investment from Spero Ventures and multiple prominent angel investors in the space.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Founder Expertise. The founding TELO team combines an extensive history in automotive safety, autonomous vehicles, battery design, EV engineering and industrial design.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Agile Manufacturing Strategy. TELO’s approach of using off-the-shelf parts, domestic contract manufacturing, and virtual validation enhances the company’s ability to scale quickly.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Innovative Safety Technologies. TELO prioritizes the safety of its vehicles for both occupants and vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

TELO's Urban Mobility Focus. TELO Trucks is poised to redefine the future of urban mobility with its groundbreaking electric pickups.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

TELO Truck Design. The TELO Truck combines the compact size of a two-door MINI Cooper with the utility of a Toyota Tacoma.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Increase in EV Registrations. The International Energy Agency's Global EV Outlook reported a 40% increase in new EV registrations in 2023, totaling 1.4 million vehicles.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Market Gap for Smaller EVs. This situation creates a significant market gap for smaller, electric trucks that can easily navigate tight spaces while offering the utility and performance expected from a pickup.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Optimize Compute Timing. Data center operators also need to combine tools with other strategies, such as optimizing the timing of compute load for AI model training.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • blog.google

Collaboration Necessity. With the right collaboration (between utilities, regulators, data center companies, and community stakeholders), incentives, and tools, we can expand powerful new technologies without undermining critical climate ambitions.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Big Tech's Leadership. To their credit, Big Tech has pioneered the concept of voluntary corporate renewable energy purchases, with tremendous follow-on benefits in terms of policy advances and action by other corporate energy users.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Utilities and Innovation. Utilities also need to be creative and work with private-sector companies on innovative tariff structures that incentivize load flexibility.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

High Standards for Data Centers. Cloud customers – and ideally regulators – need to hold data center companies to high standards, including next-generation clean energy goals.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Concerns from Singapore. Singapore halted all new data center construction between 2019 and 2022 because of concerns that their high electricity demand would strain the grid and negatively impact the city-state’s sustainability goals.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.ashurst.com

AI's Electricity Demand. A May 2024 study by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) found that AI could drive data centers to consume nearly 10% of the U.S.’ total electricity generation by 2030, up from 2% in 2020.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

The Nuclear Company. The Nuclear Company aims to restore America's leadership in nuclear power by building fleets of nuclear power plants on time and on budget.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Bi-Partisan Support. There has been growing support from both Democrats and Republicans for deploying more nuclear energy.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Nuclear Revival Potential. With the increasing demand for clean energy and the success of nuclear energy development abroad, there is potential for the U.S. to reclaim its former leadership in the sector.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Energy Demand Surge. Energy demand is on the rise, driven by growing EVs, heat pumps, and other electrical devices and assets being plugged into the grid.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

U.S. Nuclear Output. The U.S. remains the largest generator of nuclear energy, representing 30% of the world’s output.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Nuclear Workforce Decline. The resulting decades-long decline of nuclear power in the U.S. has led to a decay of the industry’s workforce, which has undergone a loss of vital professions such as skilled welders, pipefitters, and electricians.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Environmental Regulation Changes. The June Supreme Court decision overruling the Chevron doctrine increases the scrutiny that the Biden Administration's environmental regulations may face.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Impact of 2024 Elections. A Trump presidency is likely going to shift the balance in favor of fossil fuel giants.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Trump's Climate Position. Former President Trump has positioned himself firmly against President Biden's climate policies, pledging to 'rescind every one of Joe Biden's industry-killing, job-killing, pro-China and anti-American electricity regulations.'

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.donaldjtrump.com

Advocacy Importance. Advocate for protecting the IRA by lobbying elected officials for continued federal and state support.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Current Climate Risk. The climate tech sector faces a critical juncture as the presidential election approaches.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Policy Extending Costs. Extending those tax credits would cost about $4.6 trillion over the next ten years according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.budget.senate.gov

Tax Debate Outlook. Regardless of who wins in November, a major tax debate will ensue in DC next year, and IRA incentives will be a big focus.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Tax Incentives Durability. Many in the energy sector believe the IRA will remain mostly intact because history shows tax incentives are rarely revoked.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Election Climate Mobilization. The clean energy and climate movement seems less mobilized around this election cycle than it was in 2020.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Remote Skills Assessment. PowerTechs offers a skills assessment technology that identifies existing transferable skills, allowing workers to transition from other industries into clean energy roles.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

President's Support. By harnessing the potential of nuclear energy through a dedicated and skilled workforce, nations can secure a stable, prosperous, and safe future.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Operational Excellence Importance. A skilled nuclear workforce is essential for the reliable and safe operation of nuclear facilities.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Vogtle Plant Jobs. A case study of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant in Georgia highlights that during its construction phase, the project created over 9,000 jobs.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.georgiapower.com

High Salaries. The average salary for a nuclear engineer in the United States is approximately $125,000 per year, significantly higher than the national average wage.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.bls.gov

Economic Impact of Nuclear. Developing a strong nuclear workforce leads to a plethora of job opportunities ranging from engineering and scientific research to maintenance and security roles.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Job Openings. During this time, there will be millions of new job openings in the US, including nearly 500,000 in the nuclear industry.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.energy.gov

Workforce Challenges. The shortage of skilled workers is already a bottleneck for clean and nuclear infrastructure deployment, and this problem is expected to worsen around the crisis period of 2030-2035.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Nuclear Energy Reliability. As one of the cleanest and safest energy sources available today, nuclear energy is poised to play a critical role in securing our energy future.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Electricity Demand Surge. By 2030, global electricity demand is projected to increase by over 60%, according to the International Energy Agency.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Energy Independence. A country with a strong nuclear energy sector reduces its reliance on foreign energy sources, enhancing its energy independence.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Economic Multiplier Effect. Investments in nuclear energy projects generate significant economic activity, leading to increased tax revenues for state governments.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Rice Methane Emissions. Flooding a rice field creates conditions for bacteria that ferment soil organic matter anaerobically, producing methane as a byproduct.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • myclimatejourney.substack.com

Advances in Methodology. Recent advances in dMRV technology are improving the standards for rice methane methodologies, enhancing transparency and trust.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • verra.org

Improving Carbon Credit Quality. To ensure viability as carbon credit options, rice methane projects must improve in quality and transparency.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.climatechangenews.com

Carbon Credits for Farmers. Rice methane projects offer potential for reducing emissions permanently and could provide carbon credit finance to farmers who most need it.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

New Agricultural Techniques. Contrary to typical thinking, novel agricultural techniques don’t affect crop yield while reducing methane emissions and water usage.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Methane Reduction Practices. Alternative practices like Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) can reduce methane emissions by over 40% and allow farmers to farm with 30% less water.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.adb.org

Climate-Induced Droughts. In India, climate-induced droughts have left farmers with very little water, driving many to extreme ends, including suicide.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • weather.com

Rice's Global Impact. Rice feeds 3.5 billion people daily and has a carbon footprint the size of the aviation industry, accounting for approximately 1.5% of global emissions.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • education.nationalgeographic.org

Leakage Challenge. Experts estimate that globally, up to 34% of water is lost during distribution due to leaks.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.fluencecorp.com

Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Water contributes up to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.cdp.net

California's Achievement. California supplied 100% of its energy demand with renewable energy for 30 days in a 38-day stretch.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • environmentamerica.org

Water Usage Forecast. Select renewable energy sources are actually some of the biggest water users out there.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Innovative Solutions. Companies like Infinite Cooling are pioneering opportunities to reduce water usage in energy production by capturing water in cooling towers that would otherwise be lost.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.infinite-cooling.com

Fossil Fuel Dependency. In 2023, about 60% of the electricity generation in the US relied on fossil fuels.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.eia.gov

Desalination Energy Use. Desalination consumes a colossal amount of energy to generate drinking water from ocean water.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • mcj.news

Freshwater Withdrawal. In 2021 alone, the global energy system withdrew 370 billion cubic metres (bcm) of freshwater: roughly 10% of total global freshwater withdrawals.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Resource Nexus. Energy and water form a fundamental nexus in our modern world.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Balancing Act. The impact of climate change on the delicate balance between energy and water remains uncertain.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Public-Private Partnership. The National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) has secured over $100 million since 2019 for the development of energy-efficient desalination technologies.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.nawihub.org

Energy from Leakage Solution. ASTERRA has saved over 1,000,000 MWH of energy through its leak detection technology.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.linkedin.com

Paces' Automated Solution. Paces is building an automated workflow solution for green project developers that utilizes AI to help users make better and more well-informed decisions.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Founder Credentials. James McWalter, CEO of Paces, brings over 15 years of tech industry experience, including stints at AI startups and enterprise SaaS sales.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.linkedin.com

Paces' Integrated Solution. Paces addresses the gaps in current practices by offering an integrated, purpose-built solution to manage the development phase of green projects.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Legacy Solution Inefficiencies. Development phase processes for green projects currently involve various poorly coordinated parties and rely predominantly on spreadsheets and notebooks, lacking historical data.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

AI Impact on Data Centers. Gartner forecasts 25.3% growth in data center systems, largely due to AI services and GPU-based specialized services for AI workloads.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.gartner.com

Global Investment Projection. The International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that global energy investment is set to exceed USD 3 trillion for the first time in 2024, with USD 2 trillion going to clean energy technologies and infrastructure.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Market Scope. Green development in the US is a $10B total addressable market in soft costs - consulting, permitting and various software solutions.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Paces Funding. We are thrilled to announce our participation in Paces' successful $11 million Series A funding round.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Historical Data Issues. Critical data including spatial, zoning, permitting, interconnection, and environmental metrics has been historically elusive and manually handled.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Infrastructure Needs. A fully electrified economy requires trillions of dollars worth of energy infrastructure to be built quickly and efficiently.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Major Project Blockers. 80% of renewable energy projects stall or fail before construction even begins due to poor due diligence, slow transmission construction, high interconnection costs, and long wait times.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Carbon-Free Goal. These projects in the pipeline provide enough power to achieve 80% carbon-free electricity in the US by 2030.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Future Use Cases. Paces is building a compounding moat with the largest repository of current as well as historical data on zoning and permitting regulations, allowing for expansion into more use cases over time.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Proposed Projects Volume. The US has myriad clean energy projects planned, with over 2,000 gigawatts of proposed wind, solar, and battery projects proposed.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.canarymedia.com

New Investments. In June 2024 alone, companies announced more than $700 million in new investment for clean energy projects in six U.S. states, plus over 1,300 new jobs.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • e2.org

Importance of Implementation. Solving policy bottlenecks largely comes down to better implementation of existing policies.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Broader Investment Needs. States already struggle to keep up with policy victories like the IRA, let alone the threefold increase in energy transition investment needed to achieve Paris Agreement goals.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Learning from Others. Maryland stakeholders utilized best practices from around the country, helping them build from a strong foundation and avoid reinventing the wheel.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Misaligned Processes. The current regulatory process generally reflects dysfunction, producing outcomes that do not necessarily promote the intended policy objectives.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Design Thinking Success. Maryland recently laid groundwork for its energy storage goal in only three months using design thinking to transform the traditional process.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • designthinking.ideo.com

Policy Design Tools. Investors should prioritize the adoption of tools to speed the policy design and implementation process, making it more transparent and efficient.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Implementation Bottlenecks. State-level roadblocks routinely hamper deployment of investments targeting the electric sector, particularly through expanded use of renewables and energy storage.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Capital Flow. Bloomberg NEF reported global record highs in clean energy investment, with a 15% increase in the Americas last year relative to 2022.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • about.bnef.com

Investment Gaps. Closing investment gaps will be crucial for climate-focused companies, investors, and philanthropists, especially if Washington does an about-face on climate in January.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Central Banks' Role. Central banks can incentivize financial vehicles that specifically build projects that reduce emissions and harden supply chains.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Default Rate Advantage. According to this report from LSEG, the default rate in green bonds has been 'significantly below the average default rate of the broader market.'

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.lseg.com

Investor Confidence. If we see demand for publicly traded green bonds shrink, we would similarly expect to see a dampening effect on the entire capital stack.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Growth of Green Bonds. The use of use-of-proceeds green bonds that disclose how each dollar in the bond was allocated has been growing significantly, with over $4 trillion of green bonds having been issued in the last 5 years.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.climatebonds.net

Climate Impact Visibility. Investors have the power to accelerate the transition by embracing the green bond market.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

SLB Effectiveness. Most SLBs only start counting emissions reductions in the final 1-2 years of the bond and the price of failure is relatively minor.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Advantage over Loans. The bond structure has proven to be a cheaper source of capital than bank loans in these times of high interest rates.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Green Bonds Defined. Green bonds are securitized debt instruments issued by governments and corporations with a specific mandate to invest only in green projects.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Importance of Public Markets. For the amount of capital and investors that we need to hit our climate goals, we need a very active public market ready to acquire that debt or equity at the end.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Investment Requirement. According to the IEA, the world needs to be investing $4 trillion per year in clean energy by 2030 to be on track for a new zero-energy system by 2050.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Podcast Support. We are very grateful for your continued support.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Gratitude Expressed. David expresses gratitude for listeners’ continued support.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Question from Trader Tony. Trader Tony asks about the climate policy prospects under a potential Harris administration compared to Biden and Trump.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Mailbag Episode. This is your Volts podcast for Friday, August 30, 2024. Our special monthly mailbag episode for paid subscribers.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Support Acknowledgment. Your support makes this podcast possible, allows David to do this work every week.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Harris Administration Outlook. Do you think that the prospect of a Harris administration is more or less promising for climate than a Biden administration?

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Presidential Changes. In 1962, President John F. Kennedy added about 5,000 acres to the main monument, while removing the two caves, 'which no longer contain features of archaeological value.'

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.nps.gov

Podcast Episode Insight. I had the pleasure of joining Chris on the podcast to talk about Utah's public land grab attempt.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • 90milesfromneedles.com

Podcast Recommendation. If you love the desert, especially the Mojave, and you like good writing, you gotta subscribe to Chris Clarke’s Letters From the Desert e-newsletter.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • lettersfromthedesert.substack.com

Short-term Rentals Issue. This is problematic because Montana, like much of the West, is experiencing a housing affordability crisis exacerbated by housing being taken out of the long-term rental market.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Housing Crisis Ad. Democrat Monica Tranel is challenging MAGA-Republican Rep. Ryan Zinke, who has been buying up properties in Montana and turning them into short-term rentals amid a housing affordability crisis.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Community Development. Old-guard Utahns have a sort of obsession with roads and will spend considerable taxpayer dollars to keep a dead-end cow-path open to motorized travel.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Road Proliferation. In the decades following the Dobbins-Marshall survey, roads proliferated across the landscape, especially during the Cold War uranium boom spanning from the 1940s to the 1980s.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Roadless Area Discovery. One of the largest roadless areas they found was a nine-million-acre swath in southeastern Utah straddling the Colorado River.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Historical Map Search. Back in the 1930s, Althea Dobbins and Robert Marshall sat down and pored over maps of the United States in search not of roads, but of the absence thereof.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Labor Day Reflection. In honor of Labor Day weekend, the dispatch is intentionally kept light and non-laborious.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Questions for Corey. If you have a question for Corey regarding fertility collapse, overpopulation etc, add to the comments.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Podcast Interview. I try to do as I'm asked. I'll be interviewing him next week.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Coincidental Connections. Coincidences happen all the time; life is a whole bunch of extraordinary, magnificent coincides strung together.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Upcoming AMA. You can ask me your burning question here and I'll try to cover it off.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Documenting Embarrassments. Sadly, my second turn on the catwalk (the bit with the toilet paper) is not documented.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Modeling Memories. In First, We Make the Beast Beautiful, I write about the supremely suburban and cringey story of how I became a model in the late '80s after being invited to compete in a shopping mall beauty pageant.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Looping Stories. I've previously shared funny, looping stories of ridiculousness where a phenomenon from one of my books has resurfaced in my real life.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

London Meetup. I'm coming to London (to meet a former Australian Prime Minster and to speak at this conference) and would love to squeeze in a meet-up if there is enough interest.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • howthelightgetsin.org

Thoughts on Life. The E.M. Forster opening line in Howard's End, 'Only Connect', just keeps on coming to my mind and reminding me how to live a life.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Meeting in Paris. Last night I met with subscriber Dr Chloe J Hill who was visiting Paris from Amsterdam, via Texas.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Energy Transition Barriers. Efforts to build out renewable energy systems face significant hurdles, including infrastructure challenges and public understanding of new technologies.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Significant Climate Tipping Points. The NASA study finds that we could push past the 2 degree Celsius mark sometime between 2041 and 2044, which could trigger critical climate changes.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • news.mongabay.com

Climate Education. The climate movement should spend less time worrying about oil energy disinformation and more time explaining to people what heat pumps are.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Wasteful Carbon Schemes. $30 billion of public money has been wasted on carbon capture and fossil hydrogen projects that not only fail to deliver results but also delay the necessary transition to renewable energy by propping up the fossil fuel industry.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • priceofoil.org

Lesson from the West. The clean energy transition remains the most important planetary challenge and presents the greatest economic opportunity.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Emerging Legal Standards. The South Korean high court ruled that the government needed to sharpen its plans for carbon reductions, as the absence of legally binding targets violated the constitutional rights of future generations.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theguardian.com

Investment in Renewables. With the massive growth in renewable energy now firmly underway, there likely won't be the appetite among financiers for new oil fields by 2029.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Climate Implications. This will be one of the first large oilfields that humans decide to leave in the ground because of climate concerns.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Labour's Energy Shift. Ed Milliband announced that the government would not back the companies that want to develop two huge new North Sea oilfields.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theguardian.com

Global Polling Impact. This has already been a year of democracy around the globe with half the world's people going to the polls, and the results have so far been not as bad as they might have been.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Porsche Battery Repurposing. Porsche has repurposed batteries from its sports car Taycan vehicle line into a second-life 10 MWh BESS project to power its factory in Leipzig, Germany.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.energy-storage.news

Potassium-Ion Development. Anhui Guoxin New Materials Co., Ltd has announced a commercially available potassium-ion battery designed for e-bikes.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.gizmochina.com

Tesla's Milestone. Tesla's official milestone for cells launching with dry electrodes in 4680 cells was achieved last month.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Moxion Power Furloughs. Bay-Area based Moxion Power suddenly furloughed 400+ of its remaining staff and has declared bankruptcy after raising $110m in 2022.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.sfgate.com

Battery Investment Decline. Rystad Energy has announced that global battery investments have dipped for the first time since 2020, largely due to a downturn in infrastructure spending in China.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Environmental Concerns. Critics fear that Serbia will be an example of a 'sacrifice zone' where environmental degradation is accepted to fuel the electrification of wealthier nations.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.politico.eu

Serbian Lithium Tensions. A controversial lithium project in Serbia, which could meet up to 90% of the EU's lithium demand, is facing significant national criticism.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.greeneuropeanjournal.eu

Deep Sea Findings. Deep sea mining nodules have been found to produce oxygen, challenging the previous assumption that this largely came from plankton.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.nature.com

Challenges in Lithium Battery. The move reflects both the formidable challenges of making lithium metal batteries and financial pressures on Northvolt.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Battery R&D Relocation. Northvolt has publicized a decision to move its next-generation lithium-metal battery R&D development to the R&C campus in Västernäs, Sweden.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • northvolt.com

Building Resilience. Steffi discusses how to build psychological resilience.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Neoliberal Impact. Dysfunction of our neoliberal economic system permeates our experience of being in the world, questioning whether health is an attainable goal in a sick society.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Systemic Transformation. Steffi suggests the mental health crisis is yet another opportunity to radically transform our systems to promote a health that includes people and planet.

recommendation • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Mental Health Stigma. The psychology profession stigmatises mental health by failing to grasp that poor mental health can be a rational reaction to a broken world.

insight • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Climate Grief Awareness. Steffi Bednarek is a climate psychotherapist working both with clients on their anxiety and depression related to climate grief.

data point • 2 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical • www.steffibednarek.com

Impact of Plastic Bag Bans. Plastic bag bans in several U.S. cities have reduced the number of single-use plastic bags used each year by around 6 billion.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.weforum.org

Voices for Change. Reaching out to local representatives and asking them what they can do to get rid of plastic can be a powerful action toward a plastic-free future.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Global Plastics Treaty. Global initiatives like the Global Plastics Treaty are needed to end plastic pollution, with negotiators meeting in South Korea to finalize the treaty.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.un.org

Plastic Recycling Challenge. Around the world, less than 10% of plastic is actually recycled, leading to the conclusion that the best thing we can do is not use it in the first place.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.dw.com

Public Support for Green Energy. 72 percent of people worldwide want to see a 'quick transition' to sources of green energy.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.theguardian.com

Fossil Fuel Disinformation. Fossil fuel companies are also continuing to push out toxic mis- and disinformation to slow the green energy transition.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.theguardian.com

Global Emissions. Shipping is currently responsible for 3 percent of global emissions annually and this number could easily triple by 2050 if nothing is done to curb emissions.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Yara Birkeland Impact. The world’s first electric self-propelled container ship, the Yara Birkeland, made her maiden voyage back in 2021 and reduces emissions by some 1,000 tons of CO2 by replacing around 40,000 trips by diesel-powered trucks each year.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • maritime-executive.com

Electric Cargo Ships. COSCO Shipping has launched a 10,000-ton, fully electric cargo ship called the Green Water 01, powered by a 50 MWh battery, which can even be expanded to 80 MWh if needed.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • electrek.co

Green Schoolyards Benefits. A new study shows that green spaces on school campuses are good for kids, the planet, and the bottom line. For every dollar invested in creating a green schoolyard in Denver, the study found, schools reaped a $3 return.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • grist.org

Potential Central Bank Actions. Central banks could incentivize financial vehicles that specifically build projects that reduce emissions and harden supply chains.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Climate and Economy Link. Be ready to start hearing the link between climate-driven shortages of key staples and inflation (aka 'ClimateFlation') a lot more in stock market commentary.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Unique Financial Upsides. Green bonds not only match the yields of traditional bonds but also present unique financial upsides.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Impact of Green Bonds. In 2023, the globe issued about $500 billion of green bonds, which is still short of where we need to be for our energy transition goals.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Decline of SLBs. Fortunately, the use of SLBs has been declining while use-of-proceeds green bonds that disclose how each dollar in the bond was actually allocated has been growing significantly.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Green Bond Definition. Green bonds are securitized debt instruments issued by governments and corporations with a specific mandate to invest only in green projects like renewable energy.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Green Bonds Appeal. From a returns perspective, green bonds are a strong alternative to traditional bonds.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Importance of Public Markets. For the amount of capital and investors that we need to meet our climate goals, we need a very active public market ready to acquire that debt or equity at the end.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Annual Investment Requirement. According to the IEA, the world needs to be investing $4 trillion per year in clean energy by 2030 to be on track for a new zero-energy system by 2050.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Curbside Charging Demand. We're excited to put curbside charger infrastructure wherever there's a building and a curb.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Looking Ahead. We're looking at deploying chargers in cities like Boston, Alameda, Los Angeles, and others.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Quick Installation Timeline. The installation of the charger takes about two days.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Urban EV Functions. We want to have more multimodal transportation and more public transportation, but we still do need vehicles and we want to make those electric.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Utility Disconnection. We don't have to contact utilities or get them involved in any way.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Urban Charging Collaboration. We are working with Uber to identify curbside charging opportunities in neighborhoods where their rideshare drivers park at night.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Revenue Sharing Model. We rev share with the buildings.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Modular Design Benefits. We designed this to be modular, like a Lego. If someone runs into it, destroys it, we don't have to roll out a truck; we just pop it off, and we pop the new one on.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Charging Residing with Buildings. Cars powered by buildings; we put our small charger on the curb and instead of going 7ft down into the street and making that inner utility connection, we just power it from the spare capacity in the building that's right next to it.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Design Matters. Design matters. And people don't understand how much design matters until it's absent.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Growing Urban Demand. Worries about charging are one of the key things holding back faster EV adoption, especially among urban populations.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Itselectric's Innovation. Itselectric has developed curbside level-2 chargers that connect to building electric panels, making installation quick and efficient.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.itselectric.us

Urban Charging Barriers. Access to charging is a barrier to EV adoption for folks without a driveway or a garage.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Systems Management. We used to live in a more attuned and manageable dynamic with [systems]; many Indigenous cultures still do.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Past Resilience. The argument that past complex societies simply rebuilt or recovered after a collapse is also a great one to cover off.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Interconnected Crises. The individual crises (and their level of severity) are not the issue, per se; it’s the way they feed into, and accelerate, each other unpredictably.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Complexity of Crises. Yes, humanity has faced many of the crises we now face, and others besides. However! We’ve not faced so many all at once.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Metacrisis Context. The historian Niall Ferguson has scoffed that the metacrisis is 'just history happening.'

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • www.cnbc.com

Landslide Tragedy. Intense rainfall triggered a landslide/debris flow in Ketchikan, killing one person, injuring three more, and destroying homes and infrastructure.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.nytimes.com

Extreme Weather Patterns. As the planet warms, we can expect weather to get wackier and more extreme.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Record Flooding Events. Mill Creek, which is normally a clear, gurgling brook, turned into a raging, chocolate-milk-colored, debris-tossing monster, peaking out at 6,810 cubic feet per second.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.moabtimes.com

Monsoon Damage. For the third time this summer, the monsoon mobbed Moab as a series of thunderstorms pounded the area and triggered flash flooding in and around the town.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Pollution Protests. It helped give rise to a regional environmental movement, made up of elected officials, concerned residents, and advocates, which protested the pollution.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Environmental Movement Origins. The facility, along with the smog its pollutants gave way to, became a smoke-spewing symbol of energy colonialism, landscape-scale industrialization, and humans' ability to spoil the environment.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Energy Consumption Growth. Marketing caused the average American's electricity consumption to grow four-fold between 1946 and 1968.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Ending Coal Dependency. The real action happened in September 2022, when the last of the plant's four units burned through the final ton of coal and the turbine quick turning for good.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Plant Demolition. After five decades of spewing sulfur dioxide, ash, mercury, arsenic, carbon dioxide, and other pollutants into the northwestern New Mexico air, the four stacks of the San Juan Generating Station were brought down in spectacular fashion this past weekend.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Ecological Stakes. The hope is that this series will help shine a light on the dire ecological stakes of the 2024 election.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Republican Climate Agenda. Republicans have a massive and well-developed agenda for global heating, and it boils down to three words: 'Let it rip.'

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Project 2025 Overview. The Republican climate agenda is summarized in Project 2025, a 900-page policy plan developed for Donald Trump by the Heritage Foundation.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • static.project2025.org

Trump's Climate Actions. Project 2025 aligns squarely with Trump's own actions and pledges.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Underrated Policies. Arielle started to read through the massive document and found a number of weird climate policies that we don’t think have gotten the attention they deserve.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Upcoming Series. HEATED will be publishing a multi-part series on some of the overlooked climate plans of Project 2025, starting next week.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Climate Media Coverage. Climate media has been doing a really great job covering Project 2025.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Role of Uncertainty. In these uncertain times, it is uncertainty that will see us through.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Link for More. Read more about this perspective on uncertainty and crisis.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Embodied Politics. It seems, almost, that rupture is born in the body, that an embodied politics is how we find our way home to one another.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Power of Simplicity. It's astonishing how something so simple can be so miraculous.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Moments of Resistance. These are the necessary crisis points between two futures from which new possibilities spring.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Cultural Connection. There is a certainty to the joy this man is bringing us all as he sings, but only because we have the cultural knowledge with which to share in it.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Essentials of Life. We know what is important: Love, food, shelter, sex, art, music, laughter, play, words, jokes, creation.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Electricity Rate Increase. Electricity rates have risen 47% faster than the CPI the last 12 months, and nearly 24% overall since the Biden-Harris administration began.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points • www.eia.gov

Government Schemes. High electricity bills are the result of government-dictated schemes—such as the recent IRA—to build massive, wasteful, unreliable solar and wind infrastructure.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points • open.substack.com

Hidden Costs. As bad as higher electricity prices seem, they are actually far worse, since we are also paying huge IRA subsidies through taxes and inflation that don’t appear on our utility bills.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Cost of Reliability. Because solar and wind can go near zero at any given time, they don’t replace reliable power plants—they add to the cost of reliable power plants.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Solution to Bills. The solution to high electricity bills is to end all preferences for unreliable electricity.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexepstein.substack.com

Unnecessary Struggle. As Americans struggle with rising summer electricity bills, it’s important to know that this struggle was 100% unnecessary and 100% preventable.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Wildfire Risk. A new report from CoreLogic finds 2.6 million homes in the West are in wildfire danger zones, including 1.26 million in California and more than 321,000 in Colorado.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.housingwire.com

Funding Issue. Utah's so-called leaders haven’t noticed that East Coasters are coming to Utah in droves, to visit or to live, and are stocking up the state’s coffers in the process.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Nostalgia Strategy. The ad is overflowing with misinformation, but it tugs at the heartstrings and evokes that faux nostalgia.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Public Lands Overreach. The state justifies the action by saying, 'Federal overreach prevents Utah from actively managing public lands, impacting recreation, local economies, and resource development.'

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • standforourland.utah.gov

Constitutional Question. Utah says it launched the legal action to 'answer the constitutional question of whether or not the Federal Government can retain unappropriated lands in a state indefinitely.'

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Utah's Lawsuit. Utah filed a lawsuit looking to seize control of some 18.5 million acres of federal land in the state.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Rushed Presidential Campaign. A rushed presidential campaign, though, is not the time to start this conversation.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Unprepared for Crisis. We're unprepared as a nation to even admit the existence of this crisis.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Preventing Political Delay. The biggest political necessity in climate action today is preventing the forces of predatory delay from rolling back our recent gains.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Building Boom Agenda. The Dems have set up a mandate to 'build, build, build.'

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Biden's Climate Wins. In the last three years Democrats have delivered a ton of climate action, far more than many observers believed possible.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Climate Action Silence. Since Joe Biden stepped aside, politicians have gone nearly silent on climate.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Support Democratic Victory. Do everything you can, anyway, to see to it that Democrats win.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Worsening Planetary Crisis. We are now certain to see a worsening planetary crisis for the rest of our lives.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Crises of Bullshit. This is our mission - to be as truthful as possible. It’s a pathway not only for dealing with bullshit and bullshitters, but for navigating the increasing complexity of the crises that engulf us.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Desperate Defense. And so, at junctures like this in history, they can but doggedly and dangerously defend their precarious perch on the pedestal with ludicrous and cringy unreasonableness.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Emotional Maturity Issues. White, colonialist patriarchy is being fundamentally threatened and those who’ve benefited from the old regime don’t want the change.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Tactical Awareness. Once the tactic of bullshitting is understood for what it is, it can be exposed quietly via the brilliance and desirability of radical truthfulness.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Complexity of Bullshit. It’s impossible to argue with a bullshitter. It’s like seeking genuine empathy from a narcissist.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Truthiness Concept. Comedian Stephen Colbert coined the term 'truthiness' a while back, which touches on a similar phenomenon.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • books.google.com

Bullshit vs. Lying. Frankfurt argues that while bullshit can occasionally be true, it muddies the information ecology so much that it undermines truth itself.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Societal Impact of Bullshit. Being able to spot bullshit, call it out and navigate it is crucial in most settings today, particularly in the context of collapse awareness.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Politician's Tactics. I’ve been following Australian Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s malicious and truth-flagrant outbursts about Palestinian refugees.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • podcasts.apple.com

Rising Bullshit. Bullshitty slipperiness seems to be on the up and up.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Soil Carbon Sink. Soil is an enormous carbon sink. It’s estimated it contains three times as much carbon as the atmosphere—and we could increase that.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Wood Vaulting Method. One way is through underground wood vaulting: burying waste wood or other plant material in the ground, which prevents them from decaying and releasing carbon into the atmosphere, potentially for thousands of years.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • grist.org

Fungal Carbon Storage. In Australia, a company called Loam Bio is testing using fungus in the soil to take up carbon.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nytimes.com

Pathogen Proliferation. Common food-borne pathogens including Staphylococci, Norovirus, E. coli, and Salmonella thrive in warmer and more humid conditions.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • link.springer.com

Global Emissions Impact. The IPCC estimates that by the middle of the century, soil-based carbon sequestration could take up from 2 and 5 gigatons of carbon yearly—that’s about 5 to 15 percent of our current global emissions—at a relatively low cost.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Food Contamination Risks. Every year, 600 million people get sick and nearly half a million die from eating contaminated food, the World Health Organization estimates.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.who.int

Economic Loss from Waste. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that two-thirds of cardboard and paper that isn’t recycled every year represents a $4 billion economic loss in the U.S. alone.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nrel.gov

Collective Recycling Action. Imagine the impact if we all banded together. Schools, businesses, restaurants, and other local organizations use huge amounts of paper, boxes, and aluminum cans daily.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Encouraging Local Recycling. Ask your local organizations if they recycle cans and fiber; and if not, why not?

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Circular Economy Importance. Currently, only 7.2% of used materials are cycled back into our economies after use, which has a significant burden on the environment.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Plastic Recycling Rates. Only 9 percent of plastic actually gets recycled.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • stories.undp.org

Perverse Incentives. The emergency policy intervention is flattening seasonal price spreads and creating perverse incentives for storage system operators.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Gas Storage Achievement. The European Union has once again achieved its gas restocking target early.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Storage Capacity Reached. EU underground gas storage facilities reached 90% full this week, more than two months ahead of the 1 November deadline.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Impact of REPowerEU. The 90% refilling target is a central part of the REPowerEU plan introduced following the energy shock of 2022.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market Stability. The high level of gas storage in Europe means that markets are increasingly stable, prices are back around pre-war levels.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Inflation of Prices. New research suggests that the flagship mechanism of REPowerEU is in fact contributing to inflation of wholesale EU gas prices.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Further Reading. This deep dive offers a critical examination, with reference to new statistical analysis of refilling and pricing data.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Unintended Consequences. Could it be that the REPowerEU plan is producing unintended consequences now that market conditions are more benign?

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Policy Recommendations. Proponents claim that an alternative policy of centralized management would be more cost-effective and less conducive to speculative manipulation of European gas markets.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via Energy Flux •

Rejecting Certainties. This is about moving the frontiers of certainty, rejecting things that we think to be certain in order to challenge, experiment, and joyously resist violent norms.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Building a New World. This is about how we build a new world—and remember what truly is certain: love, shelter, community, joy.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Discussion Link. For more insights, listen to the discussion on certainty, doubt and reimagining the world.

recommendation • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Collective Will. Changing the world from the ground up takes time, it takes bravery, it takes collective will to go against.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

End of Capitalism. It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism.

data point • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Crisis Conceptualization. Natasha walks us through how we currently conceptualise crisis and certainty.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Power and Change. Only power changes fast, but we can live in a world where people—not power—make changes.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Certainties and Meaning. We can become more aware of how certainties arise from collective meaning making.

insight • 3 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Human Factors. Metacrisis thinking acknowledges that in addition to there being a stack of crises all happening at once, there's also the overlaying crisis of our inability to fathom said polycrisis.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Metacrisis Concept. This chapter explains the metacrisis (or polycrisis) school of thought, which in turn tries to explain what the hell is going on.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Complexity and Mess. Our intuitive, visceral drive to create and to expand our understanding of existence has seen our civilisation make more and more complex messes.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Permacrisis Definition. The Collins Dictionary's word of the year for 2022 was 'permacrisis', which describes a simultaneous series of dramatic and unprecedented world events.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • www.collinsdictionary.com

Polycrisis Emergence. A few months later The Financial Times declared 'polycrisis' their word of the year just as The World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report warned we were toppling into one.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via This is Precious • www.ft.com

Definition of Polycrisis. The WEF report defined polycrisis as: 'A cluster of related global risks with compounding effects, such as the overall impact exceeds the sum of each part.'

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Self-Referential Problem. We’re in it. And our in-it-ness is adding to the problem.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Underlying Mindset. There's also an underlying crisis, which is loosely the original, collective mindset that allowed the whole clusterfuck to come about.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Crisis of Understanding. This in turn creates the crisis of our not being able to discuss it sanely. Nor to have a chance in hell of resolving them.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via This is Precious •

Long-term Climate Goals. The successful implementation of CLCPA would set an example to the world by showing that a globally important economy could thrive while addressing the climate crisis and moving away from fossil fuels.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

New Research on Offshore Wind. The Bridgetown Initiative proposes a new global financial architecture to make a lot more money available and to create financial guarantors for larger private sector funding.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Extreme Heat Records. An additional 130 monthly national temperature records have also been broken, along with tens of thousands of local highs registered at monitoring stations from the Arctic to the South Pacific.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Polluter Pay Efforts. The effort to pass the Polluter Pay superfund bills includes some pretty powerful billboards showing up in California, New York, Arizona, and Pennsylvania.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Climate Backsliding Concerns. The closer we move to actual implementation of the big climate promises that politicians made during the Greta years, the more of this kind of backsliding we’re going to see.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Hochul's Climate Leadership. Hochul shows no sign of that kind of confidence. NYRenews, the group that has helped push much of the New York legislation, released a report showing that under Hochul's leadership, the state’s four key implementation agencies are sitting on their hands.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

New York's Renewable Potential. New York could and should be a renewable powerhouse. The DOE estimates it could power 11 million homes, which is four million more homes than New York contains.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Need for Climate Pressure. We had no primary to press her on it. I don’t like long campaigns any more than anyone else, but in our system they are the only place activists can actually make a forceful case.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Harris Campaign Success. Harris and Walz have run a sparkling campaign so far, and this week’s convention in Chicago is a reminder that Democrats look and sound like America at its best.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Union Environment. Unionization is not strong in Georgia, and it's something that the workforce isn't currently focused on.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

QCells Employment Figures. QCells employing 2000 people in Dalton, drastically exceeding all the promises that they made to the local economic development team.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Wage Increases Due to QCells. With the influx of QCells, the carpet factories had to start pushing up their wages to keep pace.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Battery Production Growth. There are competitive forces involved, and a huge ramp-up in battery production is occurring.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Voting Awareness. If you want to keep this, vote for us.

recommendation • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Factory Expansion. Across the park, there was a huge construction site that turned into a full operating new factory next door to the old factory.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Georgia's Clean Energy Jobs. Georgia is clearly one of the biggest winners in terms of clean energy factories created, with 32,000 jobs counted by Climate Power.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

IRA's Importance. The IRA is a crucial factor that's leading to significant investment in clean energy manufacturing.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Community Engagement. Julian Spector has been traveling to these red districts to find out how the local communities feel about the new manufacturing jobs.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Biden's Manufacturing Impact. Through the passage of IRA and CHIPS, the Biden administration has invested billions of dollars and created more than 100,000 manufacturing jobs in purple and red districts that have been hard-hit by globalization and disinvestment.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Investment Distribution. Some 75 percent of that investment has gone to Republican Congressional districts.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Manufacturing Investment Value. Since IRA and CHIPS were passed, there has been some $382 billion worth of new investment in manufacturing in the US.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Clean Energy Manufacturing Surge. The broader macro phenomenon is just that we're actually starting to manufacture clean energy in the United States in an appreciable way since the passage of the IRA.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Production Goals. If you achieved 3%, 4%, 5% of the global supply of any one of these things, it would be a massive accomplishment.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

QCells Job Creation. QCells originally said, 'Hey, we promised to invest $130 million and hire 525 people in our first five years,' but they actually checked off those boxes in three months.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Graphite's Importance. Graphite is the largest critical mineral component in a battery, and those trying to make the greenest batteries will be focusing on their graphite suppliers as the key place to cut the cell CO2 footprint.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • elements.visualcapitalist.com

Electrification Benefits. With 91.5% of new cars sold in Norway being electric, the noise was considerably quieter, showcasing the multiple benefits of electrification.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • alternative-fuels-observatory.ec.europa.eu

Norwegian Work Culture. The Norwegian work culture revolves around an earlier work day than the UK, starting about 8am rather than 9, due to both the short days in winter and prioritising workers with young children.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Synthetic vs Natural. Generally, the production of natural graphite is a lot less carbon intensive than synthetic graphite, which matters a lot for companies trying to minimise the carbon impact of their cells.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • source.benchmarkminerals.com

Sustainability Initiatives. Vianode’s breakthrough solution enables synthetic anode graphite offering including a 90% reduction in CO2 footprint on traditional synthetic graphite.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Graphite Production Goals. The first full scale plant is currently being built at Herøya Industrial Park, which will produce up to 2000 tonnes of graphite a year once operational, and there are plans for a larger plant in North America, to produce 60,000 tonnes per year.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Vianode Internship. Issy spent 3 months working at Vianode, a synthetic graphite manufacturer in Kristiansand, Norway, where she learned about sustainable battery materials manufacturing.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.vianode.com

Career Development Opportunity. If you’re at the early stages of your career and have the chance to do an internship somewhere and try it out, it’s a fantastic chance to figure out what you value in a workplace.

recommendation • 4 weeks ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Learning from Others. Maryland stakeholders wanted a self-sustaining energy storage market by 2033, allowing for the evaluation of policy mechanisms aligned with that goal.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Need for Investment in Processes. Investing in new approaches to policy design and implementation is crucial for the future of climate tech companies and the planet.

recommendation • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Challenged Policy Design. The regulatory process is fundamentally broken, limiting the effectiveness of clean energy policy advancements.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Accelerated Project Approach. Initiatives should be treated as projects answering a set of design questions, rather than zero-sum battles of competing interests.

recommendation • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Design Thinking Benefits. Maryland's rapid groundwork for its energy storage goal utilized design thinking to accelerate the process.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Failures in Recommendations. In Illinois, a working group’s report to the commission contained zero actionable recommendations for clean energy legislation.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.nrdc.org

Bottlenecks in NJ. New Jersey's energy storage target faced a stalled implementation process that has taken six years and counting.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.energytoolbase.com

Roadblocks in Deployment. State-level roadblocks routinely hamper deployment of clean energy solutions, particularly through public utilities commissions.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Policy Implementation Issues. It’s the implementation process that’s broken, not the lack of new policies needed for energy sector transformation.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Clean Energy Investment. Bloomberg NEF reported global record highs and a 15% increase in clean energy investment in the Americas relative to 2022.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ • about.bnef.com

Investment Gaps. Closing investment gaps in the energy transition will be crucial for climate-focused companies, investors, and philanthropists.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Reading Trends. Apparently reading light fiction or so-called beach reads is popular this time of year.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Critique on Oppenheimer. They should have made Oh Pure and Radiant Heart into a movie rather than that bloated Oppenheimer thing.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Land Desk •

Author Recommendation. I love anything by Lydia Millet, especially her novels, which are wonderfully zany and perceptive.

recommendation • 4 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • lydiamillet.net

New Book Release. Life After Dead Pool: Lake Powell's Last Days and the Rebirth of the Colorado River just came out.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.torreyhouse.org

Upcoming Release. Water Bodies: Love Letters to the Most Abundant Substance on Earth is coming out this October from Torrey House Press.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.torreyhouse.org

Recommended Poetry. I’d highly recommend Simon Ortiz's Woven Stone, a comprehensive collection of his work.

recommendation • 4 weeks ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Cold vs Heat Deaths. Far more human beings die of cold than of heat.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Heat Death Statistics. Study after study has found that deaths from cold outnumber deaths from heat by 5-15 times.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Slow Warming Acknowledgment. Earth is warming slowly—especially in warm places.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Impact of CO2. The warming impact of CO2 diminishes ('logarithmically') as it increases in concentration.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Temperature Protection. The key to being protected from dangerous temperatures is to master them by producing different forms of temperature protection, such as insulated buildings, heating, and air-conditioning.

recommendation • 4 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Fossil Fuels Importance. Fossil fuels are the only source of low-cost, reliable energy that for the foreseeable future can provide energy to billions.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Affordability. The key to safety is to have energy be as affordable and plentiful as possible so as many as possible can afford heating and air conditioning.

recommendation • 4 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Humane Emission Reduction. Reducing CO2 emissions in a humane and practical way means focusing on liberating alternatives—especially the most potent, nuclear.

recommendation • 4 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Reporting Bias. That virtually no reporting acknowledges this shows that much 'reporting' is propaganda.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Discussion Challenges. Neither camp is open to discussion.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Media Influence. The media lubricated his ascension, validating his niche until it became talking points, and then a movement.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Political Polarisation. Polarisation is a word we hear a lot these days in an increasingly divided world, normally attributed to the machinations of the right wing as they seek to stir up hatred and mistrust throughout society.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Heart of Conflict Resolution. The first piece of humanity with which we make it through is not the tongue, but the ear; there is no way through if we don’t listen.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Overcoming Barriers. For there is no way through a wall; either we all scramble over the top, or work together, brick by brick, to bring it down.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Manipulation of Anxieties. Political entrepreneurs are master manipulators of these anxieties, creating demons out of marginalised groups.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Resource Scarcity Warning. We have seen what happens in other countries when the broad middle falls behind: societies begin to fracture and collapse.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Engaging Dialogue. Without understanding the real concerns of those we disagree with, we too easily fall into hatred and disgust.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Global Solutions. There is a way through globally: forsake the pageantry of international conferences to produce binding international legislations and treaties which promote resource-pooling, global regulation and fair trade.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Planet Critical •

Expanding Media Offerings. Volts is expanding its media offerings in line with the latest trends and customer demands.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Monthly Mailbag. Anyone can ask a question but mailbags are a paid-sub-only perk.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Climate Collaboration. Share your climate-related work, ask for help, or find collaborators.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Engage with Community. People really connected with the passive house episode.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Passive House Success. In our almost-passive-house, I can walk around in bare feet in the winter.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Kamala Harris Agreement. Kamala Harris agrees with the idea of solving the housing crisis through more dense housing.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.businessinsider.com

Housing Solutions. The solution to the housing crisis is to build more dense housing everywhere.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Climate Events. Share climate-related events and meetups.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Villain Narrative. Today, the fossil fuel industry and its allies paint climate activists as villains for demanding a 'rapid' transition away from fossil fuels.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Misleading Promises. After publicly promising to reduce emissions, Exxon, BP, and Shell stated 'never mind.'

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • grist.org

Lobbying and Spending. Following the Paris Agreement to limit global warming, the five largest oil companies spent $200 million a year on lobbying and campaign donations to block climate action.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.theguardian.com

Historical Denial. As early as 1959, oil companies were aware of climate change and contributed to anthropogenic climate change.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • commonhome.georgetown.edu

Climate Change Emissions. Currently, fossil fuels are responsible for 75 percent of current anthropogenic CO2 emissions.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Fossil Fuels Harm. The toxic air and water pollution that comes from drilling, mining, transporting, burning, and refining coal, oil, and gas are fueling rises in death and sickness across the world.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Fossil Fuels Employment. Globally, the fossil fuel industry employs nearly 32 million people.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Industry Accountability. As long as industries are willing to be held accountable for those effects, and work in good faith to address them, I don&#8217;t think it&#8217;s fair to call them &#8220;evil.&#8221;

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Musk on Oil Industry. I don&#8217;t think we should vilify the oil and gas industry, Elon Musk said while speaking about climate change.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Carbon-Free Goals. These projects in the pipeline provide enough power to achieve 80% carbon-free electricity in the US by 2030.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Success Rates. Paces is building an automated workflow solution for green project developers that utilizes AI to help users make better and more well-informed decisions.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Integrated Solutions. Paces offers an integrated, purpose-built solution to manage the development phase of green projects.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Founder Expertise. James McWalter brings over 15 years of tech industry experience and is the CEO of Paces.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.linkedin.com

Data Center Growth. The global data center market stood at $229.23 billion in 2023 and is projected to expand to $256.05 billion in 2024.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.precedenceresearch.com

Massive Investment Forecast. Global energy investment is set to exceed USD 3 trillion for the first time in 2024, with USD 2 trillion going to clean energy technologies and infrastructure.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Market Opportunity. Green development in the US is a $10B total addressable market in soft costs - consulting, permitting and various software solutions.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Need for Efficiency. Inefficiencies and a lack of transparency in site origination and due diligence processes need to be addressed to fully realize this potential.

recommendation • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Investment in Infrastructure. A fully electrified economy requires trillions of dollars worth of energy infrastructure to be built quickly and efficiently.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Project Blockers. Poor due diligence, slow transmission construction, high interconnection costs, and long wait times are major blockers.

insight • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ •

Clean Energy Potential. The US has myriad clean energy projects planned, with over 2,000 gigawatts of proposed wind, solar, and battery projects proposed.

data point • 4 weeks ago • Via MCJ • www.canarymedia.com

Climate Change Impacts. The most recent update on the AMOC's weakening suggests it will break in 2057.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • www.wired.com

Capitalism and Life Choices. Preparing for a future world offers me lessons about how to live better in this one.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Fossil Fuel Usage. Electricity comprises only 20% of fossil fuel use.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Traditional Publishing Issues. Booktopia has gone bust, entering into voluntary administration, and has taken all my books and $$$ with them.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Feedback Value. The feedback I get from you in the comments truly has made the writing and research process so much easier and more joyous to navigate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Subscriber Growth. 3,000 more subscribers have hopped on board, various newspaper editors are following the journey and bits are being quoted in climate activist newsletters.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Global Fertility Trends. Even the Nordic countries, with their long-established welfare states, child-care guarantees, and policies of extended parental leave, are experiencing sharp fertility declines.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Fertility Crisis in UK. In the UK, experts are now warning: The falling birthrate threatens a disaster so costly no politician dares think about it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • www.theguardian.com

Human Need for Meaning. This suggests the existence of another, under-discussed reason people aren’t having kids – one that has little to do with policy and everything to do with a deep but unquantifiable human need.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Sperm Count and Microplastics. Another study concretising the point further: 'At the beginning, I doubted whether microplastics could penetrate the reproductive system.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • www.theguardian.com

Birthday Travel Plans. I&#8217;ll be spending a few days in Hamburg, Germany, and then together we&#8217;ll spend a few days in Copenhagen, Denmark.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Seeking Recommendations. I’d love to hear your recommendations for urbanism-related sights in Copenhagen and activities for fun in either city.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Reduced Pod Production. The pace of pod production (PPP) will be somewhat lower than usual in September.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Water Pipeline Politics. Cities rise up in places of limited water, growing as if there were no limits, importing water, power, and other resources from far away.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

CAP Water Use. The Central Arizona Project is the state’s largest single electricity user, with annual power bills totaling $60 million to $80 million.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Biden's Energy Policy. Frisch's claims about Biden hampering domestic energy production ignore the fact that U.S. oil production is at an all-time high under Biden.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Adam Frisch's Positions. Adam Frisch is considered a pragmatist with progressive stances on abortion, social issues, and labor, but he skews more right on immigration.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Cox's Voting Shift. Governor Spencer Cox changed his mind and is now voting for Trump, claiming it was due to a failed assassination attempt against the former president.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Phil Lyman Controversy. Phil Lyman is running for governor as a write-in candidate, potentially taking votes away from Gov. Spencer Cox and giving the Democratic challenger, Brian King, a chance to win.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Utah GOP Dynamics. Schisms are opening within Utah's Republican Party that could loosen their hold on power, especially in the gubernatorial race.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Water Diversion. The San Juan-Chama Project diverts about 90,000 acre-feet of water annually from three tributaries of the San Juan River.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Environmental Protections. Environmental protections will ultimately benefit the landscape and the livelihoods and communities that rely upon it.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Public Lands Rule. Frisch mischaracterizes the new public lands rule, claiming it abandons the multiple-use mandate and may turn Colorado's Western Slope into 'de facto wilderness areas.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Further Reading. For more details, refer to the EU LNG Chart Deck.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Correlation Confirmed. The data confirms an ongoing correlation between speculative capital movements and price action on TTF, shedding new light on the contracts being traded on the forward curve.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Gas Flow Status. But they are only fears, and gas flows through Ukraine continue uninterrupted (at the time of writing).

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Bullish Bets Increase. Last week saw another significant increase in bullish bets being taken by speculative traders on the Dutch Title Transfer Facility (TTF) — Europe’s benchmark natural gas trading hub.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Price Momentum. Speculative capital keeps pouring into long positions in European gas futures, accelerating bullish price momentum predicated on fears of possible disruption to (what little remains of) Russian gas transits into the EU via Ukraine.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Hedge Fund Activity. Hedge funds seem to be hell-bent on leveraging geopolitical events to pump European natural gas prices higher.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Tech's Impact. Tech gets in the way of beautiful life interactions such as shared looks, jokes, and stories.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Podcast Recommendation. Listen to the conversation with Kris De Decker to understand the relationship between tech, finance, and sustainability.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Climate Decisions. There is a zealous and unfounded faith in tech that is crippling our climate decisions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Low Tech Lifestyle. A low tech lifestyle is liberating and has benefits that are being reaped by individuals who embrace it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Diminishing Possibilities. The myriad possibilities that evolve from interactions in the world are diminishing with every tech substitution for interaction.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Encouraging Student Action. Encourage students to raise the issue of climate change in school and write letters to the school board about the need to act.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Climate Action Plans Needed. The majority of school districts still lack a climate action plan despite the many ways schools can cut their carbon footprint and save money.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Public School Climate Footprint. Public schools operate nearly half a million buses and serve some 7 billion meals to students each year in the US.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.edweek.org

Removal of Climate References. Florida's Governor DeSantis signed a bill that removes most mentions of climate change from state law and reaches out to textbook companies to remove references to climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.orlandosentinel.com

Climate Denial in Education. In Florida, the state Department of Education has approved using climate denial videos from PragerU in the state’s public schools.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.scientificamerican.com

Impact of Heatwaves on Schools. Many schools don't have air conditioning, and are closing when classrooms become too hot to safely educate students there.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.pbs.org

Mandatory Climate Education. The time is now to include climate education as a key climate risk mitigation strategy and to make climate education a mandatory part of the national curriculum.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • news.climate.columbia.edu

Climate Engineering Module. In Indiana, teachers and scientists created the Climate Engineering Teaching Module to help students develop and apply their critical thinking and problem-solving skills to climate.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • scholarworks.iu.edu

Creative Climate Solutions. Kids are taking charge and coming up with creative new climate solutions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

California Offshore Wind Goals. California's goal is to achieve five gigawatts of offshore wind power by 2030.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Floating Offshore Wind Development. The global pipeline of floating offshore wind development is greater than 100 gigawatts, indicating a shift towards this technology.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Potential Job Creation. Studies predict that offshore wind could create thousands of family wage jobs in California.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Long-term California Vision. California has set ambitious long-term goals of 25 gigawatts by 2045, emphasizing a sustainable energy future.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Domestic Supply Chain. California aims to build a domestic supply chain to support the offshore wind industry.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Federal Grant Importance. The federal grant for the Port of Humboldt is a significant step for planning offshore wind terminal construction.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Port Development Funding. California's Port of Humboldt received a $427 million federal grant from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for offshore wind terminal construction.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Investment in Transmission. The CAISO has approved $4.6 billion in offshore wind-related transmission upgrades for California.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Infrastructure Challenges. To meet the 2030 goal, various difficult pieces including grid infrastructure and floating-wind technology need to fall into place.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Comprehensive Planning. The plan adopted in July 2024 is probably the most comprehensive floating offshore wind plan in the world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Technological Advances. Floating offshore wind technology allows access to offshore wind resources in deeper waters, which fixed-bottom technology cannot reach.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Noise Considerations. Operational noise from floating offshore wind is expected to be less concerning than fixed bottom technologies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Environmental Reviews. Each offshore wind project will undergo a NEPA evaluation to assess potential environmental impacts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Successful International Examples. Successful offshore wind development in Europe serves as a model for California's new offshore wind industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Temperature Influence. Calendar aging can be worse in the discharged state and is influenced by temperature, with higher temperatures generally leading to increased aging.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Calendar Life Importance. Calendar life is an important mode of degradation that is time-dependent rather than energy throughput dependent.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Current EV Use. The average household vehicle is driven for ~60 minutes per day and charged overnight.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Battery Lifespan. We want our batteries to last 10 years which translates to a battery life of 10 years before replacement is needed.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Cycle Life Benchmark. A decent cycle life >1000 cycles with a 300-mile range at the beginning of life translates to >250,000 miles before end of life.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Calendar Life Testing. The United States Advanced Battery Consortium Open Circuit Voltage – Reference Performance Test (OCV-RPT) protocol is used to measure calendar aging.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Battery Metrics. The most reported battery metrics are capacity (Ah), energy density (Wh/kg), power density (W/kg), and cycle life.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Next Generation Challenges. For next generation LIBs with silicon anodes, calendar lives have yet to breach the 2-year mark, despite improvements in cycle life.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Silicon Anodes Limitations. Calendar life is distinctly worse for silicon anodes compared to graphite due to their inherently more reactive surface.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Accelerated Testing Need. There is a need for dedicated research and development of accelerated calendar aging protocols for next generation battery systems.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Desalination's Energy Cost. Desalination consumes a colossal amount of energy to generate drinking water from ocean water, making broad adoption prohibitive due to cost.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • mcj.news

Creative Energy Solutions. Companies are getting creative to harness the power of hydropower in the face of droughts through low-cost turbines designed for water delivery systems.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.imagineh2o.org

The Need for Balance. The clean energy transition hinges on responsible water usage, with climate change impacting this delicate balance.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

NAWI's Role in Desalination. The National Alliance for Water Innovation (NAWI) has secured over $100 million since 2019 from the US Department of Energy to develop cost-effective, energy-efficient, and low-emission desalination technologies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.nawihub.org

Leakage Losses. Experts estimate that globally, up to 34% of water is lost during distribution due to leaks, which steals both water and energy.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.fluencecorp.com

Water's Energy Consumption. Water consumes energy at a staggering rate, contributing up to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.cdp.net

California's Renewable Milestone. California supplied 100% of its energy demand with renewable energy for 30 days in a 38-day stretch during March and April of this year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • environmentamerica.org

Water Footprint Reduction. Companies like Infinite Cooling are pioneering opportunities to reduce water usage in energy production by capturing water in cooling towers that would otherwise be lost to cooling tower plumes.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.infinite-cooling.com

US Electricity Sources. In 2023, about 60% of the electricity generation in the US relied on water-intensive fossil fuels.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.eia.gov

Energy's Water Demand. In 2021 alone, the global energy system withdrew 370 billion cubic metres (bcm) of freshwater: roughly 10% of total global freshwater withdrawals.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Energy Water Nexus. Energy and water form a fundamental nexus in our modern world, connected to economic development, food production, and environmental sustainability.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Live Fully Now. The best ever life hack going around is to get the memo now and not wait for the emergency or death knell that prods us into an awakening and reckoning.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Facing Death. When we truly contemplate the end or disappearance of a thing, we must also contemplate the worth of the thing itself.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Kafka's Lament. Franz Kafka wished for the end of the world so that he could live fully without scruples or fear or restraint.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Urgency to Live. Seneca wrote: 'Let us prepare our minds as if we’d come to the very end of life. Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance life’s books each day.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Memento Mori. The practice of memento mori (remembering your death) 'premeditates adversity'.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Die Well. Our civilisation's biggest challenge is to die well, which entails facing the truth, horror, and unfathomability of death and of something ending.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Regrets of the Dying. Palliative care nurses tell us the top regrets of the dying are all to do with having received this crucial memo too late, denying them a life lived no holds barred.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Embrace Nature and Love. Death screams yes! It urges us to join nature. To join love! For this is all there is.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Previous Chapter. You can catch up here.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Secret to Living. You can read more.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Death as Affirmation. Death is our friend precisely because it brings us into absolute and passionate presence with all that is here, that is natural, that is love.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Musk's Moderate Views. Musk stated that he doesn’t think we should vilify the oil and gas industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Basic Geometry Ignorance. This is an almost stunningly ignorant claim, as sea level rise makes land masses smaller.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.washingtonpost.com

Oceanfront Property Claim. Trump falsely said that sea level rise would bring 'more oceanfront property' to the country.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.newsweek.com

Trump's False Claim. Donald Trump falsely said that sea levels would only rise 'one-eighth of an inch over the next 400 years.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.washingtonpost.com

Actual Sea Level Rise. In reality, sea levels are currently rising at more than a one-eighth of an inch every year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.washingtonpost.com

Electricity Shortages. In recent summers it's become commonplace for Americans to experience electricity shortages, with calls to use less electricity and the frequent threat of brownouts or blackouts.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

New Regulations Impact. The Biden-Harris EPA's recent power plant rules will not only shut down vital coal power plants more quickly, they will also prevent new natural gas plants from replacing them.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Increasing Power Demand. They’re doing this while demand for power is increasing from data centers and EVs.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

EPA's War on Coal. The Biden-Harris EPA has been at war with reliable power plants, above all the coal plants that our grid depends on for 1/6th of its reliable power.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Renewable Energy Failures. Since at any given time solar and wind can go near zero, using them to replace reliable power doesn't work. E.g., during February 2021's winter storm, TX solar and wind were totally out to lunch.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • energytalkingpoints.com

Root Cause. The real cause of reliable problems is the obvious: government-dictated 'green energy' policies that punish reliable fossil fuels and nuclear, while privileging unreliable solar and wind.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Reliability Blame. Anti-fossil-fuel politicians will blame our grid's reliability problems on 'climate change,' which is supposedly making it too hot for a grid to operate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Grid Decline. America's grid is in decline and about to get far worse due to policies that reward unreliable electricity, prematurely shut down coal plants, criminalize nuclear, and force electric vehicle use.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexepstein.substack.com

Addressing Heat Resilience. Addressing heat resilience is crucial because it's not just the heat but the opportunity to mitigate it that varies by community.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Urban Heat Effect. The more trees and green spaces an area has, the cooler the neighborhood, while more concrete increases heat levels.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Impact of Inequality. The heat can be especially hard on the less affluent, with 46% of those who died from heat in Phoenix lacking housing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Power Outages Due to Wildfires. Approximately 28,000 households and businesses were left without power in northern California and Nevada due to wildfire damages.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Hottest Month Recorded. Death Valley National Park experienced the hottest month in history in July, with an average daily temperature of 108.5°F.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Unprecedented Heat Days. Death Valley’s average maximum temperature in July was 121.9°F, exceeding 125°F on nine days.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Rising Overnight Temperatures. The average overnight low temperature in Death Valley this July was 95.2°F, which is four degrees above normal.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Recent Wildfire Statistics. So far this year, 5.2 million acres have burned in large wildfires, compared to 2.7 million acres in the entire previous season.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Heat-Related Fatalities. There were 66 confirmed heat-related deaths in Maricopa County, Arizona, as of August 3.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Funding Links Revealed. Trump's biggest funder after Musk may be Harold Hamm, who has been working hard to raise money from the energy sector.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

CO2 Levels Concern. Musk believes the accumulation of carbon dioxide will only become a problem at 1,000 parts per million.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Musk's Energy Views. Musk stated that he doesn't think we should vilify the oil and gas industry and believes the economy depends on it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Trump's Sea Level Comment. Trump's statement that rising sea levels would create 'more oceanfront property' is offensive and factually wrong.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Carelessness Displayed. The conversation started 40 minutes late because Musk essentially broke the $50 billion toy he brought.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Musk Trump Interview. Elon Musk had Trump over to his Space for a conversation intended to help 'open-minded, independent voters' catch a vibe.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.nytimes.com

Climate Scientist Consensus. There is not a serious climate scientist on planet earth who has ever contemplated a thousand parts per million with anything less than panic and horror.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Public Petition for Justice. Public Citizen has launched a petition to investigate the fossil fuel industry for knowingly driving climate disasters.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • act.citizen.org

Breakthrough in Solar Power. Oxford University has developed an ultra-thin material for solar cells that is almost 150 times thinner than current silicon wafers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.independent.co.uk

Climate Urgency Misunderstood. Musk's statements imply that we have endless time to deal with the climate crisis if 1,000 parts per million is the danger level.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Free Summit Tickets. I have 4 free summit tickets to give to the Volts family!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Focus on Climate Action. There will be lots of interesting conversations, keynotes and breakout sessions focusing on 'accelerating climate action in mountain, resort, and rural communities.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Live Podcast Event. I&#8217;m recording a live podcast at MT2030&#8217;s annual Climate Solutions Summit in Jackson, Wyoming on Oct 15-16.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.mt2030.org

Gas Price Surge. At the same time, the front month contract on the European gas benchmark climbed to its highest price so far this year - far outstripping movements on other major hubs and indexes.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Potential Price Correction. This week's EU LNG Chart Deck explores how hedge funds are positioning in response to geopolitical events - priming European wholesale gas prices for what could be a spectacular autumn correction.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Speculative Betting. The bull run is a speculative bet on supply-side disruptions that are by no means guaranteed to happen.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Hedge Fund Positioning. In the week ending 2 August 2024, hedge funds amassed their largest net long position in Dutch TTF futures since Russia's full invasion of Ukraine.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Regulatory Recommendations. If the utilities aren't prepared to provide this information on a sort of open, non-discriminatory basis, then they shouldn't be eligible to receive any money.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Data Inaccessibility Issue. Most utilities treat it as simply something for determining bills.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Demand Response Barriers. The result is a patchwork that makes growing a demand-response or other distributed-energy business unnecessarily difficult.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Customer Data Control. At Mission:data, our view is that that's really the customer's data. It belongs to them.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Smart Meter Coverage. Around 80 percent of ratepayers have a smart meter.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Call to Action. If you see there may be areas where, you know, local listeners want to be active, they want to reach out to us.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • explorer.missiondata.io

Future of Smart Metering. The new smart meters version 2.0 has Wi-Fi on board, allowing potential for higher participation rates.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Poor Compliance Rates. The actual compliance percentage for the Green Button standard is probably not as high as you might think.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Data Standardization Necessity. If you're going to be a third party and you're going to develop a business model around that, that's going to span utility territories, you need the information to be in some sort of standard format.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Historical Smart Meter Issues. There have been a lot of disappointments with smart meters and how they've been used, no question about it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Gas Gouging Policies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Harris and Net Zero.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Biden's Fossil Fuel Agenda.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Biden's Awareness.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Gas Prices and Policies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Goal of Net Zero.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Gas Prices and Net Zero.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Biden's Admission.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Keystone XL Pipeline.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Mergers and Prices.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Alaska's Oil Restrictions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Royalty Rate Increase.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Federal Leasing Moratorium.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Climate Disclosure Rules.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

ESG Impact.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Government Approach.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Environmental Conditions. It’s hot out there, folks. And pretty darned dry. Which is why wildfires are erupting everywhere right now and the air is filled with smoke.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Cultural Mapping. Miera y Pacheco’s map, meanwhile, accurately shows the stream meeting up with the Colorado in Glen Canyon.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Settlement Suitability. This sort of assessment of a site’s suitability for a settlement is common in Escalante’s journals.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Current Routes. So it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that current day routes more or less follow Escalante’s and Dominguez’s path.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Indigenous Knowledge. It seems that part of the reason Miera's maps somewhat accurately depict areas the party never journeyed to is because they spoke with the Indigenous people who intimately knew the country.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Explorers' Route. In July of 1776, Atanasio Dominguez and Silvestre Vélez de Escalante... ended up going up what is now Colorado's Western Slope and through the heart of Ute territory.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Uranium Reopening. IsoEnergy says it has successfully reopened the main portal of its Tony M uranium mine, located near Ticaboo, Utah.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.world-nuclear-news.org

Bipartisan Clean Energy Reform. As governor, Walz signed bipartisan legislation to reform Minnesota’s permitting process for clean energy projects.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.kttc.com

Trump Campaign Tactics. The Trump campaign is trying to swiftboat Tim Walz, as noted by Josh Marshall.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • talkingpointsmemo.com

Minnesota's Climate Legislation. Walz won a narrow legislative majority in the 2022 election and quickly pushed through a law that requires the state’s utilities to get 100 percent of their electricity from clean sources by 2040.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • cbsnews.com

Chubb LNG Insurance Withdrawal. Chubb pulled out of the Rio Grande LNG terminal, marking a setback for the not-yet-built project that would harm the coastal landscape of the Rio Grande Valley.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • us.insure-our-future.com

Battery Tech Innovation. Some of that takes the form of wild and cool new approaches, such as converting a disused copper mine into a gravity battery in Finland.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Chinese Diesel Consumption. China's millions of diesel engines consume just under 4% of the world’s oil, accounting for a bit more than 1% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Future of Cooperation. Walz offers an escape from some of the cynicism and crude divisiveness that Trump embodied, promoting cooperation which is essential for addressing joint tasks we face.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Reagan's Individualism. Reagan sanctified a kind of hyper-individualism, ending the cooperative spirit that produced Social Security and civil rights laws.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Climate Crisis Neighborliness. If we are going to both prevent the worst of the climate crisis, and cope with that which we can no longer prevent, then the most important thing we can do in this country is restore as much a sense of neighborliness as possible.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Aggressive Fossil Fuel Phase-Out. As governor of Minnesota, he helped pass one of the most aggressive fossil fuel phase-out laws in the country.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • insideclimatenews.org

Community Support for Flanagan. Indigenous leaders express a cautious hope that Flanagan could understand and protect their environmental concerns.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Protests and Police Violence. Walz supported a police force that engaged in violent tactics against peaceful protesters during the Line 3 protests.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Complexity of Relationships. Peltier argued that Walz is getting credit for the work done by Indigenous women representatives and senators while using these relationships for his political career.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Challenges in Governance. Senogles pointed out that simply being Indigenous doesn't mean Flanagan is politically aligned with all water protectors.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Environmental Protection Expectations. Indigenous leaders hope that Flanagan will prioritize stricter water and land protection policies.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Historic Governance Potential. If Flanagan becomes governor, she would be the first Indigenous woman governor in the country, potentially prioritizing Indigenous issues.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Community Support and Betrayal. The Native community showed up with votes in the thousands, but once they were elected, they turned around and approved the permits for Pipeline 3.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Opposition to Line 3. During his campaign, Tim Walz called Line 3 'a non-starter' due to its proposed route through protected lands.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Pipeline Impact. The $2.6 billion Line 3 pipeline, which officially went online in 2021, nearly doubles the volume of carbon-intensive tar sands crude oil.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Broken Promises. He went back on a very important promise to Minnesotans and allowed poison to flow through our lands and precious waterways.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Indigenous Water Protectors' Concerns. Indigenous water protectors in Minnesota view Walz's approval of a tar sands pipeline through their treaty-protected lands as a betrayal.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Walz's Climate Advocacy. Tim Walz, the vice presidential pick of Kamala Harris, is 'one of the nation's most forceful climate advocates.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • insideclimatenews.org

Literary Works. He's the author of 'We Will Tell Our Own Story' and 'These Wilds Beyond Our Fences: Letters To My Daughter on Humanity's Search for Home'.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.amazon.com

Bayo Akomolafe's Role. Bayo Akomolafe is a philosopher writer, activist, professor of psychology and executive director of the emergence network.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.bayoakomolafe.net

Emerging Reality. This is a conversation about carnival and bodies, on de-territorialising our senses, on emerging with reality, on relating, and on coming home.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Innovation in Cracks. He describes cracks as innovation; the pragmatic of the useless; the minor gestures which disrupt; and edge as a place of power.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Crisis of Mastery. Bayo talks about the crisis of mastery that we face today: white modernity and the edge of the moral field into which we must dance and play and revolt.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Invitation to Explore. He has a way of speaking that invites both the past and the future to pick up the spirit of the present and remind it not to be weighed down by all that it thinks it is.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Drought Impact on Farmers. Climate-induced droughts have left farmers with very little water to work with, driving many to extreme ends, including suicide.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.eco-business.com

Rice's Carbon Footprint. Rice has a carbon footprint the size of the aviation industry, accounting for approximately 1.5% of global emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • ourworldindata.org

Methane Production in Rice Farming. Flooding a rice field stops atmospheric oxygen from reaching soil, creating the ideal conditions for bacteria that ferment soil organic matter anaerobically, producing methane as a byproduct.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Future of Rice Methane Projects. Rice methane projects are expected to become trusted favorites of carbon credit buyers, providing high-integrity and high-impact sources of portfolio diversification.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Advances in Carbon Credit Methodologies. Recent advances in dMRV technology and carbon credit methodologies are improving the standards for rice methane methodologies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Quality of Rice Methane Credits. Rice methane credits in other countries were discovered to be of questionable integrity due to accounting loopholes and additionality concerns.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.climatechangenews.com

Economic Benefits of Carbon Credits. Mitti Labs believes that the 'problem' of rice methane emissions was just an opportunity in disguise: a way to upgrade rice farming to help farmers reduce emissions and earn additional income from carbon credits.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Innovative Farming Practices. Alternative practices such as Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) and Direct-Seeding Rice (DSR) can reduce methane emissions by over 40% and water use by 30%.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Legislative Strategy. Instead of one omnibus bill, these changes were in, I think, six or seven different bills, allowing overlapping coalitions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Strategic Growth. Being climate smart and forward-looking is part of Colorado's competitive advantage, attracting companies with aggressive climate goals.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Transition Challenges. Colorado faces the problem of trying to decarbonize while having a large and powerful fossil fuel industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Bipartisan Politics. Some housing measures in Colorado have attracted bipartisan votes to get them done.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Geothermal Initiatives. Colorado has created an expedited regulatory framework around deep well geothermal and carbon sequestration to facilitate development.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Climate Accountability. Colorado is not quite on track to hit the 2025 goal but aims to be at 95% of the goal for 2030 with additional land use and transit measures.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Renewable Energy Funding. The oil and gas agreement in Colorado will help fund carbon mitigation, particularly for transit, by potentially generating over $200 million a year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Land Use Bills. The most recent win was a package of land-use bills that passed a few months ago, which require municipalities to upzone around transit corridors.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

E-Bike Success. Around 10,000 people got e-bikes through the state's $12 million program, primarily targeted at low-income Coloradans.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Democratic Achievements. Over the past five years, Colorado's Democratic trifecta has produced a cascade of legislation on climate, energy, housing, and land use.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Engagement Objective. This competition aims to engage thinkers and communicators in envisioning the future of the battery industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Deadline for Submissions. Deadline 5th September 2024!

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Essay Competition Announcement. We are thrilled to announce an essay competition with the upcoming Faraday Institution Conference this September.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Balanced View on Fossil Fuels. We must think about fossil fuels in a balanced way.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexepstein.substack.com

Energy Freedom Benefits. With energy freedom, we’ll get better at mastering climate danger, natural or manmade.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Freedom and Climate Action. If we protect all energy freedom everything will get better, including climate mastery, and we'll innovate alternatives faster.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Masterable Warming Impacts. The UN IPCC is a catastrophizing organization—but even it projects masterable warming impacts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Economic Resilience. GDP-adjusted climate-related damages are flat despite many incentives for them to go up.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Cooling Benefits. While we're taught to fear heat-related death, cold-related death is a far bigger problem.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Manageable Warming. Climate has warmed about 1° C, a mild and manageable amount, over the last 170 years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Drought Impact Reduction. The drought death rate is 99% less than it was 100 years ago.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Decline in Climate Deaths. The climate death rate is 98% less than it was 100 years ago.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Reduced Climate Risks. Fossil fueled climate mastery has easily overwhelmed any climate challenges so far.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Climate Mastery. Fossil fuels' biggest climate positive is the ability to master climate danger.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Fossil Fuels Climate Positives. The climate positives of fossil fuels far outweigh the climate negatives.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Needs for Survival. Only by using fossil fuels can 8 billion people have the energy they need to survive and flourish.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexepstein.substack.com

Extinction Threat. Collapse seriously threatens our species’ extinction.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Guilt and Grief. When I first began to really feel into the shock, guilt and grief of this momentous truth.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Collective Confrontation. Collapse - and being forced to confront death like this - plants us at our collective naked lunch, in a frozen moment together.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Human Endeavour. Humanity has always been a wholly bigger and nobler project than my individual life and I derive comfort and meaning from its omnipotence.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Carrying Capacity. Again, one billion people is the figure around which humanity can exist within the earth's carrying capacity once again.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Predicted Decline. The scientist who led the research explained that because most demographers look ahead only to 2100, there is no consensus on exactly how quickly populations will fall after that.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Population Peak. A number of respected global institutes, including the United Nations, released reports that show global population will peak between nine and 10 million aching messy humans by 2080.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Moral Injury. Deep within us is a custodian instinct, I believe.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Mortality Awareness. To be human is to be the only species aware of its own mortality.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cultural Shift. Our secular, individualist culture has replaced these rituals and wisdoms with an obsession with youth and a bunch of thoroughly avoidant longevity protocols.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Global Community's Responsibility. This is a matter of life and death; it is a plea to the global community for help.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Need for Urgent Action. Developed countries do not treat the climate challenges facing developing countries with the urgency and importance they deserve.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Economic Impact of Climate Change. The island is expected to lose 24.5 percent of its GDP by 2050 and 49.1 percent by 2100, according to the country's National Adaptation Plan.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • napglobalnetwork.org

Climate Change Threat. The future of Saint Lucia is highly threatened by climate change—and the country can't do much about it on its own.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Increased Interest in Saint Lucia. Alfred's win and her country's celebration has more people searching Saint Lucia than ever before, according to Google Trends.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • trends.google.com

Julien Alfred's Victory. Julien Alfred of Team Saint Lucia celebrates winning gold during the Women's 100 meter final.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.youtube.com

Historic England Update. Historic England just announced they will now be encouraging local councils to allow heat pumps, solar panels and insulation for Europe's oldest housing stock.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • historicengland.org.uk

Sharing Climate Solutions. When we share individual climate solutions with our friends and family, they can become contagious and magnify our impact many times over.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Summer Recipe Opportunity. Now that it's summer, there are so many options at the local farmers market for fresh veggies and fruit.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Plant-Based Eating. Eating more plants and cutting food waste are two big steps most people can take to cut their personal and household emissions.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Water Shortage Impact. Severe drought puts not only animals but also people, livelihoods, and the local economy at risk.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Sicilian Drought. The island of Sicily is currently in the throes of its worst drought in 30 years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.euronews.com

Tourist Deaths. Extreme heat has killed at least six tourists in Greece.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nbcnews.com

Mediterranean Warming Effects. The Mediterranean basin has already experienced 1.5° C of warming, and as the world warms it is increasingly beset by droughts, heatwaves, wildfires, and more.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Bacterial Potentials. These discoveries highlight the incredible potential of nature to solve so many of the problems we've created - and how much we have yet to learn!

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Photosynthesis Efficiency. These microbes are 'hyper-efficient at consuming CO2 through photosynthesis,' said Braden Tierney.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Cyanobacteria Discovery. In the Mediterranean Sea, scientists have discovered a type of cyanobacteria that consumes carbon dioxide 'astonishingly quickly.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.bbc.com

Carbon Emission Impact. It's estimated these buildings make up about 5 percent of the UK's carbon emissions - so this is a big deal.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Superfund Site Established. A Superfund site — the Bonita Peak Mining District — was established, and as much as $160 million has been spent responding to the initial disaster and on Superfund-related activities in the years since.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Future Water Supplies Concerns. The increase in Lake Powell's levels may not be enough to quell concerns about future water supplies, even with the ferry operational again.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Megadrought Reality. The Southwest continues to experience a megadrought, now going on its 25th year, which is the most severe dry spell of the last 1,200 years, according to new UCLA research.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.latimes.com

Lake Powell Levels. Lake Powell water levels peaked at about 41% of capacity in early July, highlighting the ongoing challenges with the Southwest megadrought.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

EPA's Slow Progress. The EPA appears to be on its typical 20-year plus timeframe for completing work at this Superfund site, according to Peter Butler, former chair of the Citizens Advisory Group.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Complicated Cleanup. The environmental legacy of mining in the Upper Animas watershed is complicated, with miles of drifts and shafts in addition to natural fractures and faults that blur hydrological understanding.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Biden Administration Reforms. The Biden administration issued a report last summer calling for major reforms to the 1872 General Mining Law, proposing increased protections on mining claims and a reclamation fee.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Policy Inaction. No meaningful federal policy regarding abandoned mines has been passed by Congress or implemented by the White House.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Gold King Mine Spill. The Gold King Mine spill released some 3 million gallons of TANG-hued, acidic, metal-tainted water into a tributary of the Animas River, turning the waterways various shades of yellow and orange for a good 100 miles downstream.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Military Escalation Impact. European natural gas prices leapt to 2024 highs last week, as the US and Israel laid bare their appetite for military escalation against Iran and its proxies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Supply Shock vs Demand. But as this week’s EU LNG Chart Deck explains, temporary supply shocks are not the same as structural changes to underlying demand.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Gas Price Uncertainty. European gas futures fell more than 4% as febrile markets opened on Monday. Is the bullish thesis for gas prices finally unravelling?

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market Selloff Trigger. While US warships were amassing in the Red Sea and Gulf of Oman, the bottom fell out of the Japanese stock market — triggering a deep selloff in US and European equities and cryptocurrencies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

EU Gas Futures Rally. European gas futures on the Dutch Title Transfer Facility duly rallied to prices not seen since December.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market Reaction. Natural gas traders saw right through it, and pressed the only button that seems to matter when two de-facto nuclear powers square off: buy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

De-escalation vs Reality. The White House described the deployment of more US Navy aircraft carriers to the region as 'de-escalatory', in what must be a candidate for the 2024 Double Speak award.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Bronze Age Technology. A new paper from Stanford's Mark Jacobson finds that firebricks could be the key to cutting industrial emissions.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • sustainability.stanford.edu

Utility Monopoly Issues. The century-old system of regulated, for-profit monopolies controlling U.S. electricity distribution is broken and should be reasserted for public control over distribution.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Circular Economy Advancements. Even as battery demand surges, efficiency, innovation, and circularity will drive peak demand for mined minerals within a decade and may avoid mineral extraction altogether by 2050.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Climate Change Acceleration. The urgency and precision of the prediction that the Atlantic currents may collapse by mid-century urge immediate action and comprehensive climate strategies to mitigate the impending crisis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Humidity and Health. Rising humidity affects human health not only directly but also indirectly through the work that people's lives depend on.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Street Vendors Affected. In Delhi, a survey of street vendors found that 80% had fewer customers during heatwaves, and most of these workers could not take breaks during heatwaves.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.greenpeace.org

Wet Bulb Temperature Warning. The strong El Niño suggests a 2024 tropical land mean maximum wet bulb temperature of 26.2 C (79.2 F) and a 68% chance of breaking existing records.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Rainfall Records. Hurricane Florence in September 2018 was the second-biggest rainfall in American history; it dropped the equivalent of all the water in Chesapeake Bay on the Carolinas.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.wunderground.com

Hurricane Debby Impact. Debby is likely to cause damage in excess of $10 billion, making this Category 1 hurricane more like a Category 3 or 4 storm in its impacts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Apocalypse Plans. Everyone at the dinner had an exit plan for navigating inevitable collapse.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Europe's Impending Collapse. Fittingly, it is Europe who will likely crumble first due to depleted soils and long-destroyed natural resources.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Link to Full Content.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Future Resilience. Here's to deep soil and strong roots that can withstand the vines that seek to choke the hands we hold.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Cultural Knowledge Valuation. There is rich cultural knowledge still strong in the island nations, far from Western homes.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Resource Depletion Warning. Most European institutions now desperately lack the language even to remember how to live well on the land that is now heating up faster than every other continent.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Cultural Collapse Perspective. The end of the hegemonic system for Western cultures feels like the end of the world, whereas for others it has been an ongoing reality for generations.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Apocalypse Plan Actions. We all need an apocalypse plan that looks like ensuring the safety of marginalized communities and making amends with the Earth.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Contemporary Apocalypse. Our apocalypse is the inevitable result of the mechanics of violence that have ravaged the world for centuries.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Media's Role in Violence. The violent, far-right, fascist riots across the U.K. this weekend are the material eruptions of a furious fire stoked by media pundits for many years.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Energy is Essential. Cost-effective and scalable energy is essential for humans to flourish on Earth.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Global Energy Starvation. 3 billion people use less electricity than an American refrigerator.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Global Energy Needs. The massive need for energy can only be satisfied if massive fossil fuel use continues and expands.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Affordability. 25 million American households say they've gone without food or medicine to pay for energy.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Poverty Reduction. Thanks to cost-effective energy (mostly fossil fuel), extreme poverty has plummeted to <10% from 42% in 1980.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Nuclear Potential. Producing as much nuclear energy as fossil fuel by 2050 would require adding four 1GW nuclear plants every day.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Solar and Wind Limitations. Solar/wind only provide <5% of world energy—and only electricity, which is 1/5 of energy.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Gap. For most energy needs, solar/wind either can't do what fossil fuels can or are far more expensive.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Innovative Advantages. Fossil fuels' success comes from a combination of natural attributes and generations of innovation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

China's Coal Investments. China, which uses mostly coal to produce “green” technology, has 300+ coal plants in the pipeline.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Political Challenges. Fossil fuels are growing in spite of 100+ years of competition and 20+ years of political hostility.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Fossil Fuel Dominance. Fossil fuels provide 80%+ of the world’s energy and are growing fast.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Requirement. Only by using fossil fuels can 8 billion people have the energy they need to survive and flourish.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Transparency Promotion. We hope this can be a valuable resource to promote transparency in the battery industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Report Preview. Preview for July 2024 Battery Component Prices.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Price Reductions. Double-digit price reductions across key battery components such as raw lithium and electrolytes.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Subscription Access. Get exclusive access now!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Fast Charger Demand. Revel has begun building a network of urban fast chargers in NYC, and along the way, it has done a good deal of thinking about where to locate them.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Shift to Rideshare. Revel shifted from mopeds to cars, developing a rideshare network in which all drivers drive EVs and all the EVs charge at Revel facilities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Urban Charging Issue. Revel found a classic chicken-and-egg problem: no one would make the substantial upfront investments to build urban fast chargers without sufficient demand.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Revel's Dual Strategy. Revel has come up with a distinctive answer: build the chargers and demand for the chargers at the same time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

EV Scalability Challenges. The logistics of installing high-capacity charging infrastructure in urban areas, like New York City, are complex and take significant time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Tesla's Market Influence. Revel has hired several ex-Tesla employees following Tesla's downsizing of its charging team, improving its own site development processes.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Independent Contractor Model. Revel switched to an independent contractor model for drivers after recognizing it was more favorable for recruitment.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Environmental Justice. Way over half of Revel's sites are in areas defined by the government as Environmental Justice communities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Focus on Demand Response. Revel is implementing demand response strategies to manage load, reacting to grid signals to benefit both the grid and their operations.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Charging Site Expansion. Revel is building a 60-stall site in Maspeth, Queens, which is set to have 400 kW charging and is expected to open in a year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Profitability Without Rideshare. From a charging perspective, we don't need our rideshare company to be profitable.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Power Management Importance. Managing power is crucial as more EVs are added to the grid to prevent overwhelming it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Growth in Urban Areas. Revel is moving quickly in terms of fast charging development in urban centers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Scaling Infrastructure. Revel's plans on the infrastructure side of the business don't rely on their rideshare expansion.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Rapid EV Growth. Since the Taxi Limousine Commission opened 12,000 new licenses for EVs, Revel saw a tenfold increase in the use of their fast chargers overnight.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Ceased Development Proposal. The Florida company's proposal to build a 480-foot-tall telecommunications tower on Utah state land within Bears Ears National Monument's boundaries was withdrawn.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Freedom Cities Initiative. Agenda 47 - the Trump campaign's platform - promises to develop 10 'Freedom Cities' on 'empty' public lands in the Western United States if he is elected president.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Pushback Against Agenda. Trump's Agenda 47 is a bit shorter and less detailed than the 900-page Project 2025, which maybe makes it slightly more palatable to certain voters, but is equally nuts and just as scary.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Environmental Concerns. Trump plans to eviscerate environmental, health, safety, and worker protections in the name of 'energy dominance' and corporate profit.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Controversial Terminology. Referring to the Western U.S. as the 'frontier' was racist and ignorant in the 19th century.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Tribal Sovereignty Test. The trucks managed to get off tribal land before the police could catch them, but the next shipments are likely to be stopped, marking a test case for tribal sovereignty.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Uranium Mining Resurgence. Whether the U.S. uranium mining industry is experiencing a full-on renaissance or is merely having zombie-dream twitches isn't yet clear.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Mining Regulation Changes. The BLM is actually raising mining claim maintenance fees from $165 to $200 per claim.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Noise About New Projects. Energy Fuels is also looking to develop the Roca Honda Project on Forest Service land near Mt. Taylor in New Mexico.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.fs.usda.gov

Legislative Impact. The Energy Permitting Reform Act would codify mining companies' ability to stake mining claims on public lands to use as waste dumps and for other ancillary purposes.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Olympics Future Recommendation. If we want the summer Olympics to continue to exist and be safe for athletes, we need to rapidly reduce emissions from these sectors.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Clear Communication Needed. Communicators have to also be clear about why climate change is happening, so it’s equally clear what must be done.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Emission Contribution. Approximately 75 percent of current anthropogenic CO2 emissions come from fossil fuels, and anywhere from 13 to 20 percent come from agriculture, forestry and land use (AFOLU), according to the IPCC.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.ipcc.ch

Recent Analysis Findings. The heat wave that's plagued France and other Mediterranean countries this July would have been anywhere from 4.5°F (2.5°C) to 5.9°F (3.3°C) cooler in a pre-climate-changed world.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.worldweatherattribution.org

Heat Increase Attribution. Fossil fuels, deforestation, and animal agriculture made outdoor temperatures at Tuesday's Olympics about 5.2°F degrees hotter than they would have normally been.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.worldweatherattribution.org

Gas Demand Reduction. Europe's great gas power slump has wiped out the equivalent of the combined annual primary gas demand of Denmark, Ireland, Norway and Portugal since 2017.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Natural Gas Production Low. Continental Europe produced less electricity from natural gas over the first seven months of this year than at any time since 2005.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Electricity Transition Speed. Europe's electricity system is transitioning at breakneck speed.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Gas Generation Context. This post dives into the latest data from ENTSO-E to define the contours of the gas generation slump and the factors driving it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

LNG Pivot Potential. This implies Europe could over time pivot away from not only Russian imports, but also LNG — which is more expensive, volatile, and carbon-intensive than pipeline gas.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market Volatility Issues. Rising intra-day volatility, negative pricing, infrastructure bottlenecks, soaring balancing costs and incoherent policy responses are all straining pan-European market integration.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Corporate Crisis Drivers. We also discuss the drivers of this corporate crisis, including the story of separation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Driving Shareholder Value. Doing so within the existing framework of driving shareholder value is so complicated that many are claiming it can't be done.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

New Corporate Values. The corporate world needs new values, values that inspire different motivations for existing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Trust and Morality. Nate works at the intersection of values and technology, working on redesigning corporate values by focusing on building trust and morality within organisations.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.trustworthyby.design

Cruel Irony #5. We can talk coherently and rationally about our anxiety, even joke about it, yet we freak out on a regular basis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Podcast Mention. This week’s Wild podcast is with the wonderful Meg Wheatley.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • podcasts.apple.com

English Translation. The book continues to be translated and published around the world.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cruel Irony #8. We're always thinking about everyone (and everything), but we're so damn selfish.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cruel Irony #7. We look strong and controlling. But we actually need others' help more than most.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cruel Irony #6. We seem doggedly set in our ways, but we have no idea what we want.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cruel Irony #4. We may come across as extroverted, but we have social anxiety.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cruel Irony #3. We cope with strangers better than our own mates when we're anxious.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cruel Irony #2. We need easy-going people, but they can be our undoing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cruel Irony #1. The anxious tend to seek solitude, yet we simultaneously crave connection.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Book Impact. The book changed me. In the writing of it, and then in the conversations it started out in the world, I healed big time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Future of Solar. Perovskites are the most exciting new technology in solar that we've ever seen.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

First Commercial Product. For us, we expect the first product to be somewhere above 25% efficiency.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Material Cost Benefits. Perovskites actually use 100x less materials than silicon.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Market Leader Moves. The biggest US solar company, First Solar, bought a perovskite startup last year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.cnbc.com

Tandem Cell Efficiency. Perovskites can also be stacked atop silicon in 'tandem' cells, which promise to substantially increase efficiency for fairly cheap.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Performance Advantages. Perovskite semiconductors can be designed to capture parts of the spectrum of sunlight that silicon doesn’t absorb, more efficiently than silicon.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Commercialization Hopes. Several hype cycles in, however, there are still no perovskite products on the market.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Perovskite Potential. For years, perovskite solar cells have been the Next Big Thing in solar.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Market Competitive Edge. With our latest series A... we have private investors really jumping into this, looking at our data.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Stability Improvements. Perovskite's stability has improved dramatically in the last five years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Timelines for Production. Production at scale, I think three to five years is a safe timeline.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Nuclear as Key Energy Source. Nuclear energy stands out as a key player—not just for its capacity to generate massive amounts of clean energy, but also for its unparalleled reliability and safety.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

TerraPower Job Creation. The TerraPower nuclear project in Kemmerer, Wyoming, is projected to create approximately 2,000 construction jobs and 250 permanent positions once the plant is operational.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.terrapower.com

Community Economic Impact. Communities near nuclear facilities benefit from the increased demand for goods and services, fostering growth in other sectors such as retail, hospitality, and real estate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

High Salary Range. The average salary for a nuclear engineer in the United States is approximately $125,000 per year, significantly higher than the national average wage.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.bls.gov

Economic Growth Potential. A robust nuclear workforce not only promises economic growth and stability but also enhances national security and operational safety.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Job Openings Forecast. During this time, there will be millions of new job openings in the US, including nearly 500,000 in the nuclear industry.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.energy.gov

Workforce Shortages. The shortage of skilled workers is already a bottleneck for clean and nuclear infrastructure deployment, and this problem is expected to worsen, particularly around the crisis period of 2030-2035.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Projected Electricity Demand. By 2030, global electricity demand is projected to increase by over 60%, according to the International Energy Agency.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

The Path Forward. Investing in the development and maintenance of a skilled nuclear workforce emerges as a strategic priority for securing a stable, prosperous, and safe future.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Innovation in Workforce Assessment. PowerTechs offers a skills assessment technology that identifies existing transferable skills, allowing workers to transition from other industries into clean energy roles.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Preventing Accidents. The vigilance and expertise of a plant's workforce helped identify and address a significant corrosion issue at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station in 2003 before it could lead to a major accident.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Operational Excellence. A skilled nuclear workforce is essential for the reliable and safe operation of nuclear facilities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Nuclear Workforce Skills. A well-trained workforce ensures that a country can safely and securely manage its nuclear arsenal, contributing to global non-proliferation efforts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Energy Independence. A country with a strong nuclear energy sector reduces its reliance on foreign energy sources, enhancing its energy independence.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Youth Vote Potential. Young voters are energized and ready to organize for a candidate who differentiates from unpopular Biden policies, creating a potential for significant political mobilization.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

2020 Platform Contrast. Harris's campaign has stated she would not ban fracking, contrasting her 2020 pledge as part of a $10 trillion climate plan.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Activists Demand Policy Clarity. The youth-led Sunrise Movement explicitly called on Harris to release a policy platform that promotes a strong vision for a sustainable future.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Environmental Justice Groups' Hesitation. Some environmental justice groups have not endorsed Harris, highlighting concerns over her lack of a concrete climate platform.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Concerns on Climate Policy. It's unclear how exactly Harris would be different from Biden regarding climate policy, as her campaign has not yet released an official climate policy platform.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Big Green Groups' Support. Harris has already received endorsements from the so-called 'Big Green' groups, but these were expected due to their loyalty to Democratic Party politicians.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Harris Endorsement. A coalition of lefty green groups planning to formally endorse Kamala Harris for president marks a significant shift in support.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Green Sports 1.0 Achievements. The sports world has done a great job at what I refer to as Green Sports 1.0—the greening of sports venues through energy efficient lighting, on-site solar, LEED certified stadiums/arenas, and more.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Follow EcoAthletes. Follow an EcoAthletes Champion on social media, share and like their climate-themed posts.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.ecoathletes.org

Grassroots Climate Plans. Write or call your favorite team — pro or college — and ask them if they have a climate action plan.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Roundtable Challenge. Start a conversation about climate change with fellow sports fans, even if it is uncomfortable to get these conversations going.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

FIFA's Contradiction. FIFA touts the on-site greening of its crown jewel events, while also announcing a $100 million annual partnership for the 2026 Men’s and 2027 Women’s World Cups with Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia's state oil giant.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • inside.fifa.com

Greenwashing Issue. The scaling up of Green Sports 2.0 sadly but predictably faces significant headwinds in the form of blatant greenwashing that is often funded by the fossil fuel industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Call for Climate Action. To tackle these barriers and empower the Muhammad Alis and Megan Rapinoes of climate change, in 2020 I launched EcoAthletes.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • ecoathletes.org

Green Sports 2.0 Barriers. Unfortunately, the sports world has been much slower to advance to Green Sports 2.0.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Influence of Athletes. Athletes are among the most influential humans on the planet.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Olympics Climate Concerns. People are becoming more and more worried about the impacts of extreme heat on athletes and fans at the summer games, as well as the fact that climate change is rapidly rendering many winter Olympic venues untenable.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.npr.org

Conservation Proposal. Western Colorado's Mesa and Montrose Counties propose a 30,000-acre national conservation area for the Lower Dolores River corridor as an alternative to the proposed 400,000-acre national monument.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.mesacounty.us

Debate Framing. And, just as predictably, it's being falsely framed as a fight pitting locals vs. outsiders.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Need for Current Help. Yet the Lower Dolores River needs help now.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Economic Misrepresentation. But this is misleading, because the uranium mining industry remains virtually dead, so the economic impact is zero to negligible.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Support for National Monuments. Tellingly, the survey also found that 72% of respondents support existing national monument designations 'such as Browns Canyon, Chimney Rock, and Colorado National Monument.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Dam Effects on Environment. Rather it was like putting the river's manic-depressive flows on lithium.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Impact of McPhee Dam. No matter how one feels about dams, you have to admit it had some benefits.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Mischaracterization of Locals. More often than not, these land protection fights are framed as well-heeled elitist outsiders and Washington D.C. bureaucrats imposing their values on and wrecking the livelihoods of rural, salt-of-the-earth local ranchers and miners.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Long-standing Controversy. It’s the latest volley in a half-century-long battle over the fate of the beleaguered river.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Early Writing. It was hardly profound, had neither meter nor rhyme, and was only about five lines long.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Childhood Poetry. One of the first “literary” things I ever wrote was a poem that began, “The Bears Ears, have you ever seen them?”

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Inspired Location. I wrote it in one fell swoop while sitting by the side of the road to Hovenweep National Monument.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Publication Cadence. Publication cadence will be slightly reduced/erratic during the school holidays.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Feedback Invitation. Paid subscribers are welcomed to provide suggestions and feedback to make the coverage more relevant and valuable.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Upcoming Topics. Upcoming topics include EU gas-fired power deep-dive, Asian & EU LNG infrastructure buildout rates, autumn arbitrage and LNG netbacks, and a review of US LNG flows in context of 2024 geopolitical volatility.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Editorial Focus. The newsletter analyses natural gas & LNG markets through the lens of Europe’s net zero journey.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Subscriber Milestone. Energy Flux surpassed the 5,000 subscribers milestone.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Graduation Accomplishments. The first company to ‘graduate’ from Prosemino was Oort Energy, which was started in Prosemino’s infancy from a small corner of UCL lab space.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Venture Builder Focus. Prosemino claims to be the ‘only electrochemistry focused lab venture builder in the world’, which we have not been able to disprove.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Venture Failure Rate. Even then, 10% of startups fail within the first year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.embroker.com

Startup Support Model. Prosemino provides TLC to their companies: commercial support including finance, legal, talent, etc., all of which would be time-consuming to find and expensive for a startup.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Importance of Geography. London is a ‘natural place’ for the company to be based, due to the history of the company being started at UCL, the city’s high concentration of universities, companies, and investment capital.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Deep Tech Expertise. Their specialty is the very narrow crossover of company building and electrochemistry and materials synthesis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Fundraising Stage. Companies ‘graduate’ by raising their seed round.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Electrochemical Focus. Prosemino particularly focuses on electrochemical solutions to net zero problems, covering batteries, fuel cells, electrochemical hydrogen and interesting things like carbon capture and storage.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Lab Space Importance. However, for startups that involve deep electrochemical tech, they’re normally in need of lab space and would need to hire a lab and buy equipment in order to make any headway.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Successful Collaboration. Prosemino helped negotiate an agreement between 24M and Jerry, which jumpstarted the early days of Redoxion.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Harris vs. Biden. Vice President Harris is likely to be better than Biden concerning state policy on animal rights.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Surprising Outcome. Things aren't always what they seem; Trump's position on farm subsidies may be more important than any other policy in protecting animals.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Backlash Effect. Lukewarm support from leaders like Harris may reduce the public’s appetite for change compared to strong opposition like Trump.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Contrasting Dietary Choices. Harris has visited vegan restaurants and stated that she’s vegan before 6 pm, contrasting with Trump's meat-loving image.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Cultural Change Power. Perhaps the most important power of the President is the power of the bully pulpit.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Veto Frequency. Franklin D. Roosevelt vetoed 635 bills while Joe Biden has vetoed only 12.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Impact of Elections. National elections have much smaller impacts than most people think.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Presidential Power. The President has the power to veto legislation, which plays a role in shaping important legislation such as the Farm Bill.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Regulatory Impact. The primary direct impact of the President on animal protection is via enforcement and regulation of federal laws.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Candidates on Animal Rights. A deeper look at Trump and Harris leads to a surprising conclusion: the two candidates are closer, on animal rights issues, than you might think.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Future Advantage. Trump has a potential advantage over Biden and Harris concerning farm subsidies, as his supporters have proposed an end to many of them.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • static.project2025.org

Subsidies Impact. One of the reasons factory farmers produce so many animals is that the government pays them for doing so.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Farm Bill Costs. The Farm Bill is estimated to cost $662 billion over the next 5 years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • crsreports.congress.gov

President's Role. There are a few areas where the President plays an important role in animal protection.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Read More. Read more about the episode.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Foundational Texts. I answer subscriber questions about foundational texts for understanding the contemporary world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Active Transcript. An active transcript is also available.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • transcripts.volts.wtf

Transcript Links. PDF transcript is available.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.dropbox.com

Popular Writing. I address my most popular writing over the years.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Musk/Trump Connection. I discuss the weird Musk/Trump dance.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Political Scene. I weigh in on the current US political scene.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Oil Export Growth. America in a decade has gone from not exporting oil and gas to becoming the world&#8217;s biggest producer.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Petrostate Argument. 'Petrostate' should define not just Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, but also countries whose economies are far more diversified but where petroleum interests play a huge role in government.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Climate Change Denial. Studies suggest, for example, that 25% of US Congress seats are held by climate deniers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Opposition from Greens. The big green groups have come out strongly against it.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Climate Policy Goals. The goal of climate policy is to prevent the planet from overheating.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Sellout to Industry. Martin Heinrichs is selling out the planet to help his state.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Environmental Impact. If enacted, the LNG portion of the Manchin bill would 'lock in new greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 165 coal-fired power plants or more.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Manchin's Proposal. Joe Manchin has taken more money from the fossil fuel industry than anyone else in DC.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Hidden Agendas. The moral of the story is: Big Oil is sneaky, and they will use moments when attention is diverted to advance their agenda.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Solar Balconies Boom. Germans have installed 500,000 'solar balconies' across the country.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Trump's Energy Policy. The oil executives are banking on promises from the former president and his allies for an energy agenda that is more stridently pro-fossil fuel.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Fremont's Legacy. John Charles Fremont was a renowned American explorer, politician, and radical abolitionist, but he was also involved in the Sacramento River Massacre, murdering hundreds of Indigenous Wintu people.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.sacramentorivermassacre.org

False Heroism. Fremont's writings helped fuel the notion of Manifest Destiny and the accompanying violence against Indigenous peoples, underscoring that he was no hero despite some interesting observations.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Historical Context. Fremont’s journey and records provide valuable insights into how landscapes have radically changed or remained the same since the 1840s.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

California's Beauty. Fremont noted the beauty of California, describing his surroundings as 'one continued enjoyment' with green pastures and wildlife during his travels.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Biodiversity Diminished. The description of the Tulare Lake shows the profound changes to California's ecology, as irrigation and diversions have dried up the lake which only revives in exceptionally rainy years.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Indigenous Trade. Fremont recorded Indigenous people trading otter skins, fish, and acorn bread, reflecting a complex ecosystem of trade and interaction before widespread colonization.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Desert Transformation. Fremont found unexpected ecological diversity in the desert, survival amid sterility characterized by flowering shrubs and beautiful plants, defying his initial impressions of 'nada'.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Las Vegas Encounter. Fremont camped at what’s now Las Vegas, describing a beautifully watered basin but on his journey, indicating that the area was once fertile before urban transformation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Social Connections. Sarah Wilson meets many people by engaging in discussions at local boulangeries, often about politics.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

AllTrails Usage. Wilson employs the AllTrails app to discover hiking routes around Paris, enhancing her outdoor experiences.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • www.alltrails.com

Parisian Delights. Wilson recommends specific eateries like 'Chez Georges' and 'Billili' that reflect Paris's vibrant culture.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Community of Artists. A community of Australian female artists in Paris often gathers to share their creative stories.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cultural Values. Sarah appreciates France's pro-intellectual culture and emphasis on discussion over materialism.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Nature Escapes. Wilson enjoys running in the forests surrounding Paris, such as those at Fontainebleau and Versailles.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Philosophical Dinner Dates. Wilson has dinner dates discussing weekly writings with A.C. Grayling, a noted philosopher.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cycling Infrastructure. One third of Paris roads have been converted to bike and pedestrian lanes, reducing pollution by 40%.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Weekend Culture. There is a cultural norm in France against working on weekends, with a focus on rest and leisure.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Secondhand Market Growth. The secondhand shopping scene is significant in Paris, with a strong presence of by-the-kilo shops and subsidies for repair services.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Local Shopping Habits. In Paris, people shop at local markets and then top up their supplies due to small kitchens in apartments.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cultural Embrace. People in Paris are curious and often look others in the eye rather than objectifying them.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Life in Paris. Sarah Wilson believes Paris is a city for older women, stating, 'You don't become invisible at 50 here.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Climate Policy Vulnerability. The climate tech sector faces a critical juncture as the presidential election approaches and cannot take Biden/Harris climate policies for granted, as a Trump presidency is likely going to shift the balance in favor of fossil fuel giants.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Preserving Climate Incentives. We must take action now to engage with policymakers as the potential election impacts on climate change are significant, especially due to the risks of repealing elements of historic climate policies such as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Election Impact on Climate. The clean energy and climate movement seems less mobilized around this election cycle than it was in 2020, prompting us to investigate what’s at stake.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Potential Tax Increases. Extending those tax credits would cost about $4.6 trillion over the next ten years according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.budget.senate.gov

Tax Credit Durability. Many in the energy sector believe the IRA will remain mostly intact because history shows tax incentives are rarely revoked.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Call to Action. You should engage now to protect the climate policies that are benefitting your technology.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Advocacy for IRA. Advocate for protecting the IRA by lobbying elected officials for continued federal and state support.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Industry Concerns. The climate industry will need to take action before the election to preserve its future.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Coalition Participation. Join a coalition like Clean Energy for America, an organization that amplifies the voice of the clean energy workforce in advocating for policies and leaders to advance just, equitable, and rapid decarbonization.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.ceforamerica.org

Trump's Climate Agenda. Former President Trump has positioned himself firmly against President Biden's climate policies, pledging as early as September 2023 to 'rescind every one of Joe Biden’s industry-killing, job-killing, pro-China and anti-American electricity regulations.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.donaldjtrump.com

Potential Legislative Changes. A Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives passed the Limit, Save, Grow Act to repeal the IRA, with each Republican voting for repeal despite the potential for economic harm to their district.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Judicial Challenges. The June Supreme Court decision overruling the Chevron doctrine increases the scrutiny that the Biden Administration's environmental regulations may face.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Environmental Impact. According to a 2023 study, oil produced by a common recycling method called pyrolysis actually pollutes more than the fossil fuel industry’s usual polluting occupation—crude oil drilling.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Advanced Recycling Market. The global market for advanced recycling is projected to exceed $9 billion by 2031.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Greenwashing Tactics. Ultimately, this kind of messaging is meant to distract us from the best available solution: producing less plastic.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Advanced Recycling Claims. These 'advanced recycling' ads are not trying to sell products. They're trying to sell consumers a utopian idea: that plastic consumption can continue as is, without irreparably damaging public health and the planet.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Ineffectiveness of Recycling. Despite years of effort and billions of dollars of investment, few advanced recycling plants are up and running.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Advertising Spending. So far, America’s Plastic Makers has spent nearly $30 million since 2023 to place ads touting 'advanced recycling' and other sustainability measures.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.opensecrets.org

Chemical Recycling Output. In fact, the main product that chemical recycling produces isn’t plastic—it’s oil and chemicals.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Historical Inefficiency. As early as 1973, an industry consultant wrote that 'separation of plastics from [municipal solid waste] is neither technically nor economically feasible at the present time, and probably will not be in the future.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • climateintegrity.org

Rising Disaster Costs. Over the last decade, the average cost of weather-related disasters and catastrophic losses each year has risen to the equivalent 5-6% of annual GDP growth.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • climateinstitute.ca

Carbon Sequestration. Metalplant is also aiming to sequester carbon on its farms through 'enhanced rock weathering,' which involves spreading rock dust on the soil on its farms.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Innovative Mining Method. A start-up in Albania called Metalplant is trying out a new kind of mining: 'phytomining,' that consists of growing and harvesting nickel-accumulating flowers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • metalplant.com

Tool Library Impact. The Tool Library in Buffalo, NY saved its members some $730,000 last year by providing access to tools.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • thetoollibrary.org

Political Efficacy. Americans who hear others talk about global warming at least once a month have higher levels of perceived collective political efficacy than those who hear others talk about global warming less often – 54% versus 39%.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • climatecommunication.yale.edu

Nickel Demand Forecast. Demand for nickel, an essential metal in manufacturing EV batteries, is forecast to double by 2040.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Carbon Emission Loss. For each kilogram of nickel mined, it’s estimated between 7 to 10 kg of carbon stock is lost from forests.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • investors.metals.co

Take Action Locally. The next time you're in the throes of a home improvement project, don't dash out to a big box store to buy another tool; instead, consider renting or borrowing equipment from a local tool library.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • localtools.org

Forest Source Critique. The wood pellet industry sources almost 90% of its feedstock from the main stems of trees rather than waste products.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Shift Towards Transparency. The wood pellet industry faces increasing scrutiny, as legislative measures seek to assess its lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions and impact on communities.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Community Economic Impact. One North Carolina community saw its poverty rate increase since the opening of a wood pellet facility, contradicting promises of economic development.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

False Choices. Using wood as fuel increases emissions and sacrifices community well-being, suggesting a false dilemma between coal and wood pellets.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

European Policy Impacts. The recent decision by the Netherlands to end all biomass subsidies may have significant implications for the wood pellet industry in the US.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Regulatory Weakness. Despite numerous violations, only about a third of wood pellet facilities in the US are in compliance with air pollution limits.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Investment in Fossil Fuels. Every dollar spent on burning biomass could be allocated to truly emission-free sources that tackle climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Environmental Justice Issues. Communities near wood pellet facilities suffer from harmful levels of air pollutants, including nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Emissions Increase. Burning biomass for power emits about 20% more carbon than coal, making it three times more emission-intensive than natural gas per kilowatt of electricity.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Carbon Neutral Claims. The wood pellet industry is politically designated as having emissions of zero and receives financial support.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Major Export Destination. 72% of US wood pellets are exported to the UK, amounting to seven and a half million metric tons.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Wood Pellet Industry Growth. Wood pellet production in the US has grown 500% in the past decade in response to European policies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Renewable Energy Source. Over half of what counts as renewable energy in the European Union is bioenergy, i.e., wood pellets burned for heat or electricity.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Connection through Darkness. Wrestling with the darkness has left me more committed to this path than I could ever have imagined.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Personal Transformation. These strange times that we can’t quite believe are here also demanded that I step into my biggest, most alive self.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Existential Question. I ask it because I think it lays out the sturdiest of foundations from which a good life can be designed.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Life Design Inquiry. Can I ask you here, what is left for you, when everything else is hypothetically stripped away?

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Nature and Humanity. My answer gets more beautiful by the hour: nature, humanity, and my wildly alive love of it all.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •


• 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Workforce Loss. The decline of nuclear power in the U.S. has led to a decay of the industry’s workforce, which has undergone a loss of vital professions such as skilled welders, pipefitters, and electricians.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Nuclear Decline. The U.S. and other Western countries largely stopped building new nuclear reactors in the 1980s.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Nuclear Comeback Potential. The U.S. faces an industry that has atrophied, but with the increasing demand for clean energy and the success of nuclear energy development abroad, there is potential for the U.S. to reclaim its former leadership in the sector.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Reactors Agnostic. The Nuclear Company is philosophically agnostic to any specific type of reactor and is open to working with any technology that is safe, economical, and regulatory-approved.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Bipartisan Support. There has been growing support from both Democrats and Republicans for deploying more nuclear energy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Cost-Containment Approach. The Nuclear Company adopts a comprehensive oversight strategy, managing the entire process from start to finish to focus on the 88% of costs associated with infrastructure and operations that exist outside of the reactor and steam system.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Nuclear Company Vision. The Nuclear Company aims to restore America's leadership in nuclear power by building fleets of nuclear power plants on time and on budget.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Opportunity for Growth. The opportunity for growth and expansion of American nuclear production is as vast as it is necessary.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Energy Demand Surge. In 2023, U.S. energy demand rose 4.7% alone and consumption is expected to increase exponentially over the coming decades.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Nuclear Construction Costs. The cost of constructing nuclear power plants has increased by about 33% while the cost of new solar generation has fallen 90%.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Green New Deal Support. Harris said she’d get rid of the filibuster to pass a Green New Deal.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.nytimes.com

Investigative Initiatives. Harris's office opened one of the first official law enforcement investigations into Exxon’s efforts to downplay the climate danger of their products.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • insideclimatenews.org

Prosecutorial History. Harris made a habit of suing fossil fuel companies while serving as California Attorney General, amassing $50 million in settlements.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • oag.ca.gov

Climate Crisis Outlook. Some climate activists are hopeful that Vice President Harris might be willing to go further than President Joe Biden on tackling the climate crisis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.bloomberg.com

Big Oil Challenge. Harris's willingness to directly challenge Big Oil in 2016 set her apart from many mainstream Democrats at the time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.washingtonpost.com

Legal Action Outcome. The arguments in Harris’s lawsuit ultimately helped environmental groups convince a federal judge to pause all new Pacific offshore fracking.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.eenews.net

Harris's Lawsuit. Kamala Harris sued the Obama administration in December 2016, seeking a halt to new offshore fracking permits.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.scribd.com

Fracking Controversy. President Barack Obama’s administration had just finalized plans to allow oil companies to resume offshore hydraulic fracturing and acidizing in the Santa Barbara Channel.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • sandiegofreepress.org

Overall Climate Engagement. While Harris has shown a willingness to target oil companies over climate denial and delay, time has passed since her initial campaign.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Future Climate Commitment. During the 2019 presidential campaign, Harris stated she would appoint cabinet members based on their commitment to tackling climate change.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Volkswagen Settlement. Kamala Harris secured an $86 million settlement from Volkswagen for rigging its vehicles with emissions-cheating software.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Climate Catastrophe Urgency. The climate catastrophe is now playing out in real time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Carbon Sink Decline. A new study shows 'a large decline in the land carbon sink in 2023.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • arxiv.org

Feedback Loop Risk. The authors suggest that increased temperatures and dryness are weakening carbon sinks, leading to increased emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Need for Action. If very high warming rates continue in the next decade, it calls for urgent action to enhance carbon sequestration and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Climate Events Complexity. The earth's climate system is now enduring a series of body blows, making it increasingly hard to calculate how they all add up.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Importance of Elections. What happens in November will be our highest-leverage chance remaining to affect how high the temperature of our planet rises.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Harris's Commitment. Kamala Harris has a climate plan that sets out a bold target to exceed the Paris Agreement climate goals and achieve a clean economy by 2045.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Need for Climate Accountability. The task remains the same: we need to cut our carbon emissions as much as possible, as soon as possible.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

MAGA and Climate Denial. MAGA owns the Republican party, and they believe that physics is fake.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Public Policy Recommendations. The report describes a menu of public policy options for managing the declines in US oil and gas production.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Tough Stance on Big Oil. Kamala Harris is seen as a 'tougher oil industry opponent than Joe Biden.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Environmental Justice Focus. Harris created an environmental justice unit to address environmental crimes affecting San Francisco's poorest residents.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.sfgate.com

Societal Transformation. Imagine if we could provide housing, education and decarbonised energy to societies dependent on fossil fuels in order to free up people's time and labour and facilitate their rewilding of natural spaces.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Link to Article. For further reading on the topic of petro-privatisation, visit the following link.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Ownership Perspective. Nothing truly belongs to us—we belong to the world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Impact of Renewables. Reports are coming in all over the world of forests being cut to make way for solar or wind energy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Lower Returns Benefit. Figuring out financial infrastructure that have lower returns is actually incredibly beneficial in the long-run because it means the overall rate of petro-privatisation will be smaller.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Petro-Privatization Costs. The cost is evident and degrowth scholars have been warning for years now that it is impossible to dematerialise our economies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Energy Transition Myth. Currently, we are experiencing an energy addition, not an energy transition, as fossil fuel consumption increases globally every year despite renewables being the cheapest form of energy available.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Fossil Fuel Profit. The most profitable company in the world is Saudi Aramco, which earned $120.608B in the 12 months leading up to May 2024.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Fertilizer Dependency. Many 'experts' ignore that much of the world would starve without fertilizer from natural gas.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Balanced View. We must think about fossil fuels in a balanced way.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Decrease in Climate Deaths. The climate death rate has decreased by 98% over the last century as fossil fuel use has risen.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Climate Safety. Sadly most 'experts' ignore fossil fuels' climate positives, including climate mastery.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Importance of Balance. To decide what to do about fossil fuels we must be balanced, looking at both negatives and positives.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Agricultural Machines. Many 'experts' ignore that much of the world would starve without oil-powered agricultural machines.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Negatives Ignored. Most 'experts' look at the negatives of fossil fuels but ignore huge positives.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Sound Bites. The goal of Energy Sound Bites is to distill key facts and insights about energy, environmental, and climate issues into a form—100 characters or less—that's short enough to remember and repeat whenever you need them.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Talking Points. Energy Talking Points by Alex Epstein is my free Substack newsletter designed to give as many people as possible access to concise, powerful, well-referenced talking points on the latest energy, environmental, and climate issues.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Next Discussion Topic. Only by using fossil fuels can 8 billion people have the energy they need to survive and flourish.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

IPCC Reports. The IPCC's 1000+ page climate reports ignore all the ways fossil fuels increase climate safety.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Balancing Act. If we carefully weigh fossil fuels' positives and negatives, it becomes clear we need more of them.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Geographical Mapping. This dashboard not only maps the geographical locations of production facilities but also highlights the key stakeholders driving these technological advancements.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Production Site Monitoring. You can use the Data Library which catalogs information on hundreds of manufacturing plants to monitor individual production sites.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • newenergyterminal.org

Company Profiles. You have the option to explore company profiles for related manufacturers to gain deeper insights like business segmentation and organizational structures.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • newenergyterminal.org

Contact the Creator. If you’re interested in chatting with Jerry, reach out!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • newenergyterminal.org

New Energy Terminal. We came across this tool New Energy Terminal a few weeks ago and we thought it’d be a useful resource for many of our readers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • newenergyterminal.org

Analytical Focus. Nicolina Nanni, Chief of Staff, Liminal, will discuss data and analytics in battery manufacturing.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.linkedin.com

Event Details. Online event, Tuesday 23rd April 2024, 5pm UK (BST) / 9am PST / 12pm EST.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Registration Link. Sign up here.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • us06web.zoom.us

Featured Speaker. Featuring Eric Rountree, CEO, EC Power, focusing on battery fast charging.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.linkedin.com

Evolving Start-Ups. Companies Redwood Materials, Li-Cycle and Ascend Elements are tackling the challenges of closing raw material loops by recycling batteries, showcasing clear trends from their early business development processes.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Recycling Opportunities. Recycling makes local and ecologically more sustainable battery raw material supply chains possible, while also drastically reducing costs and supply risks.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

IRA Subsidies. Electric vehicles which contain a certain amount of raw material sourced from or produced by the US or free-trade partner countries are eligible for subsidies under the IRA, with over $70 billion allocated.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Battery Value Chains. North America has been gaining enormous momentum building its own battery value chains due to major investment and subsidy programs as part of the US Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Production Potential. Once operational, the three recycling sites could supply battery materials for around one million electric vehicles per year, matching the number sold in 2022 in the US.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Government Support. All three companies have received major governmental support to expand their recycling capacities rapidly, including significant loans announced by the US Department of Energy.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Isothermal Microcalorimetry. Battery researchers are adopting isothermal microcalorimetry (IMC), an established technique for measuring heat production or consumption in biologic, pharmaceutical, and chemistry testing.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.tainstruments.com

CED Business Insights. They aim to be the ‘android’ of the charging world and be company agnostic.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • monta.com

Decarbonisation Challenges. We are not going to decarbonise the value chains by keeping them global - this will require some deglobalisation which will be tricky.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Global EV Transition. India’s regions have used an aggregated demand system (essentially bulk ordering together) in order to secure a better price for their eBus fleet.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Public Mobility Insights. Marit keen to retain these incentives to maintain the EV status over ICE but also design policies that make sure that citizens would still choose to walk and cycle over driving.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Oslo's EV Strategy. Transport accounts for half of emissions in Oslo with almost 40% of all cars in Oslo being electric.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Waste from Conferences. These kind of conferences create an outrageous amount of waste - it’s a real shame there weren’t washable mugs and plates.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

EU Subsidy Calls. There were multiple calls on the EU and Norway to match these stimuli, with possible protective measures to get the industry going in Europe.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Manufacturing Location Shift. Birger Steen spoke very candidly about how the IRA meant that they needed to deprioritise their original location of choice in Norway and move their main operations to Georgia, US.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

IRA Impact on EU. One really key theme from this conference was the threat that the IRA poses to Europe if the EU does not respond with a similar policy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

April Report Release. April's update on our battery industry cell and component pricing reports are for our subscribing supporters.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Previous Reports. Previous monthly reports can be found here:

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Price Monitoring. If you we&#8217;re staring at battery and lithium prices, you would not have noticed the time pass by.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Transparency Initiative. We hope this can be a valuable resource to promote transparency in the battery industry.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Disbanding of Supercharger Team. The entire Supercharger team led by Rebecca Tinucci has been disbanded, a controversial move given its previous success and strategic importance to Tesla’s charging network infrastructure.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.bbc.com

Luca de Meo's Recommendations. Luca de Meo published a letter to Europe summarizing that 'China rules, the US stimulates and the EU regulates' with recommendations to future-proof the car industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • media.renaultgroup.com

Statevolt's Ambitious Plan. Statevolt has announced a plan to produce solid-state batteries in the UAE from 2026, which is extremely ambitious given the history of battery factories.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • battery-news.de

Canoo Acquires Arrival. Canoo has acquired a lot of Arrival's manufacturing stock at an 80% discount, which demonstrates the value of being 'the last man standing.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • investors.canoo.com

Executive Departures. The wave of firings at Tesla includes two senior execs: Drew Baglino, Senior Vice President of Powertrain and Energy Engineering, and Rohan Patel, Vice President of Public Policy and Business Development.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.livemint.com

CATL's TENER Battery. CATL unveiled a 'five-year zero degradation' stationary storage battery with 6 MWh total capacity, causing waves in the industry.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.energy-storage.news

Tesla Workforce Cuts. Tesla announced this month it was laying off more than 10% of its global workforce, impacting around 14,000(!) employees globally.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • electrek.co

Sustainable Nickel Pricing. Benchmark Mineral Intelligence is launching a green nickel price, part of a wider move by the London Metal Exchange to reward cleaner metal suppliers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.mining.com

Battery Patent Licensing. LG plans to start a 'battery patents licensing' agenda that will allow previous infringers to legally utilize LG's patented technologies under new licensing agreements.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

LGES Patent Action. In an unprecedented move to protect its tech, LGES is coming out swinging against the hundreds of patent infringers in the industry, planning to issue warning notices and potentially pursue legal action.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.prnewswire.com

Recycling Service Model. Redwood, Li-Cycle, and Ascend Elements offer suppliers and customers a full service for processing old, discarded batteries - from advice on transportation to mechanical shredding and the supply of new, sustainable materials for battery production.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Political Support Required. Guaranteeing capacity utilization is currently a major challenge, which may be resolved in the future with greater political interest in domestic and sustainable supply chains.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Expansion Risks. Due to a lack of recyclable materials, Redwood's initial plans to produce cathode material precursor from spent batteries had to be bridged by purchasing mined lithium.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Rising Competition. Recycling start-ups also see great business opportunities in Europe and a market that is worth entering, but they face rising competition.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Li-Cycle's Model. Li-Cycle has opted for a so-called spoke-and-stroke model, where decentralized spokes are set up at locations in North America where the density of battery and EV production and customers is high.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Partnership Importance. Close and long-term partnerships with suppliers and customers are essential for successful recycling business models and ensuring capacity utilization of large plants.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Integrated Production. Redwood Materials and Ascend Elements see promising business opportunities in the integration of the next step in the loop, the production of cathode and anode materials and precursors of these materials.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Layoff Impact. Over the last 12 months, there’s been a handful of bankruptcies and layoffs, unfortunately.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Climate Technologies Role. Russell Heller is seeking a role in scaling climate technologies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Seeking Battery Roles. Gustavo Silva is looking for cell engineering roles after working in product development for the past 3 years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Hiring Battery Modellers. Oorja is looking to hire problem solvers who are adept at battery modelling and using physics based ML techniques.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Ather Energy Jobs. Ather Energy is one of the biggest manufacturers of smart connected EV two-wheelers in India.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Applications Engineer Wanted. I'm a Senior Applications Engineer looking for a US-based Applications Engineer for BESS.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Lifecycle Assessment Openings. Looking for Lifecycle Assessment practitioners, particularly with Battery industry expertise.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Technical Project Manager. Echion Technologies is looking for a Technical Project Manager.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Product Manager Role. Volytica is seeking a Product Manager for battery monitoring solution.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Hiring Senior Scientist. LeydenJar is progressing towards commercialization of 100% silicon anodes with ultra-high energy density.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Part 1 Available. There were a lot of replies so we may do this in multiple parts and post periodically.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Open Call for Jobs. We’re putting together a little open call, whether you’re a job seeker interested in putting your details down, or you’re hiring for a new position in your team, we’re hoping to connect the dots.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Educational Tool. This tool is designed to be educational about the production process and also for researchers to ‘test’ their own materials at a cell level.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Free Resource. A neat piece of free Excel modeling. It does what it says on the tin and we think you could use it in conjunction with some more complicated things to get the bigger picture.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Complementary Tools. CAMS is more focused on cell level, whereas the BatPac focuses on pack level specifically for EVs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.anl.gov

Graphical Analysis. The inbuilt graphs are a nice touch too, allowing quick visual analysis and allowing you to input the materials you wish to compare.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Modeling Capabilities. The CAMS can model four different cell designs: cylindrical, pouch, prismatic (wound) and prismatic (Z-stacked) with five different cell chemistries of Li-ion, Na-ion, Li-sulfur, all solid state and hybrid solid state.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

CAMS Overview. The Cell Analysis and Modelling System (CAMS) uses 40 widely used electrode materials and over 200 commercial cells to allow users to compare the results from their modeled cells to industry standards.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.faraday.ac.uk

Visit Illumion. If you want to find out more about their benchtop charge photometer, visit www.illumion.io.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.illumion.io

Operational Insight. Charge photometry represents the next frontier in material characterisation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Increased Activity Variation. When increased to 2C, Particle B displays a lag in delithiation at the beginning of charge, indicating that the faster charging rate has induced an increase in electrochemical activity variation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Characterising Electrode Performance. Monitoring such heterogeneity across the electrode is challenging because it requires single particle resolution over a population of particles.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Observation Capability. It was possible to observe not only the real-time formation of cracks across the active particles at higher charging rates up to 30C, but also the development of Li-ion gradients within the particles, that ultimately led to the degradation observed.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Evaluating Degradation. Cycling batteries at a faster rate can lead to accelerated degradation, so with the increasing demand for more rapidly charging batteries there is a pressing need to understand the causes of degradation under such conditions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Real-Time Monitoring. Charge photometry captures both the state-of-charge and morphology of individual active particles within an electrode on the millisecond scale, enabling rapid dynamic processes to be visualised in real time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Introducing Charge Photometry. Charge photometry is a novel optical microscopy-based technique that addresses these two challenges.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Dynamic Processes Challenge. Even traditional optical microscopes are not really set up for truly dynamic image capture and analysis of rapid processes.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Importance of Microscopy. Microscopy is an essential component in the arsenal of the battery material researcher looking to understand the behaviour of next generation battery materials.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Next Article Preview. Stay tuned for part 2 of this energy storage series where we'll be exploring augmentation, standards and regulations.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Grid Stability Needs. Batteries can respond extremely quickly to provide or absorb power from the grid to stabilize frequency and voltage.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Tesla's Profit Margin. In Q3 of 2023, Tesla's energy storage business achieved a profit margin of 24%, surpassing that of EVs for the first time.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • m.energytrend.com

Largest Solar + Storage Project. The largest US Solar + Storage project is now online in California's mojave desert, with 1.9 million solar modules and 3.287GWh of capacity.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.canarymedia.com

Energy Storage at Solar Farms. 94% of this [battery power capacity] is co-located with solar farms.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Battery Capacity Online. As of February 2024 in the US, 9GW of battery power capacity was already online, and the US pipeline currently includes >49GW of planned storage power capacity.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.spglobal.com

Lithium-ion Dominance. LFP is the dominant chemistry for energy storage, thanks to its high cycle life and thermal stability.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Energy Storage System Sizing. Energy storage projects are usually defined by the capacity and power of the system, such as a 500MWh/250MW project which can be described as a '2 hour system'.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Battery Component Pricing. As the weather is warming up in the northern hemisphere towards the end of the month, so does some key components for lithium-ion batteries.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Resource for Transparency. We hope this can be a valuable resource to promote transparency in the battery industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Previous Reports Available. Previous monthly reports can be found here: April 2024, March 2024, February 2024 (FREE) and August 2023 - Jan 2023.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Subscription Access. Get the latest May report by subscribing now.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

May BCPR Article Link. Read more about the May BCPR: Signs of life?

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

EV Market Challenges. Halle Cheeseman highlights the challenges faced by the US and European OEMs in her LinkedIn post about the BYD seagull, stating, "the West are in trouble."

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.linkedin.com

Rheo-Impedance Spectroscopy. The Discovery Hybrid Rheometer Rheo-Impedance Spectroscopy accessory achieves unmatched data quality in both dielectric impedance and rheology measurements.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.tainstruments.com

Sustainable Battery Concerns. Environmental protests against the Tesla plant highlighted significant concerns regarding the deforestation necessary for the factory's growth and water supply issues.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • edition.cnn.com

Lithium Metal Validation. Northvolt's Cuberg has released a report of third-party validation of the world's first lithium-metal battery module, targeted at electric aviation.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • northvolt.com

Australia's Battery Strategy. Australia's national battery strategy focuses on energy storage systems for renewable energy, upgrading raw minerals into processed battery components, enhancing battery safety, and producing batteries for transport manufacturing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.ecogeneration.com.au

Battery Recycling Funding. Battery recycling firm Cylib raised €55m in a Series A round.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.eu-startups.com

Bankruptcy Reports. Liquid metal battery developer Ambri filed for bankruptcy and FreeWire is closing its HQ in June, laying off virtually all its staff.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • electrek.co

Stationary Storage Growth. Less than 7 years since the first 'big' battery storage was installed, global stationary storage capacity is about to overtake global capacity of pumped hydro.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • reneweconomy.com.au

Tariff Increase. The Biden administration has significantly hiked tariffs on selected Chinese imports, including the tariff on EV duties jumping to 102.5% from 27.5%.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • fortune.com

Projected Price Increase. This report by Energy Storage News estimated that the price of standalone storage will increase by 11-16%.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.energy-storage.news

Investment in Domestic Capacity. In the one year after the IRA was announced, 14 new US gigafactories were announced, increasing US gigafactory capacity in the pipeline out to 2030 from 706GWh in July 2022 to 1.2TWh in July 2023.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Self-sufficient Supply Chain. The move to increase tariffs could work with the measures already enacted in the inflation reduction act to boost US domestic battery production and reduce reliance on China.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Impact on Prices. Lithium ion batteries accounted for $13.2B of imports into the US from China in 2023.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Battery Production. China also produced more batteries than the rest of the world combined in 2022.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Material Processing Dominance. In 2022 China refined 95% of the world’s Manganese, 70% of Cobalt and Graphite, 66% of Lithium and 60% of Nickel.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Raw Materials Control. China mines more than two thirds of the world’s graphite, extracts 60% of the rare earths, owns almost half the world’s cobalt mines and controls a quarter of the lithium.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.npr.org

China's Battery Market Dominance. There’s no hiding from the fact that China is dominant over almost every aspect of the global battery market.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Chinese EV Imports. The biggest tariff hike is for Chinese EVs, but seeing as the US hardly imports any Chinese EVs (just 1700 in Q1 2024), let’s focus on the battery stuff.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Tariff Effect Timing. The tariffs don’t all come into effect at the same time, done to give more time to industries where it will take longer to source US-made products due to the lack of existing factories/facilities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Strategic Industries Affected. The tariffs affect several strategic industries to varying degrees.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Tariff Increase Details. Earlier in May, the Biden Administration increased tariffs on $18B of imports from China in a move the administration claims to protect American workers and businesses from ‘unfair trade practices’.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.whitehouse.gov

Commercialization Opportunities. Securing patents for battery-related inventions could open doors to commercialization (including licensing) across a wide number of related technical fields.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Patent Monitoring Importance. It is more important than ever for companies who are commercially active in the battery area to actively monitor competitor IP rights and take robust clearance action where necessary.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Opposition Effectiveness. Once opposed, roughly 30% of all oppositions at the EPO result in a patent being completely revoked, and about another 30% of opposed patents have their claims limited during the opposition.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Industry Opponents. Some of the most active opponents in the battery field recently include Treofan, Siemens and Arkema.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Opposition Rates. While there has been an increase in the number of patents granted for batteries, the percentage of granted patents opposed has decreased and seems to have plateaued.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Battery Patent Trends. Over the last two decades, the number of granted battery patents at the EPO has been on the rise.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Ionic Materials Bankruptcy. The latest news comes from Ionic Materials which has shut its doors after 12 years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.theinformation.com

Moxion Layoffs. Moxion has announced layoffs of 101 employees out of 286 total employees this week.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.sfgate.com

Job Profiles Compilation. Sharing profiles from the talented team at Ionic Materials looking for new opportunities.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • docs.google.com

Research Scientist Position. Gunstein Skomedal is hiring a Senior research scientist at Vianode.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.linkedin.com

Northvolt Hiring. Northvolt is seeking experienced Senior Managers in Manufacturing Engineering to join their mission in establishing a large-scale battery factory.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • emp.jobylon.com

Hiring Opportunities. Voltaiq is offering a Platform Engineer position to help battery manufacturers identify anomalies faster.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.voltaiq.com

Job Seeker Initiative. Intercalation Station is putting together an open call to connect job seekers and hiring teams in the battery community.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Submission Format. Submissions must be in PDF format, using a 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Judging Panel Composition. The judging panel will comprise select members of the Intercalation Team, including experts and thought leaders in the field.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.intercalation.co

Essays Publication. The top essays will be published on our Substack.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Submission Method. Essays should be submitted on Google Forms.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • forms.gle

Encouragement to Participants. We encourage all participants to think creatively and critically about the future of the battery industry.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Submission Deadline. Submission Deadline: September 5th 2024.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Judging Criteria. The panel will evaluate submissions based on originality, clarity, depth of analysis, and relevance to the prompt.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Prizes Offered. Winner: £750; Honourable Mention: £500.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Essay Length. Essays should be no more than 1,500 words.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Competition Prompt. Prompt: "Your vision for the battery industry in 2040"

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Essay Competition Launch. We are thrilled to announce an essay competition with the upcoming Faraday Institution Conference this September.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Price Reduction. Double-digit price reductions across key battery components such as raw lithium and electrolytes.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Exclusive Access. Get exclusive access now!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Transparency Goal. We hope this can be a valuable resource to promote transparency in the battery industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Previous Reports. Previous monthly reports can be found here.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • intercalationstation.substack.com

Failure Database. The BESS Failure Event Database documents battery storage system failures globally to improve design safety and operational practices.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • storagewiki.epri.com

Capacity Growth. According to an article by Canary Media, Texas is set to add 6.4GW of energy storage capacity in 2024, surpassing California's planned 5.2GW.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.canarymedia.com

Tier 1 Manufacturers. BloombergNEF developed a tier 1 list to help differentiate battery manufacturers, ensuring investors are confident in the manufacturers they choose.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • assets.bnef.com

Cost Efficiency. Augmentation offers a lower overall system cost compared to oversizing because you are only adding in new batteries when needed, which may also be cheaper due to declining battery prices.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Project Lifetime. Storage projects are now being designed for up to 25 years of lifetime, with battery degradation causing owners to lose capacity for every year of operation.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Market Comparisons. Texas is attractive for energy storage projects due to competitive wholesale electricity markets, while California benefits from favorable policy and subsidies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Government Struggles. Energy storage is moving at a rapid pace, but there are concerns that future government tariffs on batteries imported from China could pose significant roadblocks.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Bankruptcy of Fisker. EV start-up Fisker filed for bankruptcy following their loss of $450M USD in the last quarter of 2023.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.wsj.com

Gigafactory Troubles. Concerns about overcapacity in Chinese battery factories have long been on the radar, raising alarms about potential repercussions for European aspirants due to global price suppression.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

EU Tariff Impact. The EU solution against Chinese production has been to tack on a 38% tariff on Chinese EVs, aiming to safeguard its domestic manufacturing industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

Fire Incident. On 24th June, a fire broke out in the Aricell Plant in Hwaseong city, South Korea, resulting in the tragic death of at least 22 people.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.bbc.co.uk

Charging Speed Advancements. BYD and CATL have announced that they will soon be shipping LFP cells that can charge from 0 to 100% in 10 minutes.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.autoevolution.com

Rivian Investment. US EV manufacturer Rivian has secured $5B USD from Volkswagen.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.cnbc.com

Funding for Sila Nanotechnologies. Sila Nanotechnologies has raised a $375 million Series G(ene) round for the silicon anode materials which deliver faster charging and higher energy density.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • techcrunch.com

Layoffs at Moxion Power. Moxion Power has let 1/3 of its staff go in order to realign to ‘core business objectives and current growth forecasts’.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station •

BMW-Northvolt Cancellation. Northvolt, the Swedish battery manufacturer, has reportedly had a $2B order canceled by BMW.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Intercalation Station • www.reuters.com

Price Support Levels. Month-ahead TTF (Apr-24) settled on Friday at $8.46/MMBtu, up 3% on the week.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Energy Transition Questions. Once the coming wave of new supply is absorbed by the market, the extent to which European gas demand will have fallen remains an unanswered question.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

European Consumer Benefits. A liquid and loose LNG spot market is overwhelmingly good news for European utilities and industrials due to their constraints in signing long-term contracts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Buyer Sentiment Shift. The attractiveness of oil indexation has diminished, leading buyers to prefer spot markets for flexibility.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market Signal Distortions. Long-term contracts distort market signals, increasing volatility as the dominance of oil-indexed contracts leads to a decrease in liquidity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Potential Revenue Loss. Sakhalin could end up losing as much as $30 million or $45 million in revenue for every month that rejected DQT cargoes continue.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.bloomberg.com

Seller Challenges. LNG export projects whose buyers exercise DQT will have more spare volumes, and these 'rejected' cargoes are sold at a discount in the spot market.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Future Price Dynamics. Current savings start to fall after April and will be gone by Christmas, indicating future increases in spot prices.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Spot Price Comparisons. With JCC averaging $86/barrel, this gives a price of $11.17/MMBtu - almost $3/MMBtu (33%) more expensive than spot LNG.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Record Storage. Any further gains will be held in check by record high underground storage levels for this time of year.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Spot Market Savings. Asian LNG buyers could save as much as $15 million for every oil-indexed cargo they replace like-for-like in the spot market.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market Dynamics Shift. The first indications of oversupply are manifesting in the Asian market for liquefied natural gas (LNG), triggering a shift in market power from sellers to buyers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •


• 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Shifting Economics. Energy Flux dives deep into the shifting economics of European power and carbon markets between now and the end of 2025.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

CO2 Allowances. The price of CO2 allowances on the European emissions trading system (EU ETS) would need to fall below €58 per tonne to prevent high-efficiency coal plants from edging back into merit.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

LNG Impact. A wave of new liquefied natural gas (LNG) supply is about to break onto global gas markets, which could sustain profitability for gas compared to coal.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Coal vs. Gas. CCGTs will remain ahead of coal and lignite power stations in the German merit order for the next two winters if TTF stays below €33.50/MWh ($10.62/MMBtu), all else being equal.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Dutch TTF Prices. Forward prices on the Dutch Title Transfer Facility (TTF) range from €27 to €33 per megawatt-hour ($9-10 per million British thermal units) between now and the end of winter 2025-26.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Gas Profitability. It is now profitable for utilities that operate a portfolio of thermal power plants to wind down coal generation and crank up output from gas.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Electrification Opportunities. Electrification offers new opportunities for unabated gas burn as Europe electrifies vast swathes of the economy and power demand increases from generative artificial intelligence and data centres.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Coal-to-Gas Switching. Falling gas and carbon costs have opened a window of opportunity for coal-to-gas switching.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Germany's Market. The coal-to-gas switching market of reference is Germany, Europe’s largest economy, which operates a fleet of almost 40 GW of coal and lignite plants and 32 GW of gas.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market Conditions. Abundant flows of liquefied natural gas (LNG) merely shift the dependency.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Future Predictions. Conclusion: Nothing is ever truly as it seems.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

TTF Futures Response. TTF futures bounce on Asian LNG rally.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Chart Insights. This week’s EU LNG Chart Deck takes a quantum scalpel to today’s apparently benign market conditions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Quantum Superposition. Europe's gas crisis is in a superposition of being simultaneously completely over and still raging.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Exciting News. There is hope to share some exciting news soon.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Post Link. Read more

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Upcoming Post. The next subscriber-only post is coming out in the next couple of days.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Rising Oil Prices. Brent crude is flirting with $90/barrel and West Texas Intermediate (WTI), the US crude benchmark, is above $85/barrel.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Looming Market Failure. The upshot is a looming market failure that is depressing natural gas production growth on the eve of an unprecedented increase in US LNG export capacity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Changing Economic Dynamics. Changes in the gas-to-oil ratio (GOR), as well as new environmental regulations, are making the economic calculus more complicated for US shale producers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Storage Levels Rise. US gas balances remain oversupplied, with Lower 48 storage levels 23% higher than in 2023 and 38% higher than the five-year average as the market enters the non-peak season for gas.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Weak Gas Demand. Prices on Henry Hub, the US natural gas benchmark in Louisiana, have fallen by more than a quarter so far in 2024, primarily due to an overhang of storage on the back of weak winter demand.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Price Divergence Issue. Oil and gas prices are diverging, which poses a problem for American shale producers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

COP29 Committee Involvement. The trip is organised by Azerbaijan's COP29 executive committee to shed light on the country's effort.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Azerbaijan Energy Tour. I'm jetting off to Azerbaijan tonight for a four-day tour of the country's energy infrastructure.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Further Reading. Read more about the experience in Baku.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Azerbaijan Tour. I'm back in Baku after an intense four-day tour that took us along the length of Azerbaijan — from Baku to Nagorno-Karabakh via the liberated territories in south-west Azerbaijan.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Eurasian Trade Corridor. An enduring peace settlement could open a vital new trade corridor between energy-poor Europe and energy-rich landlocked Central Asia.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Need for Diplomacy. Cross-border cooperation and investment won’t happen without a lasting diplomatic accord between Baku and the Armenian capital of Yerevan.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Green Peace Corridor. Ministers in Baku want to promote the idea of a ‘green peace corridor’ — an electricity interconnector that unites feuding neighbours around a shared undertaking: to export pan-Caucasian wind and solar power to premium markets in Europe.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Renewables Potential. Azerbaijan's upcoming presidency of COP29 is throwing a spotlight on the South Caucasus and its untapped renewables potential.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Economic Isolation for Armenia. Decades-long conflict cost Armenia the opportunity to become a transit country for Caspian hydrocarbons, leaving it economically isolated.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Desire for Peace. The two countries are technically still at war, although the Azeri people want to believe otherwise.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

War with Armenia. Azerbaijan's armed forces decimated neighbouring Armenia in a series of stunning and decisive offensives between 2020 and 2023 that reasserted Baku's control over the Nagorno-Karabakh region and occupied territories.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Azerbaijan's Military Power. An influx of petrodollars since the early 2000s propelled Azerbaijan from post-Soviet backwater into a regional economic and military powerhouse.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Energy Geopolitics Complexity. When it comes to energy geopolitics, the South Caucasus is one of the world’s most complex regions to unpick.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •


• 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

AI Demand Surge. If bullish forecasts of an AI-fuelled power demand surge prove accurate, there's every chance of wholesale gas prices on Henry Hub creeping materially higher in the next few quarters.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Data Center Demand. The American gas industry is getting excited about a proliferation of data centres driving demand for gas-fired electricity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

LNG Margins Decline. US LNG margins have fallen sharply from 2022 highs as Europe recovered from the loss of Russian gas, but ultra-cheap shale gas keeps cargoes in the money.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

US LNG Production. With US shale producers throttling production due to a lack of demand and flatlining prices, there is no credible risk of physical gas shortages arising from either LNG exports or power generation this side of 2030.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Bullish Sentiment Rising. Bullish sentiment is breaking out across global natural gas markets.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Article Stats. Article stats: 2,500 words, 11-min reading time, 13 charts and graphs.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Reconciling Bullish Narrative. This week’s EU LNG Chart Deck seeks to reconcile the bullish price narrative with facts on the ground.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Temporary Supply Disruptions. Temporary LNG supply disruptions over the first quarter period are just that - temporary.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

European Gas Stocks. It matters not that European gas stocks are still at the very highest end of the 2015-2020 seasonal norm for this time of year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Hedge Funds' Expectations. Hedge funds are now piling into futures markets on the expectation that this upward momentum will endure over the coming months.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Increased Demand. Sweltering temperatures are driving demand for gas-fired power to run air conditioning units in major Asian economies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Supply Tightening. The global supply-balance has tightened somewhat thanks to a big drop in US liquefaction rates and a major outage at the Gorgon LNG project in Australia.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Falklands Conflict Relevance. Propagating 'oil FOMO' is a cynical and easy way for Russia to cause a ruckus.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Long-Term Resource Wars. Russia’s posturing around Weddell Sea oil deposits can be seen for what it is: an attempt to force a wedge issue into polar politics.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

PEP Renewal Timeline. The PEP is up for renewal in 2048, subject to a 75% supermajority of consultative parties voting in favour of any amendment.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Mineral Resource Potential. Precious metals and rare earth minerals are the new hydrocarbons, and Antarctica is believed to be home to large and valuable deposits.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Projecting Intent. It is the projection of intent that seems to be driving this story.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Geostrategic Benefits. There are geostrategic benefits to making a play for this resource — or, more precisely, to be seen sniffing around this contested no-mans-land.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Cost of Extraction. In purely economic terms, Antarctic oil would be among the most expensive molecules ever developed.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Speculative Claims. Any oil 'find' based on high-level geophysical seismic surveys is at best purely speculative and falls well short of any technical industry definition of a 'discovery' of proven or probable resources.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Antarctic Oil Discovery. Russia's supposed 'discovery' of some 513 billion barrels of Antarctic oil is great news for Britain.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Gas Price Surge. European gas hubs and Asian LNG spot prices are surging on the back of two unfolding stories which, superficially at least, support the bullish narrative that’s now driving market sentiment.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Follow-Up Analysis. I’ll be digging deeper into what’s driving gas volatility in the coming weeks.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Bullish Narrative Risks. The bullish narrative could lock in structural risks by creating a febrile backdrop to long-term dealmaking.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Global Impact. TTF’s gyrations travel east in a flash, causing JKM, the Asian LNG spot price, to soar to a five-month high on the back of Europe’s latest gas bubble.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Carbon Price Effect. Gas is also driving carbon prices higher; as long as there is price-sensitive coal available at the margins, a higher gas price incentivises more coal generation to come back into merit.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Expensive Electricity. German power futures have risen by a quarter in less than two weeks on the back of TTF gains, because gas is increasingly the marginal price-setter.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Traders Response. European gas prices went berserk last week after Austria’s main gas company OMV warned of a potential cut-off in Russian gas supply from Gazprom.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

LNG Price Volatility. Delays to commissioning Golden Pass ought to dampen domestic US gas prices; however, the opposite happened.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Construction Challenges. Post-Covid supply chain and logistics problems, combined with post-Ukraine cost increases and trade disruptions, caused costs to 'explode'.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Bankruptcy Risk. The fact that the American LNG industry has yet again bankrupted a major established EPC company with a 100-year track record is a big red warning sign to the current US LNG buildout.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Price Increases. Prices on Dutch TTF, Europe’s main gas trading hub, are up 16% over the fortnight and JKM, the Asian spot LNG benchmark, has registered similar gains.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Price Spike Reason. Front-month Dutch TTF, the EU gas benchmark, rose 20% in May driven by supposed fears of tightening global gas markets.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Price Calculation Model. This post explains how these figures were calculated.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Speculative Problem. Looking at the modelling results, it is hard not to conclude that today's market has a speculative problem.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Geopolitical Risk. It all feels like supply contraction dressed up as demand growth, with a heavy splodge of geopolitical risk premium thrown in for good measure.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Speculation Question. In the eternal debate over the role of speculation in free markets, the question always boils down to: when does 'enough' speculation become 'too much'?

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Weekly Price Changes. Movements in speculative capital can be attributed to more than 50% of the weekly change in TTF prices in recent months.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Speculative Impact. Using a regression model, the findings are clear: hedge fund speculation accounts for about one-third of the current TTF price.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Bullish Market Trends. European natural gas markets have turned decidedly bullish and hub prices are on a tear.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Regulatory Groups. Under the EU's MiFID II regulation, three distinct groupings of traders must report their weekly long and short TTF holdings.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.esma.europa.eu

Speculative Capital. Hedge funds are pumping bullish capital into a fundamentally bearish market.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Definition of Participants. Unlike hedge funds, the CU and CI categories are more aptly described as 'genuine' market participants because their activities are not purely speculative.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market Players. Hedge funds aren't the only players in the European gas market.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Price Formation Credibility. What’s changed since then is the ability to defend, with conviction, the credibility of EU gas price formation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Article Statistics. Article stats: 2,400 words, 12-min reading time, 10 charts and graphs.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market Reset Potential. It also scrutinises the prevailing narrative of ‘robust’ Asian LNG demand, and contemplates whether gas diplomacy in eastern Europe could reset the market.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Political Machinations. The analysis also includes political machinations around Ukraine gas transits.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

EU LNG Price Analysis. This week’s EU LNG Chart Deck analyses recent bullish price movements in the context of falling overall European gas and LNG imports.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Bull Run in Pricing. Look no further than the current bull run in global gas hubs and LNG spot pricing that is unfolding against a backdrop of weak demand fundamentals.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Speculation Effects. By exposing Europe’s energy vulnerabilities, Russia opened the door to a volatile new chapter in EU gas markets that bears the hallmarks of excessive speculation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Gazprom Disruption. Gazprom's orchestrated pre-invasion disruption of exports in late 2021 shattered any pretence to the contrary.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Political Influence. Yet, beneath the veneer of this deregulated nirvana, political machinations and financial manoeuvring are exerting growing influence on price discovery.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Gas Market Dynamics. Europe’s single gas market stands out as a paradigm of liberalisation, ostensibly embodying the principles of borderless competition and market-driven pricing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Call for Disclosures. MiFID II regulation should also make market players disclose (anonymously) the actual contracts that they hold.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Current Market Dynamics. We’re still in unprecedented territory in terms of how much speculative capital is sloshing around in this market.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Residual Net Length. Total market exposure — short plus long positions — has fallen from 763 TWh to 601 TWh over the same period (-21%).

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Lowered Position Limits. The position limits were lowered in 2022 but are, arguably, still way too high.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.esma.europa.eu

Need for Better Data. We need better data to put today's speculative capital flows in the right context.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Historical Precedent. One version seen by Energy Flux shows that speculative capital held a whopping 262 TWh of net TTF length on 16th April 2021.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Data Discrepancies. Depending on the source you're using, 129 TWh is either a two-year high or an all-time high for investment fund net holdings in TTF futures.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Current Net Long Position. Investment funds increased their net long position in Dutch TTF futures to 129 terawatt-hours (TWh) in the week ending 14th June 2024.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Speculative Capital Impact. Hedge funds have increased their net length in TTF in recent weeks, and regression analysis shows that this is having at least some impact on prices.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Speculation Theory. There is a theory doing the rounds that investment funds might have teamed up with physical gas producers and suppliers to back up their paper positions and move the market in their favour.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Regulation for Transparency. We need better regulation to improve transparency.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Position Limit Change. The EU markets watchdog claims to have lowered the so-called ‘position limit’ that caps the size of trades on Dutch TTF.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Trading Concerns. Trading in TTF derivatives has exploded in recent months, while the amount of physical gas supply underpinning TTF futures and options is shrinking.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Regulatory Action. European regulators have woken up to the problem of speculative capital making big bets on EU gas prices, and seem to be taking action.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market Bets. The new limits theoretically allow for all registered TTF traders to hold aggregate net positions worth more than the GDP of Brazil (!).

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Limit Discrepancy. Depending on how you measure it, the new limits appear to be higher than the ones they are replacing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Too Much Speculation. The question therefore becomes: at what point does 'enough' become 'too much'?

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Acceptable Speculation. But the quantitative analysis using Working's equation suggests that speculation is within the bounds of acceptability for the normal functioning of commodity markets.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Illuminating Findings. On the one hand, liquidity and overhedging in EU gas markets does indeed seem to be excessive from a normative perspective.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Overhedging Analysis. This post seeks to answer this question by analysing the physical and derivative traded volumes on the TTF gas hub, and introducing the concept of a 'market-wide overhedging factor'.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Excessive Liquidity. It is possible, theoretically, for there to be such a thing as an excessive amount of liquidity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Divisive Feedback. Feedback to recent Energy Flux articles on the topic of speculative capital movements on Dutch TTF has fallen into two broad camps: those that welcome the scrutiny, and those that dismiss the line of questioning altogether.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux • www.energyflux.news

Speculation Benefits. Academic literature on the matter of financialisation of commodities is unequivocal: liquidity enables hedging, which facilitates prudent risk management and accurate price discovery.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Market Volatility. An illiquid market is prone to extreme price volatility.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Liquidity Importance. Liquidity is vital to the efficient working of commodity markets.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Flux •

Building Capacities. I can help you start to build the capacities to thrive in the uncertainty.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Personal Ruggedization Concept. Personal ruggedization means thinking realistically about where we choose to live, the systems we embed ourselves in, and the ways we work with others to improve our odds of a good future.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Reality of Climate Change. Climate chaos is no longer a future threat, but a present reality.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Accelerating Changes. Over the next decade, we’re going to see disasters worsen, currently prosperous places begin to fall apart, and tens of millions of people start to move away from danger and towards safety.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Deep Uncertainty Awareness. The past is no longer a reliable guide to future choices, and old thinking can lead us quickly into error.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Climate Isolation Issue. Climate isolation is real, making it hard to talk with family and friends about the rough realities ahead.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Importance of Understanding Crisis. The planetary crisis has become the central context of our lives.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Course Personalization. Included is $100 off a one-on-one consultation for personalized guidance and feedback.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Limited-Time Discount. Subscribers are eligible for a limited-time 10% discount by using the code RUGGEDIZEMYLIFE when signing up for the course.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Course Launch Announcement. On February 29th, I’m launching the next cohort of my acclaimed Crash Course in Personal Ruggedization.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • app.acuityscheduling.com

Course Methodology. This course delivers new, clear frameworks for spotting emerging patterns in the chaos and making clear-headed decisions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Urgency of Preparation. The time to prepare for the accelerating discontinuities of the planetary crisis is now.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Cultural Engagement Needs. We know a lot now about the kinds of solutions we could embrace, but you won’t find much analysis in this book of our remaining collective options.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Individual Migration Choices. Any one person's decision to move is exceedingly complex, with multiple factors such as poverty, hunger, conflict, and climate influencing their choices.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Obligations of Wealthier Nations. He considers what obligations wealthier, less climate-exposed nations have to the millions of people who face turmoil that is, to at least to some extent, of our making.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Economic Implications. We're in a slow-motion national crisis, somewhat moderated by wealth and natural abundance, and silenced to some extent by denial and predatory delay.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Global Displacement Scale. Studies suggest by 2070 one in three people on the planet will find the places they live unmanageable.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Crisis Displacement Dynamics. Lustgarten does a great job of running readers through the crisis dynamics forcing Americans out of endangered places.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Projected American Displacement. The models suggest that over the next fifty to seventy years, at least 13 million Americans — and perhaps as many as 162 million — could move in response to changes in their climate.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Human Migration Impact. Despite all the talk about the climate crisis, we’ve scarcely begun to consider what is expected to be one of the largest impacts: the next great human migration.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Book as a Resource. For those who are working to navigate discontinuity, and want a starting point for understanding just how massive that discontinuity is, you could do a lot worse than picking up a copy of On the Move.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.amazon.com

Crisis Consciousness. Whether we live on a planet in crisis is no longer a choice.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Living Through Crisis. What we can choose is how successfully we live during that crisis…

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Unique Learning Opportunity. This course offers a clear framework for decision-making in uncertain times.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Positive Course Feedback. The feedback we’ve gotten on the Crash Course has been overwhelmingly positive.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Class Structure. Every call is recorded and shared with the participants, ensuring that those who can't attend live still receive the content.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Global Relevance. Though many examples are from a U.S. context, the most important insights are universal.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Impact of Choices. The course helps you develop an approach that’s right for you and your loved ones.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Ruggedization Concepts. Personal ruggedization is the process of making ourselves ready for massive transformations in various systems.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Planetary Crisis Muteness. Most people filter out planetary reality, living their lives as if nothing much had happened over the last fifty years.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Course Sign-Up Deadline. This Tuesday is the last day to sign up for my Crash Course in Personal Ruggedization.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • app.acuityscheduling.com

Planetary Crisis Essay. An essay on what it means that we now have failed to avoid a planetary crisis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Introducing Key Concepts. This two-hour 'personal ruggedization 101' class will focus on introducing the key concepts for readying ourselves to live in discontinuity.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Crash Course Adaptation. Many people have asked for a version of my Crash Course that&#8217;s friendlier to the budgets of those still getting their feet on the ground.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

TSF Book Update. The TSF book is one step closer to being a thing, with a spoken run-through of the ideas scheduled for June 8th.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Personal Readiness. Readying ourselves is a task we can no longer expect others to do for us.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Continuity Challenges. We've experienced a discontinuity in human affairs for which very few of us are ready.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

California's Influence. I wrote a newsletter following this story, called 'We All Live in California, Now.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Wildfires and Future. This particular version of that quote comes from a New York Times Magazine piece Liz Weil interviewed me for a while back, one that focused on wildfires and the future of California.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.nytimes.com

Quote Recognition. The show&#8217;s about 'People waking up to the fact that the world has suddenly changed,' and — as long-time readers will recognize — the title quotes me.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Episode Title. Today&#8217;s episode of This American Life is titled 'Unprepared for What Has Already Happened.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.thisamericanlife.org

Climate Squeeze Exploration. An exploration of the coming 'climate squeeze,' as more people chase a limited pool of relatively safe places.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Discontinuous Changes. Discontinuous changes in natural systems will increasingly become inevitable.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Climate Debate Lag. The most fundamental way in which our climate debate lags behind reality is the inability to grasp the depth of societal change that’s now inevitable.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Related Article. For more detailed insights, see the article on the real cost of climate failure.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Brittleness Bubble. I first wrote about the idea of a gap between the value we claim for places and assets and what they're actually worth if we price in the risks of climate chaos and ecological collapse — the 'brittleness bubble.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Involuntary Devolution. I explored the idea that the planetary crisis is forcing on us a sort of involuntary devolution.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Individual Navigation. Where those subnational and local jurisdictions fall short — and they will often fall short — individual families and communities will be left to navigate fearsome tides of change with insufficient support.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Local Decision-Making. States and provinces, regions and cities will increasingly have to make critical decisions they’re unprepared to make.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Partial Responses. All national climate response plans will, of necessity, now be partial and uneven: saving some places and not others, benefiting some people more than others.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Response to Crisis. The crisis is here now, though, we're still barely responding — and nowhere are we doing enough.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Public Awareness. If you told me that 22 years later experts would be widely acknowledging the crisis, but the public remained clueless and/or in denial, I wouldn't have believed you.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Insurance Gaps. I don't have flood insurance. But I don't feel alone as most of my neighbors don't have flood insurance either.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.bbc.com

Call for Climate Awareness.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

General Impact of Climate Crisis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Crisis of Value.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Need for Real Estate Reform.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Vulnerability of Mobile Home Residents.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Displacement Warning.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Mobile Home Risks.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Brittleness of Communities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

High Risk Location.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Housing Crisis Insight.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •


• 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Share the Class. Know someone who would benefit from this class? Please don’t hesitate to spread the news.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Limited Availability. Class size is limited and the class will be recorded.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Follow-Up Resources. A follow-up email with suggestions and resources for learning more, as well as the class recording.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Emphasis on Accessibility. A few useful tips for: Pursuing personal ruggedization on a budget.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Class Subject Matter. It quickly covers how bad might the planetary crisis get, why is location so critical, and key concepts like discontinuity and climate bottlenecks.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Coupon Code Availability. Knowing that some who would benefit from this class will find even this deeply reduced price a challenge right now, we’ve created a special code for an additional $50 off.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Discount Offered. In honor of this being the inaugural version of this introductory class, I am happy to offer a deeply discounted rate of $149.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

New Class Launch. My new one-session, two-hour class, Ruggedize Your Life: the Basics walks you through the top-level concerns and strategies for choosing a solid place to build a new life.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Course Introduction. I teach an intensive seminar, A Crash Course in Personal Ruggedization.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Climate Preparedness Ignored. We spend less time exploring how to relocate, ruggedize and make ready families and communities than we spend arguing about the location of and funding for sports stadia.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Pressure for Change. Openly taking action creates pressure for change and acting for yourself becomes a powerful vote for realism.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Need for Personal Action. Personal climate response is not only smart for you, it’s a societal good.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Feeling Silenced. Many people feel ignored or even silenced: that denial, downplaying, triangulation, and magical thinking about an orderly transition have created an atmosphere where just talking about how we manage discontinuity in our own lives is often unwelcome.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Climate Conversation Barrier. Talking about personal climate response is not just difficult, has been made difficult.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Personal Climate Strategy. We all have hopes and ideas about how humanity will limit the magnitude of the planetary crisis, but that crisis is here, and no matter what we all do together, we’re each of us going to have to ready ourselves for life in a hotter, more chaotic world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Class Overview. Ruggedize Your Life: the Basics walks you through the top-level concerns and strategies for choosing a solid place to build a new life, ready for hard futures.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Introductory Class Demand. A bunch of you have asked if I could offer a more introductory class that delivers a quick overview of the most important considerations in personal climate strategies, but requires less of a commitment of time and money.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Successful Seminars. The Crash Course delivers six weeks of lectures, includes readings and discussion sessions, and aims to give participants a strong foundation for making smart choices in discontinuous times.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Sold Out Class. I offered this class last month and it quickly sold out, so I’m going to offer another class at the same introductory price, of $149.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Future Planning Focus. Making good long-term decisions for an unstable future involves planning for future with kids and understanding there’s no one formula for everyone.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Ruggedization Approach. My approach to that challenge is to explore what I call personal ruggedization.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Brittleness Trap Defined. The brittleness trap is what happens to people in less defensible, less valuable places as society enters its reckoning with risk.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Growing Climate Pressure. We’ll feel a growing sense of brittleness and erosion, aware of the dangers of major losses around us, but mostly experience hassles and set-backs and increased costs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Need for Attention. The cost of inattention will often be extremely high.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Future Preparedness. Steering wide of trouble will be easier for those who act before the breakdowns begin in earnest.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Social Decline Spiral. A downspiral runs for years, and though people are resilient and a new equilibrium will often be found, life in that place will be much worse than people remember from just a decade or two before.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Impact of Loss Accumulation. Without resources to invest, every small damage becomes a loss.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Ruggedization Investments. If societies don’t invest, we’ll likely still eventually see huge, panicked campaigns to adapt— but it’s very likely that those massive investments will be too little and too late.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Inequity in Migration. It's discouragingly likely that even more people will be unable to move, even if they desperately want to.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Future of Value Areas. Everything that’s high value and easier to defend will be saved.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Resource Disconnect. There’s a massive disconnect between the scale of the need to update systems, protect communities and help people in trouble, on the one hand, and the limited resources we can muster to do these jobs, on the other.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Climate Chaos Perception. When most of us think about being on the receiving end of climate chaos, we imagine disasters: hurricanes and wildfires, heat waves and floods.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Mobility and Opportunity. People tend to move away from danger and towards opportunity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Outdated Climate Solutions. We cling to legacy ideas about climate solutions and policies, organizing and awareness-spreading that are manifestly outdated and unworkable.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Failed Political Dynamics. They are unworkable in part because the political dynamics they depend on have already failed to materialize.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Sustainability Transition Challenges. One consequence of having let the planetary crisis grow so large is that we've lost our ability to secure an orderly transition to a more sustainable society.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Climate Change Effects. Probably the scariest thing about climate change is that its effects are going to make addressing its causes progressively more difficult.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Further Reading.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Affordable Housing Crisis. How long before the cost of housing skyrockets in relative safe places, more people scramble to find opportunities there, and relocating becomes harder and more expensive?

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Planetary Crisis Warning. Humanity has failed to prevent a planetary crisis. Much of the world is beginning to experience a bombardment of climate and ecological damage unlike anything humans have ever seen.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Florida Rainfall. In Florida, things have already gotten worse. Increasingly battered by hurricanes, heat waves and sea level rise, some parts of Florida have just seen twenty inches of rain fall in the last few days.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Future Collapse Risks. How many of these disasters — deluges, floods, hurricanes, storm surges, heatwaves, wildfires — can hit a place before its future collapses?

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Insurance Affordability. How long before the risks are so high that no one there can afford insurance (or is able to sell their home at a decent price)?

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Local Value Decline. Shortly afterwards, the value of local homes and businesses will plummet.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Community Impact. Since in the developed world, those with the most means and/or opportunities are the first to relocate away from climate danger, what kind of impact does that flight of youth, wealth and expertise have on the local community and its prospects?

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Economic Trapping. How long before everyone who's left is economically trapped?

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Political Strain. The political upheavals caused by so many people being confronted with their own unreadiness will strain governments and institutions around the world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Urgent Action Needed. Our current politics don’t even inspire much confidence that we’ll take real action and make major investments even where bold responses could still make a huge difference.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Preparation Call. Ask yourself how ready you are for what's coming over the horizon.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Smart Strategies. We can learn to spot patterns, develop smart strategies and improve our odds.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Investment Trends. How money is likely to flow towards places where heat is less severe (and dangerous) — just as money flows uphill towards...

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Historical Heat Experience. How our historical experience of heat is retreating into the past.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Wealth and Protection. How protection from extreme heat is increasingly a by-product of wealth, intensifying inequalities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Basics Class Offered. I created a new one-session, two-hour class called Ruggedize Your Life: the Basics that walks you through the top-level concerns and strategies for choosing a solid place to build a new life, ready for hard futures.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • app.acuityscheduling.com

Planetary Crisis Severity. The uncomfortable truth of our moment is that the planetary crisis is here, and much fiercer than we wanted, and our assumptions about climate politics, action and response must now all be re-thought.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Personal Strategies Required. None of us can depend on others coming to our rescue, and that each of us has to develop our own strategy for living through the coming decades of planetary crisis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Discounts Available. If you need it, by all means use it. There are only 20 places at this rate, and it's first come, first served.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Course on Ruggedization. I teach what I call personal ruggedization in an intensive seminar named A Crash Course in Personal Ruggedization.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Need for Preparation. We need to take bold measures to ready our communities, infrastructure and economy for those ecological disasters worsening around us.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Political Challenges. National-level plans aimed to help millions relocate present enormous challenges: political consensus must be formed to identify risky places and fully acknowledge the scale of risk in those places.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Community Support Essential. Receiver cities need to be prepared to help thousands of new residents to find community, find jobs, connect with social services.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.newamerica.org

Personal Strategies Needed. Each of us needs to craft our own personal climate strategies if we can’t count on the government to make sure we get to a good place.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Climate Refugee Reactions. We’re also very likely to see stronger reactions against large-scale immigration, driven by climate chaos.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.politico.eu

Housing Bottleneck Risk. If we fail to deliver that building boom, two results seem probable: a housing bottleneck and border walls.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Relocation Demands. Relocations as part of managed retreat only achieve some important societal benefits if everyone agrees to leave.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Need for Funding. Helping millions of people relocate could cost hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars (we don’t really know, because no one’s ever tried it at that scale).

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Relocation Needs. Researchers estimate that millions of Americans (and 100s of millions elsewhere around the planet) will be on the move by the middle of the century, with numbers increasing as the crisis worsens.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Planned Disasters. In a very real sense all these catastrophes are planned disasters.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Transformational Efforts Needed. In brittle places, the absence of transformational ruggedization efforts is a sure sign of future disasters being planned.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Erosion of Local Capacities. The alternative is the erosion of local capacities and the financial collapse of the local economy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Community Planning Needs. The more exposed your community, the more radical the planning of improved systems and places must be.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Future Disasters Likely. If you think these same institutions and interests aren't busily planning far worse disasters, you're not paying attention.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Predicted Conditions. The harsher conditions we face today have been being predicted for years.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Heat Deaths Statistics. Many heat deaths are themselves planned disasters - with contributions made by everything from lax building codes to neglected street trees.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Power Grid Fragility. The fragility of the power grid is a planned disaster - a product of the willful refusal to pursue distributed clean energy and new technologies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Community Vulnerability. The vulnerability of the communities these storms are battering is a planned disaster - set in motion by the zoning and development of sprawl in flood plains.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Climate Change Contribution. The climate change driving worsening storms is itself a planned disaster - largely the product of a well-funded strategy of denialism and predatory delay.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Hurricane Beryl Impact. Hurricane Beryl blew into Houston this week, leaving many bayous and roadways flooded and more than 2.2 million homes and businesses without power.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.houstonpublicmedia.org

Houston's Warning. Houston is no stranger to natural disasters, but living through two crippling power outages in two months has driven some in the city to consider what may be the ultimate evacuation plan: moving out.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Link to Displacement. Over the next five years (ten at most) we’ll see it rip through exposed communities, shredding hundreds of billions of dollars of paper wealth.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • alexsteffen.substack.com

Link to Houston. J. David Goodman is reporting what’s going on there right now, in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward • www.nytimes.com

Change in Expectations. When we come to see that the world isn’t as we were taught to expect it would be, we also see that our own lives aren’t going to be what we dreamed.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Bubble's End. A lot of us will take less than we thought we could expect, out of fear that if we wait, we’ll get far less than that.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Thoughts of Relocation. Millions of us are already wrestling with these thoughts, and discussing these worries with our family and friends.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Grieving Futures. Some of us ache with a new knowledge: One day — maybe not now, but one day — we will have to leave this place we love.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Fear and Defiance. The response, predictably, has been a mix of rage, defiance and collapse.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Global Reckoning. Now whole cities are going through this experience. Houston won’t be the last.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Brittleness Bubble. I’ve been talking about the brittleness bubble — the widespread and growing over-valuation of brittle assets, and their certain repricing as climate risks are acknowledged — since 2002.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Snap Forward •

Importance of Equality. The happiness of the bottom 10% of a social group will lead to stability for all the rest.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Empathy for Animals. The plight of animals is prime material for a vulnerability cascade.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Morality and Animals. Inequality directed at one group threatens our commitment to equality for all the rest.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Vulnerability Cascades. Non-vulnerable parts of the system will often spontaneously jiggle if the vulnerable parts are being stressed.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Social Jiggling. Social jiggling is inevitable.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Moral Stress Tests. In engineering and economics, testing the vulnerable parts of a system — a 'stress test' — is standard practice.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Interchangeability. The only way for either system to survive this social entropy is for something or someone to fill the gap.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Collapse of Civilizations. The one indisputable rule of history is that all civilizations die.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Social Entropy. Like physical systems, order in social systems is hard to maintain.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Entropy and Disorder. Entropy, informally, is a measure of disorder. The Second Law can thus be restated: 'Disorder increases.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Universal Declaration. As of 2023, all 193 member states of the United Nations have adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which condemns discrimination on the basis of race or sex.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.un.org

Bentham's Prediction. Bentham's argument for equality... was not just an ethical position but a historical prediction: that animals will be included in our conception of equality.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Philosophical Battle. It is only a mild exaggeration, in short, to say that the philosophical battle over equality is over. Jeremy Bentham won.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Animal Suffering Awareness. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 introduced millions of people to the reality of animal suffering.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Hope from Suffering. Despite my night terrors, Guardians 3 was one of my greatest sources of hope in 2023.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Collective Pain from Suffering. The pain I felt in 2023, from looking into the eyes of Rocket and Joan, was both difficult and real, a pain that people across this nation share.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Animal Testing Morality Trend. A simple linear projection of the current trend shows that, within 25 years, over two thirds of Americans will be morally opposed to medical testing on animals.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Emergent Animal Rights Awareness. Rocket's story shows that the public is finally looking into the animals' eyes and seeing them for who they are: not empty vessels but persons capable of fear and love.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Shifts in Public Opinion. For the first time in history, Gallup found that the percentage of Americans who say medical testing on animals is 'morally wrong' (48%) is now equal to those who deem it morally acceptable.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Standard Practice in Experiments. The High Evolutionary's plans to kill Rocket in order to extract his brain is standard practice in real-world experiments on animals that require tissue sampling.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Rocket's Eyes Reflection. The opening scene, like others in the movie, is a powerful one, but I wasn't quite sure why Guardians 3 hit me so hard.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Loss of Joan. Losing Joan to a pancreatic infection on February 24 was one of the hardest moments of my life.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Felony Conspiracy Trial. I was convicted of felony conspiracy in a trial where I was unconstitutionally gagged from speaking to the media and prohibited from presenting evidence of animal cruelty.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Leadership Crisis. The decline in leadership plaguing modern society is not just about Claudine Gay but extends to a wave of prominent leaders across many walks of life who have been fired or pushed out in recent years.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Rethinking Leadership Actions. Leaders should encourage open dialogues that recognize the complex pain on all sides of a conflict.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Fear and Leadership. Leadership's role is to challenge fear and inspire communities to embrace courage.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Challenges at Harvard. Fear was driving Harvard's leadership response during the crisis around Claudine Gay.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Courage in Leadership. The most important attribute of modern leadership is courage, particularly in challenging fears and engaging with opposing viewpoints.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Curiosity Over Performance. Many leaders, like Claudine Gay, choose the path of performance over candor due to fear of backlash.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Candor's Importance. Candor is toxic for modern leadership as it impacts trust; leaders need to convey a sense of authenticity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Leadership Attributes. To meet the leadership challenges of the 21st century, we need to cultivate candor, curiosity, and courage.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Trust Erosion. Trust in organizations is hitting record lows, while meanness is hitting record highs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.theatlantic.com

Resignation Impact. On January 2, Dr. Claudine Gay resigned as president of Harvard University.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Child Death Comparisons. Bombings in Yemen, which have been funded by the United States and Saudi Arabia, have probably killed 10 times as many children as the bombings in Gaza.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Animal Rights Impact. If we count a nonhuman child at even 1/1000th the weight of a human child, violence against animals is the worst atrocity against children in history.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Vulnerable Children. It’s often the case that the children who need the most attention, and whose lives we have the most ability to change, are the ones that our society cares the least about.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Real-World Impact. To correctly answer the question of 'which children matter,' we have to look at real-world impact.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Intent Distinction. The distinction between intent and knowledge is a thin one.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Intent Matters. While it is terrible that children suffer from homelessness, starvation, or as collateral damage in war, there is a big difference between that sort of harm, on the one hand, and harm that is intentionally caused.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Utilitarian Approach. The most obvious way to answer the question of which children matter is to look at the numbers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Contested Value. Yet the question of which children matter is contested, and a lot is at stake.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Power of Narrative. The power of 'think of the children' is a demonstration of the Law of Social Entropy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Political Weaponization. The allegation that 'children are being harmed' has become one of the most devastating tools of political argument.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Children Focused Debate. One of the notable aspects of moral debates in America today is its focus on children.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Lovable Companion. Beagles are cherished because they are among the most loving of dogs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Culture of Care. Every day is a new chance for us to fight for a culture of care, one where we no longer target those who love us most.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Need for Cooperation. Human beings are only able to achieve anything because of our ability to cooperate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Changing Discourse. Political narcissism has become a dominant form of discourse on the left, especially of those under the age of 30.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Betrayal of Trust. The problem with political narcissism is that this love and care is weaponized by political narcissists in a way that destroys our ability to cooperate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Historical Context. Beagles were first chosen as experimental subjects at the height of the Cold War in the 1950s.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Government Involvement. The villains in that story are not just getting away with criminal abuse; they are funded by the federal government.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Silent Suffering. Thousands of beagles go through experiences far worse than Vick's dogs in laboratories every year.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Call to Action. If someone had intervened when my friend was so quickly condemned in a pro-Palestinian activist group, perhaps he would still be involved.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

High Ratings for Beagles. The American Kennel Club notes that beagles are "happy go lucky," "friendly," and "funny" and gives them the highest possible rating with children (5 out of 5).

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Building Blocks of Success. Three building blocks of the gay marriage campaign's success were a clear vision, a multifaceted strategy, and a unified leadership team.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Vision Importance. Movements that succeed have a shared vision that a large number of advocates can crystallize.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Historical Perspective. In 1983, Evan Wolfson wrote a startling legal thesis arguing for gay marriage as a constitutional right.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.freedomtomarry.org

Personal Accountability. Unified leadership in the 21st century requires everyone to participate and behave collaboratively.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Involvement in Strategy. A large number of people need to be aware of, and actively involved in, the movement's strategic thinking for effectiveness.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Unified Leadership Team. Evan's organization, Freedom to Marry, was created to establish unified leadership in the gay marriage campaign.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Effective Leadership. Effective leadership is crucial to successful organizations as it helps maintain focus on vision and resolve conflicts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Public Support Growth. Only 11% of the American public supported same-sex marriage in polls at the time of Wolfson's thesis, but now 71% of Americans support gay marriage.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • news.gallup.com

Snowball Effect. Campaigns with snowball effects focus on victories that can fuel further efforts at change, creating a self-sustaining and self-scaling strategy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Strategy Breakdown. A strategy is simply a plan for breaking down a goal into smaller and more achievable parts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Constitutional Goals. Evan's focus on a constitutional right to marry created an inspiring goal, serving as a strategic North Star for activists.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Call for Action. Activists decided to take direct action against animal abuse as enforcement was plummeting and abuse was surging.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Political Influence. The events of 2016-2017 demonstrated the industry's immense political power, showing they control the levers of power for animal welfare.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Enforcement Decline. The USDA's internal watchdog noted in 2005 that enforcement actions against animal abusers had become 'basically meaningless.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

USDA's Role. Beginning in the early 2000s, the USDA became a revolving door for corporate interests, which affected the treatment of animals, including dogs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Animal Rights Movement. The birth of animal rights in the 1980s, marked by PETA's first undercover investigation, led to public outrage over the abuse of animals in labs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Decline of Dog Testing. By the early 2000s, the number of dogs used in testing dropped to about one third its former size, or around 70,000 per year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Toxicology Tests. The toxicology testing system was invented to determine the safety of substances, requiring animals to ingest massive amounts of potentially poisonous substances.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Laika's Tragic Fate. Laika was the first animal sent into orbit by scientists in the USSR in 1957, knowing she was being shipped to her death.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

War on Dogs. A quiet war has been raging over the last 75 years, with losses numbering in the millions and occurring entirely on one side.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Animal Suffering. Tens of thousands of dogs from Ridglan have died in the most gruesome experiments in animal rights history: mutilated to test new methods of plastic surgery, poisoned with fentanyl, and injected with rabies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

At the Crossroads. DPS6 is not just a serial code; she is now Julie, beloved by her family, and one of my dearest friends.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Rescue Mission. We found many secrets in Ridglan Farms, including the wretched living conditions and the untreated infections that had many dogs hobbling in pain.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Empowering Change. We must challenge ourselves to say I can.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Courage in Action. The moral of the story is that the things that block us from acting, even in seemingly risky situations, aren’t as significant as they seem.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Violent Crime Rates. While 70% of Americans fear they can't keep their families safe, only 1% have been actual victims of violent crime.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • bjs.ojp.gov

I Can't Mentality. Saying 'I can't' has become an anthem for many, reflecting a mentality that prevents action in the face of fear.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Safety Concerns. In a May 2023 poll by the American Psychiatric Association, a stunning 70% of Americans say they’re anxious because they can’t keep their families safe.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.psychiatry.org

Climate Anxiety. Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Americans can't deal with climate change.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Modern Fear. Forty-five percent (45%) of Americans in 2023 say they can't handle emerging technologies, with concern over artificial intelligence hitting the mainstream.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.psychiatry.org

Psychological Trauma. DPS6 has been driven to insanity by this place.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Call for Seriousness. It's not enough for the argument to be taken seriously by the legal elites; we need the public to take it seriously as well.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Emotional Forces. Most systems do not work on logic; they operate on emotion, momentum, and power, which can be harnessed to create change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Public Mobilization. The public attention that a criminal trial can command serves as a megaphone for messages about animal rights that may resonate more strongly than traditional legal reform tools.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Need for Activist Prosecutions. For animal rights efforts to gain momentum in law, activists may need to test the boundaries of legal norms by being willing to break the law.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Historical Context. There is a long history of 'voluntary prosecutions' driving legal rights expansion in America, with examples from women's suffrage and civil rights movements.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Public Sentiment. The vast majority of Americans (83% of Democrats, 77% of Republicans) say cruelty to farm animals is a 'personal moral concern.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Crucial Tool for Change. The prosecutions of animal rights activists are a crucial tool for social change, as social movements have used 'voluntary prosecution' as a lever for reform over the last 150 years.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Legal Publication Milestone. The Harvard Law Review published an article on the right to rescue animals from abuse, marking a significant milestone in the legal debate over animal rights.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • harvardlawreview.org

Judicial Precedent. The Court in State v. Bauer ruled that animals counted as 'persons' for this purpose: 'It is... state policy to render aid to relatively vulnerable and helpless animals when faced with people willing or even anxious to mistreat them.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Media Coverage Influence. An op-ed we pitched to one of the most important papers in the world, that was under consideration when I was a defendant, was dropped by the paper after the charges were dismissed.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

March 18 Action. People across the globe, including actor James Cromwell and philosopher Peter Singer, will be asking the government on March 18 to prosecute the companies that torture dogs, and not the activists who save them.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • docs.google.com

Public Spectacle Effect. This shows how ordinary citizens have power to create legal change. When enough people make a 'public spectacle,' the law evolves.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Industry Concerns. Merck has made tens of billions of dollars in profit in recent years, in part by charging $712 for a Covid drug that cost only $17.74 to produce.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Legal System Concern. This is bizarre. What sort of legal system dismisses charges against a 'criminal' because of death threats made against the 'victim' of a crime?

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Prosecutor's Reasoning. What has changed are the death threats and the coming after the business that the victims [i.e., Ridglan] have now started enduring.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Charges Dismissed. On March 8, after nearly 3 years of prosecution, the government of Wisconsin moved to dismiss felony charges against me and my co-defendants Paul Picklesimer and Eva Hamer for rescuing a blind beagle puppy from Ridglan Farms.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Activism Overview. Activists at Animal Rising were in court this week after being charged for deflating tires at a major dairy distribution center in Sept 2022.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.animalrising.org

Factory Farm Violations. What we saw at Smithfield was not just cruel but a violation of 'accepted animal husbandry practices.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Special Prosecutor Importance. A special prosecutor is just as important to the Ridglan case.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Call for Grassroots Support. The only real check on corrupt administration of justice is public agitation.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Legal Protections Exist. One of the greatest misconceptions in animal rights is that we need to change laws to protect animals from abuse. In fact, the vast majority of suffering animals are already protected.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Government Inaction. The government has also been asleep at the wheel in its response to allegations of abuse; for years, it failed to respond to complaints that Ridglan was violating the law.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Corporate Accountability. The question facing this court is whether, after years of governmental inaction, corporations also will be held accountable to the law.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Special Prosecutor Petition. We filed a petition with the Circuit Court of Dane County, Wisconsin for the appointment of a ‘special prosecutor’ to bring criminal charges against Ridglan for the abuse of dogs.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • drive.google.com

Charges Dropped. On March 20, days after the government of Wisconsin dropped all charges against me for rescuing a blind beagle puppy from a cage at Ridglan Farms, we turned the tables on the industry.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Personhood Transformation. The word 'Person' could transform the legal status of animals and free billions from torment.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Missed Opportunity. The animal rights movement's failure to offer a constitutional argument for animal personhood is one of its greatest missed opportunities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Historical Legal Precedents. Activists should point to historical precedents for expansion of personhood into new domains, such as the Somerset case in the UK.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Combining Efforts. Combining support for ambitious protections for animals with the US Constitution may be key to freeing billions of animals.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Raising Public Awareness. Effective constitutional campaigns should focus on mass public persuasion instead of just legal arguments in court.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Judicial Milestone. Judge Fahey's concession that it is 'arguable' whether an animal is a 'person' is an important milestone.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Recent Legal Developments. The Nonhuman Rights Project petitioned in 2018 for chimpanzees to be recognized as 'persons' entitled to the right of 'habeas corpus.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Legal Protections Deficient. There are great deficiencies in the legal protections against cruelty.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Arguments for Personhood. A constitutional argument for animal personhood could be a path to transformative change.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Constitutional Advocacy Importance. Shifts in constitutional interpretation have been crucial to every important social movement in American history.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Animal Rights Roadmap. The roadmap has four milestones set for each pathway by the year 2050, including recognizing animals as sentient beings entitled to be rescued from violence.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Future Engagement. A discussion will be hosted on May 26 about the roadmap and seeking feedback and involvement from the community.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • docs.google.com

Legal Pathway. The legal pathway is powerful mostly because it empowers the other pathways for change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Narrative Shift. Prior to the movements of the 1960s, the United States government told a story of a righteous nation protecting democracy and freedom from communism; this narrative was reshaped by activists.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Community Mobilization. Community organizers created conferences that launched the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the careers of legendary civil rights leaders.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Political Power Development. Constitutional change was achieved through the development of political power in the Civil Rights movement.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Activism's Role. Activists in the 1960s reshaped the constitutional meaning of 'equal protection' and enshrined a new understanding of those words in the social and political fabric of the nation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Historical Context. Today, the Chinese Exclusion Act is widely understood as one of the most deplorable and unconstitutional instances of racial discrimination in American history.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Historical Example. The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in 1882, banning all immigration of Chinese people into the United States.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Pathways to Change. Constitutional change depends on a mass political movement made up of ordinary people.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Constitutional Change Importance. The constitution shapes the decisions of everyone in a nation, from ordinary citizens to presidents and even kings.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Rescue Moment. I saw the same huddling, defeated posture and terror in a lamb's eyes, as she whimpered in the face of impending doom.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

YouTube Channel Launch. We’re launching a new YouTube channel focused on rescue, with episodes coming out on Tuesday and Friday.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Global Animal Rights. Belgium just enshrined animal welfare in its national constitution.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.lemonde.fr

Vision Importance. Big change requires big dreams.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Infighting Challenges. Internal conflicts often driven by disputes over racism, sexism, and other forms of so-called 'identity politics' end up 'blowing off people’s arms.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Need for Focus. Difficult goals require exceptional focus.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Self-Inflicted Issues. The open rescue movement slowed and, in recent years, has nearly come to a halt.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Historical Context. Broken systems like the fur trade, which had dominated North America for 500 years, were abolished by harnessing the stories of rescue.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Power of Open Rescue. In that moment, as I scrambled through blood-stained livestock pens, I glimpsed something bright in the shadow of violence: a world where a crying dog and lamb are met with a gentle touch, rather than a slaughter man’s blade.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Commitment Signal. Mass arrests communicate something important: we are committed, and we won’t give up.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Public Engagement. There is a need for a movement that’s willing to risk arrest, not just from 50 people, but from 500 or 5,000.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Open Communication. Animal Rising organizes its protests openly, challenging traditional security culture and focusing on building trust.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Unity Importance. When activists are taking big risks, it is particularly important that a movement maintain unity and cooperation.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Nonviolence Principle. Nonviolence is the solution to the problem of a movement's momentum being slowed by increasingly severe punishments.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Mass Arrest Strategy. Mass arrest is not the only strategy for achieving change, but it’s a crucial one.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Media Coverage Surge. From April 15 to April 29, a Google News search found 27,300 hits for the terms 'Gaza divest,' which jumped to 109,000 hits in the two weeks starting on April 30, immediately after the arrests at Columbia.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Civil Rights Impact. When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. defied a court order by marching and facing arrest with hundreds of others in Birmingham in 1963, it led to national headlines and won sympathy from unexpected people.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.nytimes.com

Protest Analysis. During the Occupy Wall Street movement of 2011, data scientist Nate Silver published a chart showing how clashes with the authorities led to mass arrests, which drove media coverage to remarkable heights.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • archive.nytimes.com

RSPCA's Certification. To the RSPCA, Charlie’s life was certified as 'higher welfare.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Rescue Statistics. I have personally carried hundreds of animals from the brink of death - and reached millions of people with stories of rescue.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Vision for Change. A majority of the public already supports dramatic changes to protect farm animals, including an outright ban on factory farms and slaughterhouses.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Animal Welfare Funding. In 2021, the RSPCA earned over £4.5 million from membership and licensing fees charged to factory farms and food retailers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

RSPCA’s Audit Practices. The RSPCA’s program is an example of this failure in accountability, as it undertakes only a single visit each year to certify its farms – and this visit is pre-scheduled.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Public Perception. Eighty percent of Americans say that farm animal cruelty is a personal moral concern, yet 99% financially support practices that The New York Times has described as 'torture.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

RSPCA’s Response. The RSPCA nonetheless issued a statement to the Sunday Times in response to the investigation that its Assured program has been 'independently proven to make lives better for millions of animals every year.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Investigative Findings. A team of 50+ AR investigators documented a series of abuses at RSPCA Assured farms, including a decapitated bird hanging from the ceiling of a farm.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Investigative Violations. Animal Rising (AR) visited 45 farms certified by the RSPCA and found that virtually every farm in the Assured program was violating not just the RSPCA’s standards, but animal cruelty laws.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

RSPCA Revenue. The UK-based RSPCA is the oldest animal welfare organization in the world, dating back to 1824 and had £151.7m ($192 million) in revenue from 2021.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Charlie’s Suffering. The abscess was the size of a tennis ball, and it was putting pressure on her right eye.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Inspection Record Purge. In 2017, the USDA abruptly purged its entire database of public inspection records, leading to a plummet in enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Government Inaction. The government took no action against Ridglan Farms despite confirming key details of the whistleblower's complaints about animal cruelty.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Calls to Action. The team plans to put out calls to action next week to encourage powerful people in Wisconsin to support efforts to protect the Ridglan dogs.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Dog Massacre. Ridglan Farms was killing as many as 600 dogs in a single year, sometimes simply to balance out the sex ratio of its beagle colony of 4,000 dogs.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Signs of Change. A federal judge in Virginia ruled against a similar beagle research company and issued a record $35 million fine, indicating a potential shift in accountability.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.npr.org

Courtroom Support. Public support for the petition to investigate Ridglan was significant, with the courtroom crowded to the point of running out of seats.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Emerging Whistleblowers. New whistleblowers from inside Ridglan Farms reported evidence of surgical mutilation of dogs and cruel practices including suffocation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Legal Action Planned. On March 20, a petition was filed with the Dane County Circuit Court to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate and charge Ridglan Farms.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Animal Suffering. Animals at Ridglan Farms were going psychotic in small cages and suffering from painful injuries.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Deceptive Practices. The NIH removed the sandfly experiment from its public grants database to prevent reporters and the public from discovering the lie about its involvement.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.washingtonpost.com

Secrets Hard to Hide. Secrets are becoming harder to hide; power built on secrecy cannot survive when there's a camera in every pocket.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

AI and Animals Meetup. Hive, a new nonprofit, is hosting an AI and Animals Meetup in San Francisco on July 28.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • lu.ma

Political Corruption Example. The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors unconstitutionally modified a ballot initiative in an effort to undermine its support.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.pressdemocrat.com

Trust in Institutions. Violence is the result of a society where trust in our institutions has been fundamentally broken.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Industry Transparency Need. Factory farms should invite people openly into their barns instead of sending people to prison for investigating them.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Livestream Campaign Idea. Imagine if Biden had a livestream camera that broadcast every conversation he had on the presidential campaign.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Radical Transparency Solution. Those who hold power must be radically transparent about their ideas and actions.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Exposure of Secrecy. The secrecy of factory farming prevents the players in the food systems from being changed by the truth.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Criticism of Secrecy. Both institutions have struggled with secrets that they prefer to hide.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Consumer Shock on Animal Farms. Consumers were shocked by the brutal conditions on supposedly-humane farms.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.animalrising.org

Biden Campaign Secrecy. Reports have come out describing the Biden campaign's years-long efforts to conceal the President's mental decline.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.wsj.com

Secrecy's Perils. Powerful people and institutions often rely on secrecy when things go wrong.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Assassination Attempt Commentary. The shooting was a predictable outcome of the breakdown in trust we are seeing across the nation and world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Animal Rights as Solution. The promise of animal rights is the promise of a better world for us all, and perhaps the only true path to peace is to end the war on animals, once and for all.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Political Trust Crisis. Trust in American institutions is hitting historic lows, and no institution, from church to media to government, has been spared in this crisis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Normalizing Aggression. In June 2022, the Southern Poverty Law Center published a poll that examined the extreme views of the American right, including the so-called 'replacement theory' that motivated a mass shooter in Buffalo.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.splcenter.org

Animal Connections. If violence is associated with social isolation, and animals help us with social isolation, then animals can help us stop violence.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Youth Isolation Increase. In 2023, the Surgeon General of the United States noted that there has been a shocking 70% decrease in the time that Americans in the 15-24 age range spend in-person with friends over the last two decades.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.hhs.gov

Loneliness and Violence. Perhaps the single factor that unifies all mass shooters is that they are disconnected from the people around them.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Political Violence Trends. We probably will never know with certainty why Thomas Crooks, as an individual, tried to kill Donald Trump, but we can look at broader trends to see why we, as a society, are suffering from increasing political violence.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Political System Failure. A predatory political system is a destabilizing force in human civilization, and over the long term, if it is not corrected, our entire society will fall apart.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Space Shortage Problem. Eighty percent (80%) of the agricultural land on this planet is already used by the livestock industry, which produces just 17% of global calories.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • ourworldindata.org

Animal Welfare Scandal. On June 9, the UK-based animal rights group Animal Rising published an investigation showing that the most prominent animal welfare program in Europe is a scam.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • www.rspcaassured.org.uk

Space Necessity. "Humane" farms would require at least 80 times the available space on Planet Earth.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • ourworldindata.org

Call to Action. If we truly want a humane animal farm, there’s really only one possibility: rescue the animals, and bring them to a farm sanctuary.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Conclusion on Humane Farms. There isn’t enough land on Earth to raise them. There isn’t enough money in the economy to care for them. And there isn’t a functioning legal system to protect them.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Rights for Animals. Once you have rights, you don’t need "humane" farms because animals with rights cannot legally be confined and killed in the first place.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Enforcement Failure. Despite reporting violations, Animal Rising faced zero action from authorities after identifying 280 violations of the law.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Legal Invisibility. As beings with no rights, animals are invisible to the law.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Industry Bankruptcy. Humane care for animals, in short, would bankrupt the entire food industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart •

Cost of Care. Caring for a single sick piglet would cost perhaps $100 per piglet, meaning that providing minimal veterinary care for the sick piglets would cause a minimum $1.2 billion loss.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The Simple Heart • porkcheckoff.org

Mid-May Sunshine. Now&#8217;s your chance to go outside and enjoy that mid-May sunshine.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Heating Up. It&#8217;s heating up across the West (maybe too much in some).

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Content Piling Up. A time for you to slow down and read all of that Land Desk content that&#8217;s been piling up in your inbox.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Catchup Day Reminder. It&#8217;s the second Tuesday of the month, meaning it&#8217;s a perfect time for a catchup day.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Coal Mine Context. Okay, it isn’t the Powder River Basin, but it is a coal mine: The West Elk near Somerset, Colorado.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Read More Link. For further information, a link to an article discussing Biden's actions regarding coal-burning is provided.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Coal Lease Proposal. On May 16, the Bureau of Land Management proposed ending new federal coal leasing.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • eplanning.blm.gov

Historical Significance. The piece discusses the history of San Juan County, Utah, particularly the event known as the 'Last Indian War.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Guest Contributions. The editor expresses a welcome for guest posts, highlighting the importance of this specific syndication.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Additional Information. For more details, visit the link provided.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Evolution of Purpose. The holiday later evolved to be a day to memorialize all service members killed in wars, then as a more general day of remembering all of those who have died.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Historical Origin. Memorial Day began in the 1860s as Decoration Day, a time to remember some 600,000 soldiers killed in the Civil War.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Historic Wildlife Event. In August 1923, as the nation mourned the sudden death of President Warren G. Harding, the ranchers of southeastern Colorado rejoiced: A federal hunter had trapped and killed by poisoning 'Old Three Toes' at last.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Source Attribution. A photo and caption from the Wray Rattler, May 1918. Source: Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Site Characteristics. The stones had been cut into rectangular shapes, placed on their sides, and aligned into patterns, some square, some circular.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Further Reading. Read more

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Possible Functions. Was it a burial ground? An astronomical observatory? A center of worship?

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Mysterious Site. I thought, as I gingerly stepped around the sandstone slabs protruding from the soil atop a spare mesa.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Recent Studies. That’s the grim conclusion one reaches after reading two recently published papers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.nature.com

Groundwater Depletion. Climate change is a real bummer for mountain streams — it depletes the groundwater that feed creeks and rivers and makes them dirtier, besides.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Travel Experience. This March, some friends and I drove from Durango to Ridgway on a bluebird day through the snow-covered San Juan Mountains to attend a memorial service.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Location Insight. Location of the main Silver Cloud Resort lodge at the site of the defunct Silver Crown Mine buildings, with some of the nearby avalanche paths in purple.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Public Commentary. I’ve been pondering as I peruse the public comments on the Biden administration’s Western Solar Plan.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Joshua Trees Impact. Does it make sense to kill 3,500 Joshua trees to clear the way to power 180,000 homes with carbon-free energy from the sun?

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Closer Inspection Draws Interest. But after a closer inspection, I got drawn in — probably in spite of, rather than due to, the geological p…

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Read More on Maps. Read more

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Subscription Discount. A scorching-days deal: -20% off!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Geologic Map Interest. I’m usually not all that big on geologic maps, perhaps because I don’t understand them.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Wildfire Season Impact. Wildfire season has hit the West and it’s already a doozy, with several fires popping up in the last few days across California, most centered in the Los Angeles area.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

California Fires. This morning’s National Interagency Fire Center map showing starts in southern California within the last 24 hours (yellow ringed flames).

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Content Subscription Offer. The archives are only available to paid subscribers, though, so hurry up and get that Summer Solstice special 20% off!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Global Warming Prediction. One forecast is reliable: It’s getting hotter, everywhere, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Increasing Weather Uncertainty. Trying to predict what the weather is going to do in the Southwest is getting more and more difficult.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Regional Heat Waves. A scorcher has settled over the entire Southwestern United States, with highs expected to hit the triple digits for several days in a row.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Summer Solstice Break. I’m taking the rest of the day off to celebrate the Summer Solstice.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Flood Data. The San Juan River peaked at 20,700 cfs, marking only the fifth year it has reached that level or higher since Navajo Dam was built upstream in 1963.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Temperature Records. It was certainly warm enough to cause a bit of discomfort and to set several dozen daily maximum temperature records, mostly in northern California and Nevada.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Summer Weather Patterns. What a wild entrance to summer: Searing heat followed by mega-severe storms and flash flooding of the kind that usually isn't seen until the monsoon arrives in July or August.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Recent Weather Events. The Swiss Alps are getting hammered by flash flooding after big rains fell on big snowpack.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Flash Flooding Impact. The storms made it down south, too, turning the Santa Cruz River just downstream from Tucson into a real river once again.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Video Link. The August 2022 flood on Mill Creek in Moab brought a lot of debris down from the Pack Creek fire scar.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • x.com

Previous Comparison. In August 2022 the flow at this gage topped 5,800 cfs.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Mill Creek Flow. Mill Creek blasted through downtown Moab at a whopping 5,020 cubic feet per second.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Lake Powell's Risk. In 2002 and 2023 the river only held about 5 million acre-feet, which wouldn’t have been enough to serve just the Lower Basin.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Investment in Water Conservation. Even deeper cuts will be necessary if the river continues to shrink.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Federal Water Management Need. Federal officials have said 2 million to 4 million acre-feet of reductions will be necessary to offset the effects of climate change-exacerbated aridification.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Agricultural Adjustments. The predominantly agricultural Imperial Irrigation District, the river’s single biggest user, slashed consumption by 160,000 acre-feet from the previous year.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Long-term Usage Decline. Consumptive use has decreased by nearly 1.8 million acre-feet since 2003, or a 23% drop.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Water Consumption Reduction. The biggest guzzlers of the river’s water are using less of it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Lower Basin Usage Stats. Last year, the Lower Basin states of California, Nevada, and Arizona consumed 5.78 million acre-feet, or nearly 900,000 acre-feet less than in 2022.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Commercial Factors Over Politics. The numbers are less an indication of how oil and gas-friendly or climate-friendly a president is, than a sign of how healthy the oil and gas market is.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Biden's Monthly Average. 292 monthly average of drilling permits issued by the BLM under Biden.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Biden's Permit Issuance. 11,964 total number of drilling permits issued by the Bureau of Land Management during the first 41 months of the Biden administration.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Drilling Permit Averages. 302 monthly average of drilling permits issued by the BLM under Trump.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Drilling Permit Totals. 14,543 total number of drilling permits issued by the Bureau of Land Management during the Trump administration.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Permit Issuance Comparison. The administration that issued the most drilling permits per month, on average, is Donald J. Trump (by a hair).

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Summer Storm Impact. The Summer Solstice storms and flash floods gave a bit of a boost to Lake Powell.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Electricity as a Scarce Resource. We need to stop thinking of electricity as a limitless resource and to extract ourselves from the capitalistic mindset that we can consume and build and grow our way out of all of our problems.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Consequences of Increased Power. Consuming and generating more power has consequences, ranging from exacerbating climate change to decimating desert ecosystems.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Data Centers and Renewables. Data center demand is spurring the development of solar installations in Nevada and Arizona.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Electrifying AI. A single AI query uses about 10 times the energy of a Google search.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Negative Impact on Renewable Transition. The notion that reducing energy consumption will harm the energy transition is a bunch of malarkey.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Cryptocurrency Energy Use. Estimated amount of electricity U.S. based cryptocurrency mining operations consume annually is 80 Terrawatthours.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.hcn.org

Data Center Consumption. Estimated amount of electricity U.S. based conventional data centers consume each year is 150 Terrawatthours, equivalent to the output of nearly 100 Diablo Canyon nuclear plants.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.hcn.org

Projected Demand Growth. Analysts predict data centers' collective annual power-demand will balloon to a mind-boggling 500 Terrawatthours by 2030.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Regulatory Authority Changes. Overturning the Chevron deference is potentially terrible, as it takes regulatory authority out of federal agencies’ hands and shifts it to the courts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.hcn.org

Interactive Mapping. The Land Desk reports the creation of an interactive map showcasing past producers and abandoned mines in the West.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • public.tableau.com

Abandoned Mines. The sheer number of old mines, many of which are still discharging acid mine drainage or otherwise posing health or environmental hazards, is alarming.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Historical Context. Whether the uranium land rush evolves into a full-blown mining boom or collapses before it even gets going remains to be seen.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Environmental Studies. The Grand Canyon Trust partnered with The Information Lab on an analysis of the Pinyon Plain Mine's 2023 aquifer protection permit report.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.grandcanyontrust.org

Groundwater Concerns. Energy Fuels reported pumping more than 9 million gallons of water out of its mine that was chock full of lead, arsenic, and uranium, at levels that far exceed the safe limits.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Community Opposition. Both Energy Fuels facilities are the target of strong opposition, mostly because of their proximity to tribal nations and potential to contaminate water supplies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Pinyon Plain Mine. Energy Fuels is reopening mines in Utah and is extracting ore from its Pinyon Plain uranium mine on traditional Havasupai land near Red Butte.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Energy Fuels' Operations. Energy Fuels appears to be walking the talk as the operator of the White Mesa Mill, the nation’s only active uranium processing facility.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

Uranium Mining Rush. A bunch of factors have collided over the last couple of years to spark a uranium mining land rush and prospecting frenzy in the Four Corners Country (Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico).

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Electricity Demand Surge. Arizona Public Service predicts its customers collectively will set new electricity-demand records this year, not because of new homes being built but because of data centers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.12news.com

Housing Growth. During the 12 months from June 2023 through May 2024, 48,000 building permits were issued in the metro area, numbers not seen since the great housing bubble of a couple decades ago.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Air Conditioning Demand. The growing fleet of air conditioners will strain the grid, increasing the risk of a widespread power outage, which could be deadly in this heat.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Urban Heat Effects. It’s difficult to see how this is sustainable. Consider for a moment the misery the more than 9,000 unhoused people in Phoenix must be experiencing each and every day this summer.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Heat-Related Deaths. Maricopa County officials have confirmed heat caused or contributed to 13 deaths so far this year, with another 162 fatalities under investigation.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Phoenix Heat Statistics. Phoenix just endured its hottest June on record, with an average monthly temperature of 97°F, nearly six degrees above the 1990-2020 normal.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Weather Criticism. Writing about weather in the climate crisis-era is like navigating an obstacle course littered with critics.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Heatwave Records. This June was the hottest June on record globally, and the 13th consecutive monthly high temperature record.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • wmo.int

Record Temperatures. Last year was the warmest year on our planet since global record-keeping began in 1850, clocking in at 2.12 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 20th century average of 57°F.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.climate.gov

Climate Heating. A better term than climate change is climate heating, because that’s exactly what’s happening: The planet is heating up as a result of Industrial Age humans spewing oodles of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Historical Perspective. Every time there’s an 'unprecedented' drought or flood, I can look back into my mental archives and find an example of an equally severe one.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Legislative Impact. Congress established the Office of Coal Research in 1960 to encourage and stimulate coal production to maximize its contribution to the overall energy market.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Coal's Peak Year. Peak Coal occurred in 2007, with virtually no chance that U.S. mines will ever produce or plants burn as much coal as they did that year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Clean Air Act. The Clean Air Act passed in 1970 did little to slow coal-burning but actually boosted relatively low-sulfur coal from Western mines.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Electricity vs. Coal Use. Electricity use plummeted during the 2008 Financial Crisis and coal use dropped with it, but as the economy recovered electricity use stayed fairly flat.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Carter's Coal Policy. President Jimmy Carter was a walking contradiction, boosting solar and other clean energy while also going all in on coal mining and burning.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Coal Consumption Stats. In 2023, coal use plummeted once again, and judging by the first quarter of 2024, there will be even less use this year even as power demand creeps higher.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Renewable Energy Growth. Coal has been in freefall due mostly to fluctuations in natural gas prices and the increasing availability of solar and wind generating capacity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Historical Context. The Big Breakdown refers to the decline of the coal industry, which began back in 2008 during the global financial crisis when power consumption plummeted.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Coal Industry Decline. Coal's big breakdown is back, marking a decline of the coal industry in the West as big coal plants are mothballed and mines shut down.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Childhood Memory. I was just ten years old, and though we spent a lot of time camping and hiking and backpacking in that area, I distinctly remember that specific trip.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Trump's Instincts. It is telling that, in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, Trump didn’t demonstrate any concern for the safety of spectators.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Militia Rhetoric. The big difference between then and now is that these threats and calls for the militia to 'be on guard' were coming from the fringe; now they are coming from federal lawmakers and the former U.S. President.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Trump's Rhetoric. Yes, many Democrats and pundits have warned of the dangers Trump, his enablers, and his followers pose to Democracy and, for that matter, the planet as a whole.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Hinckley's Motivation. It must have been a relief back in 1981, then, to find out that Hinckley wasn’t motivated by politics at all.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Trans-Generational Fear. Forty-three years later, I’m having a sort of trans-generational deja vu as I have anxiously assumed that the man who shot at Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania rally was a progressive impelled by politics.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Reagan's Polarization. Reagan has posthumously been transformed into a gentle, grandfatherly type who cleared the way for 'Morning in America,' but in reality he was a polarizing figure who implemented a slew of harmful policies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Water Rights Issue. The Dolores River itself is dying because it’s over-allocated, meaning users have the right to use more water than actually exists in the river.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Crestone Affordable Housing. A property in Crestone, Colorado, is listed for $177,500, showcasing affordable housing options in the West.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.zillow.com

Mancos Commons Project. The new Mancos Commons art-space, printshop, and workforce housing building is complete and open in the southwestern Colorado community's downtown.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk •

Affordable Housing Initiative. The BLM wants your input on a proposal to sell public land near Las Vegas to be developed with affordable housing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.blm.gov

Cancellation of Oil Leases. The Bears Ears Partnership celebrated the BLM’s cancellation of 25 Trump-era oil and gas leases in the Lands Between.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.landdesk.org

BLM Travel Management Plan. You’ve got until Monday (July 22) to submit comments on the BLM’s San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • storymaps.arcgis.com

Future of Lower Dolores River. The long-running debate over the future of the Lower Dolores River corridor in western Colorado continues, with federal lawmakers getting involved.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Land Desk • www.bennet.senate.gov

AGI Development Rush. For-profit companies are racing to develop A.G.I. no matter the costs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Reimagining AI. John Wild reveals the disturbing imaginaries associated with A.I., and how we can begin to reimagine it as an entangled, decentralised, collaborative tool to create new ways of being.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Disturbing AI Roots. Artist John Wild has traced the deep history of A.I., finding its roots in disturbing schools of thought which seek to raise the dead.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • johnwild.net

Eugenics and AI. The first person to float the idea of a 'general intelligence' was a eugenicist who was determined to rank intelligence according to race.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Silicon Valley's Beliefs. Silicon Valley technologists believe that God 'doesn't yet exist' and view themselves as mere stepping stones in the evolution of intelligence.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Historical Perspectives. These are not 'traditions of thought' but live stories, living ecosystems of beliefs which wrap tendrils around the possibilities of imagination.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Cultural Legacy. We need to understand these stories because they infuse our cultures invisibly, promoting an ever narrowing vision of what can be.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Inequality in California. California, a fiercely proud Democratic state, does little about some of the worst inequality in the country.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Pronatalism Ideology. The elite dating service by Simone and Michael Collins aims to 'take control' of human evolution, advocating for large families among the top 0.1%.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • archive.ph

Eugenics and Intelligence. The idea of a 'general intelligence' came from eugenicist Charles Spearman who wished to rank human intelligence.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Effective Altruism Motivation. The Effective Altruism movement promotes making immense personal wealth at any cost in order to benefit the unborn future trillions of humanity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Ray Kurzweil's Views. Ray Kurzweil has openly stated he wants to resurrect his dead father.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.mirror.co.uk

Historical Influences. John referenced Nikolai Federov, the founder of the Cosmism movement in the late 18C which suggested humanity's collective destiny was to eradicate death and resurrect the dead.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Decline to Recover. The dialogue includes if we can decline in order to recover before crashing completely.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Wave-like Civilisation. We explore how we can organise a wave-like civilisation, which grows and decays within safe boundaries.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Reducing Inequality. The conversation raises the question of whether we can reduce inequality by reducing energy consumption.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Renewables and Fossil Fuels. We discuss whether renewables will facilitate an increased consumption of fossil fuels.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Thermodynamics of Collapse. Tim Garrett explained his research into the behaviour of snowflakes and how you could extrapolate the behaviour of economies and civilization using the laws of thermodynamics.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Energy Consumption Trinity. The relationship between our energy consumption, our material footprint and our economies is referred to as 'the holy trinity.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Emotional Response. You are having a very reasonable reaction to an absolute shit-show of reality.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Crisis of Institutions. Our institutions have been revealed as inconsequential during the greatest threat to global civilisation ever known.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Acknowledging Fear. The fire is approaching. I’m scared, too.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Nature and Well-being. I want you to get soil under your fingernails.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Call to Action. I want you to join an organisation in your local town and get to work, fortifying the piece of the world you share with others.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Beyond Language. There exist spaces beyond language, beyond the world of mirrors, where even words may begin to make sense.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Duende Explained. Duende is an earth spirit the performer battles with 'on the rim of the well', bringing the performer face to face with death and the limits of human intelligence.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Interdisciplinary Challenge. Figuring out how to exhale—decline—in order to then inhale—grow is a phenomenal interdisciplinary challenge which pushes our intellectual reasoning to its limits.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Doughnut Economics. Iterations like Doughnut Economics prove just how popular such ideas are.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Power Distribution. Throughout the universe, there is an unequal distribution or accumulation of things.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Energy and Growth. The more energy available to a thing, the more it grows.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Labour and Energy. Labour without energy is a corpse and capital without energy is a statue.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Social Justice Limits. It may only be possible to achieve social justice in a low energy civilisation where the surplus is enough to support civilisational health but not so much as to transform the material world into individual wealth.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Finite Resources. Humanity is going to have to willfully curb its appetite—or eat everything to death.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Deepened Analysis. We discuss our psychological disposition to immaturity, our cognitive shortcomings when examining complexity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Further Reading.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Technology Limits. Art explains... why technology cannot solve our problems.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Energy's Role. Art explains how energy is reshaping geopolitical alliances.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Historical Context. This is the culmination of millennia of human fallibility.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Geopolitical Realities. The world is at war, but only one side is being honest about what for.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Africa and Europe. The Wagner group is loosening Europe's grip of Africa.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Geopolitical Shifts. Russia and China are deepening their relationship, Western allies in the Middle East are joining the fossil-fuelled BRICS alliance spanning the globe.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Energy Control Importance. Whoever controls the energy supply controls the new world order.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Authority and Joke. We can’t disempower an authority we take seriously.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Need for Disruption. I suggest we make like monkeys and throw shit at it because that’s what it deserves, not our serious considerations.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Invitation to Carnival. This fool is in on the joke and is inviting you to carnival.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Absurdity in Authority. Our leaders speak with gravitas, they hold the floor, with ideas that hold weight.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Absurdity as Resistance. Acts of absurdity are often communal.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Absurd Fund Idea. I imagined creating an enormous private wealth fund to buy key assets in the fossil fuel industry and take them offline, throwing the system into chaos.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Collective Action. These self-organised anti-raid groups are now stopping the British governments plans to deport people to Rwanda.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Power's Fragility. Power rigs the game – so what’s the point in rules?

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Carnival's Nature. Carnival is not absurd at all. It’s as natural as laughter.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Levity to Change. Absurdity is about asking why we’re doing what we’re doing whilst doing something differently.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Systemic Absurdity. It’s this other world that’s really absurd, and reacting to it normally has people labelled crazy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Collective Laughing. We can only do this together because we can only laugh together.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Laughter's Power. Laughter transforms a crowd into a 'we', a street into a stage, a village into a parliament.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Rational Reactions. Anxiety and depression are rational reactions to the state of the world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Absurdity and Laughter. That was the role of the fool: to be the absurd mirror, the slippery other, the levity in a world of gravity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Absurd Market Prices. I’m always amazed when I hear of someone becoming a first-time buyer in the UK’s house market because, to me, the house prices don’t make sense.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Threat to the System. It's fascinating to see just how easily the system is threatened.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Need for Levity. Levity is the grace by which we change the world collectively.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Absurdity Subverts Authority. We disempower them with laughter.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Power of Comedy. Comedy is a key political tool, and a critical component of life itself.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Carnivals as Creativity. Carnivals are meant to be an exercise in imagination in which we envision new possibilities, a break in the status quo.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Sad Reflection. It is ever-more obvious and saddening why the one British carnival promoted in British culture is the one which mocks and kills the rebels.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Guy Fawkes Night. November 5th is one of the few remaining carnivals in the United Kingdom, celebrating the spoiled Gunpowder plot of 1605 to blow up the houses of parliament.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Expert Commentary. Terrence joins me to explain our relationship to symbols and how they evolve with the world.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • anthropology.berkeley.edu

Ideological Constructs. When our symbols get stuck, or disconnected, they simplify into ideological constructs which fix our identities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Collective Interpretation. Our capacity for interpretation allows us to understand one another and work as a collective mind.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Cultural Impact. Our relationship with language and symbols has impacted our culture, even our biology.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Symbolic Relationships. We belong to our symbols as much as they belong to us.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Symbol Evolution. Our relationship to symbols and how they evolve with the world is crucial to understanding social dynamics.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Anti-Violent Language. We need an anti-violent language to reclaim our anti-violent nature, a language that is full of meaning.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Rewilding Necessity. We need to rewild the commons. We need to rewild the land and ourselves and our language.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Nature and Language. It is no surprise to me that the extended attack on nature coincides with an attack on language.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Symbolic Species. I believe humanity is a symbolic species, both liberated and bound by those symbols, navigating an existential tightrope.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Link to Speech.

link • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Mother Nature's Return. This is nature returning to herself; this is the world blooming with meaning.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Loss of Connection. We are bound in the meaningless, preserved in death, lost in a world that doesn't make sense anymore.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Complexity and Growth. To speak of complexity we need a new syntax; one that crackles like the forest floor.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Violence and Meaning. Language has no words for violence for it is the loss of meaning itself; it is senselessness made sensed.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Preservation Paradox. Preservation in this context is prescient, for we preserve that which is dead.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Language Alchemy. Words alchemise the world around us, and us with it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Violence and Hierarchies. We explore the limitations of connection in economies of scale, how this informs our power hierarchies, and the violence we then internalise.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Body Connection. We fail to recognise the connection of our bodies as part of the earth's system, which is experiencing great violence and chaos.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Artist Themes. Ruptures is just one of the themes Ranu Mukherjee explores as an artist.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.ranumukherjee.com

Sense and Violence. I fear meaninglessness and violence go hand in hand—that's why we call it 'senseless.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Language Carefulness. To do so, we need to be far more careful with our language, far more particular with our symbols, and reject those which invite violence.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Rewilding Importance. This is why rewilding the planet is critical to mitigating our history of violence against ourselves and the earth.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Nature of Violence. Violence is not innate in a world of meaning. It is a product of meaninglessness, of senselessness, of forgetting how to feel.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Sense Connections. Our senses are interconnected, and denigrating the physical body in turn denigrates our emotional and moral body.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Digital Sphere Risks. We are at risk of losing even more meaning as the world reorients towards the digital sphere.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Violence Justification. Institutions make sense of their senseless violence by calling it Law and Order.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Rejection of Bodies. After millennia of corporeal rejection, we have arrived in a violent hellscape.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Modernity's Impact. Is it because modernity makes no room for the body? Accepts no language of the unsayable?

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Symbolic Species. There’s a madness in meaninglessness, because we are a symbolic species.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Divorce from Nature. It is so often said the economy is divorced from the biosphere, building on a long, Western tradition of rejecting the physical realm.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Moral Clarity Disillusion. This story reminds us that we cannot rely on our institutions for moral clarity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Gianluca's Journey Film. Watch the film made about Gianluca’s journey here.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • vimeo.com

Job Loss for Activism. Gianluca Grimalda lost his job after he refused to fly back from fieldwork in Papua New Guinea due to his climate activism.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Research Contradiction. He was sent to research how vulnerable communities are responding to climate change and then told he could not continue that research if he did not commit an act of harm.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Principle of Action. It’s possible to begin with a principle: reduce the harm you cause, then help your community to reduce the harm it causes.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Swiss Case Impact. The knock-on effect of the Swiss women’s climate case against their government in the European Court of Human Rights could be immense.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.aljazeera.com

Blocked Exit Routes. The exit route, however, has been slowly blocked off for centuries, with the enclosure of the commons, the centralisation of power and the rampant proliferation of private property.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Harmful Systems. A system built on extraction, exploitation and violence is categorically harmful.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Cultural Beacons. These peoples and nations, like Cuba, are sanctioned into geopolitical irrelevance—but remain cultural beacons of possibility.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Political Backlash. Undermining the rule of Law is a dangerous political act.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Challenge to Law. It may be that we have to refuse the rule of Harm in order to live well; it may be we have to compel the Law to change by ignoring it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Need for Legislation. We need legislation to do all these things.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Ethics and Promises. Esther also says that as long as unethical leaders break the promises made at climate conferences, those communities will be forced to take more desperate action to secure their futures.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Esther Afolaranmi Profile. So argues lawyer and humanitarian, Esther Afolaranmi.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.linkedin.com

Climate and Justice Links. Esther joins me to discuss the links between climate, family planning, social justice and explains the corruption in Nigeria preventing the country from moving past the legacies of extraction and colonialism.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Founder Background. Esther Afolaranmi is the founder of the Golden Love and Hands of Hope Foundation in Nigeria, working on women&#8217;s liberation, girls&#8217; education and lobbying the UN to meet the climate pledges promised at COP meetings.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.glhhfoundation.com

Legal Rights Focus. Esther explains that climate reparations are not about money, but about granting equal legal rights to the world&#8217;s most vulnerable communities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Shell Compliance Risks. ClientEarth argued that Shell was threatening the company's future by not moving away from fossil fuels fast enough.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Need for Immediate Action. We need to stop burning fossil fuels immediately, but we cannot do so immediately.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Atlas Network Influence. The policy recommendations of a shadowy collective of global think tanks called the Atlas Network have contributed to a trend to criminalise activism.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Government Suits. There are two dozen government-led suits against the fossil fuel industry in the United States.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Moral Reckoning. Challenging the fossil fuel industry is a reckoning for the legal industry, whose murky ethics have facilitated trillions of dollars of planetary damage.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Activation of Legal System. The legal system can really enforce change, but it is expensive and takes a lot of time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Legal Industry Complicity. Leading law firms globally facilitated $1.63 trillion in fossil fuel transactions between 2017 and 2023.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Financial Consequences for Shell. There can be very serious financial consequences for Shell if it fails to comply with the court's orders.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Shell Emission Target Ruling. The court ordered Shell to reduce its emissions by 45 percent compared to its original 2019 target, starting immediately.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Fossil Fuel Production. Fossil fuel production is at an all-time high and private energy companies are planning on extracting even more in the future.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Existential Crisis. The planet is in the throes of the sixth mass extinction event.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Legal Battle Context. Lawyers in courts around the world are battling over the future of non-renewable energy sources.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Environmental Costs. He explains the true cost of this A.I. futurism on the environment, social cohesion, and even our imagination.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • link.springer.com

Consequences of Focus. Other critical problems are falling off the agenda which is now dominated by the race towards a hyper-technological future—no matter the costs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Reality of A.I.. Nobody is asking if we want the changes we're told A.I. will deliver.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Myth of A.I.. The belief, this myth, is driving policy, investment, hype and conferences.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

A.I. Perception. A.I. is all over the news all of the time, and nations are scrambling to win the race and become the world leaders in this technology which we're told will change the world.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Modern-Day Masochism. Sado-masochism abounds in modernity: powerful men handing themselves over to the fetishised care of a dominatrix for a few hours of painful relief from their duties.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Cycle of Desperation. Even when Daddy doesn't deliver, even when he does us harm, we vote him in again and again because that's what good lambs do.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Politics as Circus. Politics has become a circus of Daddy-figures who make grand promises and deliver only chaos.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Desire for Saviour. The relationship to A.I as a possible saviour speaks more to the desperation of man to be relieved of his guilt and responsibility on the mortal plane.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Religious Influence. Paul suggests there is an 'unspoken hope' that A.I, a superior intelligence, will arrive and 'mend all of our problems'.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Societal Dependencies. The promise of A.I is as artificial as its intelligence: hard limits can be overcome with digital code.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Misleading AI Promises. He gave the fascinating example of a desert in Chile which is being mined using algorithms and machine learning in order to optimise the finite resources being extracted at a greater rate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

AI and Society. The conversation was an excellent follow-up to my interview with artist John Wild on reimagining Artificial Intelligence.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Roots of AI. John described how the roots of AI are in Cosmism, a Russian ideology that mixed Christianity and Futurism with the goal of ending all death and resurrecting the dead.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Article Link. Read the full conversation about AI's role in society and the existential questions at stake.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Crisis of Faith. The only true crisis is a crisis of faith: our Lord and Saviour is coming, in 0s and 1s.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Dematerialisation Myth. A.I. provides a bountiful distraction to the material world, promulgating the myth of dematerialisation as a solution to the climate crisis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Technological Miracle. They pray, instead, for a technological miracle, a superior intelligence to rescue the global system from its failures.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Historical Extinctions. Peter says all the drivers point that we are hurtling towards a sixth mass extinction if we don’t change rapidly change course, an event totally unprecedented in its man-made nature.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Future Implications. All the drivers point that we are hurtling towards a sixth mass extinction.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Recovery Duration. The worst mass extinction took 10 million years for the planet to recover.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Urgency to Act. We still have time to stop. If we don’t, the results could change the planet beyond recognition.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Planetary Experiment. This is an experiment in planetary systems going horribly wrong.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Carbon Cycle Threat. An asteroid killed the dinosaurs but unstable carbon cycles caused the worse mass extinctions in earth's history—and we are putting carbon dioxide into the air at a rate the earth has never seen before.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Link to Article. For more insights, visit the article.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Interconnectedness of Bodies and Planet. The planet is an extension of our own bodies, or we an extension of it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Urgency of Change. If the heat is not yet unbearable, it will become so; imagine two degrees in your own body.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Future Generations. I think of the heat and the confusion and exhaustion and living at the brink—tipping.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Understanding Through Pain. I was shocked, terribly, by her betrayal, that as I tried to claw towards the woman I felt safest with, she held me in the cold tide which lapped at my waist.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Call to Action. We must brave discomfort to do the right thing and save the smallest of bodies from the global fever ripping around the world.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Personal Experience with Temperature. My temperature climbed up to 40 degrees celsius that night, a 2.5 degree increase that almost killed me.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Consequences of Small Changes. The last ice age only changed the global temperature by half a degree.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Impact of Temperature Increase. It is hard to explain what a two degrees celsius increase in the temperature will do to the planet because two is such a small number.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Community Awareness. More than a few people in the neighbourhood asked where I had been, and how long I was staying.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Observation of Neighborhood. I see elderly women hunched with age walking past dragging trolleys full of vegetables; boys racing past on scooters, yelling as they pass their friends.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Book Reference. Building on arguments from his book, Climate Change as Class War, Matt outlines these views.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.versobooks.com

Combatting Petro-Privatisation. Matt argues that a Green New Deal is the only way to combat petro-privatisation.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Environmentalist Misunderstandings. He also explains what the professional class of environmentalists fail to grasp about working class voters.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Targeting Production. Matt says that rather than focusing on elite consumption we should target elite production, making material arguments for systems change that the working class can relate to.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Article Link. The discussion on climate change as class war can be further explored in the article linked.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical • www.planetcritical.com

Class Struggle. Professor Matt Huber says taking power back from them is a class struggle—and cannot be done without building working class power.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Power and Responsibility. A tiny percentage of the world's population are in positions of power, making decisions that impact the entire planet.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Planet Critical •

Call to Action. Since Biden's deadly LNG pause is a ploy to get votes, Americans need to make clear to him that destroying our natural gas industry will cause him to lose our votes.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

LNG vs Coal Emissions. LNG’s main substitute is coal, which in virtually every analysis emits more than LNG.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Potential for GHG Reduction. Several studies have found that US LNG produces significantly less GHG emissions than both Russian natural gas and coal over a 100-year timespan.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • www.energy.gov

Biden’s LNG Policy. Biden is now harming natural gas even more by halting LNG exports—despite their incredible potential to bring millions out of energy poverty.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Democratic Policies. When Democrats took power of Congress in 2019, they could have lowered natural gas prices by increasing accessible supply: building many more pipelines and LNG export terminals.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Impact of Pipeline Infrastructure. The key to unleashing natural gas’s huge potential is transportation. Pipelines enable domestic transport so gas can get from where it is drilled to where it is needed.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Natural Gas Supply. America has a virtually limitless supply of natural gas and an incredible ability to ramp up production quickly.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Poverty. We live in a world that needs much more energy. Energy poverty is rampant, and even the wealthy world has chronic energy shortages.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Electioneering Claims. Halting LNG is pure electioneering. And we’ll all pay the price.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

LNG Export Halt. Joe Biden has halted LNG expansion, which the world needs for low-cost, reliable, secure energy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Affordable Energy Importance. The Biden Administration has made it a goal to 'protect' underserved communities, yet refuses to acknowledge that affordable and reliable energy production is a key factor that leads to healthier communities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Prosperity from Industry. Industry is the heart of prosperity, spurring economic growth resulting in additional disposable income, increased tax revenue, and improved access to healthcare.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Household Energy Struggles. In 2020, 34 million U.S. households reported difficulty paying energy bills or kept their home at an unsafe temperature due to energy cost concerns.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

LIHEAP Limitations. The Low-Income Housing Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a canary in the coal mine, helping pay energy bills for low-income families, but can only service roughly 16 percent of qualifying households.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Costs Affect Health. Energy consumption, GDP, and life expectancy are intrinsically tied, as demonstrated by the below graph.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Congressional Challenge. 11 Members of Congress just submitted and signed an excellent letter challenging the Biden Administration's most recent 'Environmental Justice' initiative.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • www.dropbox.com

Fossil Fuel Benefits Ignored. The environmental justice movement ignores the benefits of fossil fuels and overstates their negative side-effects.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Meaningful Policy Language. It contains specific, meaningful language in favor of principled policies and even-handed thinking on climate issues.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Related Link. The official resolution is available here.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • prod-static.gop.com

Promotion of Energy Freedom. The Republican National Committee urges the United States Congress and the White House to advance energy freedom policies that liberate American energy for the benefit of all.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Biden Administration Policies. The Biden administration has restricted investment, production, and transport of American fossil fuels on the false promise that they can be rapidly replaced by solar and wind.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Policy Recommendations. America should take the following steps to promote American prosperity: 1) Liberate responsible development of domestic energy resources; 2) End preferences for unreliable electricity; and 3) Unleash nuclear energy.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Poverty Issue. Energy poverty is a crucial problem at home and abroad, affecting tens of millions of Americans and billions worldwide.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Affordable Energy Importance. Affordable, reliable energy is essential to American and human prosperity because it gives us the ability to use machines to become productive and prosperous.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Fossil Fuels and Climate. Fossil fuel energy gives us an unprecedented ability to protect ourselves from the climate, driving down climate disaster deaths by 98% over the last century.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

RNC Energy Support. The Republican National Committee (RNC) has just done something great in the realm of energy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Political Neutrality. Since 2022 I’ve made it a policy not to support any political party nor anyone’s candidacy for elected office.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Talking Points. Energy Talking Points by Alex Epstein is my free Substack newsletter designed to give access to concise, powerful, well-referenced talking points on energy issues.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexepstein.substack.com

Access Feedback. Send any and all feedback to alexai@alexepstein.com.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Future Features. Adding links, visuals, and primary data sources to support each answer is one of the exciting new features we're working on.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Expensive AI Development. Using the latest, most powerful AI models is expensive. Without a paywall, if AlexAI went viral, costs could run hundreds of thousands of dollars a month.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Subscription Model. Everyone with an iOS device can get 3 free queries per month on the iOS app. For full access, you can purchase a paid subscription on the App Store ($9/month) or a Premium subscription to Energy Talking Points on Substack ($9/month or $90/year).

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Unique Analysis. AlexAI critically analyzes every question to identify its underlying assumptions, and will frequently challenge conventional-but-false assumptions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

AlexAI Launch. I am excited to announce the public release of AlexAI!

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexgpt.ai

Popular Resources. EnergyTalkingPoints.com: Hundreds of concise, powerful, well-referenced talking points on energy, environmental, and climate issues.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • energytalkingpoints.com

Electricity Crisis. America is already in an electricity crisis, and planned EPA policies threaten to reduce reliable grid capacity 20% by 2030.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

End EV Subsidies. Establish a truly free auto market by abolishing EV subsidies and other fuel subsidies.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

CA Charging Problems. CA is already having major problems with EV charging, as indicated by the grid operator urging consumers to cut electricity usage during a heatwave, including refraining from charging electric vehicles.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Inferior Products. Even with massive EV preferences, only 7.6% of vehicles sold in 2023 were EVs—almost all from luxury brands like Tesla.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Supply Chain Emissions. Any remotely cost-effective EV manufacturing can only happen in places with emissions-intensive production, like China.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Climate Emergency Myth. Myth: Fossil fuels have created a 'climate emergency' that can only be ended if we mass-adopt EVs. Truth: Fossil fuels have created unprecedented climate safety with no need to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

EPA Regulations. The EPA plans emissions regulations so strict that they would ban most ICE sales by 2032.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • www.api.org

EV Subsidies Effects. EVs get massive subsidies via tax credits, which coerce drivers into using EVs even when they're not truly cost-effective.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Goals for EV Policy. Good EV policy should unleash whatever potential EVs have to be a cost-effective, scalable alternative to internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, but not harm consumers or the grid.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Cost-Effectiveness Issues. EVs aren't currently cost-effective for most uses and face scalability issues with America's inadequate grid and small-scale production of key EV materials.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

EV Market Competition. Government should remove all preferences for electric vehicles and allow them to compete and grow on a free market.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Future Energy Innovation. Those who want to prioritize reducing GHG emissions should do so by private actions—above all by innovating truly cost-effective alternatives to fossil fuels that people will voluntarily adopt.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Ineffective Policy Response. Government should not be 'addressing climate change' by opposing fossil fuels as that would increase climate danger.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

CO2 Impact Clarification. Mainstream science shows that rising CO2 levels will lead to levels of warming and other changes that we can master and flourish with.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Fuel-Based Safety. The fact that fossil fuels have driven unprecedented climate safety means that so far the climate-related benefits of fossil fuels have far overwhelmed any climate-related challenges from fossil fuels.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Disaster Death Decline. The rate of climate-related disaster deaths has fallen 98% in the last century.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • keelingcurve.ucsd.edu

Climate Mastery Assertion. Our climate mastery has far outpaced any new climate challenges.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Freedom Importance. Government should focus exclusively on energy freedom for both fossil fuels and alternatives.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Temperature-Related Deaths. Even though Earth has gotten about 1°C warmer, far more people still die from cold than heat, and near-term warming is expected to decrease temperature-related mortality.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • x.com

Wildfire Myth Debate. While the media increasingly reports on fires and draws connections to warming, the world burns less than 20 years ago and far less than 100 years ago. Fire danger primarily depends on human mastery.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Unprecedented Climate Safety. For CO2 emissions to be apocalyptic enough to justify rapid fossil fuel restriction or elimination, they'd need to have unprecedented impacts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Hurricane Intensity Insight. Mainstream estimates say hurricanes will be less frequent and between 1-10% more intense at 2°C warming, which is not catastrophic if we continue our fossil-fueled climate mastery.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Violation of First Amendment. 'Climate disclosure rules' that coerce companies to propagandize certain climate opinions are a complete violation of the First Amendment.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Government-Favored Opinions. If companies disclose government-favored catastrophist opinions, they can feel relatively safe, even if those opinions turn out to be false and lead to destructive actions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Disclosure Dangers. Companies would be inviting destruction by disclosing non-catastrophist opinions that would make them easy targets whenever their stock drops significantly.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Climate Change Blame. Catastrophists blame everything on 'climate change'; for instance, when shale oil stocks collapsed due to Covid and overinvestment, they claimed it was due to climate change making oil unsustainable.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Real Estate Insights. A real estate firm that's skeptical of 3 ft per 100 years sea level rise projections, and even more skeptical that adaptation will be extremely costly, invites catastrophic blame if its stock falls.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Risk of Lawsuits. If a firm's stock falls and it is viewed as not having properly disclosed related risks, it is vulnerable to shareholder lawsuits and SEC punishment.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Catastrophist Administrations. Businesses deciding what opinions on climate science to disclose know that the SEC today is part of a catastrophist Biden administration that will be inclined to approve of catastrophist opinions and disapprove of non-catastrophist ones.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Biden's SEC Examples. The Biden SEC's examples of 'climate-related risks' involve rapid, exclusively-negative climate changes.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Isolated Climate Risk. SEC Chairman Gary Gensler swears that the SEC isn't looking for any particular opinion, yet singling out 'climate risk' as a subject of disclosure is based on the opinion that climate risk is extremely and uniquely high.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Imposed Climate Opinions. The 'climate-related risks' the SEC now requires companies to disclose are not facts the company has distinct access to but instead opinions about climate science and climate economics.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Disclosure Requirements. The SEC requires companies to disclose certain facts about their plans for the future that are material to investors making assessments of its future prospects.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Misleading Labels. Most critics of the SEC's rules are missing the biggest, most dangerous problem: they're not actually 'climate disclosure rules'... they are anti-fossil-fuel propagandizing and planning rules that violate freedom of speech and endanger our economy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Criticism of SEC Rules. The Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) new rules have gotten many valid criticisms, e.g., they'll force companies to do endless, costly paperwork, which discourages private companies from going public.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

SEC Coercion. He's circumventing the legislative process by having the SEC coerce companies into spouting anti-fossil-fuel propaganda and committing to anti-fossil-fuel plans in the name of 'climate disclosure.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Summary of SEC Actions. The SEC is coercing companies into spouting anti-fossil-fuel propaganda and committing to anti-fossil-fuel plans in the name of 'climate disclosure.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexepstein.substack.com

SEC's Direct Force. The goal of much of the ESG movement was to prod investors and corporations into adopting anti-fossil-fuel plans; now the SEC is using the direct force of government to do the same.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

ESG Movement Impact. From 2011-2021, ESG contributed to oil and gas exploration investments declining 50%, resulting in less investment, less supply, and higher energy prices.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Dangerous Direction. Government dictating business plans in an anti-fossil-fuel direction under the fraudulent pretense of 'climate disclosure' is both deeply anti-American and deeply dangerous.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Government Control. Companies will make 'net zero' plans they don't believe in, meaning government is dictating business plans.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Plan Expectations. The Biden SEC makes it clear that they're not looking for plans that increase fossil fuel use to adapt; instead, their sole suggestion is: commit to reducing emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Complying with Administration. Given that companies are compelled by a catastrophist administration to present a 'transition plan', the kind of plan they will feel compelled to present will obviously be a 'net zero' plan.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Illogical Transition Plans. The very idea of a 'transition plan' is itself a catastrophist idea—that rising CO2 will cause such catastrophic changes that we must undergo a rapid 'energy transition' or else be destroyed.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Transition Plans Coercion. The SEC's 'climate disclosure rules' coerce companies into making 'transition' plans based on climate catastrophism and the Administration's favored 'net zero' policies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Executives' Perspective. Many executives believe that we can master any climate challenges we face from rising CO2, in large part by using machines powered by fossil fuels.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Economic Threats. 'Climate disclosure' rules that coerce companies to propagandize certain climate opinions are also a major threat to our economy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

IEA's Demand Insights. According to IEA, today's 'net zero by 2050' goal would require at least doubling supply of over half a dozen minerals per decade.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Subsidy Limitations. Committing to indefinite subsidies of US critical minerals industries is bad enough on its own, because it means committing to a higher cost of living.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Artificial Demand Issue. The same 'green' movement that cripples domestic development of critical minerals is also trying to mandate rapid scaling of critical-mineral-hungry energy projects before supply chains are ready.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Urgent Policy Reform. We have to recognize that the critical minerals problem can only be solved by fixing the deeper problem: crisis-level restriction of domestic development.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Cobalt Importance. Without a secure supply of cobalt, production of significant portions of high-tech industry and high-performance military equipment are jeopardized.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Green Movement Effects. The root cause of the decline of US mining and processing is the 'green' movement that dominates our industrial policy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Dependence on China. China now has the ability to largely cut off the critical minerals we need both for our economy and for crucial military technologies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

China's Influence. China has strategically chosen to dominate the mining and processing of numerous critical minerals, including the rare earth elements used in LEDs, high-performance metal alloys, and electronics.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Pebble Mine Cancellation. In 2023 our EPA effectively canceled the Pebble Mine project by deciding to withhold a crucial water permit.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Impact of Regulations. Our anti-development policies make both phases [mining and processing] costly or impossible.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Mining Process Delays. Today, it takes more than a decade to open a new mine—if it’s allowed at all.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Policy Recommendations. The right policy toward carbon capture is to stop preferences by eliminating all carbon capture subsidies and allow carbon capture in all emissions reductions programs.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Investor Independence. If we stop giving carbon capture special preferences or punishments, then investors or innovators with genuinely good ideas will be able to pursue them on their own dime.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Need for Flexibility. Any CO2 effort should be focused on cost-effectiveness and be tech-neutral.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Voluntary Efforts. Companies are already pursuing carbon capture to make profits, e.g., by using the captured CO2 to extract oil or as part of their voluntary CO2 reduction efforts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Direct Air Capture. The most costly version of carbon capture is 'direct air capture,' which costs $180 per metric ton due to low concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Cost of Capture. Most forms of carbon capture today are so expensive that they make fossil fuels high-cost, and none are globally scalable.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Subsidy Impact. The IRA's $85/ton for CO2 emissions in exhaust translates to $150 in subsidy for a $30 ton of coal, increasing its total cost to $180.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Refuting Catastrophism. Fossil fuels supporters need to refute catastrophism, above all by arguing that fossil fuels make us safer than ever from climate via climate mastery.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Divisive Support. Carbon capture has been extremely divisive for fossil fuel advocates.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Government Role. Government should eliminate all special preferences and all special punishments for carbon capture.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Empirical Safety Improvement. Empirically, we’re safer than ever from climate disasters.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Historical Context of Nuclear. If you look at where nuclear was at its peak, it’s arguably in the late 60’s when you’re really getting cost-competitive with coal.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Cost-Benefit Reforms. Most people don’t know this, but right now, EPA is literally not allowed to consider the cost of its policies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Nuclear Energy Regulations. I think you have to fundamentally stop treating nuclear as a uniquely dangerous form of energy.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Call for Alternatives. What we really need are alternatives that can be globally cost-competitive, such that China, India, etc., will voluntarily adopt them.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Freedom Concept. The basic idea of energy freedom is that the key to both energy abundance and everything that comes with it, including prosperity here and around the world, is ultimately to be free to produce and use every form of energy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Non-Partisan Advising. I do a lot of advising of people in politics, and it actually has no partisan affiliation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Advocacy for Specificity. One thing I try to do when I advise people is give them solutions, not just vague advice.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Willingness for Radical Ideas. I’ve been surprised at how open people are to more radical ideas if those ideas are explained in detail and have accompanying persuasive arguments.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Fossil Fuels and Safety. Fossil fuels make us safer from dangerous temperatures.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Reporting Priorities. All reporting on the warming of the Earth should specify that humans are far more endangered by cold than by heat.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Need for Energy. Dangerously cold and hot temperatures are by far the most problematic for poor people.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Warming Impact. The warming impact of CO2 diminishes as it increases in concentration.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Local vs Global Temperatures. Given the slow pace of global warming, local temperature changes tend to be much larger than global ones.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Climate Catastrophism. Diminishing warming and a highly livable world with an increasing population are included in future scenarios from the IPCC.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Anti-fossil-fuel Policies. Anti-fossil-fuel policies will increase both cold deaths and heat deaths.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Cold versus Heat. Far more human beings die of cold than of heat.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Cost-effective Energy. Fossil fuels are the only source of low-cost, reliable energy that for the foreseeable future can provide energy to billions.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Temporary Anomaly. Unusually warm temperatures, a temporary anomaly, are no cause for alarm and certainly no cause for adopting anti-fossil-fuel policies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Heat vs Cold. The number one thing that will determine people's safety from cold and heat for decades to come is the availability of cost-effective energy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Temperature Mortality. Deaths from cold outnumber deaths from heat by 5-15 times.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Ineffectiveness of EVs. Today's EVs, despite promises that they would already surpass gasoline vehicles, are not cost-effective for the vast majority of Americans.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Policy Reversal Needed. If the Biden Administration wants to facilitate cost-effective EVs, the number one thing it needs to do is publicly reverse its attack on reliable power plants.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Nuclear Power Potential. In the future, EVs could benefit Americans and significantly reduce emissions if we dramatically increase electricity production using low-cost, reliable, scalable technology—most likely nuclear.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Market Competition. The proper policy toward battery EVs is to let them compete on the open market with gasoline vehicles, natural gas vehicles, hydrogen vehicles, etc.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Dependence on Foreign Supply. Biden's EV mandate will also make us dependent on foreign supply chains due to a crash EV mandate which artificially increases mining and manufacturing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Reliability Crisis. A reliable grid is a foundation of our quality of life.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Electricity Shortages. US power grids are already struggling from retirements of reliable power plant capacity in favor of unreliable solar and wind.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Electricity Demand. Forced electrification of vehicles will exacerbate the problem and make electricity more expensive.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Forced Compliance. The EPA has finalized new pollution standards so restrictive that in order to comply, car manufacturers will have to sell 56% EVs by 2032.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • www.epa.gov

Biden's EV Mandate. Biden's de facto mandate of over 50% EVs by 2032 is a dictatorial attack on the American driver and the US grid.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Importance of Energy. The main way it's viewed as a high stakes issue is not the way in which it's actually high stakes; the high stakes issue is, 'Does the world have cost-effective energy and thus do humans have the opportunity to flourish?'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Evaluation of Fossil Fuels. Whenever you're evaluating a product or technology, you should carefully weigh the benefits and side effects; almost nobody does it with fossil fuels at the highest level.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Mastering Climate. You don’t want to save the climate; you want to master the climate, and fossil fuels have been essential to mastering the climate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Flourishing Population Statistics. Drought-related deaths are down 99% plus, meaning people have a one in 100 chance of dying from drought.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Fossil Fuels Dependency. Scientific discoveries, technological innovations, improved medical care, and improved sanitation have overwhelmingly depended on and will continue to depend on ultra-cost-effective energy production from fossil fuels.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Causal Relationship. The ultra-cost-effective fossil fuel energy emitting the CO2 is literally driving the world's unprecedented, increasing livability.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Livability Stagnation. Each of the metrics of livability—life expectancy, income, population—stagnated at a very low level for thousands of years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Correlation of Metrics. When we look at an actual chart of these metrics of a livable world, we see that these metrics are going up in an unbelievable 'hockey stick' that exactly correlates with fossil fuel use.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Earth's Livability Metrics. The incredible improvement in Earth's livability should be the number one story we talk about when we talk about our relationship to our environment.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Human Flourishing Perspective. The modern environmental movement's core goal is to eliminate human impact on Earth, and humans survive and flourish by impacting Earth.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Support for Unreliable Energy. In addition to their '100% renewable' propaganda, tech giants directly endorsed people and policies who shut down reliable fossil fuel power plants.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Call to Action. Share this article with tech giant CEOs and tell them to publicly apologize for damaging our grid and to commit to energy freedom policies.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Electricity Shortage Choice. America faces a choice. We can either continue our current trajectory, descend into a Third World grid, and become totally inhospitable for AI, or we can adopt energy freedom policies and become a world leader in both AI and electricity.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Need for Change in Policy. It is not enough for tech giants to warn us about the lack of reliable power. They need to take responsibility for their anti-fossil-fuel advocacy that helped cause it.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

AI Demand and Crisis. Given the woeful underpowered grid that AI giants have helped bring about, dramatically rising demand from AI will not only contribute to massive electricity shortages, but it will also destroy a lot of potential for AI to occur in the United States.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Tripling Data Center Demand. Electricity demand from US data centers could triple from 2.5% to 7.5% of our electricity use by 2030, according to Boston Consulting Group.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

AI's Power Demand. To function at its potential, AI requires massive amounts of power. E.g., state-of-the-art data centers can require as much electricity as a large nuclear reactor.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Electricity Shortfalls Risk. Most of North America is at elevated/high risk of electricity shortfalls between 2024-2028.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Statewide Blackouts. Companies' propaganda that solar/wind could rapidly replace fossil fuels has proven false. Statewide blackouts in California (2020) and Texas (2021) were caused by the failure of solar/wind to make up for lack of reliable fossil fuel capacity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Power Crisis Confirmed. Thanks in significant part to tech giants' advocacy, we have now shut down enough reliable power plants to be in a nationwide electricity crisis.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

False Claims by Tech Giants. Tech giants have propagandized against reliable fossil fuel power plants by falsely claiming to be '100% renewable' and implying everyone could do it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Shift from Fossil Fuels. For the last decade, tech giants such as Apple, Microsoft, Meta, and Google have, through dedicated anti-fossil-fuel propaganda and political efforts, promoted the shutdown of reliable fossil fuel power plants in favor of unreliable solar and wind.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Peak Demand Projections. Due in large part to EVs and AI, official 10-year projections for the US have summer and winter peak demand rising by over 79 gigawatts and over 90 gigawatts.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Call to Action. Every American should stand up and fight against EPA's power plant rule and call the White House to repeal it.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • alexepstein.substack.com

Grid Functionalities. The truth is nothing could be worse for climate safety than a dysfunctional grid where we can’t run A/C in the summer and heating in the winter.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Impossible Standards. By mandating that existing coal plants and new natural gas plants meet impossible standards, the EPA is effectively shutting them down.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

GHG Emissions Context. The root cause of EPA’s nihilistic policy is the Administration’s fixation with reducing GHG emissions at all costs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Coal Plant Shutdowns. The EPA is destroying 1/6 of our reliable power and preventing it from being replaced.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Carbon Capture Failure. Even with massive government support, no CCS facility is cost-effectively capturing anywhere close to 90% CO2 emissions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Natural Gas Issues. With EVs and AI set to catapult demand, the rule’s standards also prevent reliable new natural gas plants from being built.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Renewables Reliability. Replacing reliable power with solar and wind at the scale EPA’s rule requires would crater our grid.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Increased Demand. At the same time that demand from data centers is projected to skyrocket in order to power energy-hungry AI, the Administration has pledged to add massive artificial demand through EV mandates.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Grid Crisis. Premature shutdowns of reliable fossil fuel plants without sufficient reliable replacements have plunged our grid into crisis nationwide.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Biden's Administration Goal. The Biden administration's attack on oil and gas mergers on the grounds that this will lower gasoline prices is both wrong and clearly disingenuous.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Negative Effects of Restrictions. Oil and gas mergers do not pose a threat to oil and gas prices, but government actions that restrict or prevent these mergers do.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

US Company Limitations. In practice, in order to increase profits US oil and gas companies cannot cut production; they must lower costs, increase production of assets, and/or invest in new assets.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

OPEC+ Dominance. In the OPEC+ dominated global marketplace for oil and gas, no American oil and gas company is anywhere close to dominating production.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Production Control Narrative. The notion that oil and gas mergers allow companies to engage in 'anticompetitive' schemes to manipulate prices is nonsense.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Impact of Delays. Even if the FTC eventually lets a merger through, a delay alone is harmful.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Second Request Power. The FTC can automatically delay mergers by up to a year or more by submitting a 'Second Request' for more information.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

FTC Investigation Delays. Following a Nov 2021 letter from Biden to FTC Chair Lina Khan asking her to crack down on mergers, the FTC has increasingly delayed and threatened efficiency-increasing oil and gas mergers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • www.nytimes.com

Government Intervention. Despite the seemingly obvious fact that a more efficient and productive American oil and gas industry is better for Americans, the federal government is threatening to stop recent oil and gas mergers and at minimum imposing costly delays.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Security Benefits. The more cheap oil and gas we produce in America, the more we get energy security for us and our allies, the more domestic prosperity we have, and the more job opportunities we have.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Profitability and Security. While critics of mergers decry oil profits, the profitability of oil and gas mergers is what makes them good for America.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Production Efficiency. When companies merge it means their leaders believe the combined company will produce oil from existing deposits more cheaply and/or in greater quantities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Call to Action. Biden should direct the FTC to stop all anti-oil-and-gas-merger activity.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Industry Consolidation. Many top American oil and gas companies have sought mergers and acquisitions in the last year to become more efficient and profitable.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Domestic Production Impact. The last few years should have made clear that our prosperity and security depend on having robust domestic oil and gas production.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Mergers and Costs. Oil and gas mergers are good for America because they increase domestic production, which makes oil cheaper and increases our national security.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Biden's Anti-Oil Actions. While Biden has been in office, his administration has relentlessly attacked oil investment, oil production, and oil transport—leading to higher prices and lower security.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • twitter.com

Gasoline Price Impact. Biden's 'net zero' plans require gasoline to be illegal or unaffordably expensive. Illustrating this, EPA set the 'social cost of carbon' to $190/ton, which, if implemented as a carbon tax, would make gasoline ~$1.50/gal more expensive.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Biden's Energy Agenda. When Biden takes action after action to make sure gasoline prices increase for the sake of 'net zero' and then loudly claims to be for low prices, he is lying.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Politicians' Awareness. Politicians who are against oil and gas production, investment, and transport are necessarily for high gasoline prices—and they know it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Biden's Gas Price Claims. Biden's claim that he released 1 billion barrels of gasoline to 'lower prices at the pump' is his latest attempt to convince Americans he's trying to lower gasoline prices. But in fact, he’s doing his utmost to raise prices.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Student Engagement. This April, I came back for a third session, this time with some of the Institute’s D.C.-based public policy students.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Nuclear Energy Potential. The basic reason is, nuclear is dealing with something that is far, far more dense than fossil fuels.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Fossil Fuels and Poverty. The wealthy world’s use of fossil fuels has been unbelievably beneficial to the poor world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Benefits of Fossil Fuels. As we’ve used more fossil fuels, put more CO2 in the atmosphere, the death rate from climate-related disasters has plummeted by a factor of 50.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Climate Mastery Benefits. When you look at fossil fuels and, say, climate—there are other side effects, but climate is the one people are most concerned about—you have to look at a couple of things.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Philosophical Perspective. The primary goal is what I call 'advancing human flourishing on Earth.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Future Fossil Fuel Usage. If you look at estimates of how much fossil fuel we have in the ground in one form or another, it’s at least 10 times more oil, 10 times more coal, 10 times more gas than we’ve used in the entire history of civilization.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Depletion Perspective. The real fear is running out of freedom and that causes you to run out of everything.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Nuclear Vision. I want a world where nuclear is providing cheap electricity and cheap industrial heat and cheap kinds of transportation, and I’m fighting for that world—but we are nowhere near that world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Energy Freedom. So the solution is to liberate anything to become cost-effective.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Cultural Shift. If you look at the trajectory of how people view industry, starting in the late sixties, you start to have a very downward trajectory.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Tech Companies' Consumption. It’s very important that the fossil fuel industry stress its superior cost-effectiveness and scalability.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Need for Communication. What I do more directly for them and for politicians is I try to make it a lot easier to make the arguments by breaking down all the arguments and referencing them all—and these what I call energy talking points.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points • EnergyTalkingPoints.com

Cost of Reliability. The issue is: with electricity, the cost of electricity is the cost of reliable electricity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Environmental Ownership. The anti-capitalist movement has been good at owning the issue of a good environment.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Energy Talking Points •

Hypergamy Noted. The phenomenon is hypergamy.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Sociological Contributions. This series is intended to contribute sociological relevance and might help all the lonely people.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Dating Series Planned. I’ve been toying with doing an occasional series of my observations on dating for some time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

User Engagement. Feel free to add your tips and hacks in the comments.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

AMA Enjoyment. Today&#8217;s AMA is one I always love answering.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Video Show and Tell. I do a show and tell for this one, so the video version makes sense.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Read More Link. Read more.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Exact Question. So the exact question was&#8230;.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Recurring Topics. A number of subjects and specific news items covered recently popped up in the news again.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Personal Experience. I felt compelled to share this compromisingly intimate video of how and where I slept when I visited a friend in Biarritz.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Encouragement for Sharing. I think there are a lot of folk out there looking for better explanations, desperately wanting to be held by an attuned community.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Support Mechanisms. Becoming a paid subscriber helps me out a lot. The subscriptions pay me a living wage, so I can produce the book.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Challenging the Status Quo. Doing things differently, outside of the status quo, felt fitting. I'm aware I'm bucking the system a bit doing things this way.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

New Publishing Opportunities. The boon is that a publisher may well come along and decide to package the series as a physical book.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Historical Context. Serialisation also has a long history - Tolstoy's War and Peace, Dickens' Tale of Two Cities were serialised in magazines.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Serialisation Rationale. The book needed to land immediately. We are 'in' what I write about. Shit has hit fans and a lot of us are needing the bold, honest conversation now.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Paid Community Experience. However the project is a paid community experience. The conversation threads are super intimate and require good, solid enrolment.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Writing Workshop Format. The project also serves as a writing workshop, whereby I share my process as we go.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Focus on Human Life. But mostly it maps out how the hell a tender soul is to actually live a beautiful, human(e) life amidst it all.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Book Topic Overview. The book is about collapse. That is, how the complex systems that make up our civilisation - the economic, energy, climate, population, democratic and sense-making systems - are out of whack, wobbling or already in collapse.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Focus on Hope. We kick straight into the book with a deep and nourishing discussion about hope.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Book Publishing Method. I am currently serializing my next book, chapter by chapter.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Theme of the Book. It&#8217;s about how to live fully and beautifully in a collapsing world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Menopause Expert. Dr Louise Newson is regarded as one of the world’s leading menopause and perimenopause experts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Community Engagement. The audience is encouraged to leave questions in the comments as someone in the subscriber community may have answers.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

HRT Terminology in Australia. In Australia, HRT is referred to as MHT (Menopausal Hormone Therapy) to shift stigma and move away from deficit-framing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Podcasts on Menopause. A podcast episode titled 'DR LOUISE NEWSON: A wild chat about menopause' features discussions on the politics and challenges of menopause.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • podcasts.apple.com

Gender Themes. There were a bunch of reads this week that I felt you all might be interested in.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Male-Female Discussion. I can at times go heavy on the male-female stuff, and on the persistent issues.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Longterm Plans. Here's the post where I explain why, and how, I’m producing this book in this manner, and what my longterm plans for ...

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Chapter Release Format. One chapter at a time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Book Serialization. I am serialising my next book about collapse, and how to live in, and through, the madnesses and sadnesses.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Flexible Session Use. You can use the time as you see fit.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Appointment Availability. I will only be offering a couple of slots per month so, I dunno, get in fast.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • calendly.com

Chapter Access. This chapter is free to everybody.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Paid Subscriber Model. Going forward, the project will be available to the 'enrolled' paid subscriber community only.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Book Serialization. Sarah Wilson is serializing her next book about collapse on Substack, one chapter at a time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Catch-Up Links. Readers can catch up on the other chapters all in one spot.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Helpful TikTok and IG Influencers. There are a bunch of TikTokers and IGers who actually provided helpful insights for singles and folk trapped in the dating app vortex.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Algorithm Challenges. This article explains how the algorithms make things super dire.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • www.nytimes.com

Financial Decline of Dating Apps. Here are the details of the financial decline of the apps, should any of us care.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • www.nytimes.com

Cultural Comparison. She breaks down late-Capitalism choice optimising v tragic and mysterious fate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • aeon.co

Spiritual Seduction Techniques. A generation of spiritual fuck-boys has been raised on eye-gazing techniques to cultivate the surface appearance of spiritual depth and authenticity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Non-Committal Actions. Now we send non-committal 'free kisses' to each other, hoping the other will take the lead and buy some stamps or make the first concrete, move out into the non-virtual.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Men's Behavior Insights. About men, I learned this: they like to hold fish up high in the air, go to a lot of events on boats toting bottles of boutique beer.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Recent Changes. I’ve just - as in, three weeks ago - come off the damn things and this entailed having a good hard look at myself and the whole system.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Dating Apps Experience. I have been on 'the apps' for 14 solid years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Civilisation Lifespan. The lifespan of a complex civilisation is, on average, 336 years. Our sophisticated, complex society is roughly 270 years old.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cultural Decadence. According to William Ophuls, the dangerously decadent sixth stage is characterised by behaviours and vibes that you might find frighteningly familiar as a person wandering around the planet today.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Complexity Consequences. The very complexity that saw these societies become prosperous and powerful prevented them from coping with said calamity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Civilisation Collapse. In the past 5,000 years there have existed dozens of complex civilisations. Every one of them collapsed because they became too complex.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cognitive Relief. We have accepted we have to let go of hope, this creates a profound sense of cognitive relief in many of us.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Global Interdependence. Unlike previous collapsing civilisations, which were reasonably isolated and could thus be fled or subsumed into another nearby society, ours is global.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Understanding Collapse. For those of us feeling the dissonance, whose souls know the centre can no longer hold, we absolutely need to understand what's happening.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Research and Doubt. I share this self-conscious pre-amble... because I figure many of you are doubting your own sanity as the truth increasingly takes the place of hope.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Planetary Boundaries. We’ve also smashed through the bulk of the planetary boundaries, including the atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, biosphere integrity and land use boundaries.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Overshoot Consumption. We consume natural resources at a rate that exceeds Earth’s regenerative capacity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Climate Collapse. Much of the world is already in climate, or ecological, collapse.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Relief in Limits. Gaya added that she often finds this truth brings 'a sense of relaxation' to many, especially young people.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Projected Collapse. Collapse will be forced on us, as the projections show it’s now too late for us to heroically slow the growth trajectory ourselves.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Limits to Growth. The report warned that if we continued business as usual (BAU), we would hit the planet’s limit to hold us all in its spinning embrace, in, oh, about the mid 2020s.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cost of Extraction. The extraction of these resources has become more and more costly as we use more energy to dig deeper to extract them.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Energy Transition Costs. We literally can’t afford the fossil fuels to make the renewable energy transition happen in time.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Societal Complexity. Joseph Tainter argues that collapse happens when societies become too complex to fix the problems that the complexity creates.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Accounting Error. It’s this: Fossil fuels have never been properly priced.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Economic Collapse Warning. In much of the Western world we will likely be hit by an economic collapse first, caused by trying to fix this energy problem.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Resource Overshoot. The latest modelling suggests resources and energy overshoot will happen between now and 2030.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • www.researchgate.net

Finite Ecosystem Limits. The thing with exponential growth in a finite vessel, such as an ecosphere, is that it’s difficult to spot when the game’s up.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Exponential Growth. Nations and societies within the civilisation become prosperous by consuming stuff at an exponential rate, using exponential amounts of fossil-fueled energy and resources.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Collapse Systems. A massive truth we have to get real about is that there are a bunch of systems in collapse…and climate collapse is only one such.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Parenting Challenge. The question - How to parent in the face of collapse? - comes up often and was highlighted in a particularly moving thread that spoke to the concerns of many parents.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Callie's Fear. Callie expressed that a sense of relief can come from understanding the situation, but thinking about her kids causes a desperate terror to bloom in her chest.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • substack.com

Donna's Reality. Donna shared that her 19 year old studying animal science faced the hard truth that she won't be working on conservation initiatives, but documenting mass extinction.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • substack.com

Emotional Disconnection. While we might be able to accept collapse on one level when we reflect on the kids in our lives, an incredible emotional dissonance kicks in.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Anya's Expertise. Anya Kamenetz is a parent and climate activist, a former NPR journalist who has written five books loosely related to the mental health of young people in the face of difficulty.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • thegoldenhour.substack.com

Legacy of Action. Martin Luther famously said that if he knew the world was going to end tomorrow, he would plant a tree.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Spiritual Necessity. What if spiritual awakening is no longer a curiosity that we toy with, but where we will be taken?

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Kindness and Happiness. We ultimately ache to downgrade our own self-importance and to release our inward obsession with finding our own happiness, and to instead give to others.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Meaning of Action. In final wash-ups, when we’re stripped bare, how do you want to go down, what sort of person do you want to be looking at in the mirror?

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Climate Awareness. Anthony, an old rich man from London, declared he might have to sell his beloved boat due to the climate catastrophe.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Kindness in the Brain. Kindness opens up certain neural pathways in the prefrontal cortex that creates an expansiveness that we experience as a profound sense of peace and belonging.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sph.brown.edu

Service to Others. Invariably the answer I get back from them is a version of being of service to others, of dropping our addiction to ourselves.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Book Purpose. This book is about how to live in a collapsing civilisation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Harnessing the Crisis. To experience a crisis is to inhabit a world that is temporarily up for grabs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Historical Context. Karl Jaspers singled out the volatile 'in-between time' in history from about the 8th to the 3rd century BCE and called it the 'axial age'.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Crises as Opportunity. The Chinese word for 'crisis' - wei ji - also means 'opportunity'.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Current Liminality. We are between an old world, or an old 'normal', that is dying, and a new world that’s yet to become.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Cultural Loss. Many Indigenous cultures have managed to hold onto these rituals, but most other societies abandoned theirs over decades of progressive de-collectivism.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Liminality Definition. Liminality describes a time or a space between two things and stems from the Greek for threshold.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Liminal Experiences. I was also partway into writing this book. And entering peri-menopause.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Interview Suggestion. I’d love you all to listen to this episode of Wild.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • podcasts.apple.com

Upcoming Break. I’m taking a few weeks off from posting book serialisation chapters.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Finding Inner Strength. In the depth of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Happiness Without Hope. Camus’ answer is that the paradox itself forces us into a truly authentic happiness, a 'happiness without hope'.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Existential Reflection. Camus argued life was absurd: it has no intrinsic meaning and yet we still, doggedly, choose to live.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Trump's Assassination Attempt. US commentators insist on claiming the Trump assassination attempt is un-American.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Absurdity Observation. I’m observing, however, every pundit, influencer, podcaster and person over a back fence insisting on summing it up and then squabbling over everyone else’s summation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Liminal Times Discussion. I feel it feeds on from Wednesday’s Book Serialisation instalment about how humans cope in liminal times.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious • sarahwilson.substack.com

Ego Boost. It has been perfect for my ego. Mine responds well to humbling shoves and deflations.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Advanced Class Challenge. I found myself in the Advanced class. I have floundered.

insight • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Language Course Experience. I’ve been in an intensive French language course on the Cote d’Azur for two weeks.

data point • 1 month ago • Via This is Precious •

Ecosia's Impact. For the last 15 years, Ecosia has provided a search engine that uses the ad revenue it generates from your searches to plant trees.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.ecosia.org

Regulation Shortcomings. While a positive step, this rule falls significantly short of what’s needed.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

SEC Regulations. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission last week voted 3-2 to approve new rules that tell public companies what they must disclose about their carbon emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nytimes.com

Excess Heat Potential. Excess heat has enormous potential: one study last year found that excess industrial heat in Europe, if properly harnessed, could heat and cool every home and business on the continent.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.theguardian.com

Utilizing Heat. Leftover heat from a paper factory is now heating some 615,000 square feet of apartments and office space in Ottawa-Gatineau.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.cbc.ca

Energy Waste. Did you know that more than 60 percent of the energy we produce gets wasted as heat?

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.sciencedirect.com

Tree Planting Stats. Ecosia estimates it takes around 45 searches to pay to plant one tree, and by January 2024, the company has planted 200 million trees in over 30 countries.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

EU Adoption. Starting just last week, Chrome and Safari users in the EU are now asked if they want to choose to use Ecosia as their primary search engine.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Global Participation. You don’t have to be in the EU to use Ecosia; it’s available everywhere around the world, including China.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.quertime.com

Banana Climate Impact. In a warmer world, bananas - the world’s most exported fruit - will be harder to grow and the pathogens that plague them will become more widespread.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.bbc.com

eWolf's Emissions Reduction. The tugboat was built by Crowley Shipping in Jacksonville, Florida, and over a ten-year period is estimated to reduce the port's carbon emissions by about 3,100 tons.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

First Electric Tugboat. The Port of San Diego's first fully-electric tugboat just arrived.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.sandiegouniontribune.com

Tugboat Emissions. Tugboats produce an estimated 40 million tons of carbon pollution a year, and 6 million tons of those emissions come from the US.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • theliquidgrid.com

Engaging Local Communities. Cagle and others have used the cards to engage people at their local farmer's market about climate and they're handing out yard signs too.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Climate Conversations Card Deck. The 'Climate Conversations' card deck helps walk people through a 4-stage conversation about feelings and attitudes related to climate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • climateconversationslex.weebly.com

Higher Banana Prices. Higher prices 'will help those countries that grow our bananas to prepare for climate change, to put mitigation in place, to look after soils, to pay their workers a higher wage,' says Dan Bebber, a biosciences professor at Exeter.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.cbsnews.com

Anime for Education. The winners, Young Park and Nak Yong Choi, proposed an anime-style video featuring a rebellious space prince who embarks on an epic intergalactic adventure and learns essential climate lessons.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Online Panels Available. The very best part about the Aspen Ideas Festival is these panels are now all available for viewing online!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.aspenideas.org

Educate and Share. One of the most important things each of us can do is to educate ourselves and share what we learn with people we know.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Climate Insurance Bubble. Experts are already warning that Florida could face a looming 'climate insurance bubble.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Vulnerable Miami. Miami Beach is one of the most vulnerable to climate change of any in the United States.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Sea Level Rise. Sea levels have already risen around 9 inches since the 1930s.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Miami Heat Officer. Jane Gilbert, the chief heat officer for Miami-Dade County, focuses on helping her community build resiliency to Florida's increasingly scorching summers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Future Climate Leaders. I spoke to a roomful of under-30 Future Climate Leaders including Shiva Rajbhandari who campaigned for and won a seat on his own school board while finishing high school himself.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Join Climate Groups. One of the most effective things we can do as an individual is to join a climate action group.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • dontlookup.count-us-in.com

Climate Inequity. We talked about how climate change affects us all, but it doesn't affect us all equally.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Event Participation. I managed to pack in 24 meetings and events while I was there.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Produce from Restoration. A one-acre garden located in a former coal mine in Freestone County, Texas has produced more than 10,000 pounds of produce since the first harvest in 2022.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.texastribune.org

Children's Book. Last year, he published his first book, Plants to the Rescue!, a non-fiction children's book about how plants and cutting-edge advances in plant science can help us fight climate change, pollution, and hunger.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • neonsquidbooks.com

Educational Podcast. Vikram also has a podcast about plants and people in the green sciences, called Planthropology, which I was a guest on last month.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • planthropologypodcast.com

TikTok Popularity. Vikram is also known as 'The Plant Prof' on TikTok, where he's racked up over a million and a half likes for his funny and quirky videos on all things plants.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.tiktok.com

Grassland Loss. Only 38 percent of North America's native grasslands remain today.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.usgs.gov

Unprotected Prairie. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, some 93 percent of remaining prairie is unprotected and at risk of conversion.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.fws.gov

Community Involvement. Don’t have the space or bandwidth for your own garden at home? You can find other ways to get involved with your community and its natural resources.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Urban Green Spaces. One fun and approachable way to improve access to education about plants, nature, and how they help us deal with climate change is the implementation of public urban green space.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Prairie Ecosystems. Prairies are some of the most important, delicate, and complex ecosystems on our planet.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Food Insecurity and Climate. Food insecurity is part of the climate crisis that often gets too little press.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Miyawaki Forest Design. People are planting tiny forests full of native plants on plots of land as small as a tennis court, based on principles developed in the 1970s by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Shelter Crisis. The Humane Society of America already likens each kitten season to a natural disaster due to the population explosion.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Climate Change Impact. Milder winters and earlier springtime are likely responsible for the changing kitten seasons, as they allow last year's kittens to survive in larger numbers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Biodiversity Threat. As kitten seasons stretch longer, this leads to more kittens for already overloaded shelters and more threats to biodiversity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Kitten Season Issues. Feral cats are typically most fertile when it's warm out, and unfortunately, each year kitten season seems to be starting earlier and ending later.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Project Expansion. Over 3000 projects around the world have already been created using Miyawaki's methods, including six mini forests planted in Canada last year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.creatingtomorrowsforests.co.uk

Urban Benefits. Greening urban areas carries a host of benefits, including cooling their surrounding area, filtering pollution, soaking up floodwaters, and providing a habitat for local wildlife.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Growth Efficiency. By densely planting these small plots with native trees and shrubs, nearly a century's worth of growth can be achieved in just a few decades.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Faith and Action. God commands us to love - to have compassion for other people - and that should motivate us to care about climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • religionunplugged.com

YECA Growth. Today, there are thousands of under-30s working on campuses and in churches across the U.S., helping shift the conversation on climate change to hopeful action.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • yecaction.org

Youth Climate Concern. Young people across the world, and in the United States, are generally more concerned about climate change, including young evangelicals.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.pewresearch.org

Climate Change Action. The reason we are planting the Miyawaki forests and using the Miyawaki method is to address climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Geothermal Potential. Texas is also becoming 'an early hot spot for geothermal energy exploration.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.texastribune.org

Wildfire Frequency. Last year was Canada’s worst wildfire season on record, and as of February over 100 of the fires were still burning.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.cbc.ca

Upcoming Events. Saving Us and Creation Care hosted by the Episcopal Diocese of South Virginia - virtual, registration required.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • us06web.zoom.us

Transformative Action. They recommend starting by reaching out to your elected officials and telling them you support transformative climate action.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Communication Gap. We’re worried, we know, and some of our friends are – yet we assume nobody else is, because we’re not talking about it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Climate Concerns. A majority of people across the world are worried about climate change, and two-thirds of Americans say they are worried and support climate action.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • ourworldindata.org

Elected Official Awareness. YPCCC studies confirm that elected officials consistently underestimate their own constituents' levels of concern over climate change and support for climate action.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Small Forests Growth. Previously, I reported 10 tiny forests across Canada. Thanks to Michelle Oram, we now know that in the greater Waterloo region alone, just west of Toronto, there were 10 new microforests planted last year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.sustainablewaterlooregion.ca

Forest Planting. I was one of the 300 volunteers who helped plant over 1,500 indigenous trees and shrubs on a previously biologically barren patch of grass.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Awe of Nature. It reminded me how powerfully nature can affect us… similar to the effect of the mini-forests discussed in last week’s newsletter.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Texas Eclipse. Where we live in Texas, we were fortunate enough to be right in the path of totality for over three minutes during the eclipse.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Climate Conversations Goal. Citizen's Climate Lobby has a goal of 25,000 climate conversations to break the silence about climate change and pave the way for action.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • community.citizensclimate.org

Urgency of Action. The solution is clear: swift action must occur at all levels to reduce fossil fuel use.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Coral Bleaching Event. The Earth is suffering its fourth global coral bleaching event in three decades.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Celebrate Progress. These wins must also be celebrated, as there is a measurable difference between a pre- and post-Paris world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Warming Projections. Before the Paris Agreement, the world was forecast to warm by up to 5 degrees C (9F). Now, that number has been dialed back to 2.7 degrees thanks to already enacted government policies around the world.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Electric Vehicle Growth. Just 10 years ago, 0.7% of cars sold around the world were electric vehicles. Today, 20% are.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Everyday Earth Day. Every day should be an opportunity to celebrate and be good stewards of our home.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Current Conversations Count. As of today, volunteers have racked up at least 17,760 conversations.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Promote Discussions. They’re using my head-heart-hands template: help people connect what they know to why they care and what they can do about it.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Cheaper Renewables. Onshore wind and solar are cheaper to build than new fossil fuel plants.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

EU Emissions Decline. Carbon emissions in the European Union have fallen to their lowest level in 60 years!

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • energyandcleanair.org

Shared Perspectives. Despite our differences in backgrounds and perspectives, we are united in our perspectives on climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Joining Groups. Joining a group can empower you and magnify your efforts; whatever your specific interests, there's a climate action group out there for you.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Community Engagement. Striving away from isolationism is the best thing you can do in the climate movement.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Collaboration for Impact. Make an effort to meet other people who are actively working on climate solutions; we thrive when we connect and collaborate in community with one another.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Misinformation in Education. PragerU, named after its founder, radio show host Dennis Prager, was established to 'change minds through digital information' and is not affiliated with any actual educational institution.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Educational Concerns. The Florida Department of Education has approved the use of so-called 'educational' videos developed by the Prager University Foundation in schools.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Obstruction from Fossil Fuels. Many companies continue to promote 'discourses of delay,' as this article explains, including creating the appearance of investing in low-carbon solutions while, in reality, the industry expands fossil fuel production.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.americanprogress.org

Systemic Change Needs. To turn this decline into a global trend, a new report from the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit says, we need four things.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • eciu.net

Effective Communication. I often find myself shouting 'YES!' before sharing his posts because he's one hundred percent committed to being as effective and authentic as possible in communicating both the risks and injustices of climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Climate Change Connection. One of my favorite aspects of social media is its ability to connect us with people who not only share our concerns—like climate change—but also inspire us with fresh perspectives and ideas.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Biodiversity and Lawn Care. Planting a pollinator-friendly lawn supports biodiversity, but it also helps the climate too.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Understanding Heatwaves. It may be the far more numerous unremarkably hot days that cause the bulk of societal destruction, writes Jisung Park, an environmental and labor economist at the University of Pennsylvania.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nytimes.com

Slow Mow Summer. A recent study found that letting your grass grow longer attracts anywhere between 18 to 93 percent more butterflies to your yard.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.theguardian.com

Ulkatcho Solar Farm. The Ulkatcho First Nation in central British Columbia plans to build what officials have dubbed "the largest off-grid solar farm" in Canada.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.cbc.ca

Wildfire Smoke Impact. A new study shows that wildfire smoke could kill as many as 30,000 additional people a year in the U.S. by 2050.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • eartharxiv.org

Significant Diesel Reduction. The 30-acre solar farm will provide 64 percent of the community's electricity, allowing the community to cut their diesel use by more than a million litres each year!

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • vancouversun.com

Children at Risk. Around 243 million children are exposed to hotter and longer heatwaves, putting them at risk of a multitude of heat-related illnesses, and even death.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com

School Disruptions. In the Philippines, school was canceled at 47,000 public schools for two days last week due to extreme heat.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com

Community Support Actions. Local and online climate cafés are popping up that facilitate open discussions about the climate crisis and the emotions tied to living in this moment.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com

Hope for Innovation. I hope more sand batteries are built around the globe to find practical ways to store energy from renewable sources when the wind isn't blowing and the sun isn't shining.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Energy Storage Innovation. The tiny southern town of Pornainen, Finland is getting a 1-megawatt sand battery capable of storing up to 100 MW-hours of thermal energy for months at a time, entirely weaning the town off oil.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com

Global Heat Records. Temperature records have been falling like dominoes across Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam, with Maximiliano Herrera stating it's 'by far the most extreme event in world climatic history.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com

Impact of Individuals. Goodall stated, 'Just remember, cumulatively we can change the world!' highlighting the power of individual actions to impact environmental issues.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Jane Goodall's Message. Famed primatologist Jane Goodall opened the festival with a rousing keynote address titled 'Reason for Hope' emphasizing our planet's fragility and the need to protect it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Coal Phase-Out. Slovakia last month phased out its last coal-fired power plant, the Vojany power station, pushing forward the deadline from the end of the decade to 2024.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Festival Focus. This year, the festival was titled 'The Future Of Our Home Planet' and included talks by Ukrainian climate scientist Svitlana Krakovska, paleoclimatologist Mo Raymo, and marine biologist Sylvia Earle.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Compulsory Climate Education. The University of Barcelona will administer a compulsory course on the physical and social effects of the climate crisis, becoming one of the first institutions to do so.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Nuclear Challenges. Fusion is a zero-carbon source of electricity that produces no long-term radioactive waste, but it is still decades away from practical implementation due to multiple setbacks.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Climate Curriculum Advocacy. Advocate for more climate change to be included in science curriculum in local schools to educate the next generation about climate issues.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Call for Action. Raising your voice is particularly important in U.S. states like Texas and Florida, where officials are making it difficult to learn about climate change.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Fusion Realities. According to Pietro Barabaschi, director general of ITER, fusion energy is not expected to fuel the world 'in my lifetime', indicating a significant delay in its large-scale implementation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Global CO2 Contribution. The US has gone from emitting around 20 percent of the global total of CO2 annually in 2000 to less than 12 percent of the global total in 2023.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Historical Comparison. US emissions are now down 20 percent from the all-time high in 2007, according to the EIA.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Emission Reduction. Last year, the US economy grew by 2.5 percent while the total carbon emissions decreased by 2-3 percent, according to the US Energy Information Administration.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

US Emissions Drop. US carbon emissions dropped last year at the same time that the economy grew.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Firsthand Experience. Joellen is experiencing first-hand how climate change affects the people we most love, and that’s a big part of what powers her fight against climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Climate Advocacy. Joellen Russell is a founding member of Science Moms, a group of nonpartisan climate scientists and mothers who are working to give our children the planet they deserve.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • sciencemoms.com

‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’. The classic ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ is still true. Buy less, buy used, and give it away when you are done.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Lifestyle Changes. Whenever you need to replace or upgrade a polluting product, make sure you buy a clean one to replace it.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Ocean Monitoring. Monitoring and simulating the ocean and its role in the climate is the key to helping humanity bend our carbon curve toward a more sustainable future.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

CarbonWatch Initiative. CarbonWatch-NZ is the first project to completely quantify an entire country’s carbon budget including the carbon stored in and exchanged between its air, land, vegetation, urban areas, industry and farms.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Need for Measurement. This means we have a compelling need to MEASURE each country’s carbon emissions, to quantify their impact on global warming, in order to make the changes needed to save our kids’ summers outdoors.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Personal Safety Tips. First, take this risk seriously. Even if you’ve lived in the same place for a long time, it doesn’t feel the same any more thanks to climate change.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Check on Vulnerable. Check on anyone you know who might be vulnerable, making sure they are okay and that they have a cool place to be.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Stay Hydrated. If you have to be outside, especially if you’re working outdoors, stay hydrated, wear a hat, and take as many breaks as you can.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Raising Awareness. To raise awareness of heat risks, they designated June 2 as Global Heat Action Day.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.ifrc.org

Protection from Landlords. A new law was signed preventing landlords from denying tenants the right to install an air conditioner or other cooling measures.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Legislative Success. Their proposed bill passed unanimously through committee, unanimously in the Arizona state house, and unanimously in the state senate.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Community Engagement. This is an inspiring example of what can happen when you work on the issues that come from the community with the community.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Extreme Heat Increase. Last year alone, climate change was responsible for an average of 26 additional days of extreme heat.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Heat Death Vulnerability. Though mobile homes account for 5 percent of housing in Maricopa County, they were responsible for 39 percent of indoor heat deaths at the start of her study in 2019.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Claudia Sheinbaum's Election. Claudia Sheinbaum was elected as Mexico's first female president, but has a patchy record on environmental and climate issues.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • insideclimatenews.org

Women Leaders and Climate Action. Research consistently shows women leaders are more likely to support climate action, clean energy, and sustainability.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.unwomen.org

Climatic Leadership in Iceland. Iceland elected Halla Tomasdottir as a climate leader, known for advocating for 'economic systems change and new corporate norms.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.linkedin.com

Vulnerability of Elderly. Heat disproportionately affects elderly people; older adults 'don't sense heat the same way' and have a less efficient cooling system.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.bloomberg.com

Heat Risk Forecast. The US National Weather Service introduced a new Heat Risk forecast map showing where people will face dangerous levels of heat.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov

Funding Renewable Energy. During her campaign, Claudia Sheinbaum called for investing $13 billion into renewable energy.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • thehill.com

Rising Coastal Risks. Between 1970 and 2022, the number of people over 65 living in coastal counties rose 159 percent.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Impacts of Flooding on Seniors. Minor flooding may be particularly severe for older people, making access to food, medical care, and medicine more challenging.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Newsletter Recommendations. I recommend signing up for another newsletter to expand your climate news, as there are many good ones available.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Spotlighting Climate Coach. Climate Coach by Michael J. Coren investigates what we can do about climate change with 'curiosity, optimism — and vigilant skepticism.'

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.washingtonpost.com

Advertising Ban. Edinburgh has banned advertisements for airlines, SUVs, cruise lines, and oil companies that undermine commitments to tackling the climate emergency.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.forbes.com

Vermont's Fossil Fuel Law. Vermont has passed a new law that will force fossil fuel companies to pay for climate-related damage, becoming the first such law in the US.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • apnews.com

New Climate Leaders. Meteorologist Sakis Arnaoutoglou was just elected to Greece's delegation to the EU Parliament, and atmospheric scientist ChiMing Peng will be the new minister of environment in Taiwan, emphasizing priorities like climate change and net-zero transitions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • in-cyprus.philenews.com

Work-Week Reduction. The 2012 study indicated a 10 percent drop in work hours led to an 8.6 percent drop in carbon emissions, suggesting a reduced workweek should be part of climate discourse.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.bbc.com

Four-Day Workweek Benefits. A recent study found that a four-day workweek could lead to a 21 percent reduction in miles driven and significant improvements in productivity and well-being.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • davidsuzuki.org

Tree Planting Solution. Planting 1.2 billion new trees could neutralize health disparities caused by lack of green space and also reduce power demand equivalent to that of 150,000 homes.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Urban Heat Disparity. Lower-income neighborhoods are significantly hotter during heatwaves due to a lack of green space and tree cover, leading to hundreds more deaths and 30,000 more doctors' visits in communities predominantly inhabited by people of color.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Fossil Fuel Advertising Call. UN Secretary General António Guterres called for a ban on fossil fuel advertising, highlighting that one in five premature deaths worldwide result from air pollution caused by fossil fuels.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.bbc.com

Climate Awareness Project. The Climate Stairs want to raise awareness on this social challenge.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.klimatreppe.ch

Creative Climate Conversations. What do all of these things have in common? They open the door to a conversation about climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Public Engagement Through Action. Show off your stripes! Find your local stripes here, download the graphics, and share them on social media.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • showyourstripes.info

Urgent Climate Message. These stripes are a powerful reminder of the risks we’re running, and the urgent need to address them today.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Promoting Climate Change. Envision Racing partnered with Ed to feature warming stripes on the team’s car and kit to promote their 'Race Against Climate Change' program.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.fiaformulae.com

Increased Participation. This year, even more people are getting on board.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Record-Breaking Year. Unfortunately, he had to add another dark red line after 2023, yet another record-breaking year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Warming Stripes Significance. The warming stripes show how temperature has changed over time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Renewable Energy Growth. Renewables generated a full 30 percent of electricity worldwide last year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • ember-climate.org

Mental Health Impact. Psychologists say extreme heat makes people 'more frustrated and stressed and exacerbates existing mental health conditions.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.usatoday.com

Heat Advisory in the U.S.. In the U.S., a third of the population remains under an extreme heat advisory which scientists have determined is 35 times more likely because of climate change.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • apnews.com

Tourist Disappearances. In Greece, scientists now suspect extreme heat is responsible for a growing number of tourist disappearances and deaths.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.cnn.com

Extreme Heat Deaths. Last week, temperatures exceeding 51C (124F) killed over a thousand Muslims on pilgrimage to Mecca.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.cbsnews.com

Urgent Climate Action Needed. While awareness of climate change has increased, actions to safeguard the lives of those at most risk have barely scratched the surface of what’s needed.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Emergency Communication Plan. Make a plan to communicate with family members during an emergency.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Practical Safety Steps. Ready.gov has a handy, 12-page PDF that walks you through all the steps to prepare for hurricanes and other disasters.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.ready.gov

Hurricane Preparedness. NOAA is predicting 'above-normal hurricane activity' with between 17 to 25 named storms this season.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Premature Births Due to Pollution. Over a third of premature births across the planet can be attributed to the mother's exposure to particulate pollution from fossil fuels.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Economic Benefits of Renewal. Researchers found the increase in wind and solar generation from 2019 to 2022 generated $250 billion in climate and air quality benefits in the U.S. alone.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Solar Growth in Texas. In Texas, solar also outpaced coal for the first time ever this March.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

China's Renewable Leadership. China led the way, accounting for 51 percent of new solar and 60 percent of new wind worldwide in 2023.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Carbon-Free Electricity. When you add in nuclear power, the amount of electricity from carbon-free sources jumps to 40 percent globally.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Children Vulnerable to Heat. Heatwaves disproportionately impact children; babies and younger children have difficulty regulating their core body temperature.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.climatecentral.org

Securing Homes. Think about how to secure your home during a storm by trimming trees and making your home more flood-resistant.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Community Involvement. Parents can get involved in calling for similar changes too, whether through a parent-teacher association or by attending local school board meetings.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Call to Action. Human Rights Watch's Michael Page called on Saudi Arabia to do more to mitigate the heat risk for next year's Hajj, which will also take place in the summer.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.hrw.org

Hajj Heat Casualties. Last week, more than 1,300 pilgrims died during this year's Hajj as temperatures soared to 125 degrees Fahrenheit in the holy city of Mecca.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.washingtonpost.com

Disparity in Effects. Climate change affects us all, but it doesn't affect us all equally. 83 percent of the deaths during the five-day pilgrimage occurred among unregistered pilgrims.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Increased Concern. People who watched the climate episode experienced 'a substantial increase' in their level of concern about climate change and their support for government action.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Climate Narrative Impact. Compelling climate narratives in television shows and movies can help shift attitudes on climate change, a new study finds!

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • rare.org

Heat Pump Benefits. The gas boiler that heated the school produced about 32 metric tons of carbon dioxide yearly and wouldn't cool the school during heatwaves.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Youth Climate Advocacy. A group of middle-schoolers from Oakland, California successfully advocated for installing a heat pump at their school, using around $5 million in school bonds.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.youthvsapocalypse.org

Solar Panel Installation. The roof of King's College, Cambridge's chapel now features over 400 new solar panels.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.kings.cam.ac.uk

One Voice Makes Difference. Change isn't usually easy; but even one voice can make a difference!

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Legal Precedent for Gardening. In 1996, a court ruled that a Toronto gardener named Sandy Bell 'had the right to express her environmental beliefs through gardening' and cancelled her fine.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.theguardian.com

Changing Gardening Ordinances. Prof. Nina-Marie Lister of Toronto Metropolitan University is working with municipalities to update their gardening ordinances.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Local Action Inspiration. When facing climate change and environmental challenges, the lawn is a place people can exercise their own agency.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Action to Prevent Losses. Further losses can still be avoided, however, by rapid action now.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Disparity in Impact. The countries least responsible for climate change are predicted to suffer income loss that is 60% greater than the higher-income countries.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Economic Loss Prediction. Researchers estimate that, thanks to the carbon we have already emitted, global income will be reduced by 19 percent.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.nature.com

Climate Change Impact. Humans have never experienced climate changing this fast.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Historic Churches Going Green. King's College is by no means the first to do this; Gloucester Cathedral installed 150 solar panels in 2016 and Salisbury Cathedral installed about 90 in 2020.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • gloucestercathedral.org.uk

Environmental Stewardship. Dr. Gillian Tett, the Provost of King's College, called the solar roof 'a potent and inspirational symbol of our commitment to being good stewards of our environment.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Energy Demand Reduction. The installation will reduce the college's energy demand by the equivalent of about 50 homes.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Walking Energy Harvesting. A pilot study installed piezoelectric tiles in a metro station in Cairo, Egypt that saw more than 57,000 passengers move through it every day. The study found that these tiles generated enough energy to power the entire metro station.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.sciencedirect.com

Energy Generation in Gyms. At Brown University in Rhode Island, they're trying out some new energy-generating equipment that captures the energy from people using treadmills, stair climbers and rowing machines and turns it into electricity.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Body Heat Recovery. In Glasgow, Scotland, for example, there's a concert venue in an old industrial warehouse that since 2022 has been heated and cooled using the stored body heat of the concertgoers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.theguardian.com

Innovative Energy Solutions. I love innovative and unique climate solutions. Even if they don't make a huge difference emission-wise, highlighting people's creativity and efficiency helps show us how much more is possible if we're willing to think outside the box.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Record-Breaking Heat. The Earth’s average temperature has been more than 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels for the past 12 months, and each of the last 13 months was the warmest on record.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • climate.copernicus.eu

Urgency to Act. The bottom line is clear: if we want a different future, now is the time to act. We need every voice calling for the societal change needed to cut emissions and invest in a cleaner, greener future.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Personal Action List. Based on the social science of how to catalyze societal change, we developed a list of the most impactful climate actions individuals can take.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe • www.talkingclimate.ca

Discuss Climate Change. What individuals can do -- like squid scientist Sarah McAnulty who runs the amazing Skype a Scientist program did the other day -- I’m ready with an answer!

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Talking Climate with Katharine Hayhoe •

Character Assassination Tactics. Supran described Kennedy's behavior as 'character assassination' characteristic of the propaganda techniques of fossil fuel interests.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Expert Testimony. Geoffrey Supran, the director of the Climate Accountability Lab at the University of Miami, is one of the country’s foremost experts on climate disinformation.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Industry Accountability. Research by John Cook and his colleagues has shown that 'character assassination has been one of the most common ways in which fossil fuel interests have attempted to deny accountability for the climate crisis.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.tandfonline.com

Movement Impact. Climate Defiance founder Michael Greenberg said that Kennedy's meltdown was a powerful endorsement of his group's aggressive tactics, showing that the movement is making people in power squirm.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Viral Exchange. Video clips of Kennedy's 'sick fuck' remark went viral—but not because of outrage at Supran.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Funding Influence. Kennedy has taken $1.5 million from the oil and gas industry.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.opensecrets.org

Reader-Funded Model. The author is committed to a 100 percent reader-funded business model as it ensures motivation solely by what readers need.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Value of Journalism. Journalism provides value by igniting a spark in citizens to become more involved in their democracy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Call to Action. Markey called on power utilities across the U.S. to ‘follow Eversource’s lead and break ties with the AGA.’

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Senators' Initiative. Senate Budget Chair Sheldon Whitehouse and Sen. Ed Markey launched a new campaign called 'Ditch the AGA.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • ditchtheaga.com

Pressure Campaign. Inspired by HEATED's reporting, activists initiated a pressure campaign against PG&E to leave the AGA.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

AGA's Impact. The AGA plays an enormous role in delaying climate progress, spending millions obstructing climate policy and spreading climate misinformation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Eversource's Departure. Eversource announced it was leaving the American Gas Association (AGA) over differences in opinion about climate change.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.wbur.org

Climate-Friendly Beef. U.S. meat behemoth Tyson Foods claims 'Brazen Beef' is better for the environment than regular beef because it emits 10 percent less greenhouse gas.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Impending Climate Crisis. Even if fossil fuel emissions were stopped today, the world’s current appetite for meat and dairy alone could push warming past the catastrophic 2 degrees Celsius threshold.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.science.org

Greenhouse Gas Contribution. Livestock are responsible for anywhere from 11 to 20 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • thebreakthrough.org

FOIA Complications. The USDA responded, but redacted 80 out of 82 pages because it said they contained information protected under the Trade Secrets Act.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Missing Transparency. The USDA once again redacted all the scientific data about Tyson's beef emissions—67 out of 106 pages—claiming it is a 'trade secret.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Conflict of Interest. Spoiler alert: It’s a herd of experts funded by Big Beef.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Environmental Data Withheld. The USDA refused to disclose several key pieces of information, including the benchmark Tyson is using to make its 10 percent reduction claim.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

USDA Certification. It is also the first beef to be certified 'climate-friendly' by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Meat Industry Pressure. The label is a big deal for the meat industry as it faces increasing external pressure to reduce its massive carbon footprint.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.vox.com

Trump Fundraising Request. Trump reportedly asked oil executives for $1 billion in campaign donations in exchange for repealing all of the Biden administration's climate policies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.nytimes.com

Chopped Steak Dinner. It's ironic that oil executives are meeting in Houston, where over 200,000 homes are still without power from a violent storm, while discussing climate-funding politics.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Hollub's Approach. Vicki Hollub, CEO of Occidental Petroleum, is investing in carbon capture not to solve climate change, but to drill more oil.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.cnbc.com

Warren's Propaganda. Kelcy Warren, CEO of Energy Transfer Partners, uses commercials designed to convince Americans that solving climate change will destroy everything they love.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.bloomberg.com

Hamm's Influence. Harold Hamm, worth $18.4 billion, organized a fundraising dinner for Trump to advocate for the repeal of major climate actions taken by the Biden Administration.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.bloomberg.com

Fundraising Lunch. Three oil executives are hosting another private fundraising lunch for Trump in Houston, demonstrating continued support from the oil industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.nytimes.com

Climate Costs Ignored. Climate costs for regular Houstonians are likely not on oil executives’ minds, even amidst the consequences of a recent violent storm.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Increased Donations. $7.3 million is at least three times more than what the fossil fuel industry gave Trump’s campaign by this period in 2020, indicating a likely increase in future donations.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Oil Industry Donations. The fossil fuel industry is Trump's fifth-largest industry donor this election cycle, having already given $7.3 million to his campaign and associated groups, compared to $186,000 in support of Biden.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.opensecrets.org

Call for Criminal Charges. Advocates like David Arkush argue that a DOJ case against Big Oil would be more effective if it focused on criminal charges.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Trump Re-election Impact. If Trump wins re-election in November, there’s little chance for any DOJ action at all.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Potential Outcomes. Whitehouse emphasized that he expected civil, not criminal, outcomes from the Big Oil investigation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Future Investigation Signals. Simply knowing the DOJ is considering action might embolden attorneys general and district attorneys around the country to take action, too.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

DOJ Powers. DOJ has strong investigative powers and could discover a lot more information about wrongdoing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Industry Tactics. During the congressional investigation, Democrats accused oil companies and trade associations of withholding thousands of pages of subpoenaed materials.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Investigation Justification. Arkush stated that prosecution can’t happen without a DOJ lawsuit; and a DOJ lawsuit can't happen without a DOJ investigation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Legal Action Hope. Climate accountability advocates were hopeful about the letter, calling it a necessary first step toward executive-level legal action that could meaningfully limit industry-led climate disinformation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Evidence of Wrongdoing. The lawmakers believe that there is adequate evidence that fossil fuel industry companies and trade associations may have violated one or more federal statutes.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.budget.senate.gov

Tobacco Investigation Comparison. Senate Budget Committee Chairman Sheldon Whitehouse and House Oversight Committee Chairman Jamie Raskin asked the DOJ to launch a probe into fossil fuel climate disinformation in the same manner that it investigated tobacco companies in the 1990s.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.fightcancer.org

DOJ Probe Request. Democrats leading the congressional investigation into Big Oil's climate deception are formally asking the Department of Justice to step in.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Impact of AI on Fossil Fuels. The fossil fuel industry is one of the biggest purchasers of AI products; 92% of oil and gas companies will use AI to extract oil in the next five years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Tech Secrecy Issues. Tech giants like Amazon and Google shroud their data in secrecy, hiding the exact amount of energy their products use and how much they pollute.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Need for Renewable Energy Transition. A rapid transition to renewable energy is essential as the internet is mostly powered by fossil fuels, but it doesn't have to be.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Real Climate Impact Unknown. The real climate impact of AI is still unknown because tech companies don’t release data on how much power products like ChatGPT require.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

AI's High Energy Costs. An AI-assisted search requires 10 times more power than a traditional search, highlighting the growing energy demands of advanced AI technologies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Growing Demand for Power. The IEA estimates that electricity consumption from data centers, AI, and the cryptocurrency sector could double by 2026, consuming as much energy as Japan.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • iea.blob.core.windows.net

Internet's Environmental Impact. The internet's contribution to climate change is already sizable, with The Royal Society estimating that digital technologies are responsible for anywhere from 1.4 to 5.9 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • royalsociety.org

Individual Learning and Action. Changing social norms is just as important to mitigating climate change as the energy transition, emphasizing the power of individual choice.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Discernment in AI Usage. Individuals should consider whether AI is actually needed by every industry, as using simpler technology could vastly reduce energy consumption.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Progressive Celebration. The identity markers alone were enough to spark joy among U.S. progressives.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Female Climate Scientist. Sheinbaum is Mexico's first female and Jewish president, elected with the highest vote percentage in the country's democratic history.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Historic Election Win. Claudia Sheinbaum made history when she won Mexico's presidential election on Sunday.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Further Reading. Read more about understanding Sheinbaum's scientific background and politics.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Misconceptions Clarified. Sheinbaum is not a radical, anti-fossil fuel, Green New Deal supporter despite being labeled as a 'leftist climate scientist.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

PR Industry Turning Point. Duncan Meisel stated Guterres' speech was a turning point for the advertising and PR industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Legal Investigations. At least 20 lawsuits in the U.S. are pending against oil and gas companies for deceptive advertising practices.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Comparative Advertising Harm. Guterres compared the harmful impact of fossil fuel advertising to that of the tobacco industry's harmful products.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Greenwashing Ads Pressure. Public awareness of Big Oil's greenwashing tactics is leading to growing pressure to ban deceptive fossil fuel ads.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

PR Firms and Polluters. Edelman has taken tens of millions to create campaigns for polluters, illustrating the complicity of PR firms in climate issues.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

New York Times Ads. The New York Times has pulled in at least $20 million from fossil fuel ads from October 2020 to October 2023.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • s3.documentcloud.org

Fossil Fuel Ads Mislead. Big Oil's advertisements rebrand polluting products as environmentally friendly and overstate investments in renewable energy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Oil Industry's Role. The fossil fuel industry is responsible for over 75 percent of greenhouse gas emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.un.org

Global Warning Likelihood. WMO forecasted an 80 percent likelihood that the annual global temperature will temporarily exceed 1.5°C in the next five years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • wmo.int

Record Temperatures. Last year was the hottest year on record, according to the European Union's World Meteorological Organization.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • wmo.int

Greenhouse Gas Emissions. A report from the University of Leeds shows that the planet's greenhouse gas emissions are still climbing.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.leeds.ac.uk

Greenwashing Tactics. Many in the fossil fuel industry have shamelessly greenwashed even as they have sought to delay climate action.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

PR Firms' Responsibility. Guterres called on PR firms, media outlets, and tech companies to stop promoting fossil fuel ads that lie to the public.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Fossil Fuel Advertising Ban. António Guterres urged all countries to ban fossil fuel advertising during a major speech.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Legal Theory Promoted. The idea of 'climate homicide' is getting attention in law schools and district attorney's offices around the country.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • thebulletin.org

Criminal Charges Suggested. The fossil fuel industry should be criminally charged with mass homicide for these deaths.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • thebulletin.org

Future Deaths Forecast. Unmitigated climate change will cause 14.5 million additional deaths and spur $12.5 trillion in economic losses by 2050.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • grist.org

Climate Change Death Toll. Climate change is killing people. As time goes on, it's going to kill a lot more.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • grist.org

Criminal vs Civil Litigation. Criminal prosecution could be a more powerful and effective tool for spurring change than civil litigation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Support for Climate Litigation. 62 percent of voters support holding fossil fuel companies legally accountable for climate change.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.theguardian.com

Global Criminal Case Filed. One criminal climate case against Big Oil has already been filed in France regarding TotalEnergies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.theguardian.com

Trump's Conviction as Inspiration. Donald Trump's recent felony fraud conviction should provide inspiration for prosecutors looking to protect citizens from climate harms.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Public Influence on Prosecution. Public pressure and engagement with state and local-level politics are crucial for influencing prosecutors.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Significant Investment. Amazon alone has spent $52 billion building data centers in the state and is planning to spend an additional $35 billion by 2040.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • apnews.com

Transitioning Clean Energy Plans. The surge in data center energy demand is endangering Virginia's goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2050.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • grist.org

Advocacy for Data Center Transparency. PEC is the only reason anyone knows these diesel generators exist.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Health Impacts of Diesel Generators. PEC filed a public records request, and the state Commonwealth Attorney's Office ordered the DEQ to reveal the proposed project: 4,021 diesel fuel generators for data centers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.deq.virginia.gov

Data Center Growth. PEC has mapped over 330 existing and proposed data centers in the state, with the proposed data centers alone covering 180 million square feet.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.pecva.org

Diesel Generators Risks. If turned on, the generators have the potential to emit a multitude of hazardous pollutants into nearby communities that could cause health problems from childhood asthma to lung cancer.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Massive Energy Consumption. The IEA estimates that in the next two years, data centers could consume as much energy as the United Kingdom and Germany combined.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • iea.blob.core.windows.net

Climate Threat from Data Centers. A growing climate threat from an industry worth trillions is spreading across the globe: data centers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Need for Regulatory Oversight. Getting local politicians to ask the right questions can feel like a small victory when faced with Big Tech's appetite for expansion.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Virginia's Energy Demand. Dominion now estimates that data centers alone will double electricity demand in the state by 2040.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Psychedelic Assembly Launch. PSYCA held its official launch at the Psychedelic Assembly in New York City last month, providing a thought-provoking experience for attendees.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.thepsychedelicassembly.com

Healthy Distraction. The author expressed that when taking mushrooms, the last thing they want to think about is climate change, highlighting the contrasting expectations placed on participants by advocacy groups.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Meditation Activity. Attendees at the PSYCA launch were instructed to take a rock before entering the main panel room and meditated while holding their rocks, enhancing their experiential engagement with the event.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Mind-Opening Experience. The Psychedelic Assembly is described as a social club for people who love tripping, offering a cute and quirky gathering space that combines a library, cafe, and performance venue.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Psychedelic Advocacy. According to a new advocacy group, Psychedelics for Climate Action (PSYCA), the use of mind-altering substances and Indigenous plant medicines can inspire people to help solve the climate crisis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.psyca.org

Heat-Related Risks. About 1 in 100 athletes suffered heat-related illnesses during the hottest Olympics on record in Tokyo.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Evolution Warning. The quote at the beginning of Under Paris: "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change."

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Disaster Movie Parody. In Under Paris, the mayor is more concerned about money and media coverage than about people being eaten.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Historical Context. Paris temperatures have risen 1.8 degrees Celsius (3.2 degrees Fahrenheit) since the last time the city held the Olympics in 1924.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Shifting Seasons. Some sports organizations recommend that the Summer Olympics should be moved to a different time of year, or to cooler regions of the world.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Human Safety Priorities. Experts say a seismic shift is needed to adapt to a rapidly heating planet, rather than just offering free water at events.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Athletes Aware. "We do all get in that water knowing that people have died from the heat," said Olympic marathon swimmer Amber Keegan.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Paris Pollution Levels. Recent tests showed that E. Coli levels in the Seine are still three times higher than the standards set by World Triathlon.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.cnn.com

Real Pollution. In real life, scientists have found that the climate crisis actually makes sharks less likely to attack prey.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Climate Metaphor. The film uses homicidal sharks as its metaphor for a climate disaster that everyone in power is inexplicably ignoring.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Netflix Success. Under Paris had the most successful launch for a non-English language film in Netflix history.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

News Coverage Trends. Most mainstream outlets write about lethal, record-breaking weather events as if they were merely acts of God without addressing the climate crisis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Climate Attribution Science. Attribution science uses observational data to assess how likely and severe extreme weather events are today compared to an unwarmed world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Effective Communication. Journalists should highlight the connection between extreme weather events and climate change to better inform the public.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Fossil Fuels Mention. Only 15 articles, or 11 percent, mentioned fossil fuels as a cause of the climate crisis in the analyzed weather stories.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Extreme Weather Stories. Only 25 percent of stories about extreme rainfall mentioned climate change.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Mainstream Media Reporting. Only 44 percent of 133 national, international, and major regional digital breaking news articles mentioned the climate crisis or global warming.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • docs.google.com

Climate Change Impact. Record-breaking concentrations of heat-trapping gases in our atmosphere, driven primarily by fossil fuels, have intensified the Earth's water cycle, leading to stronger precipitation events.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Record Temperatures. More than 1,400 temperature records were broken across the world last week, many of which were in the United States.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.washingtonpost.com

Public Understanding. Only 58 percent of Americans understand that fossil fuels and other human activities cause climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Extreme Heat Attribution. Research has determined that climate change made this month’s lethal heat wave in the U.S., Mexico, and Central America 35 times more likely and 2.5 degrees F hotter.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.cbsnews.com

Journalistic Responsibility. Not mentioning climate change in breaking news about record heat is akin to not mentioning COVID-19 in reports about hospitalizations during the pandemic.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Environmental Claims. Trump's claim that he had the 'Best Environment Ever' is not true; the Trump administration rolled back more than 100 environmental protections.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.nytimes.com

Energy Independence Claim. Trump's claim that 'On Jan 6th, we were energy independent' is not true, as the U.S. has never been completely independent of energy imports.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.scientificamerican.com

Criticism of Big Oil. Biden also missed an opportunity to mention Trump’s quid pro quo with Big Oil during the debate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Paris Agreement Misconception. Trump called the Paris Agreement 'a ripoff,' saying it would have cost the U.S. a trillion dollars, and China nothing, and India nothing, which is not true.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Media's Role. The moderators did not call Trump on his lies during the debate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Biden's Age Factor. Biden had to communicate his own points truthfully while countering Trump's lies, all while being an 81-year-old with a speech impediment.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Communication Challenge. If you want to beat a bullshit artist, you have to be better than them at communicating.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Climate Discussion. There was one climate question. Discussion lasted less than five minutes.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Missed Opportunity. Biden defended his climate policy, but failed to make a strong case.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Trump's Tactics. Trump spent those 38 seconds making wildly false claims about his environmental record.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Debate Performance. President Joe Biden's performance in Thursday night's presidential debate was deeply unsettling.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Trump's Judiciary. 234 federal judges appointed by former President Donald Trump are handpicked by conservative fossil fuel interests to invalidate efforts to fight climate regulation.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.rollingstone.com

Chevron Doctrine. The Supreme Court struck down the so-called Chevron doctrine, impacting the power of federal agencies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.scotusblog.com

Anti-Climate Predictions. If Trump is re-elected, his appointments will become even more brazenly anti-climate.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Judicial Appointments. Joe Biden has appointed more than 200 federal judges who are 'progressive' on climate change.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.nbcnews.com

Judicial Impact on Climate. Biden's judges are people who would view climate and environmental regulation from a sympathetic perspective.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Behavioral Norms Impact. Changing behavioral norms through social signaling is just as important to mitigating climate change as the energy transition.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Encouragement to Stop. If you're concerned about the climate crisis, I encourage you to consider doing the same [stop meatposting].

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Greenhouse Gas Emissions. If meat and dairy consumption continue apace, there could be an 80 percent spike in global agricultural greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2050.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

Meatposting Definition. Meatposting refers to the practice of posting pictures of meat on social media with captions that aggressively glorify its consumption.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Free PR for Meat Industry. Meatposting provides an extremely valuable marketing service for one of the most climate-polluting industries in America.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Cultural Norms. In America, we’re taught from a young age that the coolest thing in the world is to be a big man with a big car who eats big meat.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Carbon Pollution. The meat industry is responsible for up to 18 percent of global carbon pollution.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.nytimes.com

Drought Contribution. It is a massive contributor to drought in the West; the number one reason for Brazilian Amazon deforestation.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.sciencedirect.com

Water Contamination Source. Industrialized animal agriculture is one of the largest sources of water contamination in the country.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.cast-science.org

Climate Policy Gap. According to an analysis published in March by climate news site Carbon Brief, neither a Biden presidency nor Trump presidency would put the U.S. on track to achieving net zero emissions by 2050.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.carbonbrief.org

Emissions Comparison. A Trump administration would still add an additional 4 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere by 2030 compared to a Biden administration, according to Carbon Brief's analysis.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Climate Damages Cost. The additional 4 billion tons could add more than $900 billion in global climate damages compared to Biden, the study's authors claim.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Significant Implementation Needed. In order to put the U.S. on that track, Biden would have to implement significant new climate policy measures in the second term.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Energy Transition Impact. The analysis authors found that the extra 4 billion tons emitted under a Trump administration would offset all of the emissions saved over the past five years by solar power, wind power, nuclear power, electric vehicles, and heat pumps.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

GOP Climate Silence. The GOP published a new, 16-page policy platform that doesn't mention climate change, air or water pollution, or the environment whatsoever.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • cdn.nucleusfiles.com

Biden's Debate Performance. President Joe Biden is facing a growing number of calls to step aside in his race for re-election this week, following a dismal debate performance and lackluster interview that failed to calm fears over his age and ability to win in November.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Voter Apathy. It seems more a belated expression of angst that’s been brewing inside many American voters for much longer; a nagging apathy that says neither Biden nor former President Donald Trump is right for the job.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

1.5 Degrees Threshold. The additional 4 billion tons of emissions from a Trump administration would also certainly push warming past the catastrophic 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold, study co-author Simon Evans said.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Reject Silencing Criticism. Anyone who cares about preserving a livable planet must reject the argument that progressives should 'turn the rhetoric down' after violence against political figures.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Dangerous Politics. The fact is, conservative politics are currently dangerous as their ideology rests on denying a crisis that has already killed millions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • grist.org

Activist Death Toll. Quinto Inuma was one of at least 126 human rights and environmental activists assassinated in Latin America in 2023.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.reuters.com

Environmental Activism Violence. His murder adds to a trend of deadly politically-motivated violence against outspoken environmental defenders across the Global South.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.globalwitness.org

Threats to Advocacy. Quinto Inuma had dedicated his life to forcefully speaking out against illegal logging and drug trafficking in his community and received myriad threats to his life because of his advocacy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • elbuho.pe

Assassination of Leader. Quinto Inuma, the apu of the indigenous Kichwa community, was assassinated in cold blood this past November while traveling home from an environmental conference.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • es.mongabay.com

Existential Threat. Electing Trump to the presidency in the U.S. would add an additional 4 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent to the atmosphere compared to Biden.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • heated.world

Climate Resilience Plan Cost. The utility said it needs an additional $2 billion from customers to climate-proof its infrastructure.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.msn.com

Investigation Launched. CenterPoint is now under investigation by the state Public Utility Commission.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • www.houstonchronicle.com

Massive Power Outage. More than 2.7 million people lost power on July 8 as Beryl slammed into the state, leaving 80 percent of Centerpoint's Houston customers in the dark.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • apnews.com

Political Donations Amount. Through its political action committees, the utility has spent more than $1.3 million since 2022 in total campaign donations.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • lookerstudio.google.com

Funding Climate Disinformation. CenterPoint has spent at least $3.3 million on 'legislative advocacy' over the past two years, which includes the company's support for anti-climate policies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Aggressive Climate Opposition. CenterPoint is one of the worst utilities in the U.S. when it comes to pushing against action to slow climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins • influencemap.org

Dangerous Climate Future. The way they’re currently spending their money ensures that, eventually, the climate crisis will catch up with them.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Heated, with Emily Atkins •

Historical Climate Disasters. In 2023, the U.S. has experienced 25 confirmed weather/climate disaster events with losses exceeding $1 billion each, the highest number on record.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.ncei.noaa.gov

EPA's Carbon Price Reference. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced the first rule referencing the price for the social cost of carbon (SCC) at $190 per ton.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.linkedin.com

Government's Carbon Price Order. The Biden administration ordered government agencies to use the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases (SC-GHG) consistently in a host of government activities.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.whitehouse.gov

Rising Corporate Carbon Prices. Corporations are setting higher internal carbon prices; Klarna uses an internal price on carbon at $100 per ton for direct and indirect emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.klarna.com

Policy Tool for Polluters. The $190 carbon price could strengthen the legal authority of the government to mandate or incentivize polluters to reduce emissions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Influence on European Carbon Pricing. The newly set SCC could influence other carbon pricing efforts, including the European Emissions Trading System.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Voluntary Carbon Market Developments. New guidelines for high-integrity carbon credits could provide the Voluntary Carbon Market with a much-needed price signal boost.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Government Procurement Power. As the world’s largest purchaser, the federal government has the ability to influence markets and act as a model contracting partner.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.whitehouse.gov

Short-Term Political Implications. Key themes to follow include the impact of the SCC in the presidential election campaign and reactions from major policy actors.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

SCC's Policy Impact. The social cost of carbon helps us weigh the benefits of climate mitigation against its costs, thus providing justification for regulatory actions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Most Downloaded Episodes. Some of the standout podcast episodes include "Covering CDR" with Peter Minor and Jack Andreasen, "Forestry Carbon Offsets" with Diego Saez Gil and Sam Gill, and "Moving Talent into Climate Tech" with Jonathan Strauss.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • mcj.news

Podcast Evolution. We find ourselves reflecting on the evolution of our content, community, and capital ecosystem that has guided us through the past year at MCJ.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Community Engagement. 64 in-person events were run by members, MCJ City Hosts, and the MCJ team, with 4,788 participants across the globe.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Talent System Highlights. Air Company, Rheaply, and Patch rank Top 3 for 'introductions requested' via our talent system.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Membership Growth. 1,580 new members joined the MCJ community this year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Memorable Moments. Meeting the team IRL in Boston shortly after joining MCJ was such a treat, and the Happy Hours were a great introduction to the broader MCJ community.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Collaboration Success. Our London Winter Party this month was a pinnacle moment, as it was a collaboration between 7 climate communities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Upcoming Opportunities. Complete our MCJ Talent Form to tell us more about yourself and what roles you're looking for, sharing your profile with our 80+ portfolio companies.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • docs.google.com

C-suite Activism Impact. More than 50% of C-suite executives say employee activism on climate had led their organizations to increase sustainability actions over the past year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.deloitte.com

Increase in Sustainability Roles. From 2020-2023, there was a 10x increase in the number of full-time sustainability jobs at Microsoft.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Sustainability Democratized. The community’s most important contribution, however, was changing the paradigm of who got to work on sustainability.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Employee Community Growth. I co-founded Microsoft's employee sustainability community and helped it grow to 10,000 members.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Path to Sustainability. Staying in your current company and advocating for more resources for sustainability is not only a more practical and accessible path to getting a climate job, but it can also unlock resources and opportunities for you and all your colleagues.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Low Advocacy Rates. Just 1 person, 2% of respondents said they had tried to influence their current employer!

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Career Transition Strategy. Considering fractional, seasonal, or other unconventional ways to work on climate offers flexibility and the chance to align work with other career development goals.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Engagement in Sustainability. Making it easy to participate and meeting people where they’re at can sustain and grow your community and build power.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Keys to Successful Advocacy. Building trusted relationships with key stakeholders and securing executive sponsorship can drive sustainability initiatives effectively.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Fractional Sustainability Work. Sustainability work at your current employer often has a lower bar for entry, more flexibility, and may contribute to your other career development goals.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Nature Tech Investment. The 'nature tech' sector has become a nascent investment category as interest in the potential for growth and innovation in nature markets blossoms.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • nature4climate.wpenginepowered.com

Risk of Nature-Washing. Anything less than the whole, granular truth runs huge risks of nature-washing, of misplaced action, and opportunity lost.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Game Changing Truth. If we want to really change the game for nature, we have to know the truth about what’s happening to it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Audited Disclosures Needed. We must insist on minimum standards of proof, so those making claims about nature are telling the truth about the outcomes they achieved.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Sustainability Regulations. A bunch of new regulations and voluntary standards are emerging, including the EU's new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • eur-lex.europa.eu

Pressure for Disclosure. There's a trend to expect private sector organisations to provide more information on how they impact the natural world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Changing Conversations. Conversations with the private sector are now more likely to start with 'tell me how' than 'persuade me why'.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Funding Ecosystems. The financing required to return global ecosystems to health is around $800 billion more than is currently being spent - per year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.nature.org

Earth's Altered Surfaces. We have significantly altered 75% of the Earth’s land surface and impacted 66% of the ocean.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Biodiversity Loss. Global wildlife populations have fallen by 69% since 1970, largely because of loss of habitat.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • livingplanet.panda.org

Double Jeopardy. Nature and climate are dual, intertwined, looming crises.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Climate Change Impact. Every fraction of a degree of warming matters—1.5C is not a 'hard' threshold as such, but above 1.5C, the risks of extreme weather events, significant sea-level rise, and threats to sensitive ecosystems like coral reefs increase significantly.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Global Warming Status. The Earth has already warmed by about 1.1C to 1.3C since the pre-industrial period.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.carbonbrief.org

West Antarctic Ice Sheet. If the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapsed completely, this one part of Antarctica alone could raise global sea levels by around 10 to 16 feet.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.bas.ac.uk

Increased Fossil Fuel Emissions. The black line—our current trajectory—went up in 2023.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.carbonbrief.org

COP28 Progress. By the end of COP28, I knew that 1.5C as a goal was, practically speaking, dead.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Call for Action. Warming will only stop when we reach as close to zero emissions as possible.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Funding Shortfall. Total pledged dollars continue to fall way short of the $2.4tn of investment a year that countries in the global South will need by 2030 to meet climate goals.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.lse.ac.uk

Tipping Points Risk. A new report finds that five global systems are already at risk of crossing tipping points, even at the current level of warming.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • global-tipping-points.org

No Country Achieves 1.5C Goal. Not one single country has policies that are compatible with a 1.5C warming limit.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • climateactiontracker.org

1.5C Reality. We will likely surpass 1.5C this decade.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Political Implications. We need an explosion of infrastructure buildout so lucrative that it makes repealing the IRA politically impossible.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Clean Energy Capacity Needs. The DOE's Transmission Needs Study found that we need to at least double and probably quadruple interregional transmission capacity by 2035 to support the anticipated electricity load.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.energy.gov

Emission Reduction Risks. The REPEAT project has warned that unless the pace of transmission expansion more than doubles the 10-year average growth rate of ~1% per year, we risk losing 80% of the Inflation Reduction Act's emissions reduction potential.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • repeatproject.org

Bottleneck Factors. Arguably the biggest culprit hindering transmission expansion is the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)'s daunting environmental review requirements and generous opportunities for litigation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Bipartisan Negotiation Opportunity. There’s enormous opportunity for a compromise that doesn’t 'gut' NEPA, with modest reforms like one- or two-year time limits on environmental review coupled with more deliberate, inclusive community engagement efforts during that period.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Importance of Clean Energy Siting. A failure to enable rapid clean energy siting and permitting will weaken the IRA's effectiveness, whereas having confidence in its power of incentive will help ensure its long-term success.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Carbon Market Crisis. 2023 was an annus horribilis for the carbon credit market, battered by high-profile accusations of over-crediting, implementation failures, and misleading claims.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Transparency Needs. Customers need visibility into where their funds are going and the impact projects are having on local communities and wildlife to restore trust in carbon offsets.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Technology Utilization. Tech players like Pachama, CTrees, and Sylvera are using advanced tools such as satellite and lidar to improve monitoring and reporting of carbon offset projects.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • pachama.com

Kerry on Carbon Markets. US Special Climate Envoy John Kerry declared his firm belief in the power of carbon markets to drive increased climate ambition and action.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

New Governance Bodies. New governance bodies like the ICVCM and VCMI have aligned to tighten and clarify the rules for voluntary carbon markets.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • icvcm.org

Investment Channeling. A carbon credit renaissance would channel more money from companies that emit the most carbon to developing countries facing the worst impacts of climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Mistakes of the Past. A year’s worth of criticism has produced a rare moment of clarity and unity; we can’t let the mistakes of the past happen again.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Integrity Frameworks. Industry players announced end-to-end integrity frameworks that ensure high-quality carbon credits and provide guidance on making carbon-related claims.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

2024 Redemption Year. 2024 is shaping up to be a year of redemption for carbon markets, with COP28 providing a hard reset and a chance to win back trust.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Voluntary Carbon Market Decline. The voluntary carbon markets (VCM) shrank for the first time in seven years due to lost confidence in the quality of carbon credits.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Safety Perception. Today, we know that after 18,000 reactor years of experience, nuclear energy is statistically just as safe as solar or wind.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Global Impact. The global decarbonization challenge requires all the feasible technologies we can get our hands on.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Second Atomic Age. The Second Atomic Age may well be upon us: Immediately following MARVEL, several other advanced reactors will be scheduled for completion at INL before the end of the 2020s.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Decarbonization Opportunity. Once construction finishes, MARVEL will help solve a riddle that has challenged the industry for decades.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Aalo's Development. Aalo is commercializing a 10 MWe reactor design, inspired by MARVEL.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Nuclear Acceptance Rise. Nuclear acceptance is now at record highs, which may lead to the Second Atomic Age.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Unique Fuel Characteristics. UZrH is a fascinating fuel with a standout safety trait: The hotter it gets, the less reactive it gets, helping to prevent meltdown.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Safety Innovation. Liquid-metal-cooled reactors have the potential to be very economical, compact, and 'walk-away-safe'.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Historical Milestone. As of October 2023, it became the first reactor ever to be authorized by the DOE.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Revolutionary Reactor. MARVEL will be the first new advanced (non-water-based) reactor built in the US in decades.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Unified Software Platform. A single, unified platform – a heat pump installation command center that handles everything from lead generation to monitoring and servicing is what we hear them crave.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Heat Pump Efficiency. Their efficiency is almost magical: for every unit of energy they consume, they give 3-4 times as much back in heat.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Carbon Emissions from Boilers. In Europe, a staggering 12% of carbon emissions stem from boilers used in more than 100 million homes.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Market for Heat Pumps. Heat pumps are next in line for this market revolution.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Policy Changes Required. A cocktail of policies is likely to be needed to tip the scales: removal of subsidies towards fossil fuels, carbon pricing, reduction of levies and taxes on electricity.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Need for Skilled Labor. Electricians and plumbers, often from an older demographic, are in very short supply and reluctant to learn new tricks.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Fragmentation of Industry. The largest gas boiler installer in Germany commands a mere 2% market share.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Efficiency Challenges. An important factor is that the heating industry is a mosaic of small players.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Impact of Software. Software can help installers focus on what they do best, trained for and what brings in the revenue.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Profitability Imperative. Without profitability, the uptake of heat pumps will stall, and our climate targets will remain out of reach.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Importance of MRV Framework. Setting up the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) framework is a crucial step for a project developer as it acts as the performance tracking for a project.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Project Methodology Importance. Most carbon experts will tell you that the setup phase of a project is the most important determinant of a project’s quality.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Net Zero Commitments. Almost half of Forbes 2000 companies have pledged to achieve Net Zero emissions, a figure that has more than doubled in the last three years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Carbon Markets Expansion. To meet scientific consensus, carbon markets must expand to over 10 GT annually by 2050, a 40x increase, accounting for about 20% of global emissions.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.sciencedaily.com

Challenges in NbS Projects. Setting up and scaling a nature-based (NbS) carbon project is hard, time consuming, and involves coordinating many different parties.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Need for Modernization. We should be helping the Standards, which are mostly non-profit entities, to modernise and digitise their process, enabling more oversight with shorter wait times.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Lengthy Approval Processes. Waiting times for project approval have ballooned to around 1.5 years, leading to delays in projects getting approved and eligible to issue credits.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Solar Solutions Effect. 64% of customers told us a simple solar lantern brought a significant change to their wellbeing.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Significant Improvements. For more than half of all customers, the quality of their and their families’ lives improved significantly as a result of their new-found energy access.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Consumer Protection Issues. A third of customers experience some Consumer Protection related challenges, which is an important starting point from which to improve.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Energy Access Impact. Nearly 10% of the globe's 8 billion people still lack reliable access to energy.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Challenges in Experience. 71% of customers who faced challenges have yet to see them resolved.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Local Enterprises' Impact. Locally-owned organisations have a higher social impact, female reach, poverty reach, ease of use and satisfaction rates than their peers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Need for Capital Flow. Both women-led and locally-owned companies are woefully underrepresented in the flows of capital being invested in the off-grid energy sector.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Celebrating Top Performers. We recently celebrated the energy organisations who ranked top for impact determined through results from the experiences of the 79,000+ customers we listened to.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Financing Challenges. While pay-as-you-go expands reach to customers who might otherwise have been unable to access power, it also occasionally leads to over-indebtedness.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Rural Customers' Benefits. Customers living in rural areas are three times more likely to be living in poverty than their urban peers, multiplying the impact of reaching last-mile customers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Long-term Vision. If you zoom out, the CDR market and the future of the planet are so closely aligned, that it is difficult to imagine the market failing to manifest in the next decade.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Seaweed Potential. The potential scale is perhaps best captured by Antoine de Ramon N’Yert and his team at the University of the South Pacific, who estimated that 9% of the world’s ocean dedicated to seaweed cultivation could draw down 53 billion tonnes of CO2 a year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.researchgate.net

Cultivation Opportunities. Coupled with technological developments using automation and AI, it is not difficult to imagine that the costs of cultivation will dramatically reduce in the near term.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Ecosystem Considerations. CDR with seaweed operates within complex ecosystems. At the very least, the impacts on the surface ocean ecology need to be deeply understood.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Biodiversity Boost. There’s evidence to suggest that seaweed cultivation can increase biodiversity and create positive feedback loops when done correctly.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Market Uncertainty. Last but not least, is uncertainty in the CDR market itself. This poses the biggest barrier to seaweed (and all other) forms of CDR.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Startup Scaling. The positive environmental impact of climate tech startups is only unlocked through successful scaling, which is challenging in a tighter financing market.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Common Pitfalls. Drawing on an analysis of hundreds of startups, we identified eight common pitfalls to avoid.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Organizational Elements. We have seen four organizational elements that underpin a climate tech startup's ability to scale successfully.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Market Overestimation. Startups sometimes overestimate Total Addressable Market (TAM) due to assumptions of market readiness and speed of adoption of new climate technologies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Product Development. Estimating the cost and time needed to reach commercial scale can be hard, but is essential for effective sales and securing sufficient financial runway.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Unit Economics Concerns. Investors are keenly interested in startups' path to profitability and scalable unit economics, especially during times when capital flows less freely.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Operational Challenges. Four factors are consistently at the root of operational scalability challenges: process standards, customer experience, automation, and coordinating the value chain.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Capital Stack Strategy. Build a robust, diversified capital stack that will help you scale, and avoid relying solely on dilutive equity.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Competitive Pressure. Startups can sometimes underestimate the power of entrenched competitors, leading to significant challenges.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Regulatory Engagement. Without sufficient engagement with regulators at federal, state, and local levels, startups may miss out on having a seat at the table or might be taken by surprise.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Building Resilience. By focusing on factors within their sphere of influence, entrepreneurs can reduce vulnerabilities and build resilience.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Unified Coalitions. Shashank's solution to the disparities faced by startups is unified coalitions, despite competition.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

California's Role. California's policies often serve as blueprints that are replicated across the nation and globe.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Pillars of Climate Ventures. Shashank highlighted the three indispensable pillars underpinning successful climate tech ventures: technology, policy, and capital.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Podcast Episode. Listen to the episode featuring insights from Senator Wiener and Shashank Samala on the MCJ website.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.mcjcollective.com

Implementable Legislation. Wiener ensured the legislation was implementable by allowing estimated emissions reporting for smaller suppliers.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Impact of Scope 3. Contention around the bill mostly centered on the inclusion of Scope 3 emissions, which often represent up to 90% of a corporation's carbon footprint.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Opposition to SB 253. Wiener noted the intense lobbying from heavyweight groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and American Petroleum Institute, who argued the bill's compliance would be burdensome and costly.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

SB 253 Requirements. SB 253 requires both public and private US businesses with revenues greater than $1B doing business in California to report their Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, beginning in 2026.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Climate Week Insights. The mighty community of climate tech founders, investors, leaders, and more recently converged for the second annual San Francisco Climate Week.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

SB 308 Overview. Senator Josh Becker's SB 308 seeks to forge a compliance market for carbon removals by 2045, incrementally mandating polluters to offset unavoidable emissions financially.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Market Drivers. Shashank highlighted three distinct market drivers propelling demand for carbon removal: net-zero commitments, government procurement, and compliance markets like the EU Emissions Trading System.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Importance of Market Credibility. Shashank noted how net zero commitments, government procurement, and industries grappling with compliance mean nothing without market credibility.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Startup Influence. Senator Wiener noted the stark resource disparities startups face when vying for influence against deep-pocketed corporations and formidable trade associations.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Decentralized Storage Strategy. Base Power's decentralized strategy takes advantage of existing grid interconnections at homes and businesses, enabling more economic installations of batteries.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Winter Storm Impact. In February of 2021, severe winter storms swept across Texas putting it in a deep freeze and resulting in one of the worst energy infrastructure crises in the Lone Star State's history.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.nytimes.com

Power Outages. More than 4.5 million homes, approximately a quarter of all residences, were without power for several days.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Need for Battery Storage. The confluence of greater solar and wind energy and electrification of homes and buildings highlights the need for more battery storage to make the energy grid more resilient.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Base Power's Solutions. Base Power provides homeowners with a free battery, which normally can cost tens of thousands of dollars, and the homeowner simply pays a one-time installation fee.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.basepowercompany.com

Growing Demand for Batteries. Battery storage constitutes nearly 60% of projects in Texas seeking connection to the grid.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Investment Surge. $4.9 billion was invested in rechargeable battery companies in 2021, up from $1.6 billion in 2020.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Energy Transition Solutions. Solutions like Base Power will become critical to ensuring the energy transition is smooth and seamless.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Carbon Credits Growth. Clean cooking became one of the fastest-growing segments of the voluntary carbon market, up more than 3X in less than a year.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

CO2 Emissions Comparison. Emissions from cooking emit more CO2 than the global aviation industry.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Impact and Carbon Finance. Carbon finance is a powerful tool to deliver clean cooking, and using new tools and approaches, like tracking use through fuel purchases or sensors, offers the best way to prove impact.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Toxic Smoke Exposure. Every day more than two billion people suffer through toxic smoke from fires of wood, charcoal, or even dung in their homes.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Market Demand for Quality. This level of detail costs more money and likely lowers the number of carbon credits generated, but strong disincentives will only be overcome when buyers both demand quality and then prove they will pay for it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Cooking Emissions Impact. The leading source of climate emissions per household in the developing world, causing more death and disease from household air pollution than tuberculosis, malaria, and AIDS combined, is making dinner.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Gold Standard Methodology. A stringent new methodology now exists, offering offset buyers the verifiable impact they seek: the Gold Standard Metered and Measured Energy for Cooking Devices.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • globalgoals.goldstandard.org

Technology for Proof. New technology, tools, and techniques provide an intuitive answer: measure how much clean fuel is sold and how much the clean stoves are used.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Credit Price Decline. The resulting criticism has caused offset prices from clean cooking projects to collapse, from an average of ~$12 to less than $4.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Offset Quality Risks. A recent peer-reviewed analysis published by Gill-Wiehl et al. from UC Berkeley found significant risk of over-crediting, estimating that projects were over-credited by as much as 10X.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.nature.com

Government Financing Guide. President Biden's Climate Advisory team released a guidebook to help companies and investors navigate various federal financing programs.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.whitehouse.gov

Dr. Wagner's Vision. Dr. John Wagner emphasizes that technologies are irrelevant if nobody uses them.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Podcast Insights. The latest MCJ Podcast covers the history of INL, its key priorities, current projects under development, and Dr. Wagner's vision for our nuclear future.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • mcj.news

Focus on Value Chain. By focusing on the entire nuclear value chain—from fuel creation and reactor operation to waste management and cybersecurity—INL is shaping the future of energy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Innovative Reactor Projects. INL is pioneering new projects like the Advanced Test Reactor, MARVEL, and PELE to ensure safety, efficiency, and commercial viability.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Idaho National Laboratory. The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has been a pivotal player in the nuclear energy landscape.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • inl.gov

Nuclear Energy Importance. Nuclear energy plays a crucial role in our global pursuit of clean, reliable, and abundant power.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Carbon Removal Challenge. Carbon removal is one of the biggest challenges facing humanity today, yet only a fraction of philanthropic giving is making its way into this space.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Call to Action. Let's unlock far more than 2% of that trillion-dollar market to address the pressing issue facing the planet.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Trillion Dollar Market. Ignoring any trillion-dollar market in our efforts to solve the climate crisis would be a missed opportunity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Urgency of Carbon Removal. We need to make progress right now in carbon removal projects, as carbon removed today is worth significantly more than in the future.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Need for Investment. Philanthropy plays a crucial role within the capital stack for addressing the climate crisis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Lack of Hope. People often can't see the way that their philanthropic donations can make a difference, possibly due to a loss of hope.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Perception of Responsibility. A lot of people see the climate crisis as someone else's responsibility.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Decrease in Environmental Support. Giving to environmental and animal organizations decreased by 1.6 percent between 2021 and 2022, equating to an 8.9 percent decline when adjusted for inflation.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Comparison of Giving. Giving to arts, culture, and humanities is at 5%, health at 10%, education at 13%, and religion at 27%.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

US Giving Improvement. The percentage of philanthropic giving to climate-related causes increases slightly to 3% in the US.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Philanthropy for Climate. Only 2% of philanthropic giving goes to tackling climate change.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Additional Resource. Pint-sized pickup startup Telo Trucks adds Tesla co-founder to board as interest grows from fleet customers.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • techcrunch.com

Significant Market Capture. TELO is well-equipped to capture a significant share of a missing segment in the pickup truck market, driving both near-term success and long-term impact.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Smart Scaling Strategy. TELO's strategy involves working with domestic contract manufacturers to produce on a much smaller, more flexible scale.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Pickup Truck Size Shift. The U.S. pickup truck market has indeed shifted toward larger vehicles, a trend driven by EPA regulations implemented since 2010 that linked fuel efficiency to vehicle weight.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Ford F-Series Dominance. The best-selling vehicle in the U.S. in 2023 has been the Ford F-Series, which includes the F-150 and its larger counterparts.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Urban Truck Limitations. While large trucks remain popular in the U.S., they are often impractical for many commercial and consumer applications, especially in dense urban settings.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Rising EV Demand. The International Energy Agency's Global EV Outlook reported a 40% increase in new EV registrations in 2023, totaling 1.4 million vehicles.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.iea.org

Market Gap for Smaller EVs. The large size of these EV trucks often creates a barrier for use in urban environments, creating a significant market gap for smaller, electric trucks.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

TELO's Urban Focus. TELO Trucks aims to address this gap by developing lightweight, compact electric pickups designed for urban adventures.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

TELO Truck Specs. The TELO Truck combines the compact size of a two-door MINI Cooper with the utility of a Toyota Tacoma, featuring a 5-seat cabin and a configurable mid-partition.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

TELO's Safety and Innovation. TELO prioritizes the safety of its vehicles for both occupants and vulnerable road users, employing cutting-edge safety technologies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Founder Experience. The founding TELO team combines an extensive history in automotive safety, autonomous vehicles, battery design, EV engineering and industrial design.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Cloud Customers' Role. Cloud customers should match their data centers' energy use with additional clean energy purchases.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Collaborative Efforts. With the right collaboration between utilities, regulators, data center companies, and community stakeholders, we can expand powerful new technologies without undermining critical climate ambitions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Flexibility in Compute Timing. Data center operators need to optimize the timing of compute load for AI model training, utilizing low-carbon power sources.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Data Center Optimization. Data center companies need better tools to site new facilities in regions with interconnection capacity for both load and supply.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Utility Tariff Structures. Utilities need to work with private-sector companies on innovative tariff structures that incentivize load flexibility.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Investor-owned Utilities. Investor-owned utilities are naturally predisposed to make large capital expenditures to add to their rate base.

insight • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Singapore's Moratorium. Singapore halted all new data center construction between 2019 and 2022 because of concerns that their high electricity demand would strain the grid.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • www.ashurst.com

Regulatory Standards. Cloud customers need to hold data center companies to high standards, including next-generation clean energy goals.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

AI's Energy Footprint. AI could drive data centers to consume nearly 10% of the U.S.' total electricity generation by 2030, up from 2% in 2020.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ •

Load Growth Increase. Overall electricity load growth, which was nearly flat for decades, is now predicted to sharply increase.

data point • 1 month ago • Via MCJ • gridstrategiesllc.com

Conflict and Climate. It is clear to us that the single most important thing President Biden could do to for the climate today is to enforce an immediate and permanent cease-fire in Gaza and end the war against the Palestinian people.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Renewables Competition. The remarkable Kingsmill Bond at the Rocky Mountain Institute reported on the growing competition between the superpower blocs for green energy supremacy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • rmi.org

Investment in Clean Tech. United States and European capital expenditure is set to increase 16-fold by 2025, and opportunities for leadership abound.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Global Temperature Rise. There have been a spate of stories this week pointing out that even our greatest climate scientists are having a hard time explaining the rapid rise in global temperature over the last 12 months.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.smh.com.au

LNG Export Risks. A report from Clean Energy Canada makes clear that the LNG export business is as risky for our northern neighbors as it is for America.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • cleanenergycanada.org

Avoiding Bailouts. The Biden administration should not, under any circumstances, use public money to help bail out Enviva.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

SEC Climate Rule Update. The Securities and Exchange Commission passed a new climate disclosure rule, but also to weaken that rule to exempt Scope 3 emissions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • heated.world

Investing in Young Future. Our job—everyone's job these next five years—is to arrest the sudden and sickening lurch upwards in temperature, so that there's somewhere at least a little stable for those young people to stand as they build that new world that must come.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Investment Dynamics. Private firms invest on the basis of expected profits; but profitability in renewables is rarely attractive.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Temperature Momentum. If we don't break the momentum of the warming then it will build unstoppably on itself—and that will foreclose all kinds of options.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Youth Support for Legislation. Here’s a letter from 180 youth organizations in the Empire State, making the basic and obvious points.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • file

Financial Leverage in Policy. There are still profound ways that people in reliably blue states can make an enormous difference because we have leverage too, just of a different kind.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Electoral College Effects. One of the most annoying features of America's absurd electoral college is that most of us have no direct role to play in the presidential campaign.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Polluter Accountability Reminder. It would be best for other states not to sit on the sidelines and wait to see what happens in New York.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Wangchuk's Climate Advocacy. Sonam Wangchuk has become one of India’s most prominent voices for climate action.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • e360.yale.edu

Food System Vulnerability. Both domestic and international food systems are quite vulnerable.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Heatwave Records. A ‘historic heatwave’ is being experienced across south-east Asia, with records reaching unprecedented temperatures.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theguardian.com

Banking Transparency Push. The city’s comptroller Brad Lander has been demanding that the banks he does business with report the ratio between their dirty and clean energy financing.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Oregon Divestment Law. Earlier today in Oregon the governor signed a law divesting the state’s funds from coal.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.pionline.com

Insurance Sector Accountability. A new law in Connecticut would require insurers to pay into a climate resiliency fund to support communities harmed by extreme weather disasters fueled by climate chaos.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

California's Actions. California is contemplating a climate superfund bill.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

New York's Economy Size. New York, on its own, would be the tenth largest economy on planet earth.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Climate Superfund Plan. No better example exists than the plan currently under very active consideration in New York State to charge the oil companies for the climate damage they’ve caused.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • thirdact.org

Fossil Fuel Increase. Fossil fuel use—the largest source by far of those emissions now heating the earth so rapidly—is still going up.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Warming Acceleration. Global warming in 2010-2023 is 0.30°C/decade, 67% faster than 0.18°C/decade in 1970-2010.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Record Temperatures. March was the hottest March ever recorded globally, and average global temperatures have been 1.58C above pre-industrial levels.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theguardian.com

CO2 Increase Rate. The global surface concentration of CO2, averaged across all 12 months of 2023, was 419.3 parts per million (ppm), an increase of 2.8 ppm during the year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Greenhouse Gas Levels. Atmospheric levels of the three main greenhouse gases—carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide—reached new all-time highs last year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theguardian.com

Insufficient Renewable Growth. The growth in renewables is not evenly spread—outside of China, the developing world is getting a far-too-small share of this growth.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Renewable Energy Capacity. Eighty six percent of new capacity for power generation in 2023 was from renewables, with 473 gigawatts coming online.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.irena.org

Need for Political Mobilization. To speed up the transition to renewable energy, political mobilization is required to break the power of the fossil fuel industry.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Corporate Emissions Sources. Over 70% of global CO2 emissions historically can be attributed to just 78 corporate and state producing entities.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Legal Accountability for Fossil Fuels. The fossil fuel industry's knowing generation and coverup of the climate crisis may constitute a range of criminal offenses.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.newsweek.com

Potential Economic Consequences. If we don't take strong action now to limit the rise in temperature, the 19 percent at mid-century could become 60 percent by 2100.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Economic Damage Estimate. By 2050, climate change will be causing economic damage worth $38 trillion every single year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.nature.com

Income Reduction Projection. Planetary warming will result in an income reduction of 19% globally by mid-century.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Locked-in Losses. These losses are already locked in, thanks to the carbon and methane we’ve already poured into the air.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Adverse Climate Impacts. Strong income reductions are projected for the majority of regions, including North America and Europe.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

New Energy Structures. The largest solar farm in West Africa has been inaugurated, with panels enough to serve 430,000 homes.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • powersofafrica.com

South Korean Elections. Climate change is like a must-have item on your agenda if you are a politician in the modern world.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Wildfire Smoke Deaths. Climate-driven increases in future smoke PM2.5 could result in 27,800 excess deaths per year by 2050 under a high warming scenario.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Upcoming Toolkit Release. A toolkit from 350.org helps local communities with the struggle to win local control over new renewable energy installations.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • ourownpower.org

Historical Context. The Limits to Growth report predicted that without serious efforts to change our demands on the planet, economic growth would begin to suffer.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Corporate Climate Action. Amazon, Apple, and Microsoft should be putting pressure on their banks to stop making the problem worse.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Bank Emissions Scale. If the largest banks and asset managers in the U.S. were a country, they would be the third-largest emitting country in the world.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Fossil Fuel Financing. New data makes it clear that regional banks in the U.S. are stepping up loans to the fossil fuel industry.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Climate Change Accountability. Capitalism, which regularly acts homicidally, is acting truly suicidally regarding climate action.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Battery Recycling Innovation. The world’s biggest battery recycling plant in Nevada processes materials to recover about 95 percent of the minerals in a battery profitably.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Public Lands Conservation. The federal government redid its regulations on public lands, putting conservation, recreation, and renewable energy development on equal footing with resource extraction.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

Solar for All Initiative. $7 billion in Solar for All grants under the Inflation Reduction Act aims to save low-income Americans $350 million a year in electric bills.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.epa.gov

China's Renewable Leadership. China is now the world’s leading manufacturer of climate-friendly technologies, such as solar panels, batteries, and electric vehicles.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • english.www.gov.cn

Lower Sioux Hempcrete Facility. The Lower Sioux tribal nation is set to open the first vertically integrated hempcrete facility in the nation, addressing housing needs with sustainable materials.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theguardian.com

California Power Achievement. California has now generated more than one hundred percent of its power needs from sun, wind, and hydro for big parts of almost every day this spring.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

Battery Discharge Milestone. During the evening peak on April 21, big batteries discharged 6.5GW of instantaneous power into the grid, covering a fifth of the state’s electricity supply.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • theprogressplaybook.com

LNG Permits Halted. The fossil fuel industry desperately wants to lock in more dependence on fracked gas while they still can—that's why they reacted with such white-hot anger to the Biden administration's pause on permits for new LNG export facilities earlier this year.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

RICO Statutes Suggested. Bernie Sanders asked Sharon Eubanks whether the Department of Justice should consider using the RICO statutes to hold Big Oil accountable. Yes it should, she said.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Polluter Pays Bill. Maryland Senator Chris Van Hollen used his senatorial privilege to deliver a little tutorial on the Polluter Pays climate superfund bill and cited the essentially impossible cost of protecting Maryland from sea level rise.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Heat Stress Confirmed. NOAA and the International Coral Reef Initiative just confirmed bleaching-level heat stress in every corner of the ocean.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

Tesla's Transition. Matteo Wong made a good case that Tesla was transforming from a car company to, essentially, a utility.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Supercharger Layoffs. Tesla had laid off its entire Supercharger team, which is seen as a bizarre move given the importance of supercharging infrastructure.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Documenting Climate Change. A report from the University of Kansas found residents of one Seoul neighborhood have grown so accustomed to living through extreme climate events they have developed a 'disaster subculture.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • news.ku.edu

Senate Hearing Focus. This morning's Senate Budget Committee hearings marked one more important step in the decades-long effort to hold Big Oil accountable for the fact that it is wrecking the one planet we've got.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Big Oil Accountability. The ostensible purpose of Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's hearing was to get on the record a boatload of documents showing that the oil companies and their trade groups continue to lie about climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Power Shift Noted. The hearing also sent a deeper signal which is that the power balance, at least as long as Democrats remain in power, is slowly shifting against what was long the country’s most powerful industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Natural Gas Deception. Natural gas, he said, 'isn’t green and it isn’t clean.' Indeed, explained Whitehouse, the industry’s master plan is to 'disguise natural gas as renewable, to lock their fossil fuels into our energy future.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Movie Profits Rising. This report suggests that not only are more movies beginning to depict climate change than before, but the ones that do so now tend to be 8 to 10% more profitable than those that do not.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Climate Disasters Normalized. Residents regularly expressed a sort of indifference to extreme heat and climate change, stating they had no options or even that 'every day is a disaster.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Rising Sea Levels in Charleston. The average sea level at Charleston has risen by 7 inches since 2010, four times the rate of the previous 30 years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Impacts of Climate Change. Dramatically increased temperatures mean more water vapor in the air, leading to disastrous flooding in various regions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Fast Fashion's Climate Impact. A comprehensive new report makes clear that climate change is taking a terrible toll on the women who work in the fast fashion industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Pipeline Inspection Failures. The pipeline inspection system is rife with lapses, as the inspectors report to the pipeline companies themselves, leading to insufficient regulatory oversight.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

LNG Export Suspension. The outcry was so fierce when President Biden paused new permits for LNG export facilities in January because the industry knows that it gets harder to make the case for gas as a primary energy source.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Juniana v. U.S. Ruling. A federal appeals court granted the Biden administration's request to strike down the youth climate case, Juliana v United States, which outraged climate advocates.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Worsening Conditions for Garment Workers. Around the world, fashion’s mostly female labor force is grappling with working conditions made increasingly unbearable and unhealthy by climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Gas vs. Renewables. The argument will decide how much our earth overheats: do we build out gas to replace coal for producing electricity, or do we go straight to sun, wind, and batteries?

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Fossil Fuel Industry's Dilemma. That’s the situation the fossil fuel industry finds itself in right now, as they are competing against renewable energy sources which are cheaper and cleaner.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

California's Renewable Success. California has been running the world’s fifth-largest economy on windpower, hydropower, and solar power, backed up with batteries, as a result, natural gas usage hit an eight-year low.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Global Renewable Energy Growth. Globally renewable energy generated a third of the world’s power last year, and the momentum to install more is so strong that greenhouse gas emissions from the power sector almost certainly peaked last year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

EV Transition Sabotage. An analysis of climate policy advocacy in seven key regions finds that auto associations are leading efforts to delay and weaken key climate rules for light-duty vehicles.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

California Gas Ban. When Berkeley became the first city in the country to ban the extension of gas pipes into new buildings, it targeted a contentious source of climate pollution.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

Insurance Market Crisis. In 2023, insurers lost money on homeowners coverage in 18 states, more than a third of the country, according to a New York Times analysis of newly available financial data.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.nytimes.com

War-Like Economic Damage. These magnitudes are comparable to the economic damage caused by fighting a war domestically and permanently.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Global GDP Impact. Our results also indicate that world GDP per capita would be 37% higher today had no warming occurred between 1960 and 2019 instead of the 0.75°C observed increase in global mean temperature.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Citibank Climate Risk. The analysis said that if efforts to combat climate change ramped up enough to put the world on a path to bringing greenhouse gas emissions down to zero on a net basis by 2050, the bank would suffer $10.3 billion in loan losses over 10 years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • finance.yahoo.com

Dr. Evil Parallel. Donald Trump has his own number—a clean billion, which is what he told fossil fuel executives they should pay in return for giving them literally anything they want in his next administration.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Battery Power Surges. The batteries hit a record for most power delivered just before 8 p.m., with 7 gigawatts; that was within spitting distance of the gas fleet's performance at the time.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Fossil Fuel Emission Drop. 51 countries have now seen their fossil fuel emissions from power generation drop dramatically.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Solar Power Land Use. An ambitious build out of utility scale solar in Michigan would require about 2.5 percent of our 10 million acres of agricultural land.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Notable Environmental Leadership. It’s sobering to remember that once upon a time we had Republican environmental leadership.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Economic Misperception. In a poll released this week, almost exactly half of voters said American unemployment was at a fifty-year high, which is odd since it's actually near a fifty-year low.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • fox59.com

Biden's Strategy. Biden's team has focused on abortion rights and protecting democracy, which target places where Trump has weaknesses that most people recognize.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Popular Support for Climate Action. Polling is clear that Americans believe climate change is real and that the government should take action to slow it down.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • ourworldindata.org

Impact of Climate Messaging. Approval for Biden's handling of climate change and the environment improves by 17 percentage points among young voters after respondents hear more about his climate action.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Trump's Climate Image. Less than a third of voters approved of Trump's highest profile climate action, which was withdrawing America from the Paris accords.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • leaderarchive-hoyer.house.gov

Republican Climate Stance. Two-thirds of likely voters disliked Trump's efforts to shake down fossil fuel executives when informed about it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.msn.com

Crisis Level Heat Waves. A new study shows that heat waves have tripled since the 1960s in this country, and that deaths from those hot spells are up 800%.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.valuepenguin.com

Biden's Accomplishments. He has done more than any other president—by far—to support the buildout of clean energy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Voter Awareness of Climate Change. Voters want candidates in touch with reality, even if they don’t always have a firm grasp of reality themselves.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Real Estate Impacts from Climate Change. Rising sea levels are threatening septic systems across the South, creating worries where officials often lack reliable data about their location.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

Electric School Buses. Oakland became the first city in the country to have a completely electric school bus fleet.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Solar Installation Milestones. The US saw its five-millionth solar installation this month, with hopes to reach ten million before this decade is out.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.seia.org

Community Solar Efforts. California governor Gavin Newsom has been criticized for crippling the state’s community solar efforts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.latimes.com

Water Cycle in Mexico. Mexico is sweltering under record heat—monkeys by the hundreds are falling dead from trees, and people in the nation’s capital are forming human chains to block streets.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • apnews.com

America's Heating Schools. Thousands of schools that used to do fine without air-conditioning are now infernos.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Extreme Heat Mortality. Heat like this kills people, obviously—and when eventually total mortality statistics are analyzed, it will turn out that it killed many many more than we now know.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Water Supply Crisis. As the heat is increasing, we need more water but the supply is in fact decreasing. We are suffering badly and heat is making it impossible to live.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Climate Crisis and Insurance. As the planet warms, the insurance industry finds itself at a crossroads, entangled in a paradox of its own making.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

India's Coal Dependency Falls. In India, the share of electricity generated by coal dropped below 50 percent for the first time since 1966.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.deccanherald.com

Record Temperatures in Delhi. The temperature in New Delhi these past days has topped 120 degrees Fahrenheit for the first time in its recorded history.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theguardian.com

Historical Heat Waves. Last year, in early July, we had the string of what researchers are certain were the hottest days the earth had seen in the last 125,000 years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Hottest Days Ahead. The next six or eight weeks encompass the hottest days on planet earth each year, as we straddle the summer solstice.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Northern Hemisphere Impact. Nearly 70 percent of the planet's landmass, and nearly 90 percent of its population, is in the northern hemisphere.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Asthma Increases. New study this week found dramatic increases in asthma attacks for children during heatwaves.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.newscientist.com

Renewable Energy Growth. The rate at which we’re adding renewable energy capacity jumped fifty percent last year.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Global Heat Impact. Over the past year of record-shattering warmth, the average person on Earth experienced 26 more days of abnormally high temperatures than they otherwise would have.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.nytimes.com

Youth Vote Dynamics. If Biden eventually loses, it will be less because young people don’t support him than because old people don’t.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Market Shift Evidence. In the United States alone, the amount of solar and wind energy capacity waiting to be built and connected to the grid is 18 times the amount of natural gas power capacity in the queue.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Extreme Heat Risk. The Heat and Health Index (HHI) is the first nationwide tool to provide heat-health outcome information at the ZIP code level.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.hhs.gov

Alaska's Rivers Change. Dozens of once-pristine rivers and streams in Alaska's Brooks Range are turning an alarming shade of orange due to thawing permafrost.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • news.mongabay.com

Potential Legislative Wins. If any possible good could come from Hochul's cold-blooded betrayal, it’s that she might feel the need to give environmentalists some kind of win.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Profits vs. Progress. Fossil fuel interests are often preventing the market from shifting to the lowest cost energy using lobbying and misinformation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Policy Betrayal. Hochul’s decision is described as the most aggressively anti-environmental stand I can recall a major Democratic governor taking.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Environmental Impact. Congestion pricing meant that people who wanted to drive into the clogged streets of lower Manhattan would pay a $15 toll; the revenue would go to support the beleaguered transit system.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Congestion Pricing Reversal. New York governor Kathy Hochul announced she would block New York City’s congestion pricing plan, which was supposed to go into effect January 30.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Generational Challenge. A society needs people for whom complication and nuance are not central, and these are usually young people. They offer useful clarity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Effective Climate Advocacy. Their tactics worked— they were a big reason that by the 2020 Democratic primaries ‘climate change’ was the number one issue for huge numbers of voters.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Youth Political Stance. The Sunrise Movement announced that they weren’t yet ready to endorse Joe Biden for president, which stirred indignation among traditionalists.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

Climate Change Lexicon. Late 2018—the start of the Greta years—seems to have been when a lot of journalists began to accurately describe it as a crisis.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.middleburycampus.com

Peak Fossil Fuel Demand. It seems pretty clear that last year or this we will hit peak fossil fuel demand on this planet.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

ESG Fund Performance. In 2023, sustainable funds had a median return of 12.6% versus 8.6% for traditional funds.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Public Money Allocation. Wealthy governments can start by cutting off the flow of public money to fossil fuels and making polluters pay.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Rivian EV Redesign. The EV maker Rivian last week announced a redesign, which will remove 1.6 miles of wiring from each vehicle.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • insideevs.com

Banking Greenwashing. This analysis indicates that banks are greenwashing their contribution to adverse impacts in Amazonia.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Tripling Renewable Power. At the moment, we’re on a path to double renewable power by the end of the decade, but we need to triple renewable power by the end of the decade to meet even the modest targets.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Importance of 2030. 2030 is, I’ve long thought, the relevant deadline.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Inherent Cleantech Efficiency. Cleantech is inherently more efficient: when you burn fossil fuel to make power, you lose two-thirds of the power to heat.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Massive Efficiency Loss. By their calculations, we waste more than half of the energy we use.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Solar and Wind Growth. Sun and wind are now growing faster than any other energy sources in history, and they are coming online faster than anyone had predicted.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Climate Race Urgency. We're engaged in the most desperate race in human history—a race between a rapidly unraveling climate and a rapid buildout of renewable energy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Banks Acknowledge Climate Threat. A study found that US mortgage approvals tend to dip following periods of hotter-than-normal weather.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.sciencedirect.com

Heat's Danger. Extreme heat is the No. 1 weather-related killer, so you need to take it seriously.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Extreme Heat Impact. Across the U.S., about 150 million people have been dealing with the heat.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.nbcnews.com

Performance Drop. One investigation found that just a four-degree increase led to a 10 percent average drop in performance across tests of memory, reaction time and executive functioning.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • onlinelibrary.wiley.com

Rising Death Toll. At least 125 people died and thousands more have suffered heatstroke in Mexico since March, where the temperature hit almost 52C on 13 June.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

High Mortality. When calculated, the mortality toll during the 2003 European heatwave was found to be around 70,000.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • en.wikipedia.org

Climate Crisis Leadership. We’re all called on to up our game in the face of crisis—writers, engineers, policy-makers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

California's Legal Action. California attorney general Rob Bonta amended his lawsuit against the big five oil companies with new examples of their greenwashing and deception.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • oag.ca.gov

Climate Reparations Discussion. Burkett argues that the very act of acknowledging a debt is key to the process, for both the polluter and the polluted.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.theatlantic.com


• 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Communication Challenges. Biden can no longer reliably summon people to action, appeal to their better angels, or let them share a vision of a workable future.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Possible Departure. Biden may say 'I’ve done my part well—I rescued America from Trump and from covid. And now I have one great duty left, which is to pass on the reins.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Biden's Contribution. Most people never have that ability to lead effectively, but Biden still has plenty to contribute in the form of counsel, not leadership.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

New Political Voice. Whitmer could be an actual new voice—a new chance, a new door opening that we desperately need in our contemporary politics.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Energy Representation. Biden has done a beautiful job of working the IRA through Congress, but the polling shows he’s never managed to make its importance sink in.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Time for Change. There’s a moment when a new candidate could happen, fresh choices for our future could be made, as Americans keep saying they’d like.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Selflessness Over Selfishness. With a powerful act of selflessness, Biden can break the evil spell that selfishness has cast.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Supreme Court Ruling. The Supreme Court gutted the administrative state, which means we’ll need a far more engaged Congress to have any chance of making the laws we need.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Conservative Victory. The decision is a major victory in a decades-long campaign by conservative activists to shrink the power of the federal government.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.nytimes.com

Cory Doctorow's Insights. Cory Doctorow has been relentlessly explaining how big tech ‘enshittifies’ its products for years, downgrading their function in the effort to make more money.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • pluralistic.net

Existential Angst. I was feeling 'existential angst' at the prospect of the debate, and that this year's contest was the election of our lives.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Biden's Performance. Biden looked feeble during the debate and lacked the agility and poise to handle Trump's onslaught.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Biden's Unique Opportunity. Joe Biden could help his country by stepping down and turning over the nomination to someone younger.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Public Concerns. There's a growing sense of anger that we’re being put in an almost impossible situation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Challenges in Reelection. Dragging Biden across the finish line will be a hugely hard—probably impossibly hard—task.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Supreme Court Ignored. Recent radical Supreme Court decisions have barely been noticed and should help frame the conversations around Trump’s threat.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Renewable Energy Growth. The biggest polysilicon producers can rival some of the biggest oil companies.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

TVA's Dilemma. The TVA continues to build toward a gas-powered future despite calls for clean-energy-minded board members.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.tennessean.com

Insurance Market Struggles. California insurance authorities are asking the state to stop insurance companies from running up prices.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.sbsun.com

Renewable Energy Investments. The falling price of electricity generated by renewables does not make them an attractive investment for investors.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Changing the Conversation. There’s a desperate need to change this conversation, to get back on topics where we can win.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Learning to Mourn. One of our tasks for the moment is to learn how to effectively mourn.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Canal-based Solar Project. The first canal-based solar project in the U.S. is nearing completion on tribal lands south of Phoenix, Arizona.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • en.wikipedia.org

Policy Changes Needed. Transparent solar cells could significantly reduce costs and increase efficiency of solar energy in buildings.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Shared Experiences. Spending time in a holding cell, trading stories and jokes is part of learning to mourn effectively.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Funeral as Protest. The protest conducted in the form of a mock funeral was one of the most remarkable protests the author has ever attended.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Climate Crisis Awareness. Citibank is the second-biggest all-time lender to the fossil fuel industry, handing over hundreds of billions of dollars even after scientists established the danger of coal and gas and oil.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Record High Temperatures. Recent global temperatures reached staggering highs including 122 degrees in Delhi, 121 degrees in Saudi Arabia, and 120 degrees in Las Vegas.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Symbolic Blocking. An octet of older people in sackcloth and ashes pressed up against the line of police to symbolically block the doors.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Protest Significance. Protests and demonstrations are an absolutely necessary component of movement building.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Community Solar Impact. Illinois’ community solar laws allow most people to cut their bills fairly significantly by subscribing to one of these community solar projects.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Transforming Landscapes. A former landfill was transformed into a ten-acre solar farm, showcasing a shift from waste to renewable energy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Local Economic Improvement. The green movement is a great tool if it’s utilized in the community, guiding funds toward those that need help.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Union Labor in Solar. All community solar farms are built with union labor, which is significant as wages account for about 60 percent of the cost.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Opposition to Solar. Opposition to renewable energy projects often comes from groups connected to the fossil fuel industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Community Support. Local officials often end up supportive of solar projects due to increased property tax receipts compared to traditional farmland.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Solar Farming Benefits. That small patch of land can provide huge amounts of the energy we all use, without doing anything to raise the temperature.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Cultural Challenges. The argument about preserving prime farmland for food production is likely to annoy more people than it convinces—it’s a cultural discussion.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Economic Benefits of Solar. The Poplar Grove solar project now pays about $11,000 a year in taxes, compared to $400 when it was farmland.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Solar vs. Ethanol Efficiency. A photovoltaic panel is almost astonishingly efficient—20 times more efficient than the solar collector we call a corn plant.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Taliban Climate Acknowledgment. The Taliban affirms that climate change is real, saying it's destroying God's work and urging the world to recognize its truth.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Republican Climate Neglect. The Republican platform does not mention recent climate disasters or changes, stating instead that 'crippling restrictions on American Energy Production' are a core threat.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.washingtonpost.com

Democratic Climate Strategy. The Democratic platform vows to scale up solar, wind, and geothermal projects enabled by the Inflation Reduction Act to build a clean energy workforce.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Rising Power Grid Stress. Huge heatwaves and storms are stressing the planet's power grids, with Michael Webber noting the systems were designed for a different climatic era.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.bloomberg.com

US Battery Market Growth. The US battery market is experiencing its best start ever, with a prediction to nearly double the grid battery fleet size in 2024.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.canarymedia.com

California's Solar Ambition. California aims to run on 100% renewable energy by 2045, requiring additional large-scale solar projects to meet demand.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

NATO's Climate Focus. NATO is increasingly paying attention to climate change and the disinformation spread by adversaries like Russia regarding energy transitions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.axios.com

Long-term Recovery Issues. This round of disaster and recovery highlights the long-term issues of flood-prone structures and land use.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Developing Nations Conditions. Parts of developed countries would experience developing nations conditions for prolonged periods as a result of natural catastrophes and increasing vulnerability due to the abbreviated return times of extreme events.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Overwhelming Experiences. Once or twice you rise to the occasion; eventually, though, it starts to get a little overwhelming.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Severe Storms in Vermont. In Vermont last week, a round of wild rainstorms—some places saw nine inches in a matter of hours which, given the state’s steep hills and narrow valleys, was enough to make sure plenty of places were underwater.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Catastrophic Impact on Farming. He lost 400 chicks, and he’s now questioning whether he can continue farming the same land—or at all.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Mental Health Effects. Vermonters should be aware that the sights, sounds and even the anticipation of flooding can trigger memories and emotions tied to past trauma.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Impact of Repeat Disasters. The repeat factor, the blows that feel like they’ll just keep coming, is changing the perception of safety in communities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Houston's Struggles. Living through two crippling power outages in two months has driven some in Houston to consider what may be the ultimate evacuation plan: moving out.

data point • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben • www.nytimes.com

Frequent Flooding Update. It’s not infrequent anymore, and at some point, it becomes normalized, right? And it just becomes the way it is.

insight • 1 month ago • Via The crucial years, Bill McKibben •

Political Focus Shift. Attention is overwhelmingly focused on the federal level, but the vast majority of elected offices are held at the state and local level, where crucial climate policy will unfold.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Climate Cabinet's Strategy. Climate Cabinet uses data science to identify under-the-radar state and local races where relatively modest interventions can yield substantial climate progress.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • climatecabinet.org

Successful Candidates. In 2022, Climate Cabinet worked with 60 candidates and claims to have won about 75 percent of its top races.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Increasing Candidate Support. This year, Climate Cabinet plans to support 150 climate candidates nationwide, significantly increasing their outreach and impact.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Powerful State Offices. Key opportunities for climate advocacy are found in state legislatures, which can hold substantial power over climate-related policies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Data-Driven Decision Making. Climate Cabinet looks for candidates with a clear political opportunity and significant climate impact, balancing these metrics to strategize effectively.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Voter Engagement Challenge. There is a significant down-ballot drop-off among voters, meaning many do not vote for the less recognized offices such as the Arizona Corporation Commission.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Republican Support. There are a handful of Republican candidates who have voted the right way on climate issues, indicating some level of bipartisan acknowledgment of climate action.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Importance of State Legislatures. State legislatures have significant preemption authority, allowing them to strip municipalities of their power over local climate policies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

High ROI in Elections. The cost of Climate Cabinet's races is less than 1% of typical high-profile elections, making them cost-effective opportunities for impactful climate advocacy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Need for Volunteer Efforts. Volunteering for state legislative campaigns has a high impact, amplifying the efficacy of both resources and time spent in advocacy.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Interregional Needs. The FERC rule currently does not address interregional transmission needs deeply, highlighting a gap in future regulatory efforts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

FERC Rule Significance. The final FERC rule will require regional transmission system operators to make longer-term plans and to take into account a wider range of possible benefits from regional transmission.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Biden's Transmission Moves. Last month, the Biden administration announced a whole series of significant moves on transmission, on everything from permitting to funding.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Transmission Planning. FERC's new rule requires utilities and transmission providers to 'plan for the future with the best available information, select the best plan for consumers, and allocate costs according to benefits.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Long-Term Planning Horizon. The requirement for a 20-year planning horizon from transmission operators is met with concerns about the reliability of long-term forecasts during times of rapid change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Benefits Calculation. The transmission planners are required to calculate and take into account seven specified benefits when making their plans.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Cost Allocation Strategy. The cost allocation process for the rule follows a 'beneficiary pays' principle, with implications for how costs are divided among utilities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

FERC's Future Actions. There are potential actions for FERC this year concerning dynamic line ratings that could further enhance the efficiency of existing transmission infrastructure.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Congressional Action Needed. To adequately address interregional transmissions and related challenges, Congress needs to enact measures that promote regional cooperation.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Bipartisan Legislative Prospects. There exists a possibility for bipartisan legislation on interregional transmission and related infrastructure improvements, necessitating cooperation from both parties.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Slag Usage. The byproduct slag from the electrolysis process can be used in construction, creating a profitable end-material from what would otherwise be considered waste.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Electrolysis Explained. The process, called 'molten oxide electrolysis,' allows for almost full decarbonization of steel production by using electricity to break iron oxide bonds, releasing pure iron and oxygen.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Modular Design. The electrolytic cell is modular and scalable, with each cell being about the size of a school bus, facilitating smaller scale iron production.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Lesser Quality Ores. Boston Metal can utilize lower grade iron ores, transforming tailing ponds in iron ore mines, which represents a significant advantage over traditional methods.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

New Technology. Boston Metal is developing a truly novel way of making steel, one that involves no combustion and no emissions, based on clean electricity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Carbon Emissions. Steel production generates almost 10 percent of global carbon emissions and has long been considered 'hard to abate.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Abundant Electricity. Tadeu Carneiro expresses confidence in the future abundance of clean, reliable, and cheap electricity necessary for the steel production process.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Market Changes. As the steel industry shifts to electricity-based processes, it will change the geography of steel production, moving toward regions with abundant electricity.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Commercial Launch. Boston Metal aims to commercialize its steel-making process by 2026, focusing on licensing technology rather than becoming a steel producer itself.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Economic Viability. The objective is to reach a specific energy consumption that makes the electrolysis process competitive with traditional steel manufacturing without needing a carbon tax.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Green Hydrogen Demand. The challenges of decarbonizing steel include securing abundant green hydrogen, which poses financial and logistical hurdles.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Subscriber Questions. In this mailbag episode, I answer subscriber questions about e-bikes, fossil fuel subsidies, utility regulation options, and being wrong.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Profitability Issues. Mini-grids are not profitable, and the return from rural communities they connect with is usually not sufficient to give a lucrative payback to an investor.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Mini-Grids Needed. The best answer for providing power right now is mini-grids: small, self-contained grids, usually composed of solar panels and batteries, that can provide rudimentary electricity service at the village level.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Investment Need. The number needed for investment is around $91 billion to achieve energy access, and the World Bank estimates that we need about 160,000 mini-grids to get there.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Current Mini-Grids Count. As per the last big count, we have about 3000 commercial mini-grids and 157,000 to go in six years.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Electricity and Wealth. The reason that mini-grids don't make any money is because people in their communities are not wealthy, and this perpetuates a cycle of poverty.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Barriers to Growth. The barriers that have kept mini-grids from catching on and growing include that they are not profitable and the communities served are generally not wealthy.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Community Ownership Models. There are models of community ownership, but generally, electricity provision needs to be centrally led and commercially driven.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Effective Subsidies. Subsidies for electricity are necessary, and having a clear policy that all electricity consumers require some level of subsidy could significantly improve mini-grid deployment.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Policy Recommendations. A significant policy recommendation is to remove taxes on renewable energy projects, which helps reduce costs for developers.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Technology Innovations. We are seeing exciting technology innovations in the use of second-life batteries that can reduce battery costs significantly.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Innovative Solutions. We are seeing innovative solutions such as mini-grid in a box setups and investment in larger portfolios to enable greater scale.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Electricity Access Crisis. More than half a billion people on the African continent lack access to electricity, and the number is only growing.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Stagnant Progress. The World Bank reports that at current rates by 2030, we will not achieve universal electrification, and a good 200 million people will remain without electricity at current rates of progress.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Equity in AI. The accessibility of data for machine learning applications poses a challenge for poorer nations, as they may lack the resources for data collection and processing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Material Science Potential. AI is poised to revolutionize material science by enabling the discovery and testing of new materials, making research faster and less resource-intensive.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Electricity Use. The total energy consumption of AI is currently much smaller than energy consumed by activities like watching television in the U.S.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Data Center Optimization. Machine learning and AI are helping to optimize how data centers operate, potentially alleviating their environmental impact.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Trust in AI. The biggest hurdle for adopting AI in mission-critical settings is trust, as people will not use a tool they do not trust, especially when safety is concerned.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Machine Learning Defined. Machine learning detects patterns from large and sometimes messy data without requiring explicit programming, serving as the foundational block for artificial intelligence.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Incremental vs Necessary. Kucukelbir distinguishes between incremental gains from AI applications, offering improvements of 5% to 15%, versus necessary applications that cannot occur without AI.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

AI's Impact Complexity. The impact of artificial intelligence on climate change is more complicated and interesting than the public discourse often reflects.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

AI Energy Burden. There are concerns about the energy use of data centers as their proliferation could overwhelm the grid.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

AI and Climate Change. Alp Kucukelbir co-authored the "Artificial Intelligence for Climate Change Mitigation Roadmap," discussing the strengths and limits of AI in regard to climate change.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • academiccommons.columbia.edu

Policy Support for AI. There is a need for policies that help de-risk the adoption of AI technologies, particularly in energy and manufacturing sectors, to complement hardware investments.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Need for Data. Data availability and accessibility are the two primary barriers to broader adoption of AI technologies in various sectors.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Congestion Pricing Delay. New York governor Kathy Hochul put New York City&#8217;s congestion-pricing plan on an 'indefinite pause.'

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • heatmap.news

Community Contribution. Jeff Seidman has created a useful Climate Solutions + Climate Careers website.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • climatesolutions-careers.org

Exclusive Event. I&#8217;ll be doing a live event with WA Governor Jay Inslee.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.climatesolutions.org

Legislative Impact. Minnesota State Rep. Larry Kraft reports that HF 5247 was inspired by last year&#8217;s GETs episode.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • watt-transmission.org

Funding Success. Climate Cabinet got a significant donations bump after our episode with Caroline Spears.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • climatecabinet.org

Successful Episode. People really seemed to love the recent 5 superheroes/supervillains episode with Michael Liebreich!

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Community Guidelines. We request that you ask questions via these community threads.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Mailbag Questions. Ask a question for this month&#8217;s Mailbag.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Climate Events. Share climate-related events and meetups.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Collaboration Requests. Share your climate-related work, ask for help, or find collaborators.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Shared Opportunities. Share climate jobs/opportunities.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Community Engagement. This is your monthly opportunity to share!

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Profitability Barrier. Brett Christophers argues that renewable energy development is simply not a particularly profitable undertaking.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Economic Barriers. Christophers states that the economic barrier has largely been brought down, but bureaucratic and political barriers persist.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Long-Term Viability Concerns. Christophers suggests that while renewable energy deployment is increasing, it may not be rapid enough to achieve decarbonization goals globally, especially in poorer regions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Financing Solutions. Proposals exist for subsidized financing models in developing countries to stimulate renewable investment, which is currently limited by high cost barriers.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Geographic Constraints. Christophers notes that the challenges for renewable investment are significantly greater in developing regions, complicating the necessary decarbonization efforts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Market Design Critique. Christophers critiques existing market structures, stating they were designed for fossil fuels and are not well-suited for renewable energy dynamics.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Public Ownership Argument. Christophers argues for possible government ownership of renewable resources as a more straightforward approach to solving the existing market and financing challenges.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Nuclear Concerns. While acknowledging the debate, Christophers maintains that the focus on renewables over nuclear is driven by cost, timing, and public perception factors.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Globally Uneven Growth. Christophers points out that while renewable investments globally are growing, most incremental growth is concentrated in China, raising concerns about the pace of growth elsewhere.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

High Dependency on Subsidies. Christophers claims that the growth of the renewable sector is still heavily underpinned by government subsidy and support.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Competitive Pressures. Christophers emphasizes that in a highly competitive market, nominal excess profits get competed away and passed downstream, reducing profitability for renewable companies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Investment Challenges. Christophers notes that profitability is what drives investment decisions, making it crucial to focus on expected profitability rather than just production costs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Market Dependency. Christophers highlights that renewable energy development has been profitable to date due to government support and price stabilization shielding it from market forces.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Urgent Action Needed. Governor Inslee emphasized the importance of not taking the fight against the initiative for granted and expressed the need to 'crush it' to ensure it never resurfaces.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Future Goals. Inslee intends to remain active in the fight against climate change and find the most effective role he can play post-governorship.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Emotional Motivation. Governor Inslee expressed that the driving force behind his advocacy for climate measures is his love for his grandchildren and ensuring a healthy planet for future generations.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Perspective on Challenges. Inslee affirms that 'depression is our enemy' and advocates for taking action to combat despair in the fight against climate change.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Community Benefits. The Climate Commitment Act provides over a billion dollars of assistance to Washingtonians, helping them transition to cleaner energy systems.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Innovation in Energy. The state is seeing an explosion of new technologies and industries related to clean energy, including battery manufacturing and electric vehicles.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Childhood Health Crisis. Washington has seen an epidemic of asthma among children, which Governor Inslee links to air pollution, emphasizing that the Climate Commitment Act helps in reducing such pollution.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Trump's Influence. The initiative to repeal the Climate Commitment Act was sponsored and funded by right-wing hedge-fund manager Brian Heywood, signaling the influence of wealthy individuals in the political landscape.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Economic Investment. Inslee stated that the Climate Commitment Act benefits the state budget with billions of dollars a year to spend on climate infrastructure.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Coalition Support. Governor Inslee highlighted that the business community recognizes that the future is in clean energy, contributing to a strengthened coalition against the initiative.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Fight Against Initiative. An initiative that will appear on the Washington ballot in November would repeal the Climate Commitment Act, which is Inslee's crowning achievement.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Strong Climate Laws. Washington now has some of the nation's strongest laws decarbonizing electricity, transportation, and buildings, alongside a steadily declining statutory cap on emissions.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Political Legacy. Washington Governor Jay Inslee has a career in public service that has spanned over 30 years and has helped elevate climate as a priority issue among Democrats.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Program Delay Announcement. Governor Kathy Hochul announced that the congestion pricing program would be 'indefinitely delayed.'

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Political Strategy Critique. There's skepticism over whether rescinding congestion pricing will actually win votes for Democrats in upcoming elections.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Potential Legal Challenges. There are discussions about potential lawsuits against the governor's decision based on various legal grounds.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Future of Infrastructure. The delay jeopardizes infrastructure projects and increases costs while undermining planned environmental benefits from congestion pricing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Trust Erosion. Environmental leaders are concerned this decision undermines trust in Hochul’s ability to implement other proposed climate policies.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Emergency Legislative Session. The governor's announcement diverted attention during the final days of the legislative session, resulting in crucial bills like the New York Heat Act not passing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Diner Conversation Impact. Hochul's decision was influenced by a diner owner’s opinion, which raised eyebrows as it seemed disproportionately impactful.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Consequences for Contracts. Stopping congestion pricing jeopardizes contracts required to enhance accessibility in subway stations and expand the transit network, leading to potentially higher costs.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Unsound Budgeting. Hochul's move was seen as a terrible decision not just for the loss of MTA funding but for the wider implications on needed projects and environmental commitments.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Congestion Pricing Support. The congestion pricing initiative had significant support from a broad coalition, including business and construction sectors, indicating its importance across multiple stakeholder groups.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Failed Tax Proposition. Hochul proposed raising the Commuter Transportation Mobility Tax as a means to fill the budget gap, which was widely opposed.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Political Fallout. Historically, the Democrats attempted to appeal to suburban voters by ending the commuter tax but ended losing seats instead.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Environmental Concerns. Congestion pricing was intended to reduce car traffic by 100,000 vehicles daily, directly impacting environmental conditions in Manhattan.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Public Transit Use. 85% of commuters entering the congestion zone already use mass transit, which indicates that only a small portion is affected by the pricing.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Historical Push for Pricing. Congestion pricing has been a topic of discussion in New York politics since the early 2000s, gaining traction especially during Mayor Bloomberg's administration in 2009.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Legal Ambiguity. It remains uncertain whether Governor Hochul's decision to delay the program was legal.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Community Backlash. There has been a significant backlash to the governor's pause on the congestion pricing initiative due to the broad coalition supporting it.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Budget Implications. The delay blows a $1 billion a year hole in the MTA's budget, money that had already been committed to ongoing improvement projects.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Market Expansion. Harvest currently operates in California, Oregon, New Mexico, and Edmonton, Alberta, with plans to expand into northeastern US states in the future.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Market Need. There is an urgency for effective solutions to replace gas heating systems in homes as these systems contribute significantly to US emissions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Thermal Battery Concept. The thermal battery concept allows for shifting energy usage, effectively utilizing energy when it is most efficient for the grid.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Heat Pump Efficiency. By shifting the timing of electricity consumption, Harvest claims its systems can save on both money and emissions.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Tax Incentives. Harvest systems qualify for Section 25D, offering a 30% tax credit on the overall installed system.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Cost-Effectiveness. Consumers may find Harvest systems cost-competitive, as installation costs are less than $1,000 more than a typical HVAC heat pump system in the Bay Area.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Demand Response Readiness. Every Harvest pod is demand response ready, having demonstrated successful load shifting with the California Energy Commission.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Gas Replacement Trends. A significant dilemma is replacing aging gas furnaces as homes transition to heat pumps, which can add load to the grid during peak demand times.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Customer Satisfaction. Harvest reports a customer satisfaction measure close to 90%, indicating that their systems are effective.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Infrastructure Challenges. US public schools are not climate-ready and face billions of dollars in deferred maintenance due to years of underfunding and climate impacts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Financial Assistance. The Inflation Reduction Act provides substantial, easily accessible financial assistance for schools in the form of direct-pay tax credits for climate-friendly upgrades.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.undauntedk12.org

Awareness Gap. Many schools don't know about the Inflation Reduction Act tax credits and are incredulous to discover that there's easy access to financial support.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Need for Air Conditioning. One out of three schools in Philadelphia still doesn't have air conditioning, and many schools built in the 1970s are now struggling with extreme heat.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Impact on Learning. Hot classrooms are responsible for as much as 5% of the gap in test scores between Black students and their white counterparts.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Infrastructure Needs. Schools require a broad range of upgrades to be climate resilient, including modern heating systems and improved air quality solutions.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Direct Pay Tax Credits. The direct-pay tax credits for schools will pay 30, 40, even up to 50 percent of some projects like rooftop solar panels and geothermal heat pumps.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Historical Underfunding. The funding system for schools has historically underfunded infrastructure, leading to inequities that exacerbate climate impacts on vulnerable young populations.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Grant Process Challenges. School administrators are accustomed to complex and competitive grant processes, making them reluctant to pursue available funding opportunities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Implementation Gaps. Despite the promise of the IRA, many schools lack the basic infrastructure to support resilience strategies, such as leaky roofs needing repairs before new installations.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Philanthropy Opportunities. Community foundations can help school districts make the most of the IRA by providing matching funds and support for awareness building.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Installation Process. Our back-end process involves permitting what's called an interconnection agreement with the utility, allowing for a fast installation time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Battery Chemistry. Our current technology is lithium iron phosphate, which is very safe, reliable, and good as a stationary battery.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Market Participation. Base Power bids its batteries into the wholesale markets, participating in energy trading with the grid.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Transparent Pricing. Base Power wants to bring transparency to the market, leaning into transparency and saying, 'Hey, look, this is what it costs us. This is what we're going to charge you.'

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Battery Benefits. Base Power begins by selling its customers gigantic, oversized home batteries for little more than the cost of installation.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Growing Prices. Over time, Texas electricity prices are not just fluctuating, they are trending upward.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Volatile Market. Texas has no stabilizing capacity market; it is energy-only. When supply and demand get out of whack, the only way to realign them is through prices.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Texas Grid Facts. The Texas grid is, for all intents and purposes, an island. It is not meaningfully connected to the large grids in adjacent states and does not import or export substantial amounts of electricity from them.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

New Energy Model. Base Power aims to bring more stability to the volatile Texas grid by selling customers oversized home batteries at minimal costs and then using the excess capacity to trade on the market.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Long-Term Vision. We intend to build an engineering-led, technology-first, and R&D driven company in the energy industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Solid-State Promise. Solid-state batteries (SSB) promise significant improvements in energy density and safety, potentially allowing electric vehicles with 40 to 50 percent higher range on the market within two to three years.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Advancements in Batteries. There has been a lot of development related to solid-state in the last two to three decades, primarily focusing on performance and safety.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Market Segmentation. The EV battery space is likely to bifurcate, with solid-state batteries dominating the premium segment while lithium iron phosphate batteries may dominate the value segment.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Recycling Benefits. Solid-state batteries are expected to be easier to recycle, with the ability to regenerate lithium metal, potentially providing more financial incentives for recycling.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Need for Government Support. There is a need for more US government support for next-generation battery makers, with a potential parallel to funding provided to foreign battery manufacturers.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

EV Tax Credit Eligibility. Factorial Energy’s batteries, manufactured in Massachusetts, are eligible for EV tax credits as production scales up.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Weight Reduction Impact. If solid-state batteries can reduce vehicle weight by approximately 30%, it could translate to significant cost savings for consumers, roughly $5 per pound.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Energy Density Comparison. Lithium-ion batteries today run about 260 to 280 watt-hours per kilogram, while Factorial's solid-state batteries started with 390 watt-hours per kilogram, with potential to reach up to 450 to 500.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

B-Sample Milestone. Factorial Energy achieved a significant milestone by shipping B-samples of their solid-state battery to Mercedes, indicating progress toward commercial viability.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Quasi-Solid-State Advantage. Factorial Energy's focus on quasi-solid-state batteries allows for easier scaling up and better compatibility with existing lithium-ion manufacturing processes.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Dendrite Formation. Dendrite formation is a common phenomenon in lithium metal batteries, arising from the dense lithium, making it more prone to dendrite growth.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Hydrogen Production Need. We need a rapid, wholesale shift to the only truly clean way to make hydrogen, which is electrolysis.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Efficiency Comparisons. Our goal is to bring all systems together and think about potential moonshot bets for new, clean chemistry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Electrolyzer Versatility. There is potential to replace traditional processes for producing critical chemicals with modular electrolyzers utilizing clean inputs.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Potential of Modular Systems. Electrolyzers are inherently more modular, allowing for distributed production at smaller scales without building a billion-dollar factory.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Ammonia Production Challenges. Ammonia is produced in world-scale facilities by transforming hydrogen and nitrogen, which is both very established and extremely energy and emissions intensive.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Circular Economy Impact. We can drive towards a more circular economy by making plastics more circular and recyclable.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Acetic Acid Production. The production of acetic acid is a major platform chemical and we're working on leveraging ethanol to produce it sustainably.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Decarbonizing Chemicals. We believe that in order to succeed in driving decarbonization, we have to do so in a way that is economically viable and competitive relative to the status quo.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Marketplace Education. One of the most important things is to educate the marketplace about what those pathways are and where they are best applied.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Electrolyzer Function. An electrolyzer uses electricity to split water into its constituent parts, hydrogen and oxygen.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Nanotechnology and AI. Using nanotechnology and AI, we can synthesize and combine different elements in arbitrary combinations into unique, discrete nanoparticles.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Energy Transition. The technology per se is not new, but the world is waking up to the need to fight and drive this broader climate challenge we are all facing.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Hydrogen's Role. A) we're going to need a bunch of hydrogen to complete the clean-energy transition, but B) the vast bulk of today's hydrogen is made using fossil fuels.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Electrolysis Capabilities. Electrolysis can produce entirely novel materials that help solve problems in plastics, chemicals, and fuels.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Mattiq Innovations. A startup called Mattiq is using a combination of nanotechnology, AI, and electrolysis to produce novel materials that could eventually substitute for carbon-intensive materials in sectors from chemicals to plastics to fuels.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Electrifying Ports. Electrifying ports is a really big part of the solution, and there has been a huge amount of effort in the US to electrify ports.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Hydrogen-derived Fuels. I think to get to success, in all likelihood, it'll be a green hydrogen-derived liquid fuel.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

California's Role. California could decide under its own existing authority to limit greenhouse gas emissions from ships in its economic zones and/or to stimulate production of low carbon shipping fuels.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Shipping Industry Support. One of the things that's striking about this moment is that you've got an industry that actually supports action to move towards this transition.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Role of Biofuels. In the near term, biofuels may well comprise a significant portion of the initial decarbonization of the industry.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Methanol and Ammonia Comparison. They each have strengths and weaknesses. There's not necessarily one that's preferable over the other.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Hydrogen Limitations. Cryogenic hydrogen, which is the sort of most energy-dense form of hydrogen, is impractical for ships, basically.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Transition Fuel Options. In terms of looking at what's being invested in currently, there's been a swell towards two different fuels in particular, in terms of the readiness, or the potential readiness of the vessels to use them: ammonia and methanol.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

International Maritime Organization goals. The International Maritime Organization last year set a goal to reduce emissions globally by about a half billion tons a year by 2040.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Coal and Aviation Comparison. Shipping is a huge source of greenhouse gas emissions and also health-damaging conventional air pollutants, something like almost a billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions annually emitted from ships.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Emissions from Shipping. Maritime transportation is responsible for something like 3 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, and that number is only growing.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • sinay.ai

Electric Aviation Discussion. David recently hosted an hour-long discussion on electric aviation with Kyle Clark.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • www.volts.wtf

Supreme Court Ruling. The Supreme Court overturned the Chevron doctrine, which is going to have significant negative impacts on climate regulation and federal regulation generally.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • apnews.com

Monthly Community Thread. This is your monthly opportunity to share climate jobs/opportunities, work, events, and more in the comments section.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Job Postings Available. Looking to transition into climate work? Check out the 10+ job postings from last month and new ones in the comments.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • open.substack.com

Wind Power Surpassing Coal. Wind power is overtaking coal power, reflecting a significant shift in energy sources.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts • qz.com

Parking Management. Charging and parking need to be integrated to ensure efficient usage of public chargers and reduce blocking incidents.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Public Charger Installation. Cities are exploring various installation methods, including using streetlight poles for public chargers.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Level 2 Chargers Viability. Cars sit, on average, 95% of the time, making Level 2 chargers a practical solution as they are not a big strain on the grid.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Building Codes Impact. Local jurisdictions are passing regulations requiring a percentage of parking spaces in new developments to have electric charging.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Need for Multifamily Charging Solutions. Gabe Klein emphasized the necessity of finding solutions for residents of multifamily dwellings who do not have a private space to charge vehicles.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Funding for Charging. The Joint Office operates with a $300 million budget while being involved in about $18.5 billion of capital expenditures.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Joint Office's Role. The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation is an experiment aimed at bridging the silos between the DOE and DOT.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Urban EV Charging Needs. One of the most vexing challenges is how to secure reliable charging for people who do not have their own garage or driveway.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Home Charging Prevalence. In practice, almost all charging happens at or close to the home.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Bikes vs. Cars. Gabe Klein predicts that the sale of electric bikes will surpass that of electric cars in urbanized areas.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Long-Term EV Market Trends. By 2030, the majority of vehicles sold are expected to be electric or hybrid.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Peer-to-Peer Charging Model. There is an emerging model allowing individuals to rent out their electric chargers, similar to Airbnb.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Equity in Charging Access. The Justice40 initiative ensures that 40% of the benefits from charging infrastructure go to low-income communities.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

State Incentives. Massachusetts offers a $3,000 per unit incentive for multifamily passive house construction, aiming to encourage adoption and improve energy efficiency.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Utility Support. Utilities see energy efficiency measures such as passive house as essential for managing demand on the grid, leading to financial incentives for builders.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Incentivizing Education. Workforce development and education for existing and new construction workers is critical for the successful adoption of passive house standards.

recommendation • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Embodied Carbon Awareness. There's an increasing need to address embodied carbon from building materials, and passive house doesn't inherently conflict with managing this issue effectively.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Future Challenges. The biggest challenge for retrofitting buildings to meet passive house standards lies in capturing opportunities during necessary replacements over time.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Passive House Principles. The passive house standard is a very super-efficient building standard, like LEED or WELL, which aims to drastically reduce heating and cooling associated with buildings.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Five Core Principles. The five core principles of passive house include continuous insulation, no thermal bridges, airtight construction, high-performance windows and doors, and fresh air ventilation with heat recovery.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Energy Savings. In Massachusetts, passive house buildings use 40% to 60% less energy per square foot than traditional code-compliant buildings from five years ago.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Historical Context. The concepts of passive house took off during the energy crisis in the 1970s, when energy costs rose dramatically, leading architects to focus on super-efficient and super-insulated buildings.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Cost of Implementation. Demonstration projects in Massachusetts showed that the cost premium for passive house construction ranged from 1% to 4.3%, much lower than the expected 10% or 15%.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Predictable Energy Performance. One of the biggest benefits of passive house construction is that it provides very predictable energy performance, unlike other standards such as LEED.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Indoor Air Quality. Each passive house building ensures solid indoor air quality due to its fresh air ventilation requirements, which is increasingly important for health reasons.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Qualitative Feedback. Builders appreciate that passive house construction often leads to higher-quality constructions with fewer problems and callbacks due to rigorous construction verification.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Local Commitment. In Massachusetts, 32 communities have opted into a stretch code that requires new construction to adhere to passive house standards.

data point • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •

Climate Adaptation. Adapting the passive house concept to the US climate has taken a while, as the US experiences more temperature extremes compared to Europe.

insight • 1 month ago • Via Volts, with David Roberts •